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President Edgar Lungu concerned by the resurfacing of the violence as he heads to Angola


President Edgar Lungu being interviewed by Journalists at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport s shortly before departure for Angola on Monday, 23rd April, 2018, Picture by Thomas Nsama
President Edgar Lungu being interviewed by Journalists at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport s shortly before departure for Angola on Monday, 23rd April, 2018, Picture by Thomas Nsama

President Edgar Lungu has expressed concern that political violence has resurfaced in the country as witnessed in some parts of the country where there are by-elections.

President Lungu said this at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport shortly before departure for Angola to attend the Southern African Development Community (SADC) double Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government in Luanda, which starts tomorrow, 24th April, 2018.

He says it is the duty of political party leaders in the country to ensure their followers do not engage in such negative vices.

President Lungu hopes that there will be no violence during the voting in Tuesday’s by-elections.

Meanwhile, President Lungu says he remains committed to dialogue despite indications from some political party leaders opposed to the proposed roadmap.

He says the dialogue process should go ahead because of it importance to the country.

President Lungu says he is pleased with the efforts coming from stakeholders who want to see the dialogue process succeed.

And President Lungu has disclosed that his Angolan counterpart João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço will be coming to Zambia in May for bilateral talks.

President Lungu greets Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport shortly before departure for Angola where he has gone to attend the SADC Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government, on Monday, April 23, 2018-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu greets Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili at Kenneth Kaunda International Airport shortly before departure for Angola where he has gone to attend the SADC Troika Summit of Heads of State and Government, on Monday, April 23, 2018-Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
President Lungu greets Public Service Management Division Permanent Secretary Boniface Chimbwali shortly before departure for Angola, on Monday, 23rd April, 2018, Picture by Thomas Nsama
President Lungu greets Public Service Management Division Permanent Secretary Boniface Chimbwali shortly before departure for Angola, on Monday, 23rd April, 2018, Picture by Thomas Nsama


    • But why all these ministers at the airport…i still don’t understand the logic…instead of having a few members of his security details not the entire cabinet plus Cadres

    • What have they done about a state house official who slapped a journalist in weekend, in front of Mutati? Isn’t that violence?

    • WEAK STATEMENT from Lungu or Mutaware or whatever his real name is.

      A Stern warning & call for the swift arrest of violent PF cadres in Sinda & Shiwangandu would have sent a strong message, a deterrent to future violence & empowerment for Police who are scared of PF cadres.

      Peace loving Zambians will one day wake up & hate PF for their violence besides the stealing, indebting the country & destroying the economy.
      Remember UNIP vigilantes in the 80s? After the mealie-meal riots, vigilantes were the object of hatred for UNIP.

      You shall know them by their filth fruits. Impeachment, nepotism, extortion, petition, slunder, reverse thinking, antidialogue stunts, false accusations, gullibleness and selfishness (cutting off huge chunks of land and grabbing it from the poor for own selfish needs), envy, jealousy, greed, socio and psychopathics, mental retardedness. The list is endless.
      Cage all the sick lunatics perpetrating violence. Let them serve the country. I have the impression that they need a controlled shelter where their energies could be put to good use i.e. developing the country. The police should not be shy to cage erring citizens either from the Ruling PF or…

    • … Perpetual losers and hurting UPNDEADs. Double h and ailing GBVM are the architects of violence in modern Zambia. Watch these two little spoiled and soiled kids. They ‘re dangerous.

  1. “ONLY A TONGA MUST LEAD UPND” says Sejani. HH and his tribal terrorists, if not tamed, have the potential to slide this country into another Rwanda because 99.99% of this party is made up of diehard TONGAS who are carrying not only an insatiable appetite to rule this country at all costs but also extreme tribal hatred towards easterners and bembas. Just look at the level of desperation of their small god HH, it has reached a point of no return. Imagine if ,by mistake, these tribalists were voted into power what would become of other tribes especially easterners and bembas? This violence is just a tip of the iceberg, it will be worse in 2021. HH & HIS UPND A TICKING TIME BOMB TO ZAMBIA’S PEACE & SECURITY

  2. Really laughable …he is flying across the border and he has the whole cabinet and all the heads of Govt Depts to see him off….surely if you had any sense as a leader in terms of work ethic and productivity you would sit down think something is not right here.
    Works Minister Mutati this is more work for you …just imagine how much fuel has been used by those lazy bums in their GRZ Jeeps just to see off Lazy Lungu to KKIA.

    • And some dull dingbat has the audacity state that “You are insulting my humble President”…of what importance is there to see off this utterly lazy man to KKIA at the start of the week? Is he going to war? Surely this is absolute laziness and lack of work ethic …if he has worked in a corporation or run a successful business he would have ceased this stupidity from UNIP…look at where he is talking about issues as serious as violence on an airport tarmac as always…clear lack of seriousness; he is just eager to jump on flight 9J-ONE and dance with daft adviser Kaizer.

  3. “President Lungu hopes that there will be no violence during the voting in Tuesday’s by-elections.“

    Mr President, with intelligence officer you have and briefing you get from them.

    “hopes that there will be no violence during the voting in Tuesday’s by-elections.” These words Shouldn’t be coming from you.

    You swear to protect the country from foreign and domestic.

