Saturday, March 22, 2025

Zambia reaffirms to cut ties with Sahrawi Republic, President Lungu to visit Morocco soon


Speaking at a press conference in Rabat, Zambia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji reaffirmed that Zambia has severed all ties with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).
Speaking at a press conference in Rabat, Zambia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji reaffirmed that Zambia has severed all ties with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Malanji has reaffirmed that his country has severed all ties with the Sahrawi Republic.

And Ambassador Malanji has announced that President Edgar Lungu will soon visit Morocco for an official visit.

Ambassador Malanji, who joined Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita at a press conference in Rabat, said that “Lusaka no longer maintains bilateral relations with SADR.”

Lauding the bilateral ties between Morocco and Zambia, Ambassador Malanji said that Zambian diplomatic missions “will inform countries and the international and regional organizations of this decisive break” with the Sahrawi Republic.

He said talks were focused “on the very good relations between Morocco and Zambia, which are expected to be reinforced in several areas, especially on political and economic levels.”

Ambassador Malanji also lauded King Mohammed VI “historic visit” to Zambia in February 2017.

After Morocco’s official return to the African Union on January 31, 2017, King Mohammed VI began an African tour on February 1, 2017.

The King’s tour started from the Republic of South Sudan and then continued into Ghana, Zambia, Guinea, and Cote d’Ivoire.

During his visit to Zambia, King Mohammed VI co-chaired the signing ceremony of 19 partnership agreements with the Zambian leader Edgar Chagwa.

After the King’s visit, Zambia’s Former Minister Harry Kalaba announced his country’s decision to withdraw its recognition of the SADR.

The announcement was made less than a month after Morocco’s return to the African Union and few days following King Mohammed VI’s first official visit to Zambia.

And Mr. Bourita said their meeting was an opportunity to discuss means to ensure the smooth implementation of an agreement signed last year.

Mr. Bourita lauded the growing momentum in bilateral ties since the Moroccan king’s visit, saying the signed agreements lay the ground for solid cooperation.

The Moroccan Foreign Affairs Minister said the two sides also discussed a number of regional issues of common interest.
The Sahrawi Republic officially known as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) is a partially recognised state that controls a thin strip of area in the Western Sahara region region and claims sovereignty over the entire territory of Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony and later province.

The SADR government controls about 20–25% of the territory it claims.

The SADR government considers the Moroccan-held territory to be occupied territory, while Morocco considers the much smaller SADR-held territory to be a buffer zone.

The Sahrawi Republic maintains diplomatic relations with 40 UN states, and is a full member of the African Union.


    • It is an act of dangerous betrayal of the people in occupied Western Sahara who continues with the struggle for self-determination and independence. It will be hard for SADC member countries to trust and respect Zambia if we are now for subjugation of fellow Africans to oppressor powers when we are signatories to the UN and AU resolutions calling for a referendum in the Western Sahara.

      What has become of our foreign policy if we have any to debate or prove?

    • Not sure I understand what this story is saying.

      I am half asleep on my queen bed in silk pyjamas and would careless what the minister is saying.



    • Question is , how much was Lungu bribed? We all know that Kalaba & Lungu have been selling recognition of countries.

      For a country known for support of liberation struggles, apartheid, it’s an INSULT to change its stance under corrupt Lungu and support Colonialism of one African country over another.

    • Simple logic. Zambia was told that Morocco would recognize Barotseland if Zambia continued with its recognition of Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR).

    • Lungu supports Kabila, who has been shooting unarmed protesters, beating up catholic priests who have been demonstrating against his illegal extension in power. Then he goes to dine with Kagame who has gone for a 3rd term.

      Lungu is really VISION-LESS.

    • It’s shameful that this current government compromises on moral grounds and ethics just because they want something from Morocco. Western Sahara People need support for recognition than being under oppression. Shame on Lungu and his Foreign Affairs Minister who think with their tummies than ethics.

    • Abash with Zambia on this one. Our ignorance in matters relating to foreign affairs is astounding. Not too long ago, Zambia decided to abscond the UN vote on Jerusalem as the capital of official capital of Israel. The People of Western Sahara deserve our support. Their fate is in our hands as Africans. And yet, here we are turning our backs on them. What a shameful stance for Zambia to adopt!

