Friday, January 3, 2025

Kambwili was fired because he used his Ministerial Position to stop ACC from investigating him


President Lungu talks Information minister Chishimba Kambwili shortly before departure at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport for Angola on February 13,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
FILE: President Lungu talks Information minister Chishimba Kambwili shortly before departure at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport for Angola on February 13,2015 -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu has disclosed that former Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services was Chishimba Kambwili fired because he refused to be investigated when corruption allegations were leveled at him because he was a Minister.

The President revealed that he had to immediately let go off Mr Kambwili who when called for investigations by Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) became a challenge and tried to flex his muscle that he was a minister.

President Lungu clarified that allegations of corruption against a minister or his aides will not entail that they are dropped but he charged that if called upon to be investigated no position would shield anyone from investigations.

“I want it to be known that an allegation of corruption against a minister will not entail that he has to be dropped, no, he has to be investigated, once he is investigated he should be brought to book, no one is above the law, but in this particular case I am talking about, this minister was questioned and he said ‘who are you? I am a minister’,” said the president and then added, ” And then ACC told me ‘look, your minister is not cooperating’, I said ‘I will drop him’.

“If you say ‘Given Lubinda is corrupt, I will not drop him, I will allow you to investigate him and if you find him wanting, you can prosecute him but if Given Lubinda becomes a challenge to your inquiries and investigations, I will drop him, that’s how I work. I want to make this very clear that if Given Lubinda says ‘no, you can’t talk to me because I am minister, then me and Given Lubinda will part company and that is how I part company with some ministers.”

President Lungu further called upon people to cooperate and support the ACC. “Let us cooperate with the ACC and support them by giving them space to work. I want to make it very clear because they think that I tolerate corruption, somebody said ‘I am corruption itself or I am the manifestation of corruption’, I am not because I believe that the wealth that we have belongs to the people and we should use it properly,” President Lungu said.

“I, personally and as PF president will not condone corruption in my government and I will not look kindly upon members of my government who take advantage of their positions to enrich themselves at the expense of the Zambian people,” President Lungu said before adding that he will not shield anyone from investigations from responsible agencies when called upon

At that point you can be dropped because Amos Chanda has been invited several times by ACC to answer queries and he has answered, he has cooperated with the ACC, which is as it should be. He has been found clean and he has come back to work,” President Lungu said.

“I, personally and as PF president will not condone corruption in my government and I will not look kindly upon members of my government who take advantage of their positions to enrich themselves at the expense of the Zambian people.”

And President Lungu said that he cannot fire his Special Assistant Amos Chanda on unfounded corruption allegations which the relevant authorities have cleared him of, adding that the ACC found him as clean as a whistle.

The President said that when investigative wings opened query into his Press Aide, Mr Chanda, he did not shield him and that Mr. Chanda cooperated with ACC and answered their queries. President Lungu added that the ACC cleared Mr. Chanda of all corruption allegations and thus he saw no reasons as to why he should fire him.

President Lungu announced that no one was above the law; no presidential aide or minister can be shielded from investigations.


  1. But ACC can’t investigate any Minister in PF because the President has to “authorize” investigations! That practice is illegal and illogical and should not even be tolerated in a normal society. ACC should investigate anyone without begging for authorise from someone. Whats going on pa Zed!?

    • But Edgar lungu, kambwili has not refused to reconcile,, just like ba dalisto has also no refused to reconcile
      What is strange is you lungu ‘refused’ ACC to investigate the wheelbarrow 1million dollar ambulances

    • @Ndobo, correction: its Bana Dalitso, Bo-ma Dalitso, the stepmother to Tasila. By-the-way, Dalitso is first born.
      Edgar’s kids behaves fairly well, I must say. Parents need not dissapoint them.

