Friday, October 18, 2024

Kambwili is NDC presidential Candidate in 2021, says Courts can uphold his expulsion from PF


Chishimba Kambwili flashes the NDC symbo
Chishimba Kambwili flashes the NDC symbol

National Democratic Congress Consultant Chishimba kambwili has confirmed that he will contest the 2021 presidential elections under the newly formed political grouping.

Mr. Kambwili said he is resolved and has made up his mind to jostle for the top political position in the land under the NDC.

” I am not looking back. Its final. I am the NDC presidential candidate. I have been a cabinet Minister before and 2021 is mine. Am the NDC presidential hopeful,” Mr. Kambwili who is also Roan PF Member of Parliament has disclosed.

Mr. Kambwili said chances of the NDC forming Government in 2021 are extremely high.

“The PF is dead. Lungu can’t win any election in Zambia”, the NDC presidential hopeful added.

Mr. Kambwili is urging the ranks and files of the NDC to go flat out and sale the party to all citizens in all corners of Zambia.

He added that the NDC is a party of first choice hence his resolve to go for the top position in the land under its umbrella.

Mr. Kambwili is yet to hint on his running mate for the 2021 top job.

He said he is amazed at how the newly formed grouping had gained so much popularity within 90 days of its formation.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kambwili who featured on Friday’s edition of Let the People Talk programme on Radio Phoenix challenged the courts of law to uphold his expulsion from the PF.

He has assured the people of Roan constituency that he is ready to represent them even as an Independent MP.

He said the amended constitution is clear on the vacancy created under the office of the MP in the event of the incumbent lawmaker being expelled by their sponsoring political party.


  1. As a non lover of Lungu, this would be like jumping from a California fire into a raging volcano. Any product of PF would be a horrid choice for president.

  2. Opposition Party’s must join together to push for change in Electoral Laws otherwise violence and rigging will give the ruling Party an easy win.

    • Do you think this can work? The chaps would spend the entire term jostling for positions. Kambwili wants to be president, HH wants to be president so who will give in.

    • Let them just mobilize if they have any clue to form government.
      Election Rigging works well if and only if the Opposition is asleep politically and “technically”. Consult me I will educate you and suggest antidotes before you are brought in to rubber stamp what you are ignorantly calling ‘electoral reforms’
      Bushe mulekutika eeh?

  3. kkkkkkk. does it mean that zambia has gone to dogs.just asking.kambwili tekanya lungu will win again followed by hh.zambians are claver.its not what you.think

  4. “He has assured the people of Roan constituency that he is ready to represent them even as an Independent MP”
    On one breath he says the court can uphold his expulsion (such a ruling entails losing the seat), yet the article further talks about representing Roan as an Independent MP… Ambiguous

    • There is nothing ambiguous here you dunderhead. Under the current constitution if a party throws you out (other than you resigning) you still return membership of parliament as an independent. But in 2021 he will stand on NDC ticket for presidence. Can you now get that into your thick head OF cadre?

    • Ba Kambwili, if you are ready for 2021, in just about 1400 days, allow NDC to field someone else for Roan Constituency and hit the ground – this will allow you to visit atleast 73% of of the existing Wards and effect a strategically insightful mobilisation. I am ready to lead you through this will enable you to have not only first hand grassroots contact but also a clear feel on who you will assign and task as your campaign managers/agents at that level. Its not easy but doable if the backroom is solid and effective. No political party in Zambia has ever invoked this strategy save for UNIP only! Bonse ni trial and error plus mob psychology at play, a formation of total gambling

  5. mr kambwili sir. your litmus test will be if you win roan seet as an independent.then i can give you a nenefit of doubt.not just makng noise.

    • I agree and reckon on NDC ticket under his tutelage and championship even if its another face.
      Do not worry, PF will pump in all might of HUMAN and FINANCIAL resources but its worth the attempt.
      If not hold on via Courts; 1. High Court – 2018, 2. Court of Appeal – 2019 and then 3. Supreme Court 2020/2021.
      NDC + Hon Chishimba Kambwili will need shrewd legal team to fight it out like this otherwise the political solution is most feasible even if you lose.
      Sata did it under MMD then in Luwingu and then Mufulira.

  6. No he never said those words, I heard him on Phoenix radio .
    When moderator asked the question of him standing on which party;
    He answerd; we know when we reach ther but for no i can’t tell the party

  7. But uyu ena mudala, i can’t sympathies with him. Kambwili was in government and no praises was given to him, and today because he wants to be president he starts acting all clean. I can’t even vote him, i would rather vote for a person who has never been in government and not recycled politicians!

    • That is exactly what Americans said when voting for Trump. They wanted someone who is not recycled today they are crying trying to impeach the un-recycled.

