Thursday, March 13, 2025

Start the KNOW YOUR STATUS programme for children and young people, Ministry of Health told


President Edgar Lungu joins the commemoration of World Aids Day at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka where he honoured First President of Zambia Dr Kenneth Kaunda with the "Lifetime Achievement Award, " on Monday, 11th December, 2017. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza, State House.
President Edgar Lungu joins the commemoration of World Aids Day at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka where he honoured First President of Zambia Dr Kenneth Kaunda with the “Lifetime Achievement Award, ” on Monday, 11th December, 2017. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza, State House.

President Edgar Lungu has directed the Ministry of Health to start the KNOW YOUR STATUS programme for children and young people.

This is so because Zambia’s population is still young, and President Lungu says HIV-AIDS presents a threat to Zambia’s future development.

He has said young people therefore should be involved in the fight against HIV-AIDS, saying effective interventions are needed, adding that his government remains steadfast in efforts in the crusade.

This is through various interventions, such as reducing infections, increasing the number of those on Anti-Retro Viral -ARV- drugs, as well as enhancing testing and treatment.

President Lungu was speaking in Lusaka, during Zambia’s commemorations of the World AIDS Day, which falls every December 1.

The commemorations were pushed to today, December 11, and the theme is ELIMINATING HIV BY 2030 STARTS WITH ME.

President Lungu has further explained that this year’s theme is reminder for

And in a quest not to leave anyone behind, just as it is in the 7th National Development Plan, government has constituted a multi-diverse HIV-AIDS Coalition, which will oversee the national agenda on HIV-AIDS.

President Lungu says the coalition will comprise traditional leaders, government departments and other interest groups, without leaving anyone behind.

Meanwhile, President Lungu has also launched the 2018 Lusaka Province Anti-Retro Viral Therapy -ART- Campaign, which is sponsored by the US government-supported PEPFAR.

And speaking at the same event, Minister of Health, Chitalu Chilufya said President LUNGU has shown political will in the fight against HIV-AIDS.

During the same event, President LUNGU honoured former President, Kenneth Kaunda, with a life-time achievement award for his work in the crusade against HIV-AIDS.

In honouring Dr Kaunda, President Lungu said the former President’s work begins with his announcement in 1986 that his son had died of AIDS.

President Edgar Lungu joins the commemoration of World Aids Day at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka where he honoured First President of Zambia Dr Kenneth Kaunda with the "Lifetime Achievement Award, " on Monday, 11th December, 2017. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza, State House.
President Edgar Lungu joins the commemoration of World Aids Day at Nkoloma Stadium in Lusaka where he honoured First President of Zambia Dr Kenneth Kaunda with the “Lifetime Achievement Award, ” on Monday, 11th December, 2017. Pictures by Eddie Mwanaleza, State House.


    • What’s this nonsense of every event you have there is a shirt made! There is a limit to the number of shirts one can wear!
      This is another way of stealing money!

    • Here we go again bulling Tasila. If her father won’t protect her, us who are Edgar’s drinking friends will defend the young girl. I don’t care about Dalitso chikkala chakwe.
      @Lombe, when did you ever see Tasila with men, she is not like Dora.

    • That’s right. Think of what you can do for your country and your families! AIDS has changed Zambia, these conversations must be out in the open na pabwala everywhere! There’s no need for this disease to take people out of stigma anymore.

    • @Nostradamus
      Our drinking friend, sometimes thinks after he has spoken already,,,,,, these children he is bullying,, what if they bully him back about his status

  1. Can Airtel disactivate that Hollywood Alerts which is stealing my Talktime. I’m on roaming & failing to deactivate it by sending UHGOSSIP to 555.

  2. Is the President, sincere or is just politics as usual? We are talking about peoples lives. Convey some sympathy.

  3. Everyone should know their status, I and my wife got tested before getting married.

    Knowledge is power.

    In case you are wondering, I don’t have a Ph.D.

  4. Opposition bloggers sometimes try to reason like normal humans. It’s not everything that you need to show how 5tupid you are.

  5. Wise words! Why don’t you tell us your first? Why are you so scared of doing a live HIV blood test on TV and they announcing the news live? You know deep inside your are full blown HIV. Why don’t you and your family be the first to do a live TV testing for Zambians to see. Be the example for the rest of Zambia to follow. Stop violating peoples human rights. Parents are the only ones to take their children under 16 to get tested not the government. These parents can sue the government for violations of the privacy act. President but extremely du-ll! Lawyer for nothing and only on paper! Start off with all diplomats and ministers before you start targeting citizens. Only thing you are good for is travelling. Yes……….run away from getting tested!

  6. Come on you people! Edgar Lungu is the President of Zambia, the current number one citizen of this country. Do you honestly expect him to undergo an HIV test and announce his results publicly if he’s found to be positive? Of course not. Me as an ordinary citizen I can be tested positive and announce publicly and it will have no impact on society. But for the President it is completely something else

  7. Let us ensure we have enough ART drugs in stock all the time everywhere in the country. As we aim for an HIV free generation lets not neglect the current.

  8. ask those whom you parade as fighters in world war 1 and 2 . you will hear that in those days they never knew about this hiv/aids. People in there time only suffered from Gonoria,bolabola,sphillis -akaswinde ..ask where did this hiv thing come from?as some people say was it manufactured from the lab?people need to know it’s origin first.whether infected or not we are all affected.

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