Sunday, September 8, 2024

Lungu calls for uplifting the welfare of disabled citizens


President Edgar Lungu is welcomed by Community development Minister Emerine Kabanshi on arrival at Intercontinental Hotel to officially open the 6th community based rehabilitation (CBR) Africa conference.looking on (centre) is Patriotic Front Secretary General Davis Mwila
President Edgar Lungu is welcomed by Community development Minister Emerine Kabanshi on arrival at Intercontinental Hotel to officially open the 6th community based rehabilitation (CBR) Africa conference.looking on (centre) is Patriotic Front Secretary General Davis Mwila

President Edgar Lungu has officially opened the sixth Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Africa Network Conference which is being held in Zambia for the first time.

Over 500 delegates from 54 African countries representing various organisations have convened at Intercontinental Hotel in Lusaka for the conference which is looking at the welfare of persons with disabilities in Africa.

In his key note address to the delegates, President Lungu called for mainstream of issues of disabilities in the formulation of policies at all levels.

President Lungu noted that discrimination against people with disabilities in homes should also be addressed so that every citizen can be free to contribute to the development of their respective nations.

The Head of State said his government is doing everything possible to ensure that the welfare of disabled citizens is uplifted.

The President said his government has taken legal and policy measures through the bill of rights enshrined in the constitution to provide for the rights of persons with disabilities.

He said persons with disabilities like others need to be assisted so that they can reach their full potential.

He said his government will ensure that it continues to include persons with disabilities in all its programs and activities so that, people in the country can change the way they look at disabilities.

And CRB Africa Network Chairman Musonda Siame commended government for co-hosting the conference with the Community Based Rehabilitation Network at a great cost.

Mr. Musonda said the conference will serve as a platform for persons with disabilities and the representatives of organisations to network and interact on various issues that affect them.

Mr. Musonda also called on the public and privates sectors to main stream issues of disabilities in the formulation and implementation of policies.

Meanwhile, Minister of Community Development Emerine Kabanshi said community based rehabilitation is key in enhancing quality of life for persons with disabilities and their families.

Mrs. Kabanshi stated that community based rehabilitation enables persons with disabilities meet their basic needs considering that the approach is multi-sectorial.

She said the approach will also ensure their inclusion and participation in the household, community and in national development.

She stressed that government is now moving away from community based rehabilitation to community based inclusion which is development centered, aligned with the sustainable development goals and the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP).

And in his vote of thanks, UNZA lecturer Thomas Mtonga who is visually impaired noted that every citizen regardless of their disabilities can contribute to national development.

The conference is being held under the theme, “Community Based Rehabilitations for Resilient Building and sustainable development: Leaving no one behind.”

President Edgar Lungu confers with Community development Minister Emerine Kabanshi during  the 6th community based rehabilitation (CBR)Africa conference held at Intercontinental Hotel
President Edgar Lungu confers with Community development Minister Emerine Kabanshi during the 6th community based rehabilitation (CBR)Africa conference held at Intercontinental Hotel
President Edgar Lungu addressing delegates to officially open   the 6th community based rehabilitation (CBR)Africa conference held at Intercontinental Hotel.on His immediate left to right is Lusaka Mayor Wilson Kalumba CBR Africa network Chairman Mr Musonda Siame, Community Development Minister Emerine Kabanshi and Unza lecturer Mr Thomas Mtonga
President Edgar Lungu addressing delegates to officially open the 6th community based rehabilitation (CBR)Africa conference held at Intercontinental Hotel.on His immediate left to right is Lusaka Mayor Wilson Kalumba CBR Africa network Chairman Mr Musonda Siame, Community Development Minister Emerine Kabanshi and Unza lecturer Mr Thomas Mtonga
President Edgar Lungu shakes hands with CBR Africa network Chairman Mr Musonda Siame during  the 6th community based rehabilitation (CBR)Africa conference held at Intercontinental Hotel.Looking on (right) is  Community Development Minister Emerine Kabanshi   pix by Goodson Lupiya ZANIS
President Edgar Lungu shakes hands with CBR Africa network Chairman Mr Musonda Siame during the 6th community based rehabilitation (CBR)Africa conference held at Intercontinental Hotel.Looking on (right) is Community Development Minister Emerine Kabanshi
pix by Goodson Lupiya ZANIS


  1. Welfare of the disabled MUST be improved. Been to Kabulonga lately? I am sure the government can do better than what I have seen. Give incetives to these group of people who are human being and not different from us.


    • A foreigner and a thief actually. I hate this man, he’s not even fit to be a president with such skeletons in his closet. Jonathan go away!

  2. When is he going to give a proper direction for uplifting the country. Something we can believe and look forward to.

  3. hold such meetings in shanty compounds where the disabled live. Talk is cheap…..Zambians are full of talk……………… and they love meeting where there is food. one workshop after another eating and drinking through and through……………

    • ..Yah! feasting people who are already over-fed in one of the most expensive venues while discussing about people who are disabled, hopeless and very hungry. Sounds heartless.

  4. Uplifting welfare of the disabled people should be embedded in the constitution rather than giving piecemeal announcements. These are people who did not choose to be the way they are, they need help from government.

  5. Lazy Lungu calls for this and that blah blah…am sure if a disable person went to the very venue on a wheel chair he would have problems getting in without being lifted. Go to govt buildings in Lusaka very few make provision for disabled access; this lazy Lungu is simply reading things he don’t understand again..

  6. Watch your language people, it’s not “disabled people”, rather it’s “people with a disability” or people living with a disability.

    Someone got themselves in trouble for using the incorrect language (remove underscores):

    • You are right, we always make mistakes. The world is trying to give respect to all classes of society. Here in UK, ‘disabled person is referred to physically challenged, whereas a deaf person is hard of hearing and if one is retarded, he/she is said to have a learning disability (LD).

  7. In Zambia we build one of the most expensive roads per kilometer in the world yet there is no pedestrian pavement…if one is on a wheel chair he/would have to share the road with drunk motorists….I dont think the Lazy Lungu understands what welfare of disable means; the lazy dingbat is probably thinking empowerment loans from China.

  8. It is a good cause Mr. president! However, Under Fives cannot comprehend this as they fail to understand you on all issues! Childish.

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