    • NOTED: And if that is the yardstick, then let it not be anyone who enriched himself from proceeds of stolen privatization of State Owned Enterprises [SOEs] like Intercontinental Hotels, ZCCM Group, FINDECO and INDECO subsidiaries.
      Then PF-Antonio Mwanza, ADD-Milupi or NAREP-Chipimo or ZRP-Musoma or Tonga or UPP-Fr Frank Bwalya-Chiyabi are therfore perfect choices for Zambia, tefyo fine?

  8. Stamina and resilience when subjected to any kind of pressure and antagonism is what defines a winner not the amount of criticism.

  9. “He said he is amazed at how the newly formed grouping had gained so much popularity within 90 days of its formation.”
    What a fool this Kambwili is, it is mot new, same happened to Dean Mungomba mhsriep..

  10. “He said he is amazed at how the newly formed grouping had gained so much popularity within 90 days of its formation.”
    What a fo.oo.ol this Kamb.wili is, it is not new, same happened to Mun.gomba mhsriep..

  11. I don’t like him. he’d be just as bad and oppressive as lungu, probably even worse. why does he want to become president? that’s a question that needs to be asked. it’s for his personal ego and gains. he’s full of himself. I don’t like lungu, not at all, but he’s a little bit humble compared to kabwili. remember how he used to run his mouth as broadcasting or whatever that portfolio he held. he’s full of!.

    what’s with this nonsense of “symbols. and he’s chosen to flip us all with the finger. who cares about the symbol.

    the problem with the masses in Zambia, they go for stupid things like songs and slogans rather than listen to them candidates talk about substance. there are lots of educated Zambians and I know they don’t even care to waste their time going to the…

  12. His politics are petty. He is ever dealing with personal issues. Who does NDC represent anyway?

    Zambia needs a leader with a clean profile. One who is able to honour his committment to deal with national issues and lead the nation from insurgency to prosperity.

  13. Kambwili standing on NDC in 2021 is a great plus to PF!!HH and Kambwili will split opposition votes while the ruling PF shall maintain its votes!!
    Just imagine how bad HH could have lost in 2016 minus the votes he got from 6.5 provinces PF strongholds?all those who hate PF in its strongholds had no option but to vote for HH in in 2021,those voters will have option in Kambwili-THIS IS A FACT UPND MUST LOOK AT SERIOUSLY BECAUSE MINUS VOTES FRON KNOWN PF STRONGHOLDS WITH THE HELP OF MILES SAMPA,GBM,GUY SCOTT,NEVERS MUMBA,ETC,HH COULD HAVE LOST TERRIBLY IN 2016!!upnd’s votes from their 3.5 provinces shall ever be a drop in the ocean.all registered voters in Western and N/Western are few than voters in Lusaka province only!!

    • You need to have your head checked.
      NDC is popular on the copperbelt and luapula provinces.These are so called “PF Strongholds”.So its the PF vote that will be affected.The move favours UPND and HH

    • @Njimbu,
      I am glad you now started thinking along those lines, meaning at least out of the box, although your argument seems to be intentionally twisted. Firstly, the basic question is you should ask yourself is Where is CK popular, Copperbelt or North Western? Southern Province or Luapula?
      Secondly, consider that GBM, GUY SCOTT, and NEVERS MUMBA still remain in support of HH, but I agree with you on one thing, how many of those votes in 3.5 were attributed to that political prostitute MILES SAMPA? Honestly, do you think they are many votes compared to what Kambwili brought to PF? I doubt.

  14. Moreover,we urgently need a by election in Roan so that Kambwili can be beaten pants down by PF!!
    GBM and Sylvia Masebo thought they own voters in Kasama Central and Chongwe until Mighty PF taught them a big political lesson by defeating them pants down!!
    The Luanshya mayor-Mr Nathan Chanda shall 100% grab Roan from Kambwili soon!!PF will spend big in Roan just to embarrass Kambwili so that his big mouth can be shut!!
    Today on Radio Phoenix Kambwili was told off by many callers who told him openly that if PF is corrupt then even himself Kambwili is very corrupt too because he kept quiet when he was a minister!!

    • “PF will spend big in Roan just to embarrass Kambwili” = that is where you people get it wrong. You do politics and vote for candidates based on their ability to contribute to the wellbeing of the people of Roan, and not on how much your PF spends taxpayers money.

      From your thinking, I can assure people of Roan possible GARBAGE OUT – GARBAGE IN.
      No benefit except another theater scene from PF.

