Thursday, January 2, 2025

I will not resign my position as MP-Kalaba


Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba
Former Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba

Former Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba has vowed not to resign his position as Bahati Member of Parliament.

In a statement released Tuesday morning in reaction to growing calls from some party members for him to resign or be expelled, Mr Kalaba said many of those making the allegations or challenging me to quit from the Party are doing so probably with a silent expectation to provoke a reaction from him.

He said this is a failed formula usually adopted by those who resist the rules of mutual engagement and responsible dialogue.

“But let me put something very straight, I will not attempt to preoccupy myself with proving what God has already established and done. He made me a man and man enough for that matter and I do not need to do anything to prove that,” he said.

Mr Kalaba said resigning from the Party is not what will make me a man because he is already a man.

Below is the full statement


Good Morning Zambia,

Yesterday, I promised to share my thoughts with you today and from the overwhelming response I have seen on my wall over the last 24 hours, I can sense a certain kind of positive anticipation about what I was to say. Thank you for your valuable contributions and insights and thank you for your moral support and encouragement.

Well, you have all heard the numerous calls from my fellow members of the Patriotic Front for me to resign from the Party if I am man enough. Some of these calls have been made by people I consider to be my brothers and sisters. I have been called all sorts of names and accused of treachery and betrayal simply for having an opinion. Many of those making the allegations or challenging me to quit from the Party are doing so probably with a silent expectation to provoke a reaction from me. This is a failed formula usually adopted by those who resist the rules of mutual engagement and responsible dialogue. But let me put something very straight, I will not attempt to preoccupy myself with proving what God has already established and done. He made me a man and man enough for that matter and I do not need to do anything to prove that. Resigning from the Party is not what will make me a man because I am already a man.

I do not subscribe to the simplicity of vindictiveness and possessive aggression. When you choose to consider yourself among men of honour, it is imperative that you should treasure the difficulty inherent in remaining silent even when provoked beyond measure. Being sober minded and understanding the call on your life comes at a price. Those who are not prepared to pay the price opt out and resort to incessant and volatile utterances that more often than not just end up demeaning them. I’m not quiet because there isn’t a lot to talk about or reveal. There is actualy a lot. I can choose to talk about so many things in similar fashion to what Zambia has now become accustomed to but that approach has clearly and unquestionably failed before and has done very little to change the circumstances of you our people. In this regard, I am silent because in the silence of reflection, inspiration dawns – inspiration, which is often held in position by the strands of temperance and by its nature holds the promise of real and practical impact.

We have all come to learn that those who choose to talk at the slightest of provocation are often admonished and mistaken for glorious chatter-machines; why then should we pursue those who elect self-restraint and measured aggression even when provoked and insulted? What shall it profit this country if our leaders choose to abandon their solemn duties and elect to spend government time dancing on the fortunes of negligence? What shall it profit this country if leaders, in the apparent disregard for the timelessness of time, elect to use their precious time inducing aggression in the minds of those who must be helped to understand the virtues of free expression? Why should difference of professional opinion mean the same thing as the end of brotherhood? This is the kind of politics we all must rise against.

I made a choice to leave my cabinet portfolio not because I decided to make enemies of all my brothers and sisters in the Party and Government. Most of them are still my brothers and sisters even if we may differ in the interpretation of issues. Those who want me to become a talking – Tom even for no just cause have no care for this country and its people. I will simply not be tempted. I elect solemn silence, observation and reflection, over the prospect of forever singing soprano on the platform of public relevance.

God bless you all, always.


    • Principle??? You call that principle??? You can’t call a government that is comprised of the same party corrupt, resign and cling to the same corruption??? Levy and Sata left the party, MMD not their executive appointments in cabinet. You give African politicians a bad name, in UK, if Harry didn’t agree with Theresa May and resigned his cabinet position, he would have left the Conservatives as well-THAT IS PRINCIPLE!!!!

