Sunday, September 8, 2024

Conjoined twins separated


Surgeons performing the operation on conjoined twins
Surgeons performing the operation on conjoined twins

A team of Zambian doctors at the University Teaching Hospital have successfully separated conjoined twins Mapalo and Bupe.

UTH senior medical superintendent for Women and New Born Hospital Dr Maureen Chisembele confirmed that Mapalo and Bupe were successfully separated at 16:58 hours today.

Dr Chisembele told Journalist at UTH this evening that doctors are currently closing up the wounds and the twins are expected to be recovering in Intensive Care Unit by 20:00 hours.

“A lot of progress has been made, in fact we have made great progress. The twins have been separated. They were separated at exactly 16:58 hours. However, there is still a lot to be done in terms of closing up the wounds and we anticipate that the surgery will continue for an hour and a half to two hours. We hope by 20:00 hours they will be in ICU,” said Dr Chisembele.

The conjoined twins
The conjoined twins
Surgeons at UTH during the operation
Surgeons at UTH during the operation
Surgeons at UTH during the operation
Surgeons at UTH during the operation
Surgeons at UTH during the operation
Surgeons at UTH during the operation


  1. Great job guys, you could wonders if PF were serious with medical care and not just looting and stealing. Wish the babies quick recovery

  2. Well done comrades! It takes knowledge and great skill to achieve this! If it was by prayer alone, we should have referred them to church … Kikikiki. Too many fanatical believers in Zambia!

  3. I DOUBT those so called surgeons in picture No 3 cos. they look like witch Doctors, bravo to the two WHITE SURGEONS in last pics. for a Job well done i was their watching you whilst the so called black surgeons where busy giving tuma knife scissors bandages etc Atleast they saw how a muzungu does it let them not cheat that they seperated they zambians where just passengers. Its not easy for a black man to conduct such an operation because shivering so much (if nt drunk) is the order of the day. wish luck to the twins and parents, again Bravo Russian surgeons

    • I’m a medical doctor and find your comment quite disturbing. It’s sad that people like you with an inferiority complex toward Caucasians still exist.

    • Colonial mentality….I recall how whites avoided hospital at Nkana Mine Hospital whenever the consulting doctor was a Zambian such as Dr Simukoko. They brave their sickness until there was a fellow white on duty.

    • Chama as a medical doctor you should be intelligent enough to see that Anyoko is just trying to provoke a tired racial debate in a childish manner. If he gets a response from doctors he will have achieved his trivial objective and satisfied his overblown weak ego

  4. I have always said to those of my colleagues that have cared to listen that UTH has some of the best doctors in the region. Unfortunately, the “inferiority complex hangover” from way back in the one party state keeps telling us that our home grown doctors are not good enough.

    Looking forward to local neuro-surgical operations if only to shame the critics.

    • One correction…KK never allowed evacuations of sick people to other countries. Even himself attended UTH. At one time the late Harry Mwaanga Nkumbala was recommended for outside medical treatment, KK refused to sanction the move. Mr Nkumbala could not be issued with a passport for traveling out. Instead a Zambian medical team was assigned to him 24/7 until his death.

  5. To all the SURGEONS congratulations for a great job. You are the unsung heroes who actually keep the country going behind closed doors. I would like to hear a complimentary comment from our political leaders in the next week or so. But I am afraid they will still want to go overseas for their treatment. I do not remember Kaunda doing that. If he did, forgive me because I do not remember.

    • Even now, Kaunda never troops abroad for medical treatment. If he has, you probably could count the number of times with your fingers on one hand. KK loves his UTH and the believes in the doctors that man it.

      Congratulations to the docs that took part in the operation and we pray for the twins. Get well soon and God bless!

  6. We are tired of “Corruption, stealing, …” mantras from UPND donkis! It is made in your head! What is wrong with your brains? Tribalism is a disease! I will ask these surgeons to transplant your brains with better ones or maybe be treated at Chainama! When will you come to the grasp of the matter that your guy is unelectable and is an Under Five?

    • Is Chishimba Kambwili UPND?? Is Saviour Chishimba UPND??? Is NAREP UPND.??? Is Harry Kalaba UPN?D???

      We are also tired of thieves like you with your thieving mantras!!!!

  7. @Anyoko..Ala you are very, very dull indeed!! My friend black or white intellect is the same! Imwe aba pepa aba sungu. I work with them here and they are just the same as me a black Zambian man in America. Grow up mune.

  8. I love this, I am proud of these surgeons. Pls continue working hard to save lives locally. May God grant the babies long life

  9. You can take a UPND cadre out of village but you can’t take the village out of his mind. That ka mentality. Thinks he is inferior to bazungu, that is why their spokesman reports to them everyday, selling his country, as soon as he leaves they start laughing at him Under Five.

  10. Thank God all went on well. Credit also to all the Doctors and other medical personnel that were involved in this delicate task. very beautiful babies. some people are so careless the way they pass comments on such sensitive issues! May God forgive them and send them Holly spirit to help them think normally.

  11. To GOD be the glory, thanks to the surgeons for the great work and thanks ECL & Team PF for now equipping UTH to have the capacity for performing such complex surgeries.

  12. Good work. Forget the likes of Anyoko. But UTH has a history leaving poor people they operate on to buy their own medicine.

  13. Great job and congrats!I however don’t understand why that woman in the main picture doesn’t have gloves on and one of her hands is touching the babies.That is not a very good scientific practice especially in a clean-room environment.The babies can get an infection.She is even touching her garments,that’s definitely not good.

  14. If your prophet can do what the surgeons have done then I am willing to be his disciple. If he can’t, ask him to get lost, I don’t need miracle money. This kind of surgery involves a lot, it’s not as easy as the Luvale do at mukanda using Minora razor blades

  15. Russia has recalled and promoted the two FEMALE SURGEONS for successfully operating and separating BLACK Twins in Zambia , the promotion comes after the medical association of Russia realized that the two surgeons worked under very difficult conditions , such conditions as : Luck of knowledge to carry out an operation of this nature by local BLACK experts though they have big tittles and degrees. Cholera epidemic . Corruption by Government officials , surrounded by so many NDAKA men and women, ETC but despite all this the operation was successful . We wish the twins quick recovery and a quick unification with the parents. Tickets to Russia be sent after they two great surgeons over see the whole healing process of the babies

  16. One correction…KK never allowed evacuations of sick people to other countries. Even himself attended UTH. At one time the late Harry Mwaanga Nkumbala was recommended for outside medical treatment, KK refused to sanction the move. Mr Nkumbala could not be issued with a passport for traveling out. Instead a Zambian medical team was assigned to him 24/7 until his death.

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