    • If thats the scoreboard, then UPND is the most corrupt political club – ethnicity is corruption; under-valuations of Public Sales is corruption; grabbing Constain Chilala’s longtime girl friend and converting her into a wife is corruption, threatening violence against an acting non-tonga to become party president is corruption, blocking and obstructing a Presidential Motorcade is corruption, practicing witchcraft at a grave with Mukuni is corruption, If your truant dad engages in cattle wrestling meant for GRZ breeding via Zambia Railways is corruption, receiving money from AKAIDA or AKAIDE is corruption, having a running mate who has amassed wealth through plunder of publicly funds via fake-air-sales of mealie meal and inflated prices for Fighter-Jets from China is corruption, being a…

  15. @Independent: DREAM ON!!! the reason why opposition parties in Zambia find it so hard to win is having a lot of their leaders standing as presidents!!
    Because of Kambwili,HH’s votes which he got in Copperbelt,Luapula,Northern and Muchinga shall drop drastically.THIS IS A FACT!!

  16. @Independent:ask yourself this big question;BETWEEN HH& KAMBWILI ,whom can those who hate PF in Copperbelt,Luapula,Northern,Muchinga, vote for?THEIR OPTION COULD SURELY BE KAMBWILI!!!hence reducing the votes HH got in PF strongholds in 2016.for example in Chingola the difference between PF and UPND was then than 15 000 votes.but with the coming of Kambwili on board,that could change!!

    • Njimbu I have listened to you! These are politics. What I see here, with the current tide of things, we maybe heading for a re-run, which will force number one position PF merging with number three NDC. Kambwili maybe the next VP. Calling Kambwili an underdog is in futile. For all we know we misled our President into firing Kambwili. we know that. If President Lungu had good political advisors, the political dribbling of Kambwili should have occurred in the 4/5 or 5/5 tenure of office. Unfortunately advisors surrounding President Lungu use their gut-feeling, heart and emotions to think. Use the brains, review strategies, and inform the president of the reality. Don’t hide the reality from President Lungu, the man of good soul whom I have declared to support!

    • If PF and UPND do not do their homework between now and 2021, and NDC + CK maintain this momentum, surely one of the two between ECL and HH maybe history – I have just finished 1st round of an intensive interactive assessment of selected 5 very Rural Constituencies from Southern, Central, Luapula, Muchinga and Eastern provinces from 23rd May 2017 last year only sampling from only Rural Constituencies ONLY. What is revealing this far is shocking for both PF & UPND on the ground.
      2nd round will cover Western, North-Western and Northern.
      3rd will be Lusaka and Copperbelt in 2019.
      Things are excessively dynamic politically and socioeconomically.

  17. GBM is unlikely to be HH’s VP if UPND does not win 50%+1 in the first round and here is why.
    Let’s assume Lungu gets 48%, HH gets 46%, Kambwili 4% and the rest 2%. HH will target Kambwili for a coalition. Kambwili will demand for running mate position from HH for the re-run. HH will drop GBM since in the new constitution there’s nothing to say you can’t change a running mate during a re-run. Kambwili is a step ahead of GBM, that’s why he formed his party. If GBM wants to remain running mate, he should seek clarity on this piece of the constitution before it’s too late for him. After what happened to Canisius Banda, GBM should carefully consider various constitutional loopholes. Don’t just focus on whether the constitution will allow Lungu to contest presidential elections again…

  18. Some of the reasons for not winning election to highest office in Zambia:
    – being of self made success
    – being factual and speaking truthfully
    – having a clean record i.e. not associated with some crime or theft (not having been convicted) and scandal
    – avoiding being an “insultant” (not amenable to language of insults)
    – educationally enlightened or an intellectual
    – not being considered along the lines of “the devil you know is better than one you don’t” adage
    – being considered among the “I hate him/her naturally!” (though only in Zambia where hate is “natural”)
    – never ever associated with a “watering hole” or imbibing that liquid clear or opaque
    – openly heretic better to live a lie
    – not being a loud mouth tied with being an “insultant” or foul…

  19. contd……
    – not being a loud mouth tied with being an “insultant” or foul mouthed!
    etcetera, etcetera for also trivia account for much on how assessments on candidates are conducted. It would have been easy to tick those that make CK’s candidature meet the qualification were the list to be more comprehensive but the compilation can span kilometers according to individual perceptions.

    • This sounds like Utopian but a careful c-check on our collective-selves [young-old, north-south-west-east, educated-uneducated, christian-muslim-hindu-satanic, black-white-indian-arab-chinese-colored, tonga-bemba-lunda-mbunda/nkoya-lungu-chewa], will reveal that CK if he is well managed like we did with the once MAD-SATA can easily make-it to Plot 1.
      Keep this text for ease of future reference.

  20. Experimenting with Kambwili as president of this great nation, would be scandalous! The man has all the worst attributes in him, pompous, jealousy, crooked, dull, liar, thief, illiterate, childish, selfish, dealer, plunderer heartless, abnormal . . . . ! Have left out anything? Kambwili thinks Zambians are so dull! We don’t want another Frederick Chiluba, we made that mistake in 1991, and never again! Surely even people who follow such people around and give them fake hopes, think are not normal!

