Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Leave Levy to rest, Evelyn tells Sata


Everlyn  Mwanawasa welcoming RB in Serenje during the recent Chitambo by-elections campaign
Everlyn Mwanawasa welcoming RB in Serenje during the recent Chitambo by-elections campaign

THE family of the late president Levy Mwanawasa has urged opposition Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata to desist from using the late president’s name to gain political mileage.

The late Mwanawasa’s sister Evelyn said in an interview yesterday that it was wrong for Mr Sata to turn Dr Mwanawasa’s name into championing his political cause.

Evelyn, who was commenting on Mr Sata’s claims that Dr Mwanawasa had given him information when the two met to reconcile at State House on May 14, 2008, said the family was upset with Mr Sata’s continued use of Dr Mwanawasa’s name each time he wanted to champion his political cause.

But Mr Sata said there was nothing wrong with mentioning Dr Mwanawasa and he would not stop referring to him because the reconciliation meeting between the two did not involve family members.

“What Mr Sata is doing is unfair. Does he want to imply that Dr Mwanawasa did not stick to his oath of secrecy as president? Does Mr Sata want to tell the nation that the late president could tell him all the things he has been talking about within that short time they met at State House? Let him leave Dr Mwanawasa to rest in peace,” she said.

Mr Sata however, said he was mentioning Dr Mwanawasa because they were only the two of them when they met to reconcile.

“We were only the two of us during the reconciliation. Neither my family nor Dr Mwanawasa’s family were there,” he said.

Meanwhile, Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has said Dr Chiluba was merely exercising his freedom of association by choosing to align with Mr Banda.

ZCTU president Leonard Hikaumba said politicians or any other organisations should not hate or harbour ill feelings against Dr Chiluba just because he had chosen to have a relationship with President Banda.

“I know that some people may be bitter with Dr Chiluba because he had chosen to have a good relationship with Mr Banda and this is why some of them are even insulting him, but there is no need for them to be bitter and insult the former president because he is merely exercising his freedom of association by choosing to have a good relationship with President Banda,” Mr Hikaumba said.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. This woman also! chiluba has been using mwanawasa’s name and even celebrating that he is no longer around, chiluba has been spewing a lot of drivel about Levy,she never came out to condemn it,now Sata just says that he has intel from levy about kafupi,she comes out guns blazing…do these people even think before coming out with such statements

  2. Anyway she is an MMD cadre as you can see in the Picture. What do you expect. Shame that she is the one in fact using her late brother’s name to get favours from RB’s government

  3. ba Eva, we know that you are looking for a job from lupiya and you are likely to be awarded with one. there are so many guys talking about LPM and his famous/infamous “LEGACY” including RB, why have you only responded to MCS?. learn to shut your mouth mama, these are politics. Hikaumba is just another muselela kwakaba.

  4. What is is that LPM and MCS discussed in that short time? Surely MCS is playing with the already low thinking minds of Zambians to achieve his personal egos. Evelyn is correct. Sata during the reconciliation was just thanking LPM for pulling him from the death JAWS and nothing else on documentation of state secrets. MCS is cheating here.

  5. Mwanawasa was President for Zambia and anyone can use his name in that capacity.
    Why does Evelyn then not stop everyone from talking about Mwanawasa’ s Legacy?

  6. The mwanawasa family choose which side of bread is buttered. Most people have used Our Late president’s name but thei woman has not come out so strongly. Are you also in the C/B camp. We may call it a CBM Group

  7. Evelyn just wants publicity and is behaving like an MMD bootlicker. She must be reminded that the late Mwanawasa was a national leader and a public figure and as such there is no way the Zambian people are going to stop talking about him. Some will say good things about him and yet others will dwell on his weaknesses. I believe Sata has not done anything wrong.

  8. Teta you where a friend to all and a courageuos man who spoke for the unjust and never feared to challege other party members.May our good lord grant your soul internal rest and let perpetual light shine upon you.Till we meet again in the lord. Teta you where a friend to all and a courageuos man who spoke for the unjust and never feared to challege other party members.May our good lord grant your soul internal rest and let perpetual light shine upon you.Till we meet again in the lord.


  9. Unfortunately, there will never be such a thing az “wishez of the family” with regard to anyone who ascendz to the prezidency. Namez of Mandela, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Nyerere, KK, Castro, Ferdinand Marcos, Alberto Fujimori, Kwame Nkruma, Mobutu, Magaret Thatcher to mention but a few, are alwayz being used for all sorts of reazonz, while familiez just have to accept to live it. What more when somebody iz not even defaming the said ex-prezident…

  10. isn’t this the same Evelyn that had squabble with Mwanawasa’s son over issues regarding his father? scolding him is public not to express his opinion when the young man correctly asked people not to use his father’s name for political gain. woman is useless

  11. silly woman what does she know.. When one decides to run for public office, every citizen has the right to express their opion of their conduct in office anywhere and any time one feels..

