Monday, January 20, 2025

Chitimukulu thanks RB for his evacuation to India for treatment


Paramount Chief Chitimukulu and his wife on arrival from India where he had gone for medical treatment
Paramount Chief Chitimukulu and his wife on arrival from India where he had gone for medical treatment

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu of the Bemba people in Northern Province has thanked President Rupiah Banda and his government for facilitating his evacuation to India for specialist treatment.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said on arrival in Kasama aboard a Zambia Air Force Plane at about13:00hours that he was feeling much better following the medical treatment he received while in India.

The paramount chief also thanked the people of Northern Province for praying for his quick recovery.

And Northern Province Permanent Secretary Mwalimu Simfukwe, who led government officials in receiving his Royal Highness at Kasama Airport, said government will continue to address the welfare of traditional rulers in the country.

Mr Simfukwe noted that government regards Chiefs as important stakeholders in the development of the nation.

He said the evacuation of Paramount Chief Chitimukulu abroad for specialist treatment was a clear testimony of government’s commitment to providing quality health care to traditional rulers in the country.

Meanwhile the Ukusefya Pa Ngw’ena Traditional ceremony of the Bemba in the province, which was scheduled for this month, will take place on September 19, this year and is expected to be graced by President Banda.

The ceremony which was set for August 22, was postponed to allow the paramount chief recuperate from an illness.

Paramount Chief Chitimukulu said preparations for the ceremony were going on as planed adding that so far works at the main arena were almost complete.

The Paramount Chief has since appealed for financial and material support from well-wishers to enable the ceremony to be successful.




  2. All those on Facebbook, sign up for Zambia Against Treatment of Leaders in South Africa. Batuliila sana amasuku pamutwe.

  3. “He said the evacuation of Paramount Chief Chitimukulu abroad for specialist treatment was a clear testimony of government’s commitment to providing quality health care to traditional rulers in the country” This simfukwe thing, our clinics have no medicine, not even panadol and we cannot all be traditional ruler to access the quality health care from abroad.

  4. Chiefs in Nigeria are very wealthy. They get money from the vast amount of land they own. They also collect local taxes. This makes them powerful and influential. Our chiefs, on the other hand, are clueless. They are poor despite presiding over huge areas. The result is they are always begging for favours from the government, which corrupts them.

  5. Not having hospitals and assisting a chief to go to India are two differenmt things. Lets debate them separately. The chief has every right to thank the government and that is not debatable at all. Lets be l;evel headed gentlemen

  6. because there is lack of inate strategy and scope coupled with lazyness that simply sentence them and generation to generation to poverty and disease…i Refuse in Jesus Name…FELLOW ZAMBIANS LET US BREAK LOSE THIS CURSE OF INBORN POVERTY…ITS THE ROOT OF CORRUPTION..

  7. When I saw this Chiti Mukulu beig installed and heard the words that came out of his mouth, I concluded we had made a mistake this time as Bembas to ve this guy as our Chief. His, is all the time the language of begging that sadly, he has compromised the authority that the seat has always carried. Anyhow, you dont expect much out of a sickling. He will beg his way into Morningside next. Sad for us. The fella has eroded the pride of Bemba Chiefs who when they they express their dislike for you, they equally refuse your offer to help, even when they are in desperate need. Thats the Umubemba I know.

  8. Thank God Chitimukulu is back live and kicking. He should not thank RB for evacuating him abroad for specialist treatment. Its the duty of GRZ to provide medical treatment to its citizenst regardless of status. I urge GRZ to speed the process of procuring specialist equipment for our hospitals to avoid spending huge sums of money of sending a few chosen ones for specialist treatment abraod. Life is a precious gift from God.

  9. Mwashibukeni bonse

    The government made a wise decision to evacuate His Royal Highness our chief to India for specialist treatment. Why should it only be government officials being given this previlledge?


  11. zOOONA our chief is selling himself cheap. The whole highness being examined probably a nobody Indian doctor. Undressing in front of who are beneath him? It would have made sense to have a Zambian doctor who values tradition to examine his exellence. I concur with 1 blogger who suggested traditional medicine. And trully said by # 4 our chiefs are clueless of what they are worth.

