Youth Aid Chairperson Chungu Kachenga has challenged patriotic front deputy media director to media director Antonio mwanza to apologize to Senior Chief Mukuni And Hamusonde of southern province for accusing them of being used as of as propaganda tool against President Edgar Lungu by the opposition United Party For National Development (UPND).
Mr. Kachenga says it is disrespectful for a youth like Mr. Mwanza to begin to speak negatively about senior royal highnesses and publicly accuse them of being partisan.
He has told q-news that it is irrational for the PF to think that every Zambian will side with them especially with what is happening now.
Mr. Kachenga says it is not in order for young people like Antonio Mwanza to battle with such highly respected and god ordained elderly people.
And The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) has described as saddening, tendencies by Zambians to doubt the parentage of every President that has ever ruled the country.
YALI governance Advisor Isaac Mwanza tells q-news that it is disturbing that all past presidents’ parentage has been doubted.
He explains that it is further disheartening that even President Edgar Lungu’s parentage is being questioned by some political players who have aspirations of ruling this country.
Mr. Mwanza has however reiterated that the burden to prove that President Edgar Lungu is not Zambian lies on those who are accusing him, and not himself.
He says those alleging that president lungu is not Zambian should come forth with evidence so that the matter is put to rest.
Do they deserve it?
There is no chief called Mukuni. But there is a chief who crapped his pants when he tried bungee jumping. He is a fool who is riding on fate to call himself chief
There is no chief called Mukuni. But there is a chief who crapped his pants when he tried bungee jumping. He is a f.o.o.l who is riding on fate to call himself chief
They two do not deserve any respect period! They should have respected themselves first by not involving themselves in politics. When you come to politics remember that ‘ He who cries for rains, cries for mud’!!!
Kachenga, just leave it, you know that PF cadres have placed themselves beyond advice. This is a party which strangely has not accepted any wrong doing on anything. Some of us are PF but civilised hence us coming out. It is not possible that we are right on literally everything, and its also not in order that we should be responding to literally everything even if we want to be seeing to be working..
Is this Youth Aid Chairperson Chungu Kachenga quite normal? I doubt, to say the least! In this case how is he aiding the youth by stealing funds to please these obnoxious chiefs, or is it the other way round, trying to lobby for funds from them? This chief clearly wants to wage war in order for HH to become president and supporting this chief from this angle does not make sense for this poor youth chairman.
There are so many chiefs who deserve respect but definitely ka mukuni is not one of them. Antonio, take him on like a cadre that he is
Kindly define your context of respect in your article.
No one doubted that of LPM
They said he was from Mozambique
Some claimed his father was a Yao from Malawi who was given land by Chief Chiwala. But it’s all bullsit.
Kachenga your a goat respect is not something you ask for the two chiefs mentioned are well known to be active in politics supporting HH which is a well known fact.They can gain the respect you are asking for if they stay away from politics and we shall accord them the respect they deserve.Antanio Mwanza is right in issuing his statement.
Ubufumu bucindika ubwine. First the chief should not have cheapened himself in the first place. Such behavior opens a chief to all kinds of ridicule.
We were trying our best to forget Mukuni crapping his pants during the opening of banjee jumping. What Mukuni should not forget is that the unedited video is still at ZNBC and can become a daily documentary if he continues engaging himself in politics.
This Isaac Mwanza, is he the only YALI employee? Why is he the only one voicing out on behalf of the organisation? Doesnt the organisation have a Board Chairperson, Executive Director or Public Relations Officer?
Advise your chiefs to stay away from politics if they want respect…!
sometime back I heard nsenga chiefs, simattaa and lusaambo talk on the issue ,them it was not politics ,now that the two chiefs have spoken by merely asking for clarity its politics .mr mwanza why are u double standard?or does it mean now that if you speak against what PF its politics and if you support its not politics ,I need your serious ruling mr mwanza
The Nsenga as the parents of Edgar Lungu came out to ascertain that he is their child because you and your Mukuni challenged them. It was not Gawa Undi, Mpezeni or Chitimukulu who came out to say ECL is their child.
You’re missing the point. Mukuni’s remarks are divisive and acrimonious while the other people are appealing for peace and unity. What your Mukuni doesn’t realize is that if his remarks continue it can bring disturbance in the nation and he’ll have no palace to rule from and also Hikainde will have no hope of ruling a Zambia as it’s now.
If Simaata knows Lungu why can’t he speak out. It’s different from ka Mukuni who doesn’t know Lungu but maliciously claims he is not Zambian. How do you give someone a country when you don’t even know the person’s background?
True Antonio is a baby who should be respecting the elders instead of insulting them for questioning a public leader’s origin. This getting mad at everyone questioning ECL’s origin is a sign that he is not who he says he is. If he was truly not guilty or has nothing to hide, he would have spoken out but alas the man is quiet which means he is not Zambian and he hopes this topic will go away on it’s own, little does he know that the next man will bundle him up and ship him back to where he came from.