    • Absolute nonsense from Jonathan the buck stops with him and as a President he doesn’t appreciate that then his leadership is utter nonsensical and Neolithic

    • So ECL has found courage now to talk about corruption second day in a roll after being relieved that A Chanda was cleared by ACC. Suddenly Corruption is the talk of the day !!!
      But he hasn’t told the public on what cases was he being investigated, was it one case? And was clearance from ACC given just on that particular case or does it mean Chanda is 100% corruption free?
      ECL need to stand up as well on other cases that have raised public concerns, he shouldn’t be just speaking out when one of his inner circles is cleared.
      Abena Zambian, it seems Amos Chanda managed to convince ACC that there is no corruption but “Social mobility”…..D.A.M.N

    • The learned lawyer the president of the Republic of Zambia cannot remember the statement he made few days before firing Kambwi. He said he would be firing corrupt ministers. That contradicts the latest statement that he fired CK for refusing to be investigated because he was a minister. The learned lawyer the president should always remember to be consistent with his statements because inconsistence reflects your intentional approaches to dealing with political opponents.

    • Politics of the Belly Godfather,
      Kambwilirefused to cooperate with ACC because if his guilt. He knew that he would be found wanting if the ACC continued with there investigation.

    • Politics of the Belly Godfather,
      Kambwili refused to cooperate with ACC because of his guilt. He knew that he would be found wanting if the ACC continued with there investigation.

    • Jonathan is a perpetual liar who fronts humbleness and National prayer to attempt to hide what he really is. This man stole from an unsuspecting vulnerable client and this is on record as the reason he was struck off law practicing, the man got so rich beyond logical expectations and we are here keeping him in State house and listening to things he says! Beggar’s belief the docility of the majority of the Zambians. Elsewhere the guy could have not been allowed anywhere near public office, in Zambia he’s Head of State and the Commander-in-Chief of the armed Forces. With Trump in White House, maybe the American have taken a leaf from the gallant Zambians in our world today.

  2. Same mouth say he was fired for stopping the ACC from investigating him, the same mouth say he is still waiting for ACC investigate him. Which is which?

    Meanwhile, Kambwili is still waiting for ACC t investigate him.

    Something is missing here.

  3. Bravo, President Lungu for the stance you have taken against Corruption in the government.
    Please do the same against the wasteful, extravagant, reckless and unregulated expenditure of public funds,by the Zambian intelligence also infamously known as the Office of the President (OP).
    The OP is also,with impunity, perpetuating, on your watch, gross human rights violations.
    There is ample irrefutable hard evidence to prove OP’s useless expenditure of Taxpayers money and the atrocities and heinous crimes being committed against innocent people in Zambia.

  4. What of the Chinese man who reported kaizer Zulu to ACC for corruptly getting money only for you lungu to block investigations ???

    • Spaka, please!!! That is watchdog rubbish you can’t even prove. Ilyasi lyamu chibuku naiwe?? Kwata amano naiwe!!!

    • Just like your earlier story of hospitals having no medicine. Just last week i took a worker to Matero Level 1 and she was treated perfectly, no prescriptions- tonsils. STOP READING WATCHDOG!!

    • Total trash you here on ZNBC a PF mouth piece….stop watching ZNCB ba citizen……there are no medicines in most clincs ……my relative called to say he was given prescriptions to buy panadole from at Chelstone clinic……while he is suffering from server chest pains….

    • Your relative is either upnd or a useless liar!! Hospitals are well stocked. I saw that story on watchdog, you even quoted in your last post. politics of fake news, it won’t work because most people who go to these hospitals don’t even bother about social media!!! They will vote based on what they experience.

    • Ba Citizen must be a very big beneficially of the this PF Regine. He must be an illegal Mukula Dealer. No Zambian worth his salt can claim there is medicine in hospitals.

    • Citizen

      Can you answer these zambians telling you there are no medicines in most clinics , the common man does not go that state house clinic where you see medicines….

    • @Chitukuko: I will never support lies, hate, bitterness and the politics practiced by our opposition!! No one can fill my head with fa. e.ces that hospitals like Matero Level 1 doesn’t have medicine when I have been there myself and had someone treated!!! That is the reason I don’t read watchdog. How can someone convince you there is no medicine when you have been there and seen it in person?? Unless you are brainwashed and like yourself and spaka!!!

    • this citizen chap will not believe anything bad about the PF administration , tell him people are still dying of cholera and he will deny it…..