    • Lungu always working hard at ripping this poor Country by constant travels and getting huge amounts of money through pediam. He is so predictable,, everyone knows what he is doing and the reason why

    • according to UN, WesternSahara is a disputed territory not occupied one. Occupation is a big term. when you say it is occupied it means it was free before occupation. but WesternSahara has never been an independent state. and if I’m wrong, correct to me and tell me about its fact before the claimed occupation; who rule this territory before Spanish occupation? and how it was its situation before occupation. the history of WS is certainly doesn’t start in 1975. it’s Almoravid (Moroccan dynasty) that ruled WesternSahara before Spanish occupation.

    • the pseudo “Sahrawi Democratic Arab Republic” (SADR) can not be a state because it lacks all the components of a real state, that is first #Sovereignty
      => it has no sovereignty on the disputed land + it has no authority on the habitants of WS.
      A State means the #institutions that is to have parliament, political parties, admnistration institutions, opposition, etc. how can SADR be a state and can’t even determine the number of its peoples! how It can be a democratic state and it has no parties and oppostion, and it is unable to make a democratic election!
      UN does not recognize SADR as a state and there no flag of it UNs. and SADR that claim itself to be Arabic and Islamic is not recognized by nearly all Arab and Islamic states. it is not a member of Arab League Union (ALU) and…

    • How was SADR accepted in AU if most of the AU members do not recognize this phantom state?
      #SADR is a #SelfieRepublic because it appears only in some photos of AU summits. SADR doesn’t exist in reality. SADR is not #WesternSahara. #SADR is a front not a state, it exists in Algeria not in WesternSahara.

  1. Foreign policy ya “mucimbami”, ona kofukela moya kaufela bya kukanela kwateni. This zero foreign policy is embarrassing. Besides bu Koswe Mumphoto, Dununa Reversing with Mumbi-Phiri Wa Bantu & stealing, Lungu stands for nothing else in life.

  2. Should this report be true, it will be our biggest mistake of historic implications. We will be rewriting our profile as reliable supporters of the African liberation struggle for justice and freedom.

  3. Chipantepante visionless PF.

    Visionless Lungu is a hypocrite & he lied that he will not fly abroad. Suddenly dictator Kabila sent unconstitutionally panga picked Lungu to dictator Kagame & now wants to travel to Morocco to denounce Sahwari Republic. Visionless indeed.
    In Europe &other civilised countries can’t entertain undemocratically panga picked visionless Lungu~sha economy.
    The Skeleton Key

    • Even at international level he has no shame….when it comes to voting at the UN they do not show up; now he has seen another opportunity to party with Kaizer and dancers on flight 9J-ONE.
      That’s the difference in leadership between Botswana and these crooks who pretend to be religious!!

  4. Stop siding with occupiers and Maroc colonialists who’ve refused to hold a referendum.Even the UN doesn’t recognize Morocco’s claim to the land and most of AU members are same.

    • How was Morocco readmitted if most of the AU members do not recognize Morocco’s claim? Once Morocco was readmitted to the AU, this problem just became an academic exercise – member states of the AU have to follow the decision of the AU.

    • @ 6.1 abilima

      The AU is sick. Check-out the stance it held on Zimbabwe just prior to the ouster of Robert Mugabe.

    • according to UN, WesternSahara is a disputed territory not occupied one. Occupation is a big term. when you say it is occupied it means it was free before occupation. but WesternSahara has never been an independent state. and if I’m wrong, correct to me and tell me about its fact before the claimed occupation; who rule this territory before Spanish occupation? and how it was its situation before occupation. the history of WS is certainly doesn’t start in 1975. it’s Almoravid (Moroccan dynasty) that ruled WesternSahara before Spanish occupation.

