Friday, October 18, 2024

Public health demands should be met at the opened markets-HH


Hakainde Hichilema

United Party for National Development President Hakainde Hichilema has said that public health demands should be met at the opened markets so that no citizen will die of cholera.

In a statement released to the media yesterday , the UPND leader said that that political cadres must not control markets and bus stations as they had proved that they had no interest of public health and people but finances which they raised after heavily taxing the traders.

The UNPD also called for the immediate scrapping off of public toilet fees as funds for health maintenance can be raised from, among other avenues, as ground rate fees that marketeers pay and also annual budgetary allocations.

Below is the full statement


15th January, 2018.

We understand that today, some of the marketeers resumed trading at City Market and other trading places but a larger population has remained unattended to hence continued protests in Lusaka.

Therefore, we would like to once again strongly urge those holding onto government to with immediate effect find designated trading places for the street vendors. No one should die of cholera or hunger as a result of mismanaging our country’s resources through corruption.

Our call to action now is that public health demands should be met at the opened markets so that no citizen will die of cholera.

We maintain that these markets and bus stations must not be run by political cadres as they have proved that they have no interest of public health and our people but finances which they raise after heavily taxing the traders.

We also maintain that the public toilet fees be scrapped off immediately as funds for health maintenance can be raised from among other avenues such as ground rate fees that marketeers pay and also annual budgetary allocations because without doing so, our people who can’t afford to pay may continue on the path of throwing unwanted substances anyhow.

Further, funds can be raised by cutting on luxurious expenditures and corruption and channel such resources towards public health. This is attainable, if shopping malls have no fee paying toilets, why should it be difficult and for us to fail to provide public health and prevent diseases to our people who pay taxes?

Lastly, we appeal to the men and women in uniform to exercise maximum restraint as they manage the street vendors who may wish to express their views on these matters. Let’s remain calm.

In no uncertain term, together with can fight cholera and provide income earning opportunities to our people by remaining united and fighting bad vices such as corruption. Let’s save life both from cholera and hunger.

Blessed day,



  1. Comment:misplaced campaign massage,you want pipo to start demonstrating and spread cholera and die from it.HH you lack wisdom

    • He makes a lot of sense, someone operating at a market pays ground rate fees daily and are issued with a receipt by the council which can be used every time one wants to go to a public john, than every time one wants to go they have to part away with a K2,which ends in God only knows whose pockets and encourages people to resort to open defecation, any normal being should heed to this advise.

    • Human Hyena (HH) has made some sensible points but even his own workers at his cattle ranches live in pathetic conditions which is one of the reasons I can never take HH seriously as a person who cares for Zambians. Go to Namwala and ask where HH’s ranches are visit one of them and you will be shocked at the living and working conditions that his poor workers are in. What change can this egotistical chap bring? Best opposition voice remains Peter Sinkamba!

    • @1.3 kudos

      “….but even his own workers at his cattle ranches live in pathetic conditions..”

      At least HH employs in his private personal capacity as opposed to your corrupt theif lungu who was getting convicted of fraud…..

    • HH, I support most (not all) of your ideas and policies. But this subtle under tone sympathy and campaign strategy for street vending is unacceptable!!! Please read the atmosphere and see what most Zambians wont tolerate. For now I will give you two things:

      1. Gay rights, BIG NO!
      2. Street vending, hell, NO!

      Im still not convinced where you stand on these two issues. We dont want street vending and gay rights, period. This is not to say we have no sympathy for people doing business on the streets. I have no hatred for gays, either.

      However, there must be law and order. The Government must and will build specific trading places for the vendors. Its about time the streets became clean and clear of chaos.