    • There’s a difference between party and government though so blink. Kalaba resigned from the govt portfolio which comprises civil servants who are corrupt to the bone. Civil service is not pf party. It comprises of Zambians from diverse organisations. These are the ones who are thieves and untouchable. While on the other side pf as a party has its own challenges being the ruling party. It’s mandate mainly is to advance the party policies in the interest of governance. Should pf lose the driving seat the incoming party will continue with the same civil service. This is where under5s gets it all wrong. Kalaba is right to remain a pf member which is still clean. Vultures like Kambwili who wanted to use pf as a licence to amass wealth had it rough and that’s why he is crying on the…

    • @zambian citizen, uleke ubufi. Which UK? In UK even those who challenged Theresa May were appointed into her cabinet. In the recent cabinet reshuffle, Jeremy hunt refused to move to another portfolio. Can it happen in Zambia? Theresa may supported to remain in EU while Boris Johnson was for brexit, can it happen in Zambia. You are fired for calling wheel barrows the right name.

    • These PF dumb bells why cant they allow people with diverse views amongst them…this why we dont move forward as a nation and that lazy thing in State House is quiet.

    • @Zambian Citizen
      You need to wake up from seeing things in the lenses of PF political party. There’s a difference between a Civil servant and a Political Party affialtion! Kalaba was serving as a civil servant appointed to server the Zambian people as his pay masters. He wasn’t serving/pleasing PF!
      Sometimes just reason like a responsible citizen you are and not a silly party cadre with a numb head who think a person disagreeing with the government is an opposition to PF. This kind of thinking should have been left in 2017.

    • @Oval & gbouy: A cabinet appointment is a an Executive appointment. You belong to the arm of government called the Executive. You are not a civil servant. Equally you are picked among the pool of mps who are part of the Legislative arm of government-mps are SPONSORED OR CHOSEN by the party to stand on its ticket as the people’s representative. Kalaba was not a “civil servant appointed to server the Zambian people as his pay masters” as gbuoy understands. He was chosen by the party to represent Zambians as a Lawmaker in parliament; He was further appointed by the head of the Executive, who is head of PF to drive PF policies and its manifesto for Zambians in the government. If you disagree with policies and conduct of cabinet, how do you agree with the same policies and conduct of the…

    • Wrong, it is all about power, harry simply wants to become a republican president and he loathes anything coming in his way, didn’t you see how he kept his boss globe trotting just to fry him against the wishes of the people!

    • @ Zambian Citizen
      Wrong again on many facets!! A cabinet position is not a party position. thats the principle here! You are mixing party issues with governance issues here. no wonder you have cadres and not credible people mushrooming with huge ministerial posts. Think outside party lines mate and you will be just fine. We need to make this country responsible and governable. Criticism is part of a functional system.

    • @Zambian Citizen, It’s funny that you mention Mwanawasa, and that he resigned as vice president, but fail to realise that he didn’t have a parliamentary sit, so how could he have resigned from a parliamentary position he never had? You must understand that you don’t change your political ideology or political position after resigning from a cabinet position; Mwanawasa didn’t leave the MMD after resigning, infact he contested the MMD presidency in 1996 and lost.
      Next time you talk about principle, atleast know the facts.

    • @Dokowe: Levy contested 1996 MMD presidency and achieved what??? Nothing. He packed his bags and went back to his law practice. What will Harry achieve by staying in PF and no one wants to work with you?????

    • Very wise observation Mr. Kalaba. A hope these born failures, who have been working tirelessly here on LT, should be ashamed, and failures they will remain. You have shown them you are a man of integrity and they cannot match you. Some of them have a hidden agenda to woo you into a trap, knowing very well, they have a history of them being political prostitutes and wanted you to be part of them.

      Stay strong, and have a free mind to express yourself.

    • 1.6 @ Zambian citizen
      Your explanation on Kalaba still remaining in PF despite calling its PF government as corrupt is correct. However what has changed is that he has decided to forsake the benefits which goes with a cabinet ministerial potifolio in this time and age which is not easy. It is only a man of principle who can forgo the comfort of a cabinet ministerial position in an African country. For that he needs some kudos.

  1. Now thats the way to answer koswe . Dora and Mwila mwanvela. No need to prove being a man esp kuli dora siliti…oops sorry Siliya

    • Unfortunately, the so called “Koswe” still remains the choice of majority Zambian voters and will continue to beat the wicked, capitalistc, self-centered, masonist, tribalistic, privatisation thief HH. Come 2021, you will not manage to beat ECL and PF. The 9 provinces will vote to show you that regionalism is bad. We are going to use your own medicine against you.

