Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Monze Street vendors comply with Government directive to vacate the streets


Street vendors in Monze District in Southern province have complied with a government directive to vacate the Streets to pave way for the cleaning of the town in an effort to prevent any cholera outbreak

And Monze Council Chairperson Mr. Bisha Munsaka says there would no more street vending in Monze even after the cholera outbreak in some parts of the country which prompted the removal of streets vendors as preventive measure is contained.

Monze Street vendors chairperson Mr. Ackim Malasa said in an interview today that all the street vendors were being given trading spaces at Njola-Mwanza, and Hamusonde market.

He said the traders have realised the importance of keeping Monze clean and healthy to prevent not only cholera but other diseases as well.

A check by ZANIS today found all streets devoid of any trading activities and some traders helping the council workers to clean along the main streets of the town.

“As street vendors we support all government efforts to fight cholera and we have complied with government direcrtive to move from the streets so that cleaning of the town can be done to prevent cholera . As am speaking to you we are busy allocating all street vendors trading spaces at Njkola-Mwanza bust station, and Hamusonde main market,” said Mr. Malasa.

And Mr. Munsaka says Street vending has been banned in Monze and urged all traders to conduct their business activities in designated trading places.

He said the council had plans to plans to remove street vendors before the cholera outbreak in the country adding that no street vendors would be allowed back on the streets after the disease is contained.

So far Monze District has not recorded any cholera case.


  1. They had no choice, don’t just chase them, teach them hygienic way of living…ati one Zambia one nation….my foot

  2. All he knew is petition and dialogue.
    Now “As street vendors in Monze we support all government efforts to fight cholera and we have complied with government direcrtive to move from the streets so that cleaning of the town can be done to prevent cholera”.
    He wanted an uprising but reaped solidairity of the pdople with their government. This is the guy thought that he had a government in Monze and southern province.

    • Be sensible and just commend the Monze vendors for their seriousness as cholera is not political, only the short sighted will want to politicize an epidemic. The people in are taking action beneficial to their well being by keeping their environment clean before cholera is imported into their surroundings!

  3. the message from Monze is what we need to hear from every town and city in our country and not the message we’re getting from the visionless and sleeping people in Lusaka who still want to bring the vendors back to some streets in Lusaka;

  4. I think we need to speak one language during and after this episode; that language should be about unity, peace and togetherness despite our different development and management philosophies. Let us use this cholera situation to learn lessons and get the best out of ourselves as a people. Politicizing each and every situation is being simplistic and retrogressive. We need to rally behind the professionals saving lives during this difficulty period. For sure, it will come to pass regardless of the magnitude of the challenge. The most important thing is that we learn from this incidence so that it does not happen again. At times I think we tend to talk too much as a people and do less for the greater good.

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