    • The problem of Cholera should be looked at in many perspectives. 1. The council have failed to provide water and sanitation facilities to the street vendors and all marketeers in the town center of Lusaka. The street vending is not the source of cholera but luck of toilets and running water. 2. Let the council allow private developers to make fee paying toilets around town center and the issue of cholera will not be blowing off the much needed resources. 3 . You can walk from end to end Chachacha, Freedomway, Cairo road, Lumumba road where street vending is down…there are no waste bins. The council has no justification for crucifying vendors for their failed duties. The out break of Cholera in Lusaka means there is a big hole in the management of the town.We should not blame cholera or it…

    • The VIDEO that has gone VIRAL of women in Masala Compound in Ndola is really touching. The state of those blocked toilets, pipo shi.tting in plastics & throwing them, left me with a lump on my throat.

      Politics aside, guys, something urgently needs to be done about the sanitation problem in compounds & markets across the country.

      The open looting of market & bus station levies by cadres needs to be STOPPED & money used for sanitation, refuse collection, drainages, pavements, water supply etc.

    • @1.7 maloza

      The PF rats don’t think like that, to them that is normal living as long as their leaders and tribesmen are looting ….

    • First he must do what he is saying at his farms. Charity begins at home. It’s easier said than done! HH is nothing but a self=centered chatter box. Ask him again hown he got so rich during privitation period. He never thought about the poor Zambian but how to enrich himself only. He is not fit for President.

    • @ 2.2 asegai

      At least HH employs in his private personal capacity as opposed to your corrupt theif lungu who was getting convicted of fraud…..

    • @ Asegai… nachizungu chopuzilila pa street you think you can match HH. Go and drink poison if you cant stand this real man.

  2. Yes permanently stop this cholera mess NOW , it was so embarrassing to see Zambia twice highlighted on Al Jazeera TV network for cholera cases.

    • What you saw on Aljezeera is what is obtaining on the ground. Many people who visit us see this dirty. There is nothing embarrasing just to show who we are.

    • HH has given more statements on the Cholera issue than any other president in Zambia. It is like everyday he has something to say. Is he rèmembering a new thought very day? His love to be heard might be dangerous. I am shocked that he has even surpassed the likes of Kambwili … UPND media organise your press rèleases to have a meangiful contribution to the issue

  3. There is a video on facebook of the residents of masaiti in Ndola. The people were complaining about how the sewer pipes are blocked and the sewage is spilling and spreading in their yards. I felt really sad and annoyed as to why people can live like that. How could we humans live a life worse than animals in the jungle. On the other hand in my mind I question why they are waiting for the government to fix it for them. My advice if they are reading this comment is the following.
    -: Come as a community and discuss how to solve this big issue. I suggest you yourselves solve this issue by teaming up and work together to fix the blockage because GRZ will not do it. GRZ has in the past from Chiluba to current not done enough to address our problems. I believe the blockage is at the end where…

    • I believe the blockage is at the end where water is discharged into the sewage (water body). If you can work together and unblock and mend the sewage line then that problem can be solved. Otherwise Trump will be vindicated that truly we live in a Sh!thole. I could not believe we can live like that.

    • PF have no capacity to do that kind of work……the whole PF movement is geared towards election violence , borrowing and issuing tenders ,chapwa…..

    • As long as Government will not ask me to pay taxes. What is the point of paying a tax or levy for a service that will not be delivered?

    • The problem of blocked sewer pipes experienced in Masala is a very common problem in most townships in Zambia. The service provider has a role to play but the residents also has a very big role. Most residents throw anything and everything into the sewer lines forgetting that those things cant flow and will choke the lines. The service provider will never win unless the community changes its mid set and stops throwing anything in the sewer lines. As Zambians we are part of the problem and should help the service providers help us.

  4. he sold zambia airways
    he sold lima bank
    he sold mosi o tunya hotel to himself and ka mukuni partners in crime
    he sold mines

    today zambia is just a shell full of marketeers

    he sent the money to panama

    now he comes back to steal what was left he knows we dont like hm thats why he is using his tribe to become head of state

    look carefully at the picture and tell me what tribe are those with him on pic

    in china or russia such chaps are not spaired.

    • Zambia airways was sold for how much? And how much did he pocket? Lima bank for how much and how much did he pocket?, mosi au tonya how much was it sold for and how much did he pocket, same goes for mines, give us name of mine, how much it was sold for and how much he pocket, it’s time to prove your claims with facts than giving us nkani without evidence.

