Sunday, September 8, 2024

UPND demands apology from Mumbi Phiri over branded material allegations


Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya and his Local Government counterpart Vincent Mwale by UPND deputy secretary general Patrick Mucheleka
Health Minister Dr Chitalu Chilufya and his Local Government counterpart Vincent Mwale by UPND deputy secretary general Patrick Mucheleka
The opposition UPND has demanded for an immediate and unconditional apology from the PF Deputy Secretary General Mumbi Phiri and the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC), for misleading the Nation, that the party donated or were intending to donate UPND branded cholera prevention materials, to health authorities that are spearheading the anti cholera campaign in Lusaka and other parts of the country.

UPND Deputy Secretary General Patrick Mucheleka tells QTV News in a statement that the party is dismayed and greatly disturbed by the unprofessional conduct of the ZNBC that decided to air a very misleading statement from Ms Phiri without first checking facts from the party officials, as should be expected of any credible media house.

Mr. Mucheleka says the party is also sad to note that instead of running a story from the Government officials who gladly and in the spirit of one Nation accepted the UPND’s small gesture of the donation towards the combating of the cholera outbreak in the country, ZNBC deliberately maintained silence by again purposely withholding information that was factual and truthful, and that would have gone a long way in correcting their misrepresentation in collaboration with Ms Phiri.

He says as can be attested by the government ministers and government officials present, none of the donated materials were branded in the UPND colors and none of them were bins.

He says UPND President Hakainde Hichilema has so far fully guided that no one needs to make political capital on the unfortunate situation of the cholera epidemic that is ravaging the country as the disease knows no political party or any other artificial affiliation.

The UPND Deputy Secretary General has since commended the spirit of co-operation and oneness, with which government officials in charge exhibited in accepting the small gesture from the UPND and Mr. Hichilema, through the Party leadership.


  1. What is wrong with this institution called ZNBC? I have lost even the little respect I had for them. For sure even someone like me who has never done journalism could have done better. You simply verify the utterances from Mumbi, and then report period!

    • Another culprit or candidate for Fake News – ZNBC & Ms Mumbi
      Ms Siliya should now have sufficient evidence to fight fake news.
      Mr. Chanda is blaming small fish apparently for dishing out fake news, yet the two big media house are involved and are let to go.
      Why focus on individuals (smaller fishes), and not big media organization?

  2. Can we see a photo of what the man from prison DONATED? ECL has brought Saudi investors to construct a 800 bed capacity hospital for women and children as a personal gesture to combat cholera

    • Really? constructing a hospital to combat cholera. In your brainless head, how long do you hope Cholera should last? Until to hospital is done? Besides, do you think cholera only affects women and children?

  3. and this is the institution that Amos Chanda has given monopoly over transmitting government news? ZNBC, muchinje!!!!!!!!!

  4. We saw that dust bin with HH’s visage on it so what is this liar Mucheleka talking about. Problem with us Zambians is that if one is anti government one becomes a hero. Mucheleka is fairly who falsely reported that there was political violence in Lunte when there was no such. Lekela abene ba Upnd balelanda.

    • Don’t you do that in Upnd…..faking stories and videos? One thing it one who calls anyone with a different opinion ati “ubukopo” who’s actually dull, very dull.

  5. “The UPND Deputy Secretary General has since commended the spirit of co-operation and oneness, with which government officials in charge exhibited in accepting the small gesture from the UPND…..”. Mucheleka you will be fired from your position, either you are using upnd or they are using you.

    • @ kilaye MTN is not a political party. What will be wrong is for PF or MMD or UPND to donate branded materials with their party symbols because unlike MTN they are not corporate or business entities. MTN and any other business firm has to show that they have the responsibility to community. Elsewhere they would revieve tax cut by this gesture.

    • And when will the PF ever donate instead of just finding fault in their colleagues….this party is the curse upon us Zambians. They have kept everyone preoccupied with UPND donation to the point where they are not stating as a party what they will do to help.

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