Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND is not going to drop the presidential petition-HH


HH at the UPND Women Event
United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema has said that the trophy he received in South Africa stimulates the party’s will to continue pursuing the presidential petition to curb electoral malpractices and foster for an Electoral Commission that is independent from government interference.

Speaking at the UPND Secretariat yesterday, Mr Hichilema said the Africa Freedom Award he received from the Germany headed Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom is not for his personal glory but that of all UPND members as they too played their part in fighting their fight to restore rule of law and respect for human rights.

Hichilema said the party is not going to drop the presidential petition because the same electoral malpractice that were seen in the August 2016 General Elections will be repeated in future elections hence, there is need to rectify them.

“The trophy I received in South Africa stimulates the party’s will to continue pursuing the presidential petition to curb electoral malpractices and foster for an electoral commission that is independent from government interference” Hichilema said.

The women, under the auspices of UPND national women chairperson Namakau Kabwiku, staged the event to officially receive the 2017 Friedrick Naumann Foundation Africa Freedom Award that was presented to Hichilema in South Africa on October 27.

“This function has caught me by surprise. UPND women came to my home and said ‘we heard that you were recognised, we want to thank you for the job well done for being the winner of the 2017 Friedrick Naumann Foundation Africa Freedom Award’. It is given on a competitive basis – you don’t apply! A decision was made at global level to award your community worker, HH. This award was not won by Hakainde but by each of you because of the resilience and your refusal to shed blood after the August 11, 2016 elections, which were clearly manipulated. You our women decided not to shed blood,” Hichilema said.

Mr Hichilema, while singling out the womenfolk, reiterated that had it not been for the understanding and cooperation of the party membership, there would have been confusion in the aftermath of last year’s general elections.

“When our election was stolen, we chose not to go in the streets – not because we can’t fight, no! But we decided to follow a civilised route, which is invoking the Constitution of Zambia through a presidential petition. We asked you not to go in the streets and for sure, you didn’t! Many countries would have gone to war but we provided leadership, even when the Constitution was being breached,” Hichilema said. “We are still in court today – osanamiwa (don’t be cheated). We’ll continue pushing for this petition so that our right to be heard can be respected. We don’t have fear and we are not going to relent to push for a civilised way of doing things.”

The opposition leader added that “this award is yours, continue supporting us and continue showing strength.”

UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH
UPND Women event organised for HH


    • “government interference.” who is government? the problem with Hichilema is that he likes copping what other people do. so u want to do what the opposition leader from Kenya did! you where asked on BBC if you are going to continue crying for thee remaining four years? Just stop being arrogant and childish!

    • He is delusional

      He is using this to sidestep his party’s mandated national convention.

      I see through him.

      Saying that Zambians are backwards and dull they will believe him



    • If we were a serious people we would address all the flaws in our electoral process and rectify them before the next elections. A credible process is good for all Zambians and everyone including PF should support that.

    • I agree with HH.

      It is no use dropping an already crushed egg.

      HH should keep this expired petition as a symbol of UPND’s achievements.

      This is particularly important because when UPND is no more we call remember it is a party that faithfully kept their expired petition indefinitely.

      Even after 2021, the UPND can still keep this petition so that they finally end with two petitions.

      Am not sure if the stance still makes any political or legal sense.

      But of course, when entertainment is given without any charge why reject it? We will be watching …

    • There have been too many PF00ls paid cadres hallucinating on this site of late…paid by Sunday Chanda and Mumbi Phiri to oppose anything coming from the UPND on a 24 hrs basis.

      Lungusha stole the election and he knows it, so HH is very right not to drop the election petition. We want to see a credible ECZ headed by a real professional and not by a shameless scandalous RB cousin called Chulu!


    • I thought the whole purpose of the famous Commonwealth dialogue was to address all electoral thorns and nails before the next elections, what then is going to happen to that?

    • Ati “…the trophy he received in South Africa stimulates the party’s will to continue pursuing the presidential petition” LoOL 😀 This guy can never be president. Mans not hot!

