Thursday, March 13, 2025

Over 1,000 Teachers Graduate at Kwame Nkrumah University in Kabwe


Kwame Nkrumah University
Kwame Nkrumah University

Central Province Minister Sidney Mushanga has called for the enhancement of research to sustain the country’s developmental programs.

Mr. Mushanga said research is a key element of many developmental agendas which, when well planned, enables government to formulate evidence-based policies that lead to massive economic gains.

He was speaking during the 4th Graduation Ceremony at Kwame Nkrumah University in Kabwe were over 1,000 teachers graduated.

Mr. Mushanga observed that science, technology and innovation are recognised as the most important drivers of sustained and inclusive development.

“As part of the broader research agenda, government will ensure that higher institutions of learning strengthen research capacities in the Zambian people to carry out research programmes with internationally accepted standards,” he said.

The Provincial Minister also urged the graduating teachers to uphold high standards of education and integrity and become role models to the pupils they will be teaching.

And Kwame Nkhrumah University Vice Chancellor Hellicy Ng’ambi, appealed to the Ministry of General Education to absorb the graduates into the mainstream teaching profession as soon as possible.

Ms. Ng’ambi added that development sustainability is only possible if combined with research fostered innovation through teaching and learning.

She said the institution took pride in producing teachers and education managers that are able to solve problems, think critically and deliver quality education to the Zambian people and beyond.

“The underlying principle to holistic access to education is driven by the fact that to achieve national socio-economic growth and stability, an educated citizenry is central,” she said.

The Vice Chancellor also urged the graduands to use their education with integrity and purpose and be leaders in transforming their communities and institutions through innovative and creative teachers to contribute to education for sustainable development.


  1. I ve notice one thing. Nkandu luo does not attend graduation ceremonies for these universities because she only consider university of Zambia, cbu and mulungushi universities as the only universities in Zambia. Too bad ba luo

    • Yeah, something there. She should learn to behave like a mother of all these institutions. She should nurture them nga nankoko uwafukatile abana mu mapindo.

  2. The Government should look into recruitment of Substitute Teachers. They have a similar program in the US. It’s obvious that these graduates will not be hired by Government because of limited capacity. Recruit Substitute Teachers so you have two teachers per class. That will create employment opportunities for these graduates. Otherwise they’ll languish.

    And how did a Malawian become Minister of Central Province. Kufunsa sikulakhwa!

  3. Great news. Continue churning them out. Standards should be improved upon in the many universities we have now.

    Better to have many educated people, even without jobs than uneducated cadres being used like tools to fight physical political battles.

    I was just listening to an audio of radio phoenix recording of Michael Sata before he became President. He lamented, “Are we not ashamed that 43 years after independence we cannot produce anything. We are laughing at Zimbabwe, but the butter, the margerine we are eating is from Zimbabwe. We grow soya, we grow cotton and export to other countries and then we buy the cooking oil from Kenya, from Tanzania…even plastic! Our women are going to Nakonde to buy plastic plates, buckets and what have you…! Can you imagine, if what has happened…

  4. “…Can you imagine if what happened to Zimbabwe happened to Zambia for two hours! Our lecturers at University of Zambia are crying. The students have not been paid their allowances. How can students read on an empty stomach? Zimbabwe! Zimbabwe has 16 Univeresities! But here in Zambia we have a President, Rupiah Banda, who is flying all over the place, yet there are no medicines in hospitals, no doctors and nurses. Our people in rural areas are suffering. But 43 years after independence we cannot even produce panado. Are we not ashamed?”

  5. Lungu is not concerned about the suffering. His interest is cementing his stay in power and the kaponyas are there ccheering the guy for stealing. “ati mwaume”! what a dull people.

  6. Isaac Newton: Excellent submission.

    The first thing the MMD did was to kill education, and all the productive entities that KK had setup for Zambia. We used to manufacture about 90% of our food stuffs, and about 50% of our industrial goods. The MMD were so drunk with privatization and shutting down all that Zambia had developed in order to please the foreigners (IMF/WB) or the Neo-colonialist forces without thinking. Instead of selectively doing away with unstrategic national assets, they decided to get rid of everything. The main reason for this was that they were promised money for all the budgetary needs. This is where our current laziness started from.
    The PF are worse, because they do not even have any intellectial mass to take the country into a desirable direction to restore…

  7. What is a solution to this issue so that we can go forward like our neighbor . because in zambia to be educated is to speak English while in Tanzania, to be educated it is to produce what you learned from school.

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