  5. At ba boss bakamba futi bakambulula.
    He is all over the place !what is your stance bwana just blowing hot air, you have never fired anyone for corruption.Kambwili was making noises which would have jeopardised your 3rd term bid and it made you uncomfortable you had to cut him loose.
    Bottom line a jona you are corrupt number 1.

  6. Who ever advised you to keep silent and not respond to corruption allegations as stated by A chanda should be fired……..shouts of corruption were were getting to loud and threatened to swallow you, that is why you are responding now…….lets see action from you not mere window dressing , 42/42 needs an enquiry …….

  7. The explanation make sense, even though he does not owe anyone an explanation.

    Presidential power allows him the freedom to do so. Even if the decision was politically motivated. Presidents worldwide eliminate and replace any individuals who do not agree with their political perspectives. Sometimes the needs of the government outweigh the needs and desires of the people.

    • The wider interests of the people outweigh the narrow self preservation of a president.Tis why Zambia will never move ahead bcuz of folks like you and Lungu.

    • 8.1 So what do you say about FBI director being unceremoniously fired by Trump over the way he handled investigations and several other similar decisions? Does it stop the US from moving ahead?

    • Nine Chale

      There are just many questions, if kambwili was engaged in corruption , why has he not been charged instead kambwili is even debating in parliament how corrupt lungu is…….kambwili has caused a lot of damage to the reputation of this GRZ… doubt about that….

      My take on this is kambwili was getting to be a threat to PF leadership and was fired on inuendoes of corruption through his bussiness dealings……kambwili did get contracts unfairly by bullying tactics, for example he used to tell mining companies that they were decampaining sata if they did not give him contracts….if that is corruption that that is what they have on him……my view.. ..

    • Nine Chale,

      Ignore Mzambia wa Zamani Mzambia wa Zamani and Spaka like lilo. These two can never ever see anything good in whatever President Lungu does simply because he belongs to a party they are opposed to. The reason President Lungu has given for dismissing Kmbwili is very, very correct. I actually got this information myself first hand from ACC investigators who actually revealed that Kambwili even verbally abused them when they wanted to interrogate him. Which president in any part of the world would tolerate such an arrogant and insubordinate minister in his cabinet? Kambwili’s dismissal has very little to do with him being a threat to ECL’s leadership, but everything to do with his conceit, vanity, and narcissism.

    • Why has it taken lungu almost 5 years to adopt this stance ???

      The shouts and fingers pointing to corruption were getting bigger….

    • Facts

      And your stance this is typical of the PF caders who are ready to dance dunnuna to anything lungu says……some of us have seen And are seeing unrelenting corruption take hold and a few words by lungu ain’t washing it…

  8. Kwena Ku Zambia muli fipuba sana together with your president. What is so special about Kambwili? I am surprised the entire president is so keen to talk about KambwilI, is he afraid of him? There are a lot of important things the nation should be talking about and not Kanbwili. I don’t think PF will continue with this kind of little talk.

    • What ever your name is your thought line is correct,but its not acceptable for you to insult all Zambian, personally I take strong exception to that. Let’s correct each other in love bra

  9. Mr kambwili , over to you , have you been lying to us that you are clean ????

    Let’s hear what you have to say badala…..

  10. Did you give consent to ACC to investigate in the first place?? if not, then CK aas right.
    Why do you fail to give reason/s for firing??
    You see, coming out now doesnt you much and especially after IMF and FIRE TENDER among others

  11. And all the time the gullible bozos thought you fired him because he had presidential ambitions. All the time the 1.d.i.ot was trying to quash his corruption and turn it around on the party. What a loser Kambwili is. Thank you for the clarification. If Kambwili is guilty of corruption, let the authorities clamp him down.

    • I would not be so sure…..i would expect a response from kambwili , he is not going to take this lying down……expect a counter press conference.. .

    • ACC are just waiting for consent from the DPP so Kambwili’s case can go forward. In a nutshell, Kambwili will be arrested soon and will be in court. Those 1.d.i.o.tic press conferences will be nothing. Kambwili will face the law soon!!!

    • If hh can be locked up on a traffic violation, a flimsy excuse, come treason charge , why would anyone let kambwili loose to reck havock if there is any case agnist him ????

