Monday, January 20, 2025

Chinese firm wins contract to reopen Baluba Mine


JCHX Mining Management Co. has announced that one of its subsidiaries won a construction contract for a major copper mine in Zambia.

Wholly owned unit JCHX Mining Construction Zambia won the contract, worth $55 million, for construction to resume production at the Baluba mine in Zambia in Luanshya.

JCHC Mining Management said this in a statement released on Friday night.

Details of the contract, including what the company would be responsible for building, was not immediately clear, and the company said further negotiations are in progress.

China Nonferrous Mining Corporation announced that it plans to reopen the copper mine, which has been under maintenance since 2015 due to falling prices.


  1. THIS IS A CAMPAIGN STRATEGY TO OUTSET KAMBWILI AS A MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR ROAN! Mwanya fye ba mumbwe you only use the mines for campaign but when you win elections you close it. STUPID *****S!!

  2. Discipline is the key. Give a Zambian a loan of 55million dollars, the first thing he will do is buy a very expensive car and build a complicated house.

  3. It’s high time Government had business in the business of this country. ZCCM has to be reorganized all over again so that we Zambians run these Mines again, the same way it was done in Dr Kenneth Kaunda’s time. Except this time we need a strong, disciplined hand at State House. If we don’t do this, our towns on the Copperbelt will forever deteriorate. Isn’t it disheartening to see our town infrastructure and general outlook still remaining way behind? Do we really care at all? Let’s not leave to the so called Government. It’s time we demonstrated peacefully and showed the world we are not happy with what is happening and choose to reverse this backward trend. Zambia needs a dictator with a strong progressive attitude not one character who will rape the economy. However, Zambians…

  4. People of this country, please let us stop this usual politics and work to turn around our economy. It’s very easy to develop this country within a year of good leadership. 20% PAYE across the board, zero tax for local entrepreneurs recruiting more than a certain number of employees, simplified monthly & annual MOF sources of income and expenditure report for every Zambian to follow and contribute ideas, review prison camps to productive and self reliant camps with high penalty levels for escapees, reduce size of government to 12 ministries and ministerial appointments and performances reviewed by not only the President but both President and general public in order to replace poor performing ministers. This can curb corruption immediately and same time force government to work. Cobalt…

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