    These kind of words can send the market in disarray

    • Lungu is encouraging other political parties to tame their violent cadres when he himself cannot remember that he leads the most notiriours group of thugs who are perpetrators of violence. Even at tge airport he was speaking about violence while standing with Lusambo the chief thug of the patriotic/ mmd parties. Your language Mr Lungu cannot stop violence because you have no stamina to stand your cadres you have trained to be who they have become.

  4. Dialogue. After telling them that they should first recognize him as president and accept the elections. Shows just how flippy floppy this man is.

  5. This violence is perpetuated by (Jona Padule Muta), via his bonehead Thug master Chimpyongo.
    Padule’s only worry is staying in power “by any means necessary” & does NOT care if the country starves or burns, as long as Ma Chinese give him his cut.
    Padule ndiwe MAMBALA, with a history of ku sumbula mukamfwilwa’s cash.

  6. question. WTF do they do at airport? Time wasted is never gained. Please go to work and make a difference. Lyonse mafi ififine damn , it damn it!, damn it

  7. “My lazy bum polygamist father who gave birth to a hooligan and bully could have done better in this scenario. Sorry I am projecting it on the innocent man because I never got all the attention at home because of polygamy problems,” UPND Chief Online Bully.

  8. Well done Mr. President may the Lord go e=with you as you find a way forward. The other guy, who owns Three Mansions will NEVER walk in your shoes EVER!

  9. “Mummy, I went to South Africa and castigated him!” Childish. “That is not good, Childish! In Politics 101, and in Political Science, you do not go to a foreign country to attack your own! That is poor strategy, Childish! Remember, we have been trying hard to help you and that is why we gave you ‘credentials’ – papers of recognition when you came out of prison to help you out but you are only appealing to your tribal grouping not to the WISE, Childish! This will harm you in the wrong run,” Together Nations.

  10. “I only called on South Africa to make a regime change in Zambia!” Childish. “You really don’t get it, Childish! I think that is why the other veteran politician called you Under Five, Childish! Sharon calls you ‘Under Five Card,’ too! She thinks I never took you for vaccinations,” Common Health.

  11. LT why are you not reporting the attacks on UPND and NDC in the north of the country ??

    Lungu And kapoyongo you know who is committing the violence just like you knew who was behind the arson attacks that rocked the country ……….

  12. AFRICA Confidential has reported that as Zambia’s debt swells, President Edgar Lungu has found a way to avoid being in the limelight by delegating Vice-President Inonge Wina to attend the Commonwealth heads of government meeting in London that ran from April 16-20

    The Africa Confidential says it is beyond doubt that Zambia is continuing to contract and plan new loans at “an unsustainable rate without assessment of value for money”.

    According to Africa Confidential, Zambia’s debt was ballooning and for that reason, the Head of State opted to be absent at the just-ended meetings in London.
    “The finance minister (Margaret Mwanakatwe) starts crisis talks with the IMF after the government fails to convince creditors, leaders of the 53 Commonwealth member states gathered in London for…

    • for the 15-17 April summit, one African Head of State was conspicuously absent. Amid growing concern that Zambia’s debt has ballooned to unmanageable levels on his watch, President Edgar Lungu keeps out of the international spotlight (AC Vol. 59 No 7). His country is on the brink of crisis and the slide in the economy is damaging the copper-rich nation’s bargaining power,” the AC reported.
      “Under fire from opponents – and, increasingly, from members of his own governing Patriotic Front – Lungu chose to avoid tough questions over both the debt debacle and his failure to begin dialogue on political reforms with opposition leaders, as previously agreed with the Commonwealth.

  13. Now Mr Lungu you see Angola has a GDP that is 4times the size of Zambia’s GDP all bcuz they work harder and they don’t do politicking + electioneering like Zambians.


  15. I am holding my tongue in cheek to avoid uttering an expletive. What does this shi… oops sorry, humble man mean by violence resurfacing. Did it ever go away? Show us the measures you took to make it go away. Also the time that it went away. Nonsensical Id…. Sorry can’t help it. But you can all see how hard I am trying

  16. The tribal grouping masquerading as a political party has the same IQ as that of people attending Under Five Clinic! Just look above!

    • Sharon aka Victor….try an iq test your self , I am very sure your score would be equal or lower than a femail dog on heat……

  17. @ Spaka

    Compering non existing IQ of transgender h00ker to small canine may result in prosecution from RSPCA?

  18. We must stop our cadres from getting involved in violence and then the rest will follow our path. Right now in our party PF we got ministers who behave like cadres and this really is a bad example to our cadres.

  19. A thief and corrupt is not a president we deserve. His shady background and total lack of leadership qualities complicates his presidency. This is a wolf in a sheep’s skin. And this foreign trip number?????

  20. this is not leadership far from it! to me he enjoys it to see youths fight! its owez like he is concerned?? with no action!! u have appointed a commission of inquiry another wastage of PR( Public Resources) coz it seems there are not doing anything, while the solution is u boss! Man up and discipline the cadres form own house first the the rest will know u are not playing!You cant jst be concerned like a spectator or a common blogger!! time to be a president and ensure discipline in every system!!! The bible commands us to put our house in order before we take outside

    • It’s crazy bro and I concur with you a 100%. And do you know how much in allowances was given to ‘Lungu’s parasites’ for just seeing off the President @KKIA…loads of cash( and it’s quoted in US Dollars) and a day off. Day done period. Lungu meanwhile gets tenfold of whatever they(minions-PF cadres/mps) get plus travel allowances among others.
      It’s purely diabolical and too much arrogance.

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