True Antonio is a baby who should be respecting the elders instead of insultiing them for questioning a public leader’s origin. This getting mad at everyone questioning ECL’s origin is a sign that he is not who he says he is. If he was truly not guilty or has nothing to hide, he would have spoken out but alas the man is quiet which means he is not Zambian and he hopes this topic will go away on it’s own, little does he know that the next man will bundle him up and ship him back to where he came from
True Antonio is a baby who should be respecting the elders instead of disrespecting them for questioning a public leader’s origin. This getting mad at everyone questioning Lungu’s origin is a sign that he is not who he says he is. If he was truly not guilty or has nothing to hide, he would have spoken out but alas the man is quiet which means he is not Zambian and he hopes this topic will go away on it’s own, little does he know that the next man will bundle him up and ship him back to where he came from
True Antonio is a baby who should be respecting the elders instead of disrespecting them for questioning a public leader’s origin. This getting mad at everyone questioning Lungu’s origin is a sign that he is not who he says he is. If he was truly not guilty or has nothing to hide, he would have spoken out but alas the man is quiet which means he is not Zambian and he hopes this topic will go away on it’s own, little does he know that the next man will bundle him up and ship him back to where he came from
Zambians have always advised traditional leaders to avoid political meddling but mukuni can’t listen. No wonder, young politics should insults him.
Chief Mukuni and Hamusonde are known HH’s cadres!!they have chosen tribal politics and all Zambians know this fact.since they both support tonga party upnd openly,we must take them head on!!these two upnd cadres deserve no respect at all as they are not chiefs.in Zambia Chiefs work with Govnt of the day.Mukuni and Hamusonde know this fact but tribalism has blinded them!!THIS CHUNGU KACHEPA SHOULD HUNG OR RESPECT THOSE UPND CADRES ALONE!!
Mukuni and Hamusonde should be careful because PF lovers in 6.5 provinces could even beat them!!!they must leave politics to the politicians!!
Any body who joins politics should also bear all that goes with political language. Chiefs and other dignified people who are above partisan politics have been advised to stay away from politics. Who ever enters the political arena is ready to receive blows from any angle. So it is for this reason that chiefs should NOT make such public comments on any political plat form! Let the chief first say sorry for the comment he made against the head of state.
Kachenga, just leave it, you know that PF cadres have placed themselves beyond advice. This is a party which strangely has not accepted any wrong doing on anything. Some of us are PF but civilised hence us coming out. It is not possible that we are right on literally everything, and its also not in order that we should be responding to literally everything even if we want to be seeing to be working.
Stick to subject matter.
Chibemba chitila at “Umwana Ushinaya atasha nyina ukwenda”
Those are foolish and stupid chiefs. They are *****s
Those who live in glass houses like ka Chief Mukuni should not throw stones.
The Nsenga chief who defended ‘mr ubomba mwibala’ is not politics only chief mukuni and his friend ba Pf when yo time will be over mukachula!There was powerful MMD,where is it? check yo wait dont cheat yo self that 2021 u will win election bufi! unless u know what u are capable to do yoself
Shallow philosophy.
If chief Mukuni cannot respect other Chiefs and decides to malign them through the sponsored Press briefing, how do you expect others to give respect? they say respect is a cultivated trend. So if Mukuni is sowing seed of disrespect he must also accept to be mud slang. The law does not offer immunity to chiefs and if found wanting can be arrested and charged.
Young Boys can bath or shower in public and no one would bother.
But if an adult male did the same then it would be news. Do you understand my point.
Abena Mukuni, during the day you will find them on the grounds of Mukobeko prison. Nga bwaila, they will forget about their incarcerated son and go to the night clubs mukuchilisha. You expect them to be respected.
This then is a platform of fools and idiocy.No real issues day in day out.It shows how shallow minded people have become. Other than drinking gabas and smoking makwaya,nothing to talk about.One day we shall remember all these days wasted on gossip and cheap talk.Take a trip to Kawambwa.
Forget about this Chief Nkuni Mukuyu.He is pathological tribalist. I usually see the traits in his red eyes .He is a bad and divisive element and very corrupt even his subjects are aware.
Respect is earned. Has Chief Mukuni earned it?
A big NO!!!!#
Mukuni hamusonde and the corrupt senga chiefs should not parade themselves to politics, leave mulongoti and lungu in there dirty game
The ignorance in Zambia is drinking, how can Chief Mukuni be tribal when supporting a Tonga when he himself as a Toka Leya is basically Lozi just like Kebby Sililo Musokotwane was. But I’m as yet to come across a single Nyanja doubling Lungu’s roots, I’m true Umodzi ku Mawa fashion bafikala imwe!
They have caused this to themselves . Chiefs should be above politics.
” Mr. Kachenga says it is not in order for young people like Antonio Mwanza to battle with such highly respected and god ordained elderly people. ”
I end the quote here. God might have allowed them to be chiefs, due to the state in which their subjects are. Lungu might not be the most astute, but his Christianity allowed him to preside over Christian Zambians who are sober and drunk depending on the character.
Those chiefs are lousy.
” Mr. Kachenga says it is not in order for young people like Antonio Mwanza to battle with such highly respected and god ordained elderly people. ”
I end the quote here. God might have allowed them to be chiefs, due to the state in which their subjects are. Lungu might not be the most astute, but his Christianity allowed him to preside over Christian Zambians who are sober and drunk depending on the character.