    • Ba Asegai well the PF has lost one vote in me….atleast palwandi… danced all the campaign period dunana reverse not knowing it was reverse to MMD corrupt leadership . I regret and i intend to sue JK for making such a nice beat that we forget to hear the lyrics of the song

  2. He can’t, he knows that once he resigns as a member of parliament. He loses the salary and the Bahati seat.

  3. Mr. Kalaba you have gotten it wrong here. You resigned from the government which you perceive to be corrupt but you are still in the governing party. The link is still there PF as a party and the government, if there is corruption in the government, there must be corruption also in the party according to you. Ethically it makes sense for you relinquish your MP because as long as you remain in the party you are being contaminated by the corruption scourge. If you don’t resign it means you have a hidden agenda or you are double standard politician who must not be trusted at all.Tell us other reason for resigning other than corruption, then we shall take you seriously. Better still, the chance is still there to reconcile with your party, just like Miles Sampa, if you realize that it was…

    • Nooo! There are many republicans who have resigned their positions but they don’t cease being Republicans to become Democrats.

    • But do those republicans cite corruption among their reasons???? Because who would want to associate himself with corruption??? Just there in South Africa, one guy was offered a job by the Guptas, he blew the whistle on them and the investigation yielded the STATE CAPTURE report. What do Harry or Kambwili have????

    • We need to take the two things here the party and the government .People get attracted to a party because they share the same ideals and believe in what the party stands for .The people that form government are a small fraction of the members of that party .So if that small fraction is not managing the affairs in a transparent and honest way ,you can always dissociate your self from the executive but still believe in the ideals of the party .For instance in other countries they recall a leader if he is not leading according to the aspirations of the party but they do not necessarily expel them .Take the issue of Thabo Mbeki ,they recalled him but he is still ANC .the reverse can happen as well where someone can leave the front seat and go to the back .Parliamentarians are servants of the…

    • Guys am so disappointed in you. You are the selfsame who have totally collapsed your own party. How dare you think that a cabinet minister mandated to serve Zambians should be mixed with a political party inclination such that when one cites wrong in the governance then should be castigated and expelled at party level?
      WTF is wrong with you? …. Everlasting imbeciles!

    • @Kabanshi: Who chooses the people to serve as parliamentarians?? The party. So whose ideals is Harry Kalaba going to be sharing???? From the PF choosing ECL as its leader and all other representative at different levels, they must believe in those ideals as a collective. By resigning as minister and citing corruption, he must disassociate himself from the PF group who have betrayed these ideals, not so????

    • @ Zambian Citizen
      Wrong again on many facets!! A cabinet position is not a party position. thats the principle here! You are mixing party issues with governance issues here. no wonder you have cadres and not credible people mushrooming with huge ministerial posts. Think outside party lines mate and you will be just fine. We need to make this country responsible and governable. Criticism is part of a functional system.

    • Zambian way of thinking please learn from Former president levy Patrick mwanawasa . He resigned as vice president and he never left MMD until his death. Government and political parties are not personal to holder. Look how many have joined our part now. They are all from UPND and MMD. They just joined when we got into power so please let’s leave everyone until the say themselves that they have resigned not forcing them cause they have different views from us.

    • Our biggest problem in Zambia is ignorance and lack of information. In a country where people do not read it is a difficult problem to address. The function of a political party is to be a nursery for leaders and a smelter for policies. Not every one in a political party is part of the government. When a party wins power, the leader identifies certain people with ability and forms government with them. They do not even have to be members of the party that has won power. In South Africa Mandela appointed Trevor Manuel as Minister when he was not a member of the ANC. A party member who is appointed by the leader can leave his government position when he disagrees with the government without leaving the Party. This is very normal. Ordinarily the Executive branch is what is called Government…

    • Cont… Kalaba has left the Executive Branch and remained as a backbencher in the legislature. As an elected member (as opposed to a nominated member) this is very normal and no one is supposed to bother him. In the USA where there is strict separation between the Executive Branch and the Legislature, Senators and congressmen frequently differ with the President and often vote against the President’s policy measures. And this is very normal. In fact it is expected that not all members will support the President all the time. It is NOT a CRIME to differ with the President. He is NOT a superman with infallible wisdom. WHEN WILL THE ONE PARTY MENTALITY END?