    • mosi had high bidders he reject them and got his own lowest bid.

      he thinks we are all dimwits like his devotees

      lima bank workers have not been paid some even died.

      May the spirit of privatisition departed souls be on u5

    • Chikubabani bwa
      Be forward thinking for once ! your eyes are forever on the rearview mirror how do you progress with such negativity.

    • How can you forget the rearview when it is that unholy act of privatization with no human face that forced the mass migration of the CB to Lsk. It is this mass migration that choked the sewer services of Lusaka and pored hundreds of thousands of marketeers on the streets and brought about this cholera problem.

    • After their corrupt theif fraud convict lungu spends and puts the country into a $17 billion debt , the kaponya koswe rats now blaming 30 year old privatisation…..

      Hehehe hehehehe ……..

      We have said before, PF have no capacity to work now the eurobonds are all looted , all they know is election violence , borrowing , issuing tenders and corruption , in that order…..

    • Zambian citizen and this cholera has been hibernating for more than 20 years after privatisation and only to reactivate itself during pf’s reign?

    • @Divide: Use your head-overcrowding, overpopulation has overpowered the existing sanitation infrastructure. That’s why the Kanyamans resorted to digging wells for water but due to limited space, they were dug next to pit latrines, a catalyst for cholera. If the mines were commercialized and started running properly (like in Chile), the mass migration from CB to lsk would not have been severe.

    • Bwana zambian citizen learn to get your facts right before you jot anything online with your slimy fingers, which sanitation infrastructure in kanyama has been overwhelmed, when none exist since unip days?

    • If you calling those self made ramshackle inhuman pit latrines and shallow well sanitation infrastructure, am afraid you and i ain’t on the page.

  5. When I saw the headline I though aah hh is talking sense now. Reading the statement reveals something else. Demand what? The boy could make much more sense and much more impact by simply suggesting or proposing. And then “those who hold onto government”, petition language again?
    And fighting corruption? Right next to him is the epitome of corruption.
    Overall rating of statement on a scale of 1 – 10 with points deducted for foul language and obnoxious unrelated words? 8-2-1-3-5= -3.
    Conclusion: Still does not make the grade.
    Recommendation: Can improve with more hard work.

  6. HH
    U are 100% shameless man. privatization man. U mean by the time u were evaluating mines u didn’t fall see this problem?

    Did you at any point object to the idea of privatization?

    And the people who support u are corrupt like u.

  7. Vending next to open sewers and rotting garbage plus no toilets or running water – that’s dehumanizing my Zambian comrades.It should be OUTLAWED.

  8. Unfortunately he is too lazy and too stubborn to learn.
    How do you learn if you don’t listen to your teachers the people of Zambia? Havent they taught you six lessons so far? And still no improvement, iwe hh niwu dalu wabwanji uyu kansi?

    • We are done with HH. Next is Sinkamba who makes better sense now. At least he has a clear economic recovery strategy though controversial.

    • @upnd cadre. Who is dull between you and HH. Look at your life and the life of the person you are demonizing. You have nothing to point at you imbecile. The fact that you can support a useless being like lungu speaks volumes about who you are.

  9. Human Hyena (HH) has made some sensible points but even his own workers at his cattle ranches live in pathetic conditions which is one of the reasons I can never take HH seriously as a person who cares for Zambians. Go to Namwala and ask where HH’s ranches are visit one of them and you will be shocked at the living and working conditions that his poor workers are in. What change can this egotistical chap bring? Best opposition voice remains Peter Sinkamba!

    • At least HH employs in his private personal capacity as opposed to your corrupt theif lungu who was getting convicted of fraud…..

  10. Your friend Raila Odinga in Nairobi is a very fast learner. Do you hear him ranting and inciting riots? No. The fast learner has gone back to the drawing board to prepare for the next ekection five years from now. And as part of his lesson and strategy Raila is handing over to someone else in his party to try next time. For them the party is more important than one individual.

