Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Kapata, Kaunda expected in Germany for United Nations Climate Change Conference


Vice President Inonge Wina having a light moment with Lands Minister Jean Kapata during the memorial service for the late President Micheal Sata at Child Jesus Church

Lands and Natural Resources Minister Jean Kapata and her permanent secretary Trevor Kaunda are expected in Germany to attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference that will take place in Bonn between 6th and the 17th of November 2017

The conference will discuss among other things transparency, adaptation, emission reductions, and provision of finance, capacity building and technology.

Zambia’s Ambassador to Germany, Anthony Mukwita says the Zambian government is committed to playing its part in protecting the integrity of the global ecosystem.

Mr. Mukwita says Ms Kapata will represent President Edgar Lungu.

He explains that guidelines that shall be negotiated at the Bonn Climate Change Conference, otherwise dubbed COP23 will form the agenda for the next similar conference, COP24 to take place in Poland in 2018 where they should be completed.

High ranking government leaders, representatives of the UN system, experts in climate change and celebrities are expected to attend., about 170 have ratified it.

This is made available to media by First secretary for press in Belin Kellys Kaunda.


  1. Vor 144 Jahren im Jahr 1873 starb David Livingstone in Chitambo am Bangweulusee in Sambia. Er war ein schottischer Missionar und einer der bekanntesten Afrikaforscher des 19. Jahrhunderts, der als erster Europäer u. a. die Victoriafälle des Sambesi „entdeckte“. Geboren wurde er am 19. März 1813 in Blantyre bei Glasgow in Schottland. Daneben ist Sambia der Sterbeort von Dag Hammarskjöld, der hier im Alter von 56 Jahren starb

  2. Destroing forrests for charcoal…Waterpollution by the Mines…Kabwe one of the dirtiest town due to pollution from the mines…Kafue full of smoke…Plasticbottles all over the country.And the Ambassador says Zambia is committed playing a part in protecting the ecosystem?What do you say??????

  3. What a waste of time. The african knows so little about climate change. Africans themselves should have conferences on natural resource preservation. They dont even know how to monitor climate change. The western world has to bring in the equipment for that.

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