  12. I think this whole thing is wrong, The chief should not be thanking RB , it is RB who should be thanking the chief for an opportunity to serve him. The chieftainship has been there for centuaries and should be held as sacred. How can a sacred man start bowing to a common man. Our chief should have passed word in private thru a kapaso to RB and say things like that in public. As a bemba i feel insulted, if the chief needed help we as bemba’s would have evacuated him, and we would have thanked him for the opprtunity to asist.

  13. The government is under obligation to provide for every citizen and so the chief should not think he waz done a favour. Anyway, the Health Minister reminded us the other day that there iz a “special committee” that decides who gets evacuated, when,where, why and how.

  14. so does it mean that our hospitals are totally dead?
    when shall we learn to respect what we have?
    what kind of treatment did he recieve? i would love to see his medical report.
    lets close our hospitals so that all of us should be going abroad for medication.
    it seems those hospitals are decorations,why are politicians running away from them?
    all those with likodzo ( bilhazia|), kaswenda,matekenya should go abroad for treatment.
    why cant we use the money that they use to go abroad to improve our own medical services?
    am tired being a zambian.

  15. Iye aba bena iyo mwe. We need a proper paramount chief. Bwalya Chiti must think about going back to Lubemebland and atking over. He hwas enough money not to be begging for traetment.

  16. If people think it is wrong for a chief to be evacuated to a foreign country for treatment, that’s their problem.

    If people think it is wrong for a chief to thank the government after being evacuated to a foreign country for treatment, that’s their problem.

    If people think the chief is displaying “weakness” by being thankful and not portraying an adamant stance, that’s also their problem…

    BUT if our country does not have enough competent doctors and sufficient hospitals to treat our families and relatives so that they are forced to seek medical treatment abroad, that is OUR problem!

  17. We will pray harder so he does not get evacuated again in the near future. We dont want ukusefya pa ngwena to be deffered again or bakana besa thanking Banda again. Chiti be strong dont get evacuated again

  18. we are frikking losers! to have a headless president like RB,who is not even a Zambian,just look at LPM was going to do to HIS country,we can argue all day about this and that,guess what?RB is in office and will be come 2011 just watch,people Zaambians are being taken for a ride by govt not providing adequate basic needs and we will pay with blood for us to start fighting for these things,it should noted that the change will come from the people US to ensure that we provide for the nation……prayer does not improve things it only makes us postpone the issue,we should pray that we have balls to unseat the MMD thugs……..

  19. He jus thinks by so doing people in the north would vote for him. That’s all. Muleibepafye! Had it not been this time of elections, he could not have done it.

  20. RB seems not to know the problem in Zambia you will not always send people out of Zambia for treatment; the solution is to provide the high quality medical care. by having the right equipment in these run down hosipitals and also properly pay the hardworking zambian doctors, zambia has some of the best doctors in the world keep them by paying them what they deserve even nurses,

  21. RB now agrees that our hospitals and clinics cant handle anything and thats the reason he is able to send apamwabas to INDIA and RSA,funny part is it looks like we have a lot of money to fly these guys back and forth but we seam to be short of money to buy equipment to do these procedures pa zed or even pay the men and women who work in these hospitals.Is it not time for the maajority of zedians to stop this stupidity.

  22. one gal —- not sure from here, but perhaps they can rush him on a ka plane to india…. since that is what ‘we’ like to do with our money instead of paying doctors or nurses or teachers….

  23. Sad for the Bemba Kingdom. Generation after generation, the only good thing they know is begging, even searching visitor’s pockets in case they came with ka ngwee. This story is just a prof of the pudding. No wonder they are all lazy.

  24. The money that they are spending on medical services in SA, India could be used to improve health care in Zambia. I guess the government doesn’t see it that way. MMD is buying votes now, Chitimukulu now owes MMD so come 2011 everybody in his area will be forced to vote for RB.

  25. Ba Dr Maureen says……india has some of the most advanced specialists in the world…let it not shock you..youll hurt yourself….