  11. And sensible as Raila and his team are, the target is not Uhuru Kenyattaor personal aggrandisement but a desire to serve the people of Kenya.
    And our hh? Tiziba, osataya ntawi kukamba.

  12. @Divide and Rule, your small god was the chairman of Mosi-o-Tunya hotel Livingstone sold cheaply a public institution to himself and chief Mukuni. We are just not serious with the fight of corruption otherwise HH should be in jail by now. This man has no moral right to talk about corruption.

    • You have never been serious at anything, that’s why you are unable to even find solutions to ancient diseases like cholera.

  13. his workers in namwala have no shoes. they wear rags.

    even his devotees are reisting clean envinroment.

    they set city market on fire
    they set a tippa fery garbage

    ati we want change we want change we want change. there is no space for u5 at state house

    keep him as your leader. PERIOD

    • At least HH employs in his private personal capacity as opposed to your corrupt theif lungu who was getting convicted of fraud…..

    • @Facts: typical tonga/upnd mentality. Anyone with dissenting views and truth, you attack and insult. There is nothing negative Grade 7 has said but truths except they expose your holy hayatolla for what he is: A SHAMELESS LIAR AND TRIBALIST WHO IS READY TO SACRIFICE HIS COUNTRY FOR PERSONAL GAIN. Your brain is so small you believe anything hayatolla tells you and are ready to kill for him so you can advance your tribalist agendas. What a shame, what a poor excuse of a human being you are….

    • Zambian Citizen,

      My very sincere apologies. This is some crook using my moniker as Facts. It’s not me at all. I don’t use vile and insulting language. I am a cosmopolitan non-tribal type from Kopala.

    • I come from the eastern province and I voted fro HH cause there is no way I could vote for someone who declared that he had no vision. No wonder we are in such a mess

  14. This chief tribalist tries by all means to remain relevant in can you demand for that as if markets will be using your stolen money Kainde?
    HH you have no influence to make that happen,so you are just making noise for nothing!!YOUR DESPERATION FOR STATE HOUSE WILL SOON SEND YOU TO CHAINAMA BECAUSE THIS IS PURE MADNESS FROM YOU NOW!!they say “silence is golden”,so on certain issues,learn to keep quiet Kainde!!NOBODY IN GOVNT TAKES YOUR POLITICAL ADVICE!!!so dont you get tired?same type of evil politics by you since 2006,many Zambians are tired of your nonsense and only your fellow die hard tribalists follow you blindly!!!Expect Kambwili to kolopa the votes you got in PF strongholds in 2021 to further push you away from plot one bwana tongabull!!

  15. I now find HH’s statements repetitive, predictable, and boring. He rarely comes up with anything new or interesting. Every time I see a headline of HH, I immediately know it involves the usual worn-out, clichéd criticisms of ECL and the PF government. What a bore!

  16. @Upnd cadre: check your facts. Raila didn’t just thot himself as winner like hh but has gone ahead to set 30 of january as his own swearing in ceremony as president of kenya. Reasonable but misplaced comments from hh

  17. After their corrupt theif fraud convict lungu spends and puts the country into a $17 billion debt , the kaponya koswe rats now blaming 30 year old privatisation for sewage leaks and no clean drinking water……

    We have said before, PF have no capacity to work now the eurobonds are all looted , all they know is election violence , borrowing , issuing tenders and corruption , in that order……..that is all the know…..even from the comments of the rats above , which are reflections of their corrupt convict leader , you can see they have no capacity to work…

    Spaka…..most influential blogger 2017…

    • Will HH use magic? Just asking because you talk about fixing the situation but you don’t reveal how you’re going to do it. A patriotic person can explain in detail how the problem can be solved not just condemning. On one hand you condemn street vending but on the other hand you incite the vendors to disobey government move to clear the street. I wish you had stayed in the colonial government instilled discipline albeit cruelly in the African.

    • Ndanje Khakis

      All the current ills are all down to poor management and no accountability… one is accountable for anything under lungu……people can die of preventable causes and it is bussiness as usual….

