Thursday, February 13, 2025

Prophetess Tupelo King the new preaching sensation emerging on the Zambian platform


Tupelo King

Prophetess Tupelo King of Restoration Faith Ministries based in Mkushi is the new preaching sensation emerging on the Zambian platform; well known for her accurate prophesies, miracles and healing, Prophetess Tupelo King is no doubt making an impact in Zambia through her Prophetic and healing crusades.

She has in the past hosted Major Prophets such as Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Popularly known as Major one at her prestigious annual crusade known as the “ Destiny Encounter Crusade” that attracts thousands that flock to Mkushi every year to hear the word of God and to receive their prophetic messages.

Other powerful and renowned preachers and Prophets have also ministered at her fast growing church in Mkushi Including Prophet Isaiah Sovi, Prophet Hermes Elisha, Apostle Joshua Marlon among many others.

This year she is hosting yet another heavy weight in the prophetic circles, Prophet DD Isaac based in South Africa, well known for his prophecies and healing miracles, the controversial prophet DD Isaac has attracted a lot of media attention all around Zambia and Africa especially for his healing of diseases.
This weekend is expected to be a powerful expression of miracles and prophesies much to the excitement of all that are awaiting this year’s Destiny Encounter Crusade in Mkushi with great expectations.

At least 3000 people are expected to attend this gathering from Lusaka Kabwe Ndola Kitwe,Kapiri, Mkushi and all other surrounding areas.


  1. Doctrine has taken as no where. How many people are going to die on this so called crusade in the name of trying to get blessings and healing?

    • So now Prophecy has become a big thing in Zambia….we have Major Prophets…heavy weight Prophets etc…..i predicted that Edgar Lungu will win the elections last year so does that make me Prophet Katondo boys…..ok let me give you one more Prediction…2021 Edgar will win the elections again….After 2021 elections i deserve to be referred to as MAJOR PROPHET KATONDO BOYS

      2021 vote PF (Edgar)

      I thank you

    • Africa ! instead of produsing powerful scientists who could end cholera you are producing lazy people who does very little for humanity

    • Prophetess my foot! THe bitch is mocking her god by bleaching her skin and wearing indian hair instead of kinky afro
      she just another jezebel hungry for money

    • Prophetess my foot! THe biitch is mocking her god by bleaching her skin and wearing indian hair instead of kinky afro
      she just another jezebel hungry for money
      She uses almost all tricks to just get money from you.

  2. Is this a catwalk , money making event ? Unfortunately, due to poverty in Africa, it’s very easy to pull wool over poverty stricken Africans and to convince them that they will be healed by this very well dressed rich woman. How much is she charging for “spiritual” healing? Some of us pray for healing without paying a penny !!

  3. Most Zambian Religious people who flock into Prophetic churches and crusades are neither interested in Christ Jesus nor in Christianity but in being prophesied. They are not even Christians and only interested in messages of prosperity and miracles. Even some of these prophets are no better than sangomas. When they are told that tomorrow they are buying a car or getting a job, they jump with a loud AMEN and yet when they go to a genuine Church and told about the sins they commit in secret places they whisper “BACK TO THE SENDER”.

    Christianity has been turned into business in Africa and among the African Americans in America. Pastors, Prophets, Bishops, Apostle and the major Tittle which have rocked the Christian scenes. The Church has been turned into a business place instead of…

  4. If Jesus whipped the people who turned the Temple in a market place, these Sangomas and fake Pastors have become worse and they are just gamblers. Jesus should come fast and whip these thugs who rob people in the name of prophecies.

  5. The biggest miracle that needs to happen is for the land to be delivered from all these money-chasing imposters that are leading many to the very gates of hell.

  6. Revelation 22 vs 21 is the last scripture in the holly where will they record their prophetic message ? God spoke to people in the past using prophets , dreams etc but since the bible us complete he speaks to us through his words.not tongues or prophets .NO.

    • Helen Ukpabio the founder and head of African Evangelical franchise Liberty Foundation Gospel Ministries based in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. She is widely accused of causing widespread harassment, torture and violent death of children accused of withcraft.
      In 2007 an Observer newspaper article claimed Ukpabio and other evangelical pastors were encouraging an upsurge in the numbers of children being accused of witchcraft and being abused and stigmatised by parents and communities as a result

  7. Judge not so that you are not judged. Most of the comments above manifests deep spiritual ignorance. A people who do not even study the Bible but who are, at the same time very ready to comment on things of God. A people deep rooted into traditional and law, who do not believe in the power of God. People who think that worshiping God has nothing to do with miracles, signs and wonders yet Christ who they say they follow lived His earthly life performing miracles, signs and wonders. Their ‘christianity’ is based on senses other than faith in the finished work of Christ. They believe that civilisation is not for women and men God. They are happy to see servants of God putting on rugs and traveling on foot. When a pastors preaches the gospel of giving they say he or she is broke. When she…

    • So let me ask you this.. Are the faithful only faithful because they are waiting for a miracle to be bestowed upon them at one of these entertainment events?

      If so, religion is not a helping hand in this country, yet a hand that says it’s okay to be lazy. As long as you’re faithful, good will happen to you..

      If you don’t work hard for yourself.. no mirclaes shall happen.

      The Bible is a collection of stories meant to teach morals and ethics. Not only that but it’s meant to teach hard work and accomplishments.

      Zambia has been a Christian nation since Chiluba, what has improved at all for the people of Zambia?

      No empowerment, jobs being sold to the Chinese, women being pushed aside as the Bible doesn’t focus on their strengths, and a lack of tax monies going…

    • Religion is a marketing stunt.. and yes the most probably paid for this article to spread they’re “good word”

      “Good word” = more profits.. yay.

  8. Country people let’s learn to read the bible and not assume what the bible says…Jesus’ ministry was not based on a miracle doctrine..let’s not forget his miracles were not stage managed or made to entertain the crowd his miracles were born out of compassion for the people not to prove his weight like u have put it….God never classified His prophets in that way because He is the only heavyweight….imagine God telling someone go and see my heavyweight prophet Elijah..let’s be sincere in what we do and never mock God…

  9. Father, Bishop, Reverend etc all seem to be old fashioned according to this new breed of preachers. Prophet, Prophetess, Apostle etc seem to be the new thing in religious fashion. Actually to these new breeds even the Bible, God, Jesus are old fashioned in fact ancient religious symbols. The only reason why Jesus and other “relics” as these prophets would call them in private, is that Christianity is deep rooted in our society and they can only make money if the flock believes that everything is of Jesus. Haven’t you noticed that even the word “church” is fast disappeating being replaced by fashionable terms like “faith ministries”, you name it? The “miracles” when they do occur, are basically witchcraft. You don’t wonder why they cannot cure or eliminate HIVAIDS, cholera,…

  10. The “miracles” when they do occur, are basically witchcraft. You don’t wonder why they cannot cure or eliminate HIVAIDS, cholera, malaria, or any of the diseases that scientists are sweating in labs across the globe in search of a cure for mankind? Prophetess Tupelo King will not cure or eliminate malaria, cholera etc.

    Brethren, we are back to the Dark Ages!

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