  12. #14.barret. The meeting was for reconciliation. They had agreed to stop attacking one another in public. They both needed some respite for health reasons. Alas, Levy didn’t accrue much benefit from the ceasefire. Soon after the ceasefire, he went to open a Pandora’s box with Mugabe.

  13. Whether they reconciled or not Sata was in opposition to Mwanawasa. So it seems rather odd that he should be quoting somebody who was your opponent to gain political mileage. This is even more strange given the fact that Sata went to court because he thought that Mwanawasa had stolen the election. At that time, Sata wanted to drop all charges against Chiluba and his cronies. Now, it is Chiluba who is his enemy and Mwanawasa is the friend. What kind of circus is Zambian politics? No politician seems to be consistent and principled. Politicis is based on insults and short term gains. Meanwhile the people continue to suffer.

  14. Hikaumba must be removed. He has failed ZCTU lamentably. No wonder we had impeached them at UNZA from the UNZASU executive. He has no principles. Can someone in ZCTU initiate his removal. He is clearly eating with both hands – pleasing TB and Chiluba while pretending to be supporting the workers of the country who are being exploited by RB and Chiluba’s thieving.

  15. That punk Hikaumba needs to GO!! Whats wrong with us honestly. How can you forget your mandate.. His mandate is not to jump into bed with any govt but to fight for improved workers conditions.. And we have many thisngs to fight.. Nurses were fighting govt and he disappeared.. people ended up dying.. he sould have been at UTH grounds fighting and lobbying govt…

  16. Digga # 16 & 17 you are right man. The lady is a cheap political cadre. An embrassment to the Mwanawasa family and the country if anything. A Cheap political bootlicker. she must not forget that one day Junior Levy will be a fully grown up man.

  17. 8.
    I Reconciled With LPM says: As has been mentioned already, LPM was President of Zambia so we shall keep on mentioning his name for whatever reason. Besides why isnt this lady condemning some MMD’s who are saying that all the corruption we are seeing today was done with LPMs knowledge? Any way money plays a vital role

  18. Hikaumba is long overdue he should atleast retire from ZCTU to pave way for new brains. From his leadership at ZCTU he has archieved very little to benefit zambian workers

  19. aba ba Evelyn mwebo indirectly she is saying Zambians should stop talking about Leavy. How do we stop talking about our own former president who was a public figure for that matter? Moreover he is the one who left us with RB behind, so equally Mr sata has the right to talk about Leavy in his political references.

  20. Levy chose to be president of Zambia therefore every Zambian has a wright to mention his name;; you are also using his name to to begg from RB . if he wasnt in that office no one would even bother to talk about ,,you cannot just stop people to talk about him .. some he offended others were his friends as for you mama just seat and watch

  21. Seems strange to me whatever you say. For what reason then was Sata in opposition to Mwanawasa if he was such a great man? The woman has a point. Also let us be clear as to why Sata reconciled with LPM. It was because the govt of the day paid for him to receive treatment in SA, and yet some of you are the same people who condemn the govt when they send people to the same hospitals down there. Has Sata paid back the money that was spent on that trip? Sata and LPM had many differences, the major one being the position that they took regarding the Chinese investors/infestors, so does Sata now think that LPM’s policy towards them was right or is he just being a political opportunist of the highest order?

  22. PF/UPND Pact missed their opportunity in 2008 just when Levy died. At that point they should have merged and go into that by -elections as one force to win but nay they thought they were clever. Today as we write the dynamics have totally changed – FTJ acquitted and this factor alone is a major crack in the walls of the pact.They might as well just disband and chose a different trade like farming or running an NGO. This is friendly advice especially to young Hichilema who is likely to be so broke and disgusted after 2011. the chances of them winning in 2011 are something like 1:76000,000. When the Post begins to threaten Zambia with Zimbabwe like sanctions unless Chiluba is jailed then we as Africans have a problem. The Post is a mouth piece of neo colonialism.

  23. Fellow bloggers please help clarify the situation. This nonsence of Sata reconciling with LPM, I don’t understand it. Why did Sata remain in opposition after the so called reconciliation? The most sensible speculation on the proceedings of Sata’ meeting with LPM is simply that Sata went to thank LPM for quickily flying him to S Africa before he could die. Everybody does that. We lack credible leaders of world class. Even Zambia can produce a world class president. But not Sata for president. Tulebako serious mwe bekala chalo.