      There are no miracles only hard work and accountability…..

    • It’s only when you decide to think with your hate for PF/Lungu and not even consider historical events of this country is when you can blame whatever is happening now on PF/Lungu. After the liberalization of the economy and governance in the 90s, the whole system (which had remained unimproved from the 80s) literally stopped functioning. As population in Lusaka exploded due to the demise of the mines and privatization, the city became overwhelmed. Throw in the cadre allocation of plots from about 2003 to date and you have a very big mess as LCC was unable to keep up with these new informal settlements. Even when LCC tried to bring sanity, the political hand always overpowered them. By 2011, most compounds were already established. President Lungu on Christmas delivered this msg:…

    • “GOVERNMENT will do whatever is necessary to upgrade shanty compounds in a quest to improve the living standard of the people of Zambia and bring to an end incidences of Cholera outbreak. He said if it means borrowing, government will borrow for development and ensure that cholera was eradicated.”
      It was twisted on LT to read: “The PF Government will not shy away from Borrowing-President Lungu” and posts on that day included:
      1. Wanzelu: “What a hopeless chrismas message from Chakolwa Lungu the grand thief!….”
      2. Jay Jay: “When we tell you that Edgar Lungu is a heartless lazy empty tin with no vision you think its a joke!!”


    • Citizen….

      It is the quality of leadership …..diabolical leadership that is perceived to be bed buddies with corruption and mismangment…

  18. Utility companies like Nkana Water and Sewerage must be privatized. Since the sale of mines and handing over the supply of water to Nkana Water and Sewerage most parts of Wusakile especially B Section have had no water at all. Thanks to the hygiene awareness among mine communities cholera has not surfaced in our townships. The solution lies in construction of another pump station instead of depending on the Bulangililo Kafue pump station to service the entire Kitwe. Areas like Chamboli, Ndeke, Wusakile, Lwangwa , Miseshi, must have their own pump station at Lwangwa Kafue. This company gets a lot of loans both locally and internationally and I wonder what happens with this money. I won’t comment on HH just yet.

  19. Living in a sh!thole country is a curse. Mosho is stealing right under your noses and no comment from government and you pick battles with the dead like FTJ for Privatization of mines. What sh!t heads!

  20. I am told that Tonga men are womanizers and they are called Tonga bulls. If that is true one must be careful insulting them because he/she could be insulting his biological father.

  21. This is not a man who should vie for presidency office because he lies too much that those who follow his rantings would agree. Let me remind you of a just a few things:
    1. When he’s pardoned from Mukobeko on very serious crime, he came and lied to the world and in the Cathedral that he has forgiven all those who arrested him. What did we instead? He went round the globe furnishing Zambia’ s reputation especially the PF Government.
    2. Just recently held a press conference on cholera and criticized Government on on why it asked stree vendors to leave in order to control the epidemic. Now today he is demanding that sanitary facilities be put in trading places at the same time allowing vendors to operate in filth places. So you can clearly see that there in tompwe in that oval head…

  22. Cholera does not come by chance, it is as a result of a government that has failed miserably to deliver its obligation on health and social service to its people. I know some pf cadres will start shooting my comment from the hip, ati do you expect GRZ to clean for the people? My reply is it is the duty of any elected government to deliver these basic services: *sanitary system development * weekly refuse removal * compound cleaning by municipal workers or assigned contractor paid by local municipal * sewerage and drainage system management, punishing the poor venders for the incompetence of a failed government is very unfair.

  23. This chap is really under 5, How do you scrap off toilet fees … Anywhere in the world you pay for your waste disposal.. .

    • And how do you maintain the toilet if you don’t have money. Talk is cheap. Him HH can he audit my company without me paying him. Let him open his toilet in New Kasama to the public for free. Indeed talk is cheap. …the spectators understand soccer better than the players so goes a saying.