    • Grade Eight (8) Civics at play here; PF must discipline him if found inimical to their aspirations in accordance with their disciplinary code of conduct if any; Kalaba can choose to hung on if he feels PF is a Party of choice; Kalaba like GBM, CK and many before him can play the Court Politics of Member-Rights until 2021 then leave on academic basis; PF and Kalaba can simply reconcile like Tutwa Ngulube did and/or the methods employed by ‘Father’ Frank Francis Bwalya-Chiyabi or is it MC Sata’s Nephew Miles Sampa.
      Really the options for Kalaba are unlimited at the moment; lets just wait and see

  4. We must resist governance style of “mob rule” whereby if you resign in protest the party mob calls for your expulsion.Principles and rule of law must be given respect in Zambia.

    • I agree with you, when he says Lungu is greedy and corrupt in government the only thing remaining is to fight him within the party not within government.

  5. he does not know where he stands, just mincing words here and there

    kalaba you are wasting time of UPND and NDC, resign now so that they take you

  6. But prove to us that you are wise by not forming a political party. We have a lot of polical parties already which undermines the people’s favorite if you form a kasido(kantemba) party. Just join either UPND or NDC to maintain your reputation.
    If you behave like a koswe too by showing selfish traits, you will betray the great provinces of Zambia and that will be unforgivable.

    Remember how Ben Mwila lost it(MHSRIP), so learn from history. That’s the thing which made MMD to overstay in power.

  7. Why do others want Kalaba to resign his elected position. Is it the party and its government PIG. He gas a right to resign his government portfolio not necessarily his elective position. Are you positioning yourselves to stand in his constituency, I see your as well people of ill will. After preaching no more bye elections what do you stand for.

  8. Zambian Citizen – Please do not just post something in Public domain you do not understand. Sata yes resigned from MMD and formed PF. But Levy only resigned his position as Vice President but remained in the party (MMD) citing corruption. Ubufi.
    This is why we were proposing that the President appoints ministers from outside parliament so that parliament can provide checks and balances on the executive. But for now parliament is just a rubber stamp where MPs solicit for appointments into ministerial positions. This is why our brains are glued to the thinking that if one resigns from executive he should cease to be an MP of a political party.

    • Levy resigned from his VP position because of humiliation at the hands of Chiluba and Sata. There was no need for him to resign from the party. Please don’t twist facts to appease gossipers.

  9. It is unfortunate that in this country when a senior government official resigns from his/her position he’s treated as an enemy. A difference of opinion should not turn people into enemies but peacefully part ways while maintaining that civil relationship.Hon.Kalaba has already proved to us that he’s a man by resigning from the well-paying ministerial position. I just hope he does not disappoint us like Tutwa Ngulube.These politicians! My foot!

  10. @1.2 HH Oval head
    Civil servants corrupt to the bone? Who corrupts them? Is corruption amongst Civil Servants or induced by the non-civil servants? Like was said by His Excellency when he fired Kambwili, Zambia( All Zambians) has become very corrupt. I still have the recording of that presidential address and the President clearly stated that “some of my ministers are corrupt”. I am a Civil Servant and I am incessantly enticed to corruption by non-civil servants. Let us all fight corruption, not only the President , by all Zambians,.

    • When you applied for your passport which takes not more than 21 days why were you denied the quick issuance of the same until someone told you to pay something to have it the same day. Did you see any pf official at passport office . That’s why I said civil servants are corrupt to the bone.

    • I wonder who he’s going to work with in the party??? I remember certain 15 rebel mps defying the PF and Sata and having their political careers prematurely ended….

  11. ba Kalaba ull lose the last respect if u meant well then leave corrupt PF, u cant say they r corrupt so i’ll just eat half with them.

