Mines Workers Union of Zambia president, Chishimba Nkole says the collective dispute was declared by both parties in line with section 75 of the Industrial and Labour Relations Act.
Mr. Nkole has told ZNBC News in a telephone interview that the two parties have failed to reach a mutual understanding concerning the decision by KCM to outsource labour.
He has further said that the two parties will convene once the process of identifying the conciliators is complete.
Mr. Nkole noted that the conciliators to be chosen will be independent individuals who will assist the two parties find an amicable solution to the matter
You are protecting our monthly contributions,just let kcm outsource and give us our money,why going to court,shame on you NUMAW,MUZ and UMUZ you are cowards.
What was the outcome of the visit by the ministers of labour and mines? We seem to be going in circles.
What outsiders don’t know is that this outsourcing started way back in 2006. Just ask why Mopani has got more than 6,000 employees working for contractors. The difference is that Mopani did this systematically while KCM want to do everything at once. Logic is to calculate how much it costs you to develop 1m or produce one tonne using your own employees or using labor employed by another person. It’s like hiring a bus to transport your employees. You won’t be bothered about the bus owners problems such as breakdowns, repairs, pilfering. Your concern is to have your staff driven to work on time.