  24. The late preasident was a national president .Its for this reason therefore ,the mwanawasa name is for every zambian .If there is any thing good one would like to refer to the later one will be forced to refer to the name Mwanawasa.The name is for every Zambian please .Let us just mention it Hounarably.May His Soul Rest In Peace .Amen

  25. #30 that is why it is imperative that his name is not tarnished by political opportunists. If one failed to appreciate him when he was alive then it is very suspicious to be calling his name at every given opportunity. If Sata respects LPM so much then why not rejoin the MMD? It is the same reason that Maureen Mwanawasa chucked him out of the viewing in Chipata.

  26. Sata will keep on telling us lies all in the name of Levy and that meeting. Next will hear him say that Levy told him that all Zambians should vote Pabwato and some creeps will believe him. Then he will say Levy said he should marry Maureen after his death and again some creeps will believe him!

  27. SHIMWALULE you are wasting your time to you LEVY was god not to every one ofcourse may be you had some favours from him what you dont know he also had enemies think of GLADYS NYIRONGO how does she and her family think of your god think of the relatives of FTJ how ever there are two sides to any motal man dont worship man

  28. #30 I strongly disagree with your lie of thinking.. The Opposition in any democratic system (UK, US, Germany) have a huge role to play in constructive governance and progression of any society, as they are the first line providing checks and balances. Reconconciliation between parties is not only mature but progressive and good for the people of Zambia.. It removes the prejudices & polirisation , especially on regional and tribal lines. But as LPM & DSata both agreed .. they would continue to challenge each otehr on policy and governance because they both recognised how effective it was in turning around our economy and improving Zambias imagive.. You sound like RB and need to respoect diversity of views and opinion. If I think RB has done some good. shud I then join MMD??????

  29. 33 VITALI I agree with you next you will hear sata saying,levy said he should marry maureen after his death.Unpredictable chap.

  30. Why say it in public. It will be more effective to speak to Sata privately. I am sure he will give you more respect than when he hears you castigating him in public.

    Is the press teh only media of communication, sure.

  31. Sorry im meant #31… Shimwalule.. The other thing.. Maureen was completely out of line on that one(chasing Sata at the funeral).. LPM was more important to us in his role as father of the nation and Commander in chief of Zed than he was and less concerned about who he was married to. We accorded him a one month state funeral so that every Zambian could have the chance of paying their respects.. Dont confuse yourselves like she did when she thought it was a private funeral. It was every Zambians funeral.! Thats why it got to her head and starting talking politics.. and messed up MY candidate N’GANDU MAGANDE! becasue of her evryone was against him .. This armed RB’s camp. and No im not Tonga and I dont like MMD.

  32. Here we go again! The African mind at its worst. Mind you there’s no problem with the African mind, our problem is the African mindset.

  33. I agree with Leornard Hikaumba tht every person has a freedom of association by choosing to align with anyone he wants,wht we ar gettin from th post is total foolishness th courts hav passed a judgement on FJT an we should accept th verdict an swallow th bitterness tht they seem to hav against our former president,the all nation knows wht Zambian Airways operated on th deal there had with levy thru task force prosecutor Mutembo Nchito we know all ths dirty deals,and ba post dont incite anarchy in ths country pliz twapapata before we expose u.

  34. Nshilimubemba I actually dont think that Levy was a God. There are many things about his administration that I disagreed with. My point is more about political consistency. Sata was very vocal in his castigation of LPM. As the opposition leader he was fulfiling his role. Yes they reconciled but that did not mean there were no political differences. So why then should he now be referencing LPM all the time? Again, another example of Sata inconsistency is the issue of Chiluba. In 2006 he wanted him free but now they are at loggerheads. Sata forgets that he is the one who was behind the third-term fiasco. Also, the era of LPM is now gone. We need to be looking forward. What policies regarding the future of Zambia has Sata espoused so far jointly with HH? Nothing.

  35. SATA can only thrive in a country like zambia because a lot of d i c k s around are mentally inept and like sensationalism.levy was not type of a fool who would get excited at the sight of sata to sata telling him confidential matters.them man is a very dangerous opportunist and in a country where tribal polarisations are so deep wait and see how kafupi the dribbler will win back the support of his tribes men and how he is going to bruise sata.kafupi is a crook but interligent where as sata is an opportunist and dull.

  36. LPM was a president of Zambia but he was still a family man. I dont see anything wrong with his sister not wanting his name to be used in vain. She probably knew how the insults from Sata hurt him and is now wondering why this hypocrite keeps mentioning his name. She has a right to voice her concerns regarding his memory. After all he was her brother before he was president of Zambia.

  37. Can Ba post tell us th money there got from sweden amounting to $500,000 last week to mount pressur on th govt to appeal against our president we know ths tht th post survival depends from th handouts from th westerners.