  12. Ba Kalaba, mwilabepa abantu naimwe! We all know your ultimate goal is to have an attempt of Presidency. What you guys, (Kalaba, Kambwili, HH and GBM etc) dont realise is that you cannot fool people by mere rhetoric when your true intentions are well known.
    What drives HH and GBM to attempt their luck on the presidency of the country is not what they portray to they people, no, its greedy self-ego and wealthy amassing. Yes some who cant read between the lines may not see this but its the truth. As regards Kalaba and Kambwili, its self deception. Simply because the large following of PF comes from the Northern, Copperbelt and Lusaka does not mean that when you have tested authority (Ministrial) then you can as well be elected President of a country, no!
    Let me tell you this, the next…

  13. contd
    Let me tell you this, the next President of Zambia after President Lungu in 2026 is not amongst those mentioned in my posting. Non of these have the mantle and qualities needed in a Republican president, period. When the time comes, you wont miss the next president of Zambia after Lungu believe you me. It will be one attempt and one nice shot, bung and there he will be in State House. In know UPND tweets will scream and insult on this but thats just what it is. Do you know why, a presidential candidate will never change who they are simply because they are in that office but rather it will simply reveal them. Who doesnt know who HH is, GMB, Kambwili, will they change simply because they are in that seat, to the contrary, they will even bitter, angry, arrogant and money dribblers in…

  14. Kalaba’s resignation from Government carries the whole mark of a PF DEFECTOR. It is a pity that Kalaba duped the Bahati voters that he would serve their interests in Parliament. Yet this time around he is conniving with opponents of his (Bahati) voters to work against their party. As the political temperatures rise both, Kambwili
    and Kalaba are anxious to defend their Parliamentary Seats by clinging to legal technicalities specifically to protect prospects of their Parliamentary Gratuities. The two CROOKS do not care on the plight of their constituencies in Roan and Bahati, but rather they are in politics to make money.

  15. ……ECL wss report to have challenged Kalaba to resign from party because according to ECL, he also heads the party PF and to me thats excatly the problem!
    The repbulican president should not be the party president because running the country is aready a serious enough mandate.

  16. Suddenly UPND want to put corruption tag on PF a thing they cant substantiate. What they forget as always in their narrow minds is that the worst corruption is their tribal tag which is spearheaded by HH and this is proved beyond any reasonable doubt.
    Until you in UPND start thinking differently and challenge the very core thing that has made Zambians deny your leadership, will die angry with your big bitter and arrogant master HH. HH says there is a corrupt government in Zambia, but how do you have a government without recognizing its President? Its a mental denial! Lets be real guys, HH will make you grow old, tired and die poor as long as you cannot challenge him, six consecutive electoral defeats and still you are silenced, please!!!!! Look, now all press conferences are held from…

  17. contd
    Lets be real guys, HH will make you grow old, tired and die poor as long as you cannot challenge him, six consecutive electoral defeats and still you are silenced, please!!!!! Look, now all press conferences are held from his house, why? Think hard and you will know the reason. He is intimidating and brainwashing you guys.

  18. But a situation where even the President agrees that there is rampant corruption and confesses that in some cases we have some individuals that are untouchable; he can’t do anything about it becoz the Constitution protects them; the Anti-Corruption Commission is toothless; the Civil Service is corrupt to the core; Ministers, etc – then we have a serious problem. Why is he watching all this happening before his eyes? What is his job description? In fact, corruption in Zambia starts just at the borders, airport, all gov’t offices, etc we’re not far from Nigeria & Cameroon where all hope has been lost and there is no hope for recovery. Our President must act and must act now; send a strong message before we lose everything, we can’t have thieves in power and be allowed to steal our…

  19. Good afternoon my brother, Kalaba. I think it’s very important in life to be sincere. I think all you need to say is that you were ambitious to become PF Presidential candidate in 2021, but since the PF pledged to support Edgar Lungu as sole candidate for 2021 election, that shuttered your precious and much cherished dream bringing so much frustration to you. It’s human nature my brother. I hope you will get over it for I have always held you in very high esteem as a man of integrity and never expected you to sink low. Please only remember that God’s time is the best. God bless you.

  20. It makes sense not to resign and STOP making falsehoods about your friends. A good friend is one who knows the mess you are into and helps you to get out of it. Not standing on ant hills shouting Nyalugwe kuno eee when there is none at all.

