Friday, October 18, 2024
Home Vincent Mwale Local Government Minister Police IG Kakoma Kanja with Amos Chanda tour Lusaka City market being Cleaned up by Defence Forces4753 4786 Vincent Mwale Local Government Minister Police IG Kakoma Kanja with Amos Chanda tour Lusaka City market being Cleaned up by Defence Forces4753 4786

Vincent Mwale Local Government Minister Police IG Kakoma Kanja with Amos Chanda tour Lusaka City market being Cleaned up by Defence Forces4753 4786

Vincent Mwale Local Government Minister Police IG Kakoma Kanja with Amos Chanda tour Lusaka City market being Cleaned up by Defence Forces

Vincent Mwale Local Government Minister Police IG Kakoma Kanja with Amos Chanda tour Lusaka City market being Cleaned up by Defence Forces

Matero Town ship clean up 5010
Zambia airforce Commander Gen Eric Chimense Amos Chanda Ps Edward Chomba and Mr Chellah tours Kamwala Lumbama Market tour Keep Lusaka Clean up has started 4598