  38. I agree with Leornard Hikaumba tht every person has a freedom of association by choosing to align with anyone he wants,wht we ar gettin from th post is total foolishness th courts hav passed a judgement on FJT an we should accept th verdict an swallow th bitterness tht they seem to hav against our former president,the all nation knows wht Zambian Airways operated on th deal there had with levy thru task force prosecutor Mutembo Nchito we know all ths dirty deals,and ba post dont incite anarchy in ths country pliz twapapata before we expose u.

  39. agree with Leornard Hikaumba tht every person has a freedom of association by choosing to align with anyone he wants,wht we ar gettin from th post is total unproffessional th courts hav passed a judgement on FJT an we should accept th verdict an swallow th bitterness tht they seem to hav against our former president,the all nation knows wht Zambian Airways operated on th deal there had with levy thru task force prosecutor Mutembo Nchito we know all ths dirty deals,and ba post dont incite anarchy in ths country pliz twapapata before we expose u.

  40. Let LPM rest in peace. Sata and HH tell us your joint policies regarding the economy, healthcare, education, infrastructure, ethnic polarisation etc. Then we will know that the pact is a force to be reckoned with and not a pact in name only. Incidentally, does anyone know if HH will be campaigning alongside GBM in Kasama central?

  41. Amazing how Sata pre-occupies Zambians. May he live long, otherwise Zambia will miss him. Only him alone has been able to shake MMD and Govt. And of course there’s no PF without Sata. Sata is the Opposition in Zambia. We need him around, though of course he should improve the quality of his opposition. Let it be issue based. Not personalised. He’s good ,material for opposition because he’s fearless. As for national presidency, may be not good enough. Arguably.

  42. The moment Levy took oath of office he stopped being a private citizen and became a public one. People will mention his name *NOT* as Evelyn’s brother or Maureen’s husband, but as President of Zambia. If we are all free to mention the name of our late president

  43. thanx #18 monalissydrome,but why did sata say,he has damaging information from the late,when we all know that,the meeting was about reconciliation ?

  44. I think shimwalule is possed by two spirits the hate sata spirit and adore mwanawasa spirit I would there fore advice you to become a man of your own independent mind then you will have a name of own when you do this people will truelly give you the respect you deserve you cannot be three people in one

    uli mundembu?shimwalule doesn’t hate sata as a person according to your immaginations.he hates his character.he is very wise.he has simply refused to buy the crap from that man that levy told him some comfidential imformation against chiluba.why should he use levy’s name today.his reconcilition meeting with levy was on TV.even a cretin would tell from levy’s posture that he was not interested in listening to that commedian who was before him.so the bottom line is shimwalule unlike you nshilimubemba cant buy the nonsense.mwaume sana.amina+

  46. I dont know whether other UK living Zambians can remember when levy was answering questions left and centre in london, even questions directed at other people in his delegation, Levy intervened to talk about his views. I respected this man, though he never followed up on a request I made but probably possible with the kind of responsibility he had. Love or hate him Levy was the most approachable, commom Zambian presitend our country has known. But he also did not hide in the privilleges of power not to answer concerns. Come into London and face Zambians, he was in a lions den but he was able to potray what he stood for even when his ministers were giving vague aanswers. Zambia lost a hero, but Zambia has more heroes, do give them a hance to serve you. Use your brains to choose who?

  47. The problem you and i have is that we have divided Levy into two may be iam more reasonable than you see how he followed up corruption in Zambia. he instructed the task force to only investigate ftj alone. also not to touch the years kk ruled also not to touch the corruption during his rule .. just imagine what kind of leadership ! I may ask you was there any corruption during the rule of Levy , you may say no but when were those manda mandas bought

  48. I wonder why the ZCTU is still keeping Mr Leonard Hikaumba as president. He is the most spineless leader the trades unions have ever had. Leornard ZWA.

  49. Hikaumba is a sell-out thats why he cant be seen to be standing for the workers plight but instead concentrates on the sitting-in allowance at NCC.

  50. So what if he was given info, you weren’t at the meeting were you ba evelyn? President Sata has all the right to talk about our late head of state just like anybody else.

  51. Evelyn must be very desparet for a job offer from RB, immediatly LPM became our resident ceased from being a private property. Everybody is free to mention the name of the late, may his soul rest in peace. Let her not use LPM’s name to get a job. Zambian’s when will we ever start thinking of getting a job on merit?? By the way politics seem to be teh easiest way to get rich quick???

  52. once again it pays to belong to mmd. people are prepared to betray their kith and kin and indeed their unions to jump on the gravy train what a shame on some zambians.

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