Thursday, February 13, 2025

Lusaka needs communal toilets to eradicate Cholera-Mayor


An example of communal toilet design preferred by Mr Kalumba

Lusaka Mayor Wilson Kalumba is proposing the setting up of communal toilets in the capital city if the perennial outbreak of Cholera is to be dealt with

Mr Kalumba said Lusaka needs communal toilets connected to serviced sewer system if the city is to eliminate Cholera.

“As Mayor of Lusaka, I think that we will not make progress to attempt to connect every household in shanties to serviced sewer system, but it will be easier to construct fee paying communal toilets which can be shared by several (50) households in shanties,” Mr Kalumba said.

He said he has already brought this to the attention of management of the Lusaka City council and Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company who are looking at it.
“Once the communal toilets are built then shallow Wells and pit latrines will be buried and new ones banned,” he said.

” It is only then we shall be in a position to eliminate cholera in Lusaka as there will be no contamination of water. One communal place can consist of 15 individual toilets, shower areas, wash areas.”

“With the average family size of 8 people per house ,400 people will have access to each communal toilet. These communal toilets where a common feature in some mining toilets,” he said.

“Let us work on eliminating Cholera not treating Cholera year after year,” he said.


    • @Sotambe… I promise you, there’s more to come on this. Last time I was in Chawama in the rainy season, coming off the junction kafue road. What I saw was unbelievable, as you approach the market, the drainage system was clogged with all sorts of things and water was hip high. I can assure you, come next rainy season, nothing has changed. That is also cholera waiting to happen. What makes this ridiculous is the member of parliament has a prefab a few meters from scene. In his humble opinion, nothing is wrong.

    • It’s not outdated for the type of settlements being proposed to have them! In some countries they are still using what is known as bucket toilets and these are more outdated than communal toilets. To have a water borne toilet for each of the house in Kanyama is a huge challenge to install sewer and water reticulation system!

  1. This stupid man even says these use to be there in mine compounds,really ? Just pull the dumb compounds down like kegame did in Rwanda,rebuild with flashing toilets and running water please it’s been 53years already

  2. I agree with :Miya. There are pit latrines or toilet or Out houses as they call them here in America. It will be a very good idea. Suggestion though, why not the sit on toilets rather than those aya kusu sumana. These were used in the colonial Zambia. I known it would be a challenge cleaning the sit on toilets, but they will be fee paying though. The ones in the picture will be very uncomfortable to fat people with big stomachs.

  3. Ba mayor, have you considered the maintenance of such facilities? Local authorities have lamentably failed to run bus stops, public toilets in the town centre and markets and now you want to add to the list of failed operations…

  4. This Mayor reflects the poor and visionless leadership which permeates in Zambia. He is talking about communal toilets as solution for a problem that is long-term. The problem he should be addressing is town planning. Zambian cities are the most poorly built with no regard to regulations. Houses are being built haphazardly, with no drainage systems, no sewer lines and as a matter of fact with no house numbers. Roads built with no drainage systems and no pedestrian walks. He must be looking at the big picture.

  5. 400 pipo to use each communal for shower toilet, say 10 mins each person that equals 4000mins or 66 hrs.
    Wow you would want to have good bowel control

  6. Forgot if they are paying toilets what happens when you have no money
    Does this man think everything is pay for this pay for that, short term solutions,
    We get or got aid for sanitation in lusaka what happened to theat money where are tangible resukts other than seeing pipo in new suits and new cars.wake up zambia

  7. How can such a move help prevent cholera when water supply in most parts of the country is non existent ? Who is going to manage these toilets because reflecting from the past when we did have these so called public toilets ,people used to use them and left behind whatever they’d damped without flushing. For sure , this is going to encourage the spread of cholera and not prevent it .Government should leave such decisions to the experts than jumping on anything they have no clue about.

  8. what a shame for LCC & Zambia; For as long as we have street vending, cholera will continue to be with us; the mayor should be talking about re developing these shanties and build better homes for rent for the occupants to rent or buy; money charged for the proposed toilets will just end up in people’s pockets;

    • What does “His Worship” expect when you allow vendors to take over city streets with no sanitation of any type? This is asking for cholera.

  9. PF at work. Shame on you Mr Mayor. Going back to communal toilets? Even the city centre does not have enough public toilets so what are you dreaming of? Did he risk assess his warped idea? The elderly and women in particular using these toilets at night given the security situation in the country? What about privacy? Would he feel safe if his family were to use them? PF have no vision for developing this country for sure. Where you see Kabwata Estates there used to be thatched round houses with communal toilets. UNIP in the 60s built Chilenje and Libala council houses and moved those people into better accomodation which still stands. Why should a caring government banish it’s people into permanent poverty by failing to improve their living standards? 2021 vote wisely.

    • PF at work. Shame on you Mr Mayor. Going back to communal toilets? Even the city centre does not have enough public toilets so what are you dreaming of? Did he risk assess his warped idea? The elderly and women in particular using these toilets at night given the security situation in the country? What about privacy? Would he feel safe if his family were to use them? PF have no vision for developing this country for sure. Where you see Kabwata Estates there used to be thatched round houses with communal toilets. UNIP in the 60s built Chilenje and Libala council houses and moved those people into better accomodation which still stands. Why should a caring government banish it’s people into permanent poverty by failing to improve their living standards?

  10. This is the most backward suggestion/proposal that i have ever heard a mayor make. Imagine there is no mater available for 12 hours and the toilets are closed. What next. In my opinion i think a good long lasting solution would be to demolish these shanties and rebuild as somebody has suggested was the Kagame idea. And the gentleman in the usa, do you know the basis for having out houses in the usa. If i were you i would find out more before suggesting out houses and citing the usa as an example.

  11. And for curiosities sake, does anyone know how many sewage treatment plants there are in lusaka and the total capacity of these plants, and how does that stand against the population of lusaka.

  12. I hope as many PF cadres selling on the streets and in bus stations catch cholera so they can see what we mean when we say we need functional health facilities.
    Cholera before rains begin, yaba so how does the president feel when he goes for these meetings cause it’s embarrassing in a ka custom suit and shoes calling yourself a president that when your people are dying cause of simple cholera.

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