  21. Harry Kalaba made a big mistate by resigning from cabinet and he will ever regret that move!!
    Yes,he cant resign as MP because only PF as a party can win him a seat in Luapula.if there is a province where people love PF the same way tongas love UPND,then that is LUAPULA!!in Luapula even a frog on PF would win or any independent candidate who supports PF would always win!!so Harry Kalaba knows this fact but since he is an amature in politics,he rushed his decision to resign from cabinet.HOWEVER,HK SHOULD KNOW THAT HE WILL REMAIN A LONER IN PF EVEN IF WE WONT RESIGN AS MP UNLESS HE APOLOGISES LIKE HON.TUTWA NGULUBE DID YESTERDAY!!really it does not add up clinging on PF,a party HK says to be CORRUPT!!He could have done the Mwanawasa way!!

  22. @sityopet, boza munavotela supreme leader. We know you. ECL will even do much better come 2021 because we will this time use their medicine. The TRIBAL machinery will be in force in the 6.5 provinces

  23. show us your manhood. there is no difference between you and hamududu.

    everybody knows that you want to weaken pf so that u5 can win. it will never happen.

    a vote ndc is equivallent to voting for a tribal u5

  24. Tevez, you pressed a wrong button and it’s too late. Redeem yourself just resign even if your prophet hasn’t told you yet for that’s the correct thing to do

  25. ‘I elect solemn silence, observation and reflection, over the prospect of forever singing soprano on the platform of public relevance.’ -I love this. How many of them are singing soprano just to remain relevant – Kampamba Mulenga, Steven Kampyongo, Jean Kapata, Chiteme, Bowman Lusambo, Mumbi Phiri, Sunday Chanda, etc.

  26. Apparently, the late Ba Alex Shapi actually pleaded with KK to create Luapula Province so as to escape Bemba Supremacy that was being spear-headed by Kapwepwe. Note for the illiterate and historically bankrupt Kambwili who claims to be Bemba from Mporokoso. Ethnically the Lungu tribe extends from Chishimba Falls (less than 30 km west of Kasama) up to Mporokoso and Nsama as well as northwards along the Rift Valley up to Mpulungu. True ethnic Bembas occur in Mungwi District and west of Chinsali. The success of NDC and UPP depends on whether they will manage to capture some useful CHOLA BOYS from the East and Muchinga Prov.

  27. I don’t want to hear any upndee and pee talking preaching democracy or corruption. Looking at the composition.of its leadership and hiw they were appointed, how could they with a straight face preach to us, pontificate or even mention the two words?

  28. @Njimbu, #29, you are right, “in Southern even a donki on UPND would win or any independent candidate who supports UPND would always win!”

  29. Kalaba just shut up, the more you open your mouth the more I am convinced you are good riddance.
    If you cannot give evidence of corruption the least you can do is at least point at soecific examples even without names. Otherwise you just sound like any other NDC cadre on the camoaign trail which leads nowhere.
    I hear in Luanshya the famous Kambwili bar built on golf club land has lost patronage, its a good indicator how much support he has, could explain why NDC president kambwili is afraid of by elections.

  30. A very rich Bemba saying goes: “Umwaice afumine uko alelila pa mbale aya uko belemusunina” This saying has deep meaning that my people from Eastern Province cannot understand.

  31. He resigned from government. He has a right to remain MP and party member. He can still share the same original party ideals and still want to fulfill them, albeit in a different way. That’s how a party shapes itself, refines itself and adapts to the times – through dialogue and difference of opinion. Those calling for Kalaba to resign his Parliamentary or party position, or both, are myopic and dwell in perverted politics.
    What about those in government who are not PF members? What about MMD ministers in the government?

  32. Lets define the word principle. In common English, it is a substantive and collective term referring to rule governance, the absence of which, being “unprincipled”, is considered a character defect. It may also be used to declare that a reality has diverged from some ideal or norm as when something is said to be true only “in principle” but not in fact.
    After the definition please go ahead and debate the Kalaba Saga

  33. Abena Ng’umbo-Luapula boy – agreed. In Luapula PF was Sata and Sata was PF. It is a very big battle to fights. Ati kabolala nipakuboko. Ngata umwikete, they will always challenge you for evidence. Especially if the Kabwalala is the one controlling the arresting officers, he will dare you, go and report to the police, ACC etc.

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