    • Yaba!!!! Oh yaba … as the Flingstones would shout during those good ole days of catoons galore!!! Which presidential petition is this guy talking about????

      There’s no presidential petition in Zambia for crying out loud!!! Once the Constitutional Court Of no appeals dismisses the matter it becomes none existent.

      So for the record there’s no presidential petition to talk of and this guy can’t get this through his numb skull, then he’s not presidential material after all.

      He’s only good enough for Maureen and not the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise … just because your girlfriend throws a party for you without your own wife’s involvement does not mean you now have gravitus.

      An Under 5, you still are … you already abrogated every condition for your release … Oh…

    • Look what the cat dragged in? Its Mr B R Mumba Sr…these chaps have been hiding behind their sofas and in the shadows but have decided to show up today…really laughable!!

    • Surrounded by thick women….so obese what do they eat..thickness plus too much diproson…yaak

      2021 vote PF ( Edgar)

      I thank you

    • HH will take UPND down… just like the way KK took UNIP down. It was a Kaunda and no one else.

      Presidential Petition is what these chaps keep preaching people in the villages Southern, Western & North-Western Provinces. F00king people that HH is going to State House after the Courts announce results.

      Any civilized person in UPND knows that HH is talking B*llS**t on this matter. Its waste of energy and resources.

      ******* So on the eve of election in 2021 HH will be going around the Nation telling people that we are waiting for results from the Constitutional Court.

      He talks about the African Award – but this is a guy who is fond of boycotting Africa Day Celebrations and his MPS. Due to pettiness

      This is a joke and embarrassing coming from a leader of an Opposition. Sad…

    • @Imute wa Kalilo – Petition will not take you anyway but a brick wall…how can you expect to win the game when the ref is handpicked by your opponent? Tackle governance issues first and move on …Hakainde is not thinking about his MPs, he is as Sackur put it putting self interest before national interest; this is not a good trait in leadership!!

    • @Imute wa Kalilo – Petition will not take you anyway but a brick wall…how can you expect to win the game when the ref is handpicked by your opponent? Tackle governance issues first and move on …Hakainde is not thinking about his MPs, he is as Sackur put it putting self interest before national interest; this is not a good trait in leadership!!

  1. At least someone cheered you up for losing too many elections, so if you think of winning in 2021 the time is now to start and stop leaving in 2016 otherwise it will be the same story come 2021

    • Now Kambwili has taken over has taken over his part in terms of politics and control. his MPs are controlled by Kambwili now. if he walk out of parliament they also walk out.

    • We need to get our money back or else people have to be locked up. “Not long ago, President Edgar Lungu challenged Zambian citizens to provide evidence for abuse of public resources in order for him to facilitate arrests and prosecution of those involved. The Auditor General’s report has presented the evidence. Now, we expect action from the head of state and law enforcement agencies,” Chisanga said.
      Chisanga, Laura and others can you mobilise use so that we ensure that this Auditor General’s report becomes the first to restore transparency and accountability. Those responsible need to be answerable, the “party” is over.

  2. Of course its normal not to drop it. Just stay away from next elections so that others can be voted into power.
    I can smell tongash faces. No pretty ones like Bembas and Ngonis/ Nyanjas.
    It could be an ugly leadership enough to scare a crow!

  3. Go Go forward….
    The PF are trembling.No third term bid for ECL and UPND to table impeachment motion in parliament.
    Inonge Wina is also seeing an opportunity to take over……Yayayayayayayaya…..
    2018 will be an eventful year for Zambia,Zimbabwe and South Afriica.The winds of change have started blowing.

    • last year HH said if he wins the elections Lungu will not be paid his retirement dues as former president because he only served for one year,, again this time around you are saying no third term, how come?

    • Yaba!!!! Oh yaaaaaba … I thought we should allow people to go for 6th terms not just 3rd terms???

      Come 2021 your HH would have tried 6 times at the presidency and lost … Oh yaaaaaba!!!!