      Kambwili was going to be locked up long time if there was anything substantial..

  12. This man is a turn coat. But he is the same guy who said never investigate my ministers unless I allow that. Today ati he refused to be investigated. Awe too much bufi here. Its not fair some of us do not have that short memory like these turn coats politicians have with small brains. And he thinks we have forgotten.
    What a disaster.

  13. Nine Chale,

    Ignore Mzambia wa Zamani Mzambia wa Zamani and Spaka like lilo. These two can never ever see anything good in whatever President Lungu does simply because he belongs to a party they are opposed to. The reason President Lungu has given for dismissing Kmbwili is very, very correct. I actually got this information myself first hand from ACC investigators who actually revealed that Kambwili even verbally abused them when they wanted to interrogate him. Which president in any part of the world would tolerate such an arrogant and insubordinate minister in his cabinet? Kambwili’s dismissal has very little to do with him being a threat to ECL’s leadership, but everything to do with his conceit, vanity, and narcissism.

    • “….Which president in any part of the world would tolerate such an arrogant and insubordinate minister in his cabinet?…”

      You should ask which President can tolerate being called a corrupt theif every day ???

  14. President Edgar Lungu can fight corruption seriously if he stops listening to corrupt officials around him because he is a lawyer.IF HE CONTINUES TALKING ABOUT CORRUPTION LIKE THIS AND CAGING CULPRITS,THEN HE SHALL SOON BE NEAR LEVY PATRICK MWANAWASA!!!
    but about why he fired Kambwili,many wont believe him because he could have said that just after dropping Kambwili.i equally doubt ECL on why he fired CK!!THE MAJOR REASON WHY CK WAS FIRED IS HIS AMBITION TO STAND AS PF PRESIDENT IN 2021!!!CK made it very clear that he wants to be PF presidential candidate in 2021 and this ANNOYED ECL as he also wants it too much!!!BUT I BLAME CK FOR STARTING TO CAMPAIGN FOR 2021 TOO EARLY.IF HE WAITED AND REMAINED LOYAL TO ECL,AT A RIGHT TIME,CK COULD HAVE BECOME PF PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE!!!
    but keep up…

    • NJIMBU,

  15. today says corruption which refused there is no corruption in his govt. only poeple who dont follow up these issues can believe him

  16. Continue….
    But keep it up president Edgar Lungu!!!THIS IS NICE NOW BECAUSE THIEVES IN GOVNT WILL START FEARING STEALING OUR MONEY!!!BRAVO ECL AND WE NEED MORE CORRUPT OFFICERS CAGED BEFORE 2021!!ACC must also pull up its socks too because the president as given them a GREEN LIGHT to cage any corrupt Govnt official!!!
    NJIMBU BB 2017!!!

  17. Why has it taken lungu almost 5 years to take such a stance ?? Is he only hearing about corruption now ? Has he been waiting to ACC and DPP to eorks as some are claiming ???

    And if Mr lungu is clean as he says , why would he tolerate being called a corrupt theif , corruption itself and Mr corruption ??

  18. @Spaka;reason like a grown up person my guy.has ECL being in office for 5 years?be real.ECL only became president of Zambia on 23/01/2015.give credit where it is due.the stance ECL has taken to talk about corruption like this could drastically reduce corruption in Govnt institutions!!!
    BRAVO ECL!!!
    NJIMBU BB 2017!!!

    • Lungu remains corrupt to the core, this is just window dressing……the shouts of corruption even from a PF kaponya big rat like you spooked lungu…….

    • Small willy oval head

      That ACC you think is doing something even failed to find how kalushya bwalya recived $80 k bribe in his account despite being given evidence by FIFA…..

  19. Do people listen to the news, is it watchdog, or they so wedded to endless masturbation that they can’t do anything else. Just this past week, the Acc announced that they had finally concluded their investigations on kambwili’s corrupt activities and have handed over their findings to the Director of public prosecutions to advise on the case.
    So how can a brigade of *****s on this forum ask why the investigations have not made any progress. Do you live under a rock?????

    • And which news is that ? Is it the same news that told us of a massive lungu deal in Saudi Arabia that will bring fuel down or the other news source that told us UPND had killed a PF supporter in liyali ???