Those chiefs are lous-y.
Those are cadres. do cadres deserve respect.
Tombwe makes them loose shyness. Hh blackmails these.they are in hh’s ring its difficult to move out baby.They just have to do what they told or they loose everything.
SP Unip chairman has challenged Mukuni to put on his political gloves so that he can meet ka chief in the political arena.
@ Shu Shu Shu is the story about badala Mukuni doing the job in his pants when bungee jumping true. I once thought
that people were just making it up.
Mukuni? Is he a member of the tribal grouping too?
You can ask that question because you are tribeless! Don’t you find it strange that everyone is rising to the occasion of being the President’s spokesperson? ZNBS also aired today some chiefs trying to say something and the Health Minister also trying to voice out nothing, another man also in trying to clear the matter says bring us the mother and father of the President then we can believe what you are saying seriously? What is being said in default here?
“Mr. Kachenga says it is disrespectful for a youth like Mr. Mwanza to begin to speak negatively about senior royal highnesses and publicly accuse them of being partisan”.
“Mr. Kachenga says it is not in order for young people like Antonio Mwanza to battle with such highly respected and god ordained elderly people”.
Really young man? A few lessons,
1. Is Kachenga the same ckan as Mukuni? I mean tribe?
2. Respect is earned
3. The sick old Mukuni travelled all the way from Mukuni village to Lusaka just to come and lose his respect. He came also to provoke the eastern chiefs but failed to fan a tribal war with them because he is not in their class.
4. The hatred harboured by h.h was confirmed in Mongu on saturday when he said either you love h.h or you love Lungu, and no two…
“Mr. Kachenga says it is disrespectful for a youth like Mr. Mwanza to begin to speak negatively about senior royal highnesses and publicly accuse them of being partisan”.
“Mr. Kachenga says it is not in order for young people like Antonio Mwanza to battle with such highly respected and god ordained elderly people”.
Really young man? A few lessons,
1. Is Kachenga the same clan as Mukuni? I mean trib.e?
2. Respect is earned
3. The si.ck ol.d Mukuni crow travelled all the way from Mukuni village to Lusaka just to come and l.ose his respect. He came also to prov.oke the easte.rn chiefs but failed to fan a tri.bal war with them because he is not in their class.
4. The hat.red harboured by h.h was confirmed in Mongu on saturday when he said either you lo.ve h.h or you lo.ve…
Just look at this chief, just his face is that of a wizard and no doubt ,that’s the more reason his able to boost he sleeps at the graveyard fo 7 days.Crapping in his pants, this makes him Zambia’s number most useless chief we have in we entire word.
Chief Mukuni is an axis of Evil. He is the one who started and bank rolled the citizen debate of ECL. I didn’t know why good Tongas like HH, Bodmin Nkumbula, Hapunda couldn’t make it to presidency in Zambia. Now I know its deep rooted tribalists like Mukuni who only think that it only a southerner who is a Zambian. Chief mukin hated RB, FTJ, MCS merely for not being Tonga. HH and upnd must distance themselves from this rich and evil chief otherwise the seven provinces may just reject them by a protest vote. upnd risk losing again in 2021 not because it not popular but the people will once again send them a clear message that they stink fribal by allowing Mukuni to play drams for them. But hh being a dull guy he thinks Mukuni and Hamulonde are adding value to his compaign when the…
Mfwiti mukuni. Most young Tonga women in Lusaka refuse to go to his ceremony because of his witchcraft.
An ***** will always be an *****. Doesn’t matter the authority placed upon him.*****s do not know when to or when not to open their mouths. They’ll always say or do the worst unimaginable things way below their status,coz they’re *****s.PERIOD! Wise people or authority does not speak the language of commoners. If you do expect to be treated as such coz you’ve earned it
I’d like to try some bangee jumping. Is there someone out their with some experience? Say…a video clip.like the one being talked about
Mr. Kachenga should just silently chew the money disbursed to him by some rich UPND leader, to blow scorn on Zambians. If I were to meet Chief Mukuni along Livingstone streets, I would keep a safe distance from him for having revealed his real evil mindset against non-Tongas in general. Nukuni is as dangerous as Black Mamba that has invaded our peaceful societies in urban areas where a Chewa has best friends among the Tonga folks; where the Tongas lean on the care of a Tumbuka to thrive well in health and sickiness. Mr. Kachenga has just exposed his true colours of the Gaboon Viper – one of Africa’s beautifully coloured but deadly poisonous snake. CHIEF MUKUNI HAS NOT DEMONSTRATED THE TRAITS OF A CHIEF. The Toka people are on auto-pilot.
Let’s face facts!you don’t know you’re an ***** until you’re told.but even when you’re told, you start to think people are picking on you. Then more *****ic minds will come to the defense of one *****. Then you have a bunch of *****s who will in the defense of one ***** expose their cultural idiocy.and they’ll still not see the vainity of stupidity
Chief Mukuni Tribal Chief and Minister of Chiefs in HH’s Namwala Constituency Chiefdom.