      We, the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise run this country and we are not going to let HH get anywhere near the State House come 2021.

      He’s a useful clown around the world … his job is to remain in opposition and make a lot of noise the same way empty tins do.

      It makes our democracy stronger and Zambia looks better for all of us … let his girlfriend do more of this, it’s needful for democracy.

    • Independent, hh is all the time talking about the petition! The petition can not change the current political status quo. What may change things is correcting the wrongs in the current constitution. It will work well for all. However hh is using the petition to legitimize his his being at the helm of upnd. Hh is clever its either the people around do not know or they know and choose to be on his side

  4. Well, let HH continue with his futile presidential petition. We can move on and offer opposition to government through other more serious parties.

  5. Please Mr Hichilema wake up. Mr chagwa Lungu is president. Whether you like it or not. Remember the 5 ps. Prior planning prevents poor performance. The time to plan is now. Your whining is making your supporters who know that you lost start doubting you. Please please move on.

  6. Under which clause in the constitution are you basing your petition. I think the most 5tupid people in Zambia are those who entertain such dull talks of petition. Isn’t there any clueless cow amongst upnd who can challenge hh and tell him that the concourt decision is final and can never be appealed anywhere. Surely somebody amongst these retards with a lowest iq can tell hh to either back down for presidency or focus on 2021. All you need to do is organise your bantustan mps to work with pf and coerce them to push for electoral reforms. It’s done by parliamentarians in parliament and not at the verandah.

    • it’s amazing how upnd doesn’t realise the power they have with those parliamentarians. Instead they focus on the ego of their selfish and clueless leader!!

    • Zambian Citizen, what powers do they have when each and every progressive bill is shot down by the majority PF MPs and their independent MP sympathisers?

    • HH should be highlighting his MPs job in Parliament, for example, yesterday`s failed motion to expedite payments for retirees.

      Why doesn’t PF want to pay retirees?

    • if u think HH is dull wat wud u say of someone who says they r eligible to stand even when the constitution is clear they r not

  7. Going by his behaviour, Obasanjo and Scotland must be feeling very frustrated, betrayed, and embarrassed by HH’s duplicity and hypocrisy on the issue of reconciliation with ECL.

    • This is where Lungu and his PF team always get ahead of the useless opposition. They say ” give a fool enough rope to hang himself”. When ECL told Scotland not to believe everything the media says bacause she didn’t know what she was dealing with when it came to hh. She must be red faced after her trip yielded nothing. Burundi and DRC would have been a better option!!

    • I doubt if they are disappointed. HH is not stupid ba Facts, he is just playing the game according to plan. Obasanjo and Scotland’s objective was to get HH out of prison so that he continues with exactly what he is doing. Wasn’t HH in UK with Ms Scotland few days ago? What you are hearing from HH is simply the position of all these commonwealth guys. One may wonder why? Its simply the current inclination to China by the PF government is not appreciated by the west. Coupled with ECL delay signing the IMF package. Because its only through the IMF package regime change can be achieved and I hope PF is aware of that. The bonds though expensive have no strings attachment like IMF package, which comes with controlling government .

  8. I agree with HH.

    It is no use dropping an already crushed egg.

    HH should keep this expired petition as a symbol of UPND’s achievements.

    This is particularly important because when UPND is no more we call remember it is a party that faithfully kept their expired petition indefinitely.

    Even after 2021, the UPND can still keep this petition so that they finally end with two petitions.

    Am not sure if the stance still makes any political or legal sense.

    But of course, when entertainment is given without any charge why reject it? We will be watching …

  9. HH is playing a role as a mentally – ill person, Who has been brought to CHAINAMA social- institutions and CAGED BEHIND ASYMMETRICAL BARS and NO WAY OUT/ OUTLETS while waiting for the PSYCHIATRIC treatment.HE found himself busy pushing ASYMMETRICAL BARS again AND again hoping to ESCAPE and CHILDREN who are watching also are Busy CRAPPING on HIM , this exactly illustrates how HH/ UPND supporters behaves. Modern COURTS OF LAW in ZAMBIA has NO jurisdiction over presidential petition AND HH / upnd law-makers knowns about it.Taking advantage of upnd supporters’ IGNORANCE, HH in his shameless, he is still preaching about petitions just playing around the gallery of his supporters WHEN HE KNOWS that even local court HAS NO file of his petition.