  26. #35 I agree with you. Those who are harking back to the days when the kings had unbridled power, which in many cases they abused are not being realistic. Yes Lubemba has a long history and dynasty but ever since the colonialists came that power was eroded and for the royal institutions to survive they have to play the game. and the Chitimukulu knows that. RB is the Zambian head of state and therefore is not subordinate to the Litunga, Mwata, Gawa Undi etc. When he goes to those traditional ceremonies it is not just about attending, it is also about playing politics and handing out patronage. That is the reality of Zambian politics today.

  27. #31 & 33 that is sad for his family and loved ones. MHSRIP. but as harsh as it sounds he wont be very missed by the zed pipo and we shall save millions as a nation cus of one less medical case.

  28. I thought we had some sort of committee that recommends whose situation requires “evacuation” for overseas treatment. Can this so called committee members be named, and have the waiting list published.This some animals are better than others syndrome is a recipe for nepotism and cult worshipping.

  29. It is a pity to hear such things from our own Chief Chitimukulu, who happens to thank this guy RB. Why do he deserve the praises while he must worked to make things better in our country. If really we had good clinics or hospital’s with good medical facities in place, we could not even wait money to take someone outside the country for certain treatments. Despite having in all government places full of makabola(thieves) including the one in the State House the Robbing Bandi, the master for corruption sirpassing master diebbla CJTT. I think we need to get led of these f**ls from power. Look at Obama the way is suffering to put things in place. And these thieves we have can’t see that as an example.

  30. #36 I did not say Nigerian chiefs were not corrupt. What I said was that they are rich and powerful and do not beg like our chiefs. Rupiah gave chiefs K1million each to persuade them to support him. How cheap are our chiefs? By the way how true is this rumour about Tetamashimba?

  31. #4 You are absolutely ignorant about Nigerian chiefs.They have two kinds.One has to first of all do something BIG for his community followed by the slaughtering of a cow (Beef is extremely expensive there).We have traditional chiefs while their chiefs are self apponinted if anything.

  32. This is the end of the nation, the whole entire Mwine Lubemba Chiti Mukulu is wallowing in the smelly pocket of Bwezani! I honstly wonder what goes on in the mind of this government or what they discuss as cabinet, just when are they going to start funding our hospitals and stop this demeaning habit of shipping the called VIPs, dying ones for that matter, to South Africa and now India? Just look at Teta of Kunda, these are terminally damaged political goods and not even Indian or South African Sangoma medicine can cure them so why waste our resources of foregone demised cases?

  33. Bemba supporters of Kapwepwe here seem to be wallowing in self -pity as their pride has been hurt because their King has had to beg for assistance from his mbuya whilst his subjects did not do anything to help him

  34. It is basic courtesy to thank the Govt. I would also advise all your blogers to also thank your doctors after you see them even if your are paying > whthere you detaste it or not Rupiah is president and head of the Govt that made the decision.

  35. RB can not win. If he did nothing and the Chief died, then he would be criticised. Now he does something he is criticised.

  36. Ifumu yesu taimoneka moneka this is chitapankwa kanabesa chitimukulu. It is actually a priviledge for RB to even help him and should not even expect a reward. Mwabwelenipo mukwai mwebasunga empanda twatotela mukwai.

  37. I wish the chief a good stay in India.He went on my tax contribution but only thanked RB.If he is well informed,he could have known who really sponsored him between RB and the The FaithFull Taxpayer.Besides what happened to morning side clinic?

  38. Mwe mfumu namulwasha aini… you have been basically troating from one health practitioner to another trying to hold on to precious life. Ichalo ichi…and you have only been chief for less than 5 yrs.

  39. there is a family in kitwe central hospital in need of specialised treatment. the government is aware about this but doing nothing about it. zambia is not about teta, wina and chiti, we all need a share of the cake.please do something about this chimwemwe family at KCH.

  40. Mulekwatako umuchinshi bafi colour. Some of you even pretend to be Bembas. Ababemba they respect their chiefs and cannot write the nonsense being vomited here. The bloody Chiti Wakula was helped by GRZ and as we say in Bemba “Uushitasha mwana wambwa”. Our chief is not a son of a dog as you want to force him to be. It is our nature as Bembas to be grateful when we are helped. Now do you have a problem with being thankfull? If so, find a tree somehere and hang. Or better still go bungy jumping without a rope. Ata see, umusalula ukufula.

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