Monday, September 16, 2024

Govt has not met set conditions at MOH-Netherlands Ambassador


Netherlands Ambassador to Zambia, Harry Molenaar, says government has not met conditions set before funding can resume to the ministry of Health.

Ambassador Molennar however, said there has been a positive response from the working committee put in place to address concerns over the abuse of funds at the Ministry of health.

He told ZNBC news that the Dutch government is ready to resume funding to the Ministry once its benchmarks are met.

Ambassador Molennar said his government also wants to study the report on forensic audits conducted at the Ministry of Health.

The Dutch government has withheld funding following the K27 billion scam at the Ministry of Health early this year.

Recently, the ministry of Health said over ninty per cent of the donors conditionalities have been met.

A number of people have been arrested in connection with the scam and are currently appearing in court.



  1. Dr Miti the big fish in the MOH consipiracy is still a free man. We are not stupid, he wrote a letter to Rupiah Banda to ask for mercy , am sure he will be acqitted and Kapoko jailed for 3 yrs. Twasanswa mu zambia. the problen with zambians is that we are a nation of grumblers. moaners, and discontent people. and do not do anything abouyt it. We need to rise up like we did in 1991 with one voice andbring Bwezani out please, what is happening in day broad light is ao unacceptable, how long will be taken for a ride?

  2. Yes I totally agree with you;;Zambia must first put fences into place. to protect the hard earned taxpayers money from those thieves who have dissappeard with 25billion kwacha,, from the ministry of health and let some one explain who has taken the 25billion kwacha

  3. Harry Molenaar is just wasting his time, nothing will done. They might as well take their money and use it somewhere else.

  4. Close the funding taps Harry and you will hasten the collapse of a gerontocracy shepherded by an oaf of a herdsman. As long as the cavern of thieves is intact donor funds are of no use to the man in Kachololo.

  5. As a Zambian, I am at pains to say this because doing so is like advocating against my relatives and friends who have no choice but utilize our dilapidated hospitals. Nonetheless, Mr. Ambassador, please keep your money until these African govts start to appreciate the importance of taxpayers within their borders. Why should Netherland taxpayers keep funding greedy and insensitive bu$tards who are only interested in stealing from the poor to build themselves mansions and sprawling farms? Whatever policies & measures they are claiming to have put in place are at best only cosmetic, so they can have the ‘AID MONEY TAP’ turned back on again. Trust me, two, three yrs from now we will back talking about these same problems over again—in Zambia it seems, EXPERIENCE IS NEVER THE BEST TEACHER!!

  6. Well, as long as there is no accountability , responsibility, reliability, integrity… do you trust the system to deliver what you invest in? Donors from other countries work hard and donate out of making a difference in the world. Zambia has to CHANGE it’s attitude and go back to INTEGRITY , RESPONSIBILITY, HONESTY, LOVE, DISCIPLINE and HARDWORK. Donors love Zambia want to help but….if the system is compromised and goes in the wrong pockets what can it do????? the local Zambians suffer because of a few greedy people. Some people in authority in Africa do not realise a greedy decision of one can affect a million people. Africa needs to change and start looking at their characters…why is Africa got the richest resources but begs for money? It is simple GREED!!! GREED !!!GREED…

  7. Why am I not surprised? This is typical of GRZ – they don’t even have KPI’s to steer them towards any goals. For all their wastage of money, they still dress up like the civil servants that they are. Bunch of arrogant brain-donors.

  8. This also goes to failure to control corruption by interfering with judgements in favor of MMD supporters such as FTJ

  9. Mr. Ambassador if you have enough resourcs to build and run the hospitals please do it, we can never trust MOH and RB anymore.

  10. If possible, may teh Dutch Govt build and run hospitals in Zambia. Shameful but it is a disgrace that we steal donated money and use it to builkd lavish houses, drive hammers etc. Disgraceful.

    Either build and run hospitals and clinics for us or keep your money. Why should it go to thieves? Zambians have already been missing out of this donor money. It wont make much difference.

    Shameful, disgraceful. RB and Govt must walk with heads down, in shame.

  11. Why must demand for good governance be driven by foreigners like the his excellency the ambassador. Where are the Zambian people whose money has been stolen and we have already forgotten about it and busy dying of curable diseases. Sometimes I wonder what sort of people we are to allow all this to happen without any proper measures being made. So far only arrests of small fish has taken place. What a joke!

  12. We need more kapokos to teach these doners lessons or our priorities in africa. leave us alone you colonialists. We can survive without you carrots. Viva next kapoko!

  13. We need more kapokos to teach these donors lessons on our priorities in africa. leave us alone you colonialists. We can survive without your carrots. Viva kapoko!

  14. My advice Mr Ambassador Sir Keep your money but please go to our 3 major hospitals and see what is needed then provide the facilities and all equipment needed for the poor people of zambia .If you continue to give money to these thieves they will continue to steal. They do not care for my poor mum and dad my grandparents and our precious children who are the future leaders of this peaceful country. What makes them go to South Africa for treatment? Why can’t the leaders of South Africa come to Zambia for Treatment. Why do Zambian politicians prefer to go south for treatment, because they know the conditions in our hospitals are really baaaaad

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