  10. If upnd wont drop the petition,so what Kainde?WHO CARES IN ZAMBIA?president Edgar Lungu is in state house and he will remain there until 2021,hence its simply you HH who looks fo0lish with your nonsense.
    Look,HH is behaving like a G12 pupil who fails certain subjects then refuses to rewrite them so that if he passes,can enter college!!!by refusing to rewrite,that pupil remains a G12 failure until death.WHO LOSES HERE?THE SAME PUPIL!!!
    Over HH useless petition (which only exists in his head),Zambians have nothing to lose.WE’VE ALREADY MOVED ON FROM 2016 ELECTIONS!!THOSE FAT TONGA WOMEN WONT MAKE YOU WIN THE PRESIDENCY!!THEIR VOTES ARE JUST A DROP IN THE OCEAN!!!
    so Kainde continue with your nonsense (petition) as we in 6.5 provinces enjoy PF’s splendid rule!!!
    Njimbu BB 2017!!!

  11. If upnd wont drop the petition,so what Kainde?WHO CARES IN ZAMBIA?president Edgar Lungu is in state house and he will remain there until 2021,hence its simply you HH who looks fo0lish with your nonsense.
    Look,HH is behaving like a G12 pupil who fails certain subjects then refuses to rewrite them so that if he passes,can enter college!!!by refusing to rewrite,that pupil remains a G12 failure until death.WHO LOSES HERE?THE SAME PUPIL!!!
    Over HH useless petition (which only exists in his head),Zambians have nothing to lose.WE’VE ALREADY MOVED ON FROM 2016 ELECTIONS!!THOSE FAT TONGA WOMEN WONT MAKE YOU WIN THE PRESIDENCY!!THEIR VOTES ARE JUST A DROP IN THE OCEAN!!!
    so Kainde continue with your nonsense (petition) as we in 6.5 provinces enjoy PF’s splendid rule!
    Njimbu BB 2017!!!

  12. HH is flogging a dead horse…..please UPND members let him know we don’t give a f#ck.Let him shove the pettion in his #$$…

  13. “Hichilema said the party is not going to drop the presidential petition because the same electoral malpractice that were seen in the August 2016 General Elections will be repeated in future elections hence, there is need to rectify them”. I think here he got it right! Its not about individuals but governance systems. I however would advice HH that he needs to use a different platform/ strategy otherwise it will be difficult to deal with the systematic governance issues he is talking about with the route he has chosen (antagonistic). He should remember that the same people he is antagonizing are needed to help him achieve his dream of “perfecting” the governance systems. If i were him i would drop the petition and go to the negotiating table. The greatness of a leader is known by his…

  14. Adolf everyone can see what type of person you are. A selfish and bitter man…look if you really want to fight like you did in dundumwezi bring it on! Your wife who fainted 3 times as she held on to you so you wouldn’t face the police also called for people to raise once you were locked up! Who rose? Your chairlady former deputy speaker in MMD, Nalu sent a clarion call for the youth ‘to arise’ and take to the streets, did you see any arise? Even your once upon a time friend pastor pole pole rushed to deadNbC to call for a revolution. Your friend because of money and a wife batterer fat alber run away to have his knee fixed as you sat in a state hotel…we are watching you and you look more like a child throwing tantrums….

  15. We are tired of this Sammy, let us have other people in leadership of UPND. Please call for a convention we will finance it. Vote GBM on UPND ticket 2021

  16. The only reason why HH says he can’t drop the petition coz its a consoling factor whilst deep down his heart he knows that he lost

  17. Insults insults show mediocrity. Avoid being used to insult a fellow human being who has not wronged you in any way. Constitutionalism is a way of democracy. HH is a democrat hence the recognition by the world. PF members should sober up and be true Zambians. Zambia is ruined under this CNP regime.