    • Since you pf cadres are party amphibians let me give you a practical example, when you hit the club and pay at the entrance , do you pay for the toilet every time you want to dispose off your waste? Same when you go to watch zambia at heroes cholera centre, once you pay at the gate, do pay every time it’s disposal time? If people pay ground rates at the market on daily basis for operating at the markets and are issued with receipts, is that not proof enough that they entitled to the services provided by the council at that market?

    • Iwe divided and ruled it’s not everyone who supports what government does is PF. And if anyone criticizes government it doesn’t mean he’s Upnd like you. Why shouldn’t I praise or censure government if the situation calls for either. Since you appeared on LT There’s never a time you’ve disagreed with Upnd statements or action. Some of your colleagues at last have made an effort to display dismay at the pronouncements of Katuka, Nalumamgo and others. But you ” never” paka ne mfwa.

  24. Send 15 fire engines back, get a refund of $15m and use it to improve sanitation and the drainage system. This moronic attitude of hate even when unnecessary should stop. HH is not dying from cholera but your hate is not puking out any tangible solutions. Cholera does not choose on party lines. Wake up people!!

  25. The supreme leader of UPND and the god of TONGAS has spoken just trash. I wonder if this man is an economist worth his salt, surely in this modern world every citizen has to pay for the services provided by the local authority for sustainable social and economic services. Gone are those days when we were receiving everything for free. Please HH don’t draw us backwards., instead help the government in its efforts to teach every one to be a responsible citizen by paying for whatever services are rendered to him/her. You are talking like Zambia has infinite resources to provide everything for everyone. Even in US citizens pay for the services, there is NO free service there. You are not practical but theorist no wonder you talk like this. ATI BA PRESIDENT my foot!

    • Hh is correct, the poor who can not afford to pay toilet fees will relive themselves in any place and coincidentally the same poor are most likely to be drinking contaminated water and eating contaminated food……..tolet fees are so small that for public safety to save people’s lives GRZ can pay for that….

      Think PF rats think…….

  26. Akainde called for the immediate scrapping off of PUBLIC TOILET fees as funds for health maintenance of toilets be raised from, among other AVENUES! Which other avenues? Could you be specific?


    1. Fee paying toilets are everywhere?
    2. Do you now want government to PRIVATIZE public toilets? You risk losing face if none of your demands are:

    • Hh is correct, the poor who can not afford to pay toilet fees will relive themselves in any place and coincidentally the same poor are most likely to be drinking contaminated water and eating contaminated food……..tolet fees are so small that for public safety to save people’s lives GRZ can pay for that….

      Think PF rats think…….

  27. To address streets ,sanitation ,hygienic and market congestion is basically a simply economic equation of employment and increase the Zambian productivity real in growth and employment numbers for those who are of productive working group to be absorbed away from the markets and streets
    Remember these disease like cholera are most prone in poverty and low employment and productivity environment
    The Gov has seen the challenge as seen from its desire and proactive reaction. The gov has be laying the foundation on both sides of infrastructure and employment by laying the basic infrastructure in water roads and increasing at least employment numbers though appreciably…

  28. slower rate of absorption from streets to those productive sectors that needs to be accelerated only through what government is doing by creating core infrastructure in other areas to address the issue of mobility and congestion that brings these challenges Like lack You do not need to demolish Lusaka and relocate but simply address the challenges of basic infrastructure economies and mobility at the same time managing the crisis of councils posed in the decentralisation process as seen from this cholera away from central go with poor financing revenues for these locals
    There are countries and cities at near full employment where government actually beg…

  29. for marketers to fill the markets and create the back ward linkage with producers who have taken up the marketers into production
    In most of those countries immigrants Congolese Rwandese Ethiopians and Nigerians have been the commerce enticed to fill empty market spaces to work the economies
    In Zambia because of the lack of industries and low employment numbers most people markets and streets have been a quick source of productivity income but if there is more industries, creative value and activities for those with working minds most will naturally find it attractive to work for a decent income away from the streets as a result most streets and…

