Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Government sets out plans to establish fire department at Local Government Ministry


Ministry of Local Government and Housing Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga

Ministry of Local Government and Housing Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga

Government says it is determined to address the challenges the fire sector has been facing since its establishment in the early 1950s.

Ministry of Local Government Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga explained that the fire sector has been neglected for a long time and as such his ministry has put in place initiatives of establishing a fire department there in.

He added that his Ministry has plans to complete the establishment of a fire department by 2018.

“Recently Larfage Cement industry was almost gutted but the newly procured fire tenders were used to prevent the calamity. Imagine the impact it would have on the construction industry. So we are doing everything possible to address the challenges, “said Mr. Malupenga.

He was speaking when he officially opened the national fire and rescue services policy national validation conference held at Government Complex in Lusaka today.

And Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research ZIPAR Executive Director Pamela Kabaso expressed gratitude to the ministry for taking a leading role in fire policy formulation.

Ms. Kabaso further said the policy will help in protecting the investments in the country as it strives to be a middle income and prosperous nation by 2030.


  1. Wasting money is the reason why IMF is not going to give you any more loans. The Fire Department has always been decentralized. Your Ministry of Local Government can work on recommendations from Council’s and formulate policy based on that. You just have people in mind you want to give jobs and you gonna create a whole department to duplicate the Job that Council’s are already doing. You’re not fiscally disciplined. Too much wasting of money. It comes from laziness. Zambians are very lazy. That’s one thing I agree with ECL. Zambians are lazy. Their culture of working is pathetic.

    • The will separate fire section from engineering department and hence create a new department within a council.
      You have not understood what the minister is saying

  2. Thank you Mr. Lombe.
    They should look at improving the already existing services and help coincils establish fire protection services wjere they do not exist.
    I dont expect the monistry to ne able to cater for the whole country. We will kust see good equipment in lusaka.
    Otherwise let them allow provate firms to venture in the business and people should be free to engage whoever they want to.
    Though it will be loss of revenue for councils.

  3. A reason to justify the 42 fire trucks even stated in the announcement.
    If it is centralised it is easier to “administer” funding.
    So you have a fire in ndola and you contact lusaka, ok i know its only adninistration, but instead of reducing spending as reqyired by IMF we are creating spending.
    The first of the eurobonds will be rolled over because we dont have the $780 million bullet repayment

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