    • What democrat are you talking about? HH became UPND leader without a vote and has never been voted for since he became leader of the party. Let him call a convention to get a proper mandate to stand in 2021 that will be democratic.

  18. Good. Rule of Law FIRST.

    First things first. As any builder worth his salt will say, the strength and stability of a building is in its FOUNDATION. When there is a fault in the foundation, you fix it first and not gloss over it. The superstructure (walls, roof etc), the furniture, etc… DEPEND on a good foundation, and NOT the other way around. Period.

    Hence, RULE OF LAW is, and will remain the only solid foundation of Zambia, for it not to go the way of Zimbabwe or Kenya.
    “Smart people learn from their mistakes, but SMARTER people learn from other people’s mistakes”.

    Let us be SMARTER ZAMBIANS and learn from Kenya and Zimbabwe.

  19. HH has never been recognized for anything.
    In which country did he fight for freedom?
    In Dudumwezi?
    Who is free today because of that moron HH?
    He can keep his petition till the end of time as far as we are concerned.
    Petitions don’t win elections but since a petition is the closest HH will ever come to winning an election,he needs it as a souvenir.
    Let him start organizing badala for a real convention unlike the last one 12 yrs ago which left UPND stinking of tribalism.

  20. HH proud of his own award of which he used one of his off shore accounts to pay for his own award with Mmusi maimane, surprisingly HH is not one of the richest men in Zambia but he might be the richest man according to paradise paper leaked info, meaning he is in top 10 of the richest men in Africa, speaking of privatization, let HH march around with his imaginary petition but don’t let this clown of a thief run Zambia. I’m breaker and I approve this message

    # HHLIES

  21. This is what ka stint in Mukobeko can do. The guy is is so disillusioned that he cant see the reality. Zambians have moved on and there no HH on their agenda. The guy needs to come to terms, seriously who wants to see the same losing face on the ballot and experiment with it?
    President Lungu, just continue seriously with the developmental agenda especially in the seven PF Provincial strongholds, 2021 is yours we can assure you!! Thats the key.

  22. 1. Which petition is that under5?
    2. Which court is it sitting?
    3. Is it in the Constitutional Court?
    4. If so, which lawyers are handling it since the Mwiimbu bunch abandoned him at the 11th hour? Please name them for us pjease under5?
    5. In Kenya a petition has a life span of seven days within which it must be heard. In Zambia a petition must be heard within 14 days.
    6. But under5’s petition presented no single evidence in the whole 14 days, so what was the ConCourt supposed to hear mwe bantu?
    7. Yaba!! These ***Donkeys from *****mwezi!!

  23. If the petition had evidence, the verdict of the Concourt would have read something like this “Having heard the evidence presented before us….our verdict is……”. But the Concourt had so such privilege, and to add insult to injury under5 singled out some Concourt judges for insults based on their tribe! And now we hear that he is calling for national unity?

  24. 1. Under5 keeps insukting the intelligence of Zambians. Just look at his comments on the Paradise Papers. This is about tax evasion and yet he twists it to say that it’s about “…..clever and patriotic people like me under5 finding innovative and cheaper sources of money to borrow for the development of Zambia…”!!
    2. I think Veep Inonge Wina’s statement on the matter really undressed under5!
    3. In any case the matter is under investigation by the International Committe of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), so what you are saying mr under5 is premature and purely designed to distract our attention.

  25. …or a classic example of under5 when caught red handed. But he alwsys gets himself entangled in his own web of lies. Remember his 2016 pre-election claim that he would bring back Anglo American?

  26. 1. So Mr under5 democrat, when is your party convention?
    2. Or mr under5 human rights, don’t your members have human rights to stand for elections in your party?
    3. Even ka provincial olo ka district, olo ka branch election chabe would go a long way to boost your democratic and human rights credentials, which are zero currently.