  21. Mr. Kambwili, Welcome! Looking forward to hear you in the debates.

    We just hope the incumbent and the ruling party does not interfere in the process.

  22. My concern is that nothing is happening to tighten the process at the moment. The opposition is quite and sleeping doing nothing, and this is to the advantage of PF. Come 2021, what will stop PF from interfering with the process? They will have even fatter brown envelops than in 2016.
    So if there was any rigging, I would expect the opposition MPs bringing up motions that will bring about the changes. Waiting until 2020 will be too late.
    I keep on saying this loudly, the dynamics of changes will only occur or will start to occur ONLY after the court declares ECL eligibility for 2021, this in a negative or positive way.

    • Ala belamubepa, Elections, the Electoral process and the due Management of the Activities that are aligned with these ‘processes’ are and have always been a mathematical model and not a legal jargon. This is where Zambian political parties miss it. What can HH, GBM [former Lawmaker], Jack Mwiimbu [Lawyer], Gary Nkombo [lawmaker], Wynter kabimba [Lawyer, Nalumango [former Civic Teacher], uyu UPND SG [former Non-Commissioned Officer NCO], Dipak Patel [form 3 Kamwala Indian], Suresh Desai [Monze Trader] understand from these complex variables; its like introducing Fluid-Mechanics to Kaizer Zulu mwe bantu.
      Ask the Russians or Rahila Odinga or Prof Bathromel or the Israelis or Dr Eustus Kazonga or David Diangamo or those guys who almost put Zambia and Southern Africa on fire with their…

  23. Am really amazedby by day dreaming of Tongas, they are so excited by Kambwili standing in 2021, hoping for coalition with Kambwili! The truth is that having Kambwili stand , will reduce HHs votes in the north, while Kambwili will have nothing in South, Western part and Eastern, but Lungu will do well throughout the country, thus HH and Kambwili ending up distances away, and beaten clean! HH rigged massively in his traditional strong holds in 2016 that’s how he even came close to Lungu! They rigged having under age registered as voters, and most of the eligible voters had at least two NRCs and hence registered at least two times! How do you explain a close presidential vote result, when PF ended up with two times number of MPs in parliament compared to number for UPND in 2016 election!…

  24. upnd has no clew ,u jumped up and down thinking ck will join you now today you have started fake mathematics thinking hh will win this are politics ,dont think pf are not thinking three years to came so main thing believe me will change majority will again vote for pf which i have no doubt ,remember we are just recovering fron globe and any normal person shouldnt forget wait bola ninety

    • IN 2021 this is what is feasible:

      1. IF CK finds himself in the re-run top two trust me none between ECL nor HH will handle the pressure.
      2. Should he be the fulcrum between ECL and HH again in the re-run whomsoever will cut the deal with CK will carry the day
      3. The only unlikely option for surviving a political tsunami and onslaught is to convertly and/or overtly TOTALLY avoid any semblance of a tightly contested race, that is to ensure one [ECL or HH] score way ahead off the 50+1 threshold. Allowing IMBWILI in these two brackets and/or in between them will spell doom either both of them and/or anyone of the two. THIS IS NO JOKE

  25. Luanshya today has no railway line between Ndola and Luanshya. Chishimba Kambwili stole the railway line.The money that came out of that is what he used to use to have breakfast in London and dinner in Lusaka.( Chishimba’s own boasting)
    Even if Zambia came to a standstill, voting for Kambwili is like, indeed, like jumping from a frying pan into the fire.
    Zambia does not have a shortage of leadership for them to fall for riff-raffs of Kambwili’s calibre.
    Stealing a railway line does not make one presidential material.

  26. Kambwili is just a riff raff! And some Tonga day dreaming of his/her HH getting 60% votes, from where? Tonga is a minority tribal, and too much tribal, so if Tongas cant vote for Eastetners and Northeners how do they expect Easterners and Northerners to vote for HH? So how is your HH going to have 60% without the Eastern and Nothern blocks voting for him! Walya ilya kwa na mungwa! In 2016 HH and his UPND massively rigged in Southern,Western and North-Western provinces, otherwise he was beaten clean by Lungu! There are people in Southern province who have two NRCs, and hence voted twice in the last elections. And also there was a lot of under age voting in those areas, that’s why HH had an unexpectedly high number of votes! HH is not popular in the whole of Zambia because of tribalism, he…


    • Ba LT where were your reporters in Mansa? You should have been on the ground to verify the Nixon ‘HH” Chilangwa’s story about purported Luapula revolt against Hon kalaba, this guy in Bahati is no pushover. He has been there serve for paid and questionable characters. What PF must not waste time on is to lie to ECL; as Republican President verification of anything is just seconds away, unless thats his subjective position. He has state machinery at his disposal

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