    • the pseudo “Sahrawi Democratic Arab Republic” (SADR) can not be a state because it lacks all the components of a real state, that is first #Sovereignty
      => it has no sovereignty on the disputed land + it has no authority on the habitants of WS.
      A State means the #institutions that is to have parliament, political parties, admnistration institutions, opposition, etc. how can SADR be a state and can’t even determine the number of its peoples! how It can be a democratic state and it has no parties and oppostion, and it is unable to make a democratic election!
      UN does not recognize SADR as a state and there no flag of it UNs. and SADR that claim itself to be Arabic and Islamic is not recognized by nearly all Arab and Islamic states. it is not a member of Arab League Union (ALU) and…

    • How was SADR accepted in AU if most of the AU members do not recognize this phantom state?
      #SADR is a #SelfieRepublic because it appears only in some photos of AU summits. SADR doesn’t exist in reality. SADR is not #WesternSahara. #SADR is a front not a state, it exists in Algeria not in WesternSahara.

  5. What has Zambia gained from supporting revolutionaries? Nothing! Let Morocco sort out its own problems

    • @ 8 shu shu shu

      What has Zambia gained? You really don’t know what Zambia has gained? What a mass of ignorance being displayed here!

  6. It appears under PF we stand for nothing. SADR is recognised by SADC,the AU and the UN for a long time now.Even Morocco’s return to the AU was on condition that they never question the legitimacy of the SADR at the AU.So what is the value of this change of approach by Zambia rather than private interests for those in authority especially the President!

    • And why and how did he dictate this without consulting us? I maintain his decision is ILLEGAL. This is when the opposition must show their clout

  7. I don’t understand the indignation in the comments above, as if we are the first country in the world to cut diplomatic ties with another country because of bilateral complications.

    Belgium has been cutting ties with so many Arab countries but it is still respected and upheld as a trustworthy partner by many other countries in the world. When the worse comes to the worst, old friendships come first. Morocco was there first, then came Sahrawi. So why violate the first relation to uphold a second?

    If we lose one eye, don’t worry, we still have one to see.

    • You’re so nonsensical. I guess you just want to provoke response or you are bored. Firstly things aren’t correct because other people have done them before. Secondly things aren’t correct because they were done first. No logic states so. Thirdly you don’t know the history of saharawi. Leave the debate to the informed

  8. This is really sad. How can we betray the legitimate struggle of the the Saharawi people for self determination when we sacrificed so much for the liberation of this continent? What did our leaders get paid to turn away from our hitherto spotless foreign policy and identification with our struggling brothers and sisters globally. History will judge us very harshly.

  9. Lungu and his pf gang of thives can be bribed to do or say anything…….right now they need money, and this is the worst time for our country.

    Especially as we near 2021, everything will be for sale in Zambia.

  10. It’s against our long cherished policy of non-aligned position. We host both Israelis and Palestinians to demonstrate that if we can put our ego aside there’s chance that we can coexist. And truly Israelis and Palestinians are not killing each other here. We are the peacemakers. By siding with Morocco we have neglected our Saharawi brothers and sisters who also need our support.

  11. The trouble with having a kleptomaniac as party leader is that all thoughts are psyched in terms of kickbacks and commissions. Anything that happens the UPND followers see it in terms of money exchanging hands. Even a swearing-in ceremony, they will always think the Chief Justice was paid to swear-in the winning candidate. Let’s always remember the UPND in our prayers

  12. How was Lungu allowed to unilaterally make such an important decision? We cant abandon our brothers in saharawi based on the decision of one man. Does Lungu have such powers? The opposition must challenge this in parliament if not in court. Lungu made an illegal decision and it cant stand.

    • give freedom to BoerRepublic (Afrikaners) then come talk. SouthAfrica has no right to pick its nose into other’s affairs. it’s hypocritical for SouthAfrica to oppose the right of Selfdetermination in #Catalonia that made referendum and chosen to be independent from Spain, and support it in WesternSahara that hasn’t made referendum yet.

  13. Remember the headlines below? Sure evidence of a lack of principles? Knowledge? Policy?

    “Zambia to maintain relations with both Morocco and Sahrawi”
    January 24, 2017

    “UPP’s Dr Saviour Chishimba happy that President Lungu has reconciled Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic
    January 11, 2017”

    “Sahrawi President arrives in Zambia this afternoon on state visit
    January 9, 2017

    “Zambia’s cuts ties with Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic
    July 10, 2016”

  14. Dear ECL, Please leave our country alone. There are many Zambians who can do great things for Zambia and you are not one of them. African Leaders you suck! Kabilia, Mugabe, Zuma, Mseveni, Dos Santos, ECL please die.

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