  27. Bushe tamwabeshiba Ba Chimbwi no plan ne mpantila? Nimwe bene mwe baonaula ama human rights yabena Zambia yantu mwalapa ukucingilila. U gave completely failed to achieve Mr Sata’s dreams because of your hippocricy.

  28. QUOTE: “last year HH said if he wins the elections Lungu will not be paid his retirement dues as former president because he only served for one year,, again this time around you are saying no third term, how come?”

  29. @ Dpeaceadvice, are you hakashimba hichimbwili? I thought it was hh who called Sata chimbwi no plan? He was arrested for that i remember. Wasnt it under the watch of michael sata that we finished all our foreign reserves and went on to contract eurobonds which have now crippled us?

  30. Africa has grappled with numerous human problems that have been hatched by agents of some imperialist western powers. The Rwandan genocide is one of them, but that country’s leadership has shamed the plunderers. Conflicts initiated by the west has been too costly in administering peace missions in Congo, Somalia and Sudan. The African Union must take stock of threats galvanised by Africa’s most treacherous TRAITORS – particularly Kenya’s Odinga, Zimbabwe’s Svangirai, South Africa’s Mmusi Maimane, Zambia’s Hichilema and their mentor Nigeria’s General Obasanjo.

  31. Listening to a BBC Radio Talk revealed a chilling lesson. A panel was discussing Donald Trump’s crusade on dismantling all of Obama’s human centred programs in USA. One panellist hit the nail in the head by stating that Trump’s behaviour is driven by racism because Obama was black. Whatever criticisms Odinga, Svangirai, Maimane, Hichilema and Obasanjo rants against their respective African States, they do so hoping to gain the approval of western sponsors. Yet Donald Trump vehemently believes an African is NOT wise. The AU and SADC much watch these Traitors.

  32. The launch of the petition by one under5 without accompanying evidence and expecting that to trigger the laying off of the President of a country and subsequent coup detat must surely rank as one of the biggest blunders in political strategy in the history of Zambia.
    Surely the meticulous planning of this blunder must be the only explanation and criteria for that so called “Freedom Award”.
    Because how else does one explain the obvious disdain for under5’s “self centred” motives by Stephen Sackur barely 4 days after he received the “award”. One would surely expect praises from Stephen Sackur and others in the west like they do to Nobel Peace Prize Winners. But instead to be labelled self centred?

  33. Only a mentally challenged person would expect the under-five to “drop the presidential petition of 2016”. We have said time and again that HH has nothing to offer. His only relevance to Zambian politics is his petition. The petition keeps his followers in UPND at bay and cannot think beyond HH. This he has succeeded and deserves to receive the trophy (not worthy anything for Zambia) from his friends Mmusi and his so called German Christian democrats whose agenda though the tactics are different seem to not differ much from that of their former leader Mr R Hitler. Asking Hakainde to drop his empty presidential petition is like asking him to surrender his Tonga party disguised as a national party. Hakainde’s coronation as UPND leader will live on as long as he lives he will not let go. If…

  34. … Hakainde’s coronation as UPND leader will live on as long as he lives he will not let go. If UPND was a party that had any national character Sikota would have been the rightful successor of Mr A. Mazoka (MHSRIP). To Protect the monarchy, they decided to coronate their own in the name of Hakainde who has lost five (5) times and still says he has desire to lead our great nation. This narrative from HH is nothing more than trying to consolidate his ill-gotten wealth by stealing from the very people he claims he wants to lead, that is Africa for you. On the other hand, you have business interests of those who are interested only in our mineral wealth and are pushing their agenda through failed leaders such as HH. Corruption is a cancer that must be faulty not only by our leaders but buy…

  35. … Corruption is a cancer that must be faulty not only by our leaders but buy every citizen in our great nation. HH is not and cannot advance that cause because he has failed the litmus test of corruption.

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