  30. markets will naturally remain fewer in sellers as more elderly and beyond working age take up the unfilled empty market places to bring the markets into equilibrium
    what is needed most is employment creation to naturally take off people out of the markets and streets into productive sectors that employment that improves the sanity of the people and creates environment that are smarter
    Without employment prospects and value attraction poverty and low levels of employment offend result in poor living conditions and unsanitary conditions and unsanitary unsafe cities and streets very unplanned congested
    Then agreed certain people must be made aware and taught how to…

  31. practise good hygienic methods as sometimes it could be behavioural To trade inside the markets and encourage people to develop a culture of going to designated markets is also good for traders and the economies formation also It cannot be in streets or unplanned markets

    There should be clear distinction between politics and economic social issues if you have to address long-term the living standards and welfare of the people //

  32. We thank you HH for you call. We equally demand that you be tested for compliance to hold the position of president in the UPND by subjecting yourself to internal competition.

  33. spaka like lilo please go back to school your grammar is very poor and don’t expose it to the entire world to read, you are embarrassing us Zambians

    • You should be embarrassed of becoming cholera manufacturers and not English grammar, it ain’t your mamaz tongue, be proud like Nigerians who puke English mwamene bainvelela.

  34. The biggest driver of cholera in Zambia is access to clean drinking water among the close to 5 million people

    The cholera endemic in Lusaka and Zambia can only be addressed effectively and prevented ed by investing in access to safe water side by side with promotion of hygienic standards That is why Government has been investing in Lusaka water and others including the Bombay’s The focus should not be lost or politicised as gov invests in basic infrastructure for the people Those corrupt perceptions though must be dealt with affirmatively

    So addressing now the cholera the Gov. has done well and the response from Service men and army has been exemplary its been…

  35. Ubusaka niwemwine palobe or personal hygiene is self awareness and often a sign of well being if not godliness

  36. It makes sense for GRZ to scrap toilet fees or for GRZ to highly subsidise the cost of reliving ones self , especially if you have cholera…..what will it cost for GRZ to pay for these free toilets $100k $200 k pa ?? If that is the cost of saving lives and observing public and environmental cleanliness , it a very cheap price considering the alternative of poor people shi.ting in every corner and polluting everything…

    • More like free toilets for your kaponya rats controlling public spaces and for the majority street kids who are incidentally from CB……those are the people shi.ting every where….

    • More like free toilets for your kaponya rats controlling public spaces and for the majority street kids who are incidentally from CB……those are the people shi.ting every where….

  37. The user fees process of collection needs to be worked out so that the cost sharing for those is absorbed Mind you these are public necessary things and a payment of K3 kwacha shows responsibility and value of hygienic Making them free will simply increase the unsanitary conditions in those toilets as no one will be held responsible

    The catch is that the user fee must not be prohibitive but sufficient enough to maintain the facilities

    Then the social system and councils including civil administration must be challenged by response from army surely

    • We in the midst of an epidemic spread by unsanitary conditions and people reliving them selves every where ……well either GRZ foots the $100k pa or so bill for free toilets or absorbs the cost of further epidemics spread by people reliving them selves any where possible…….chose which cost is higher..

  38. An unelectable candidate and pretender to the throne! He is the causer of the current problem when he got the money and got rich from privatization that spilled the problem we now face. The mines which used to collect garbage stopped and these guys disbanded and sold the mines in units unaware that dirt will be the order of the day. Just bring back the money from Panama we buy garbage disposal trucks. Chronic loser!

  39. The future president has spoken. Your Lungu and his PF thugs, think cholera has disappeared and it is back to business as usual. Instead of investing in the sanitation infrastructure which is a priority now, they are investing in a bottomless pit called Zambia Airways, which is dead on arrival.

    • Hehehehe Victor had morphed into Sharon now HH is in the news……
      Sharon we have told you before….hh is happily married try Mike mulongoti…

  40. Ndanje Khakis where you really there in the colonial period or are you drawing from some oral tradition which you got from your great grandmother/father. With the english you write I envision you to be below thirty. The elders of long ago spoke and wrote really good english despite their humble education and I do not imagine you being one of them.

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