  20. The president has been thinking about how to justify the firing of Kambwili who his anticorrruption has failed to find wanting for almost a year now. The president’s statement is hollow and empty snd it lacks a message purported to be from head of state. Zambians now can believe that the man cannot fight corruption if anything he is grooming waste ever corrupt Ministers. Does president Lungu mean only Kambwili was corrupt now he works s with holy angels? Fellow Zambians, when you hear some leader claims to be humble it means they hide something behind their quietness.

  21. Mr president how about yourself?why can’t you also drop so that you pave way for investigation about the votes because you are aware that they petition against you tell us the truth.

  22. We have lost confidence in government agencies such as ACC, Police, Judiciary, they are ALL HIGHLY COMPROMISED! Nothing good can be expected of them.

  23. Mr President whom are you kidding? Men of your status need to be consistent with facts at all times. You certainly have dossier on CK, and he has a dossier for you Mr President including your cohorts of corruption. To be investigated or refuse to be investigated is not enough background. It’s hollow as @Politics of the belly godfather., correctly puts it. You are toning down on CK, indeed @Ndobo, CK has not refused to reconcile. You surrounded by very very dull political advisors.

  24. Toothless Lungu, why haven’t you fired your girlfriend Dora Bokosi Siliti? Why haven’t you fired Kaizer Zulu? There is a lot of corruption stinking in PF right now, and I am afraid to say PF under Lungu is a corrupt and finished party. Lungu is playing politics to make CK look like he is corrupt when they have failed to find a case with him. Ameno Lungu!!

    • That is what we are trying to say but some kaponya rats on LT want to start dancing dunnuna reverse and sontaring after lungu mentions corruption while surrounded by corruption……sad naked……just shows how easily lungu duped them with his humble image and bible in his back pocket…

  25. The citizens of Zambia are still waiting for the report from ACC regarding corrupt allegations against Mr Kambwili. It has been four months since Kabwili was questioned, and the ACC has been mute on their findings.
    We are told that Kabwili allocated himself land on a golf course in Luanshya, that Kambwili has built luxury flats in Ndola’s mitengo area, that Kabwili abused his power of authority with Mwamona investments the list is endless
    Come on ACC, the people are still waiting for your findings regarding Kambwili

  26. Now the corrupt are talking to cover up their corruption; why was Kambwili not arrested if that was the reason why he was fired; Lungu is corrupt;

  27. I think there is nothing to justify by the president over ck dismisal why everyone knows ck is being investigated hence the more noise he is making to get fake support ,And am very suprised by upnd guys so for you anyone who talk hell grz becomes your darling think ck will join you ,ck sturbon cant work with pride chitobwe this two cant work togather i can assure you

    • Nb

      Not every one who is for good governance and against corruption is UPND , if that’s what you think That anyone codeming PF and lungu for the blatant mismangment of tax payers money is UPND then UPND is indeed a good party to fight corruption …..

  28. Pf and lungu sanctioned GRZ to pay $1million dollars for a truck that costs , with shipping and insurence $300,000 , 42 times…..that is almost $20 million dollars of our money was lost and lungu said nothing, and was infact derailing an inquiry in parliament saying it is not their jurisdiction………no Mr lungu, mere words can get some of your PF caders on LT dancing dunnuna but some of us will remain critical until we see action….

  29. Spaka hold your horses you are trading with hate my brother, you will die young breath in and out. Chalo lifupa.

  30. What is happening in Zambia is terrible. A person is innocent until proven guilty. Kabwili can not refuse 2 cooperate if 1. He knew that the ACC is autonomous and can not be controlled by Ministers. 2. In any structure a boss should talk 2 subordinate if he refuses 2 cooperate b4 firing him. The problem we have is not following procedure and personalising things. Kabwili knows a lot and can destroy this country. He is a human being though he destroyed a lot of people as well but he is a deviant who doesn’t care about any1. Let him know the truth Ba President because my feeling is he wasn’t fired because of corruption but the Presidential seat. In fact since we were not told when he was fired it is irrelevant 4 us 2 know now because he is already out.

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