Wednesday, February 12, 2025

President Lungu calls for issue based campaigns in Chilanga by election


PF candidate in the Chilanga by election Maria Langa during a PF Interactive Forum in Lusaka recently

President Edgar Lungu has appealed to political parties taking part in the Chilanga constituency by-election to engage in issue based campaigns and not violence.

President Lungu said the people of Chilanga want to listen to development plans.

He also urge the people of Chilanga to remain united and peaceful before, during and after the by election.

President Lungu said this on his official Facebook page.
“Lets continue to enjoy peace in Chilanga. We are one people, one Zambia, One nation,” he said.

He added, “The Patriotic Front Central Committee under my leadership adopted Mrs Maria Langa as our Candidate in the upcoming Chilanga by-election. We’re convinced beyond any shadow of doubt that we made the right decision- our Candidate is a community leader, a caring representative and vision carrier for PF’s development agenda in Chilanga,” President Lungu said.

The Head of State said the Patriotic Front commits to conduct an issue-based campaign strengthened by its development agenda for Zambia.

“My predecessor late President Micheal Chilufya Sata declared Chilanga a district in line with our vision to transform our country by bringing development closer to the people. Patriotic Front needs that extra arm to drive development projects in Chilanga Constituency and Mrs Maria Langa is the woman for the job,” he said.

He stated, “the people of Chilanga deserve good roads, schools, a mordern hospital, markets for our mothers and enterprises for the youth. We want our farmers in Chilanga to get their agricultural inputs on time and in the correct quantities, improved local government service delivery, among others.”


    • Funny how Lazy Lungu “the best dancer in State House” urges others to debate issues when he himself doesn’t attend to issues in reality….by now ACC should have been in MOH questioning everyone from Chilufya all the way to Directors in Medical Stores.

  1. Unfortunately opposition mp will and can’t deliver unless he uses gratuity to develop the area

    Use simple logic when voting

  2. There is a rumour that Maria Langa anaba fertiliser last farming season. The fertiliser was meant for distribution but she sold it.

    The battle is between Marian and Charmaine.

    A choice between a thief and a harlot.

    • Guess a Harlot is better in this case. A thief that steals fertilizer meant for the poor has nothing good to offer…

    • @Chitapankwa,
      What sort of warped thinking is that in this day and age? Are you advocating for ‘ONE PARTY’ State again? How old are you? You must have been born AFTER KK’s one party State and have no clue about its ramifications. Ask your father and he will tell you how they were made to choose between a Frog and UNIP.


    • @ANYOKO,
      Your very dull racist sense of humour, exposes your brainwashed inferiority complex. You even ask: “HAVE U SEEN A MUZUNGU KUZOLA MAFUTA TO BE BLACK”??. What planet are you from? If you lived on planet Earth and were well informed, you would have known by now that they : –
      1.) Do use instant sun tanning creams to darken the skin. Ask pale white Donald Trump, or watch his inaugural pictures again. Did you seriously think he is a man of colour by genetics?

      2.) Do lay down in the sun for hours when ever chance allows. Or did you seriously think its because they are feeling cold the entire time? It’s for a suntan to darken their skin, you #*$~#^!.

      3.) Do appreciate and love it when a man of colour like yourself notices their Suntan after their holiday in the tropics, and…

    • Cont’d ….. tropics, and compliments their tan. Don’t you have white friends or relatives by marriage, and other races, in your life?

      Zambia is now a dual-citizenship Country. You better catch up before you embarrass your off-springs.

    • Have you ever met South Africans, West Africans, Islanders, Tswana, Ethiopians, Somalis, Tutsis? Beautiful black people, making any colored or musungu look plain.

  4. I’ve noticed one thing. Why doesn’t Southern Province change its Members of Parliament? While other provinces change about 80% of its MPs with each general election, Southern Province it’s the same Mwiimbu’s, Mwiinga, Nkombo, Musokotwane etc. Does it mean those seats are personal to holder or there is just lack of material?

    • In UPND strongholds, you win an election at adoption. And the people conducting the adoptions are the same over the years.

    • For instance, Douglas Syakalima was not re-adopted for the Siavonga seat in the last elections but managed to sneak in somehow for the Chirundu one …

  5. The notion that if you vote for the opposition, then no development is retarded (stone age thinking). A vote is not cast in exchange of development. secondly, if the party in power uses money from their pockets, then its all good but as long as “sindalama za anyoko” – its tax payers’ money, every corner of Zambia deserves development.

    • @Mewlwa,
      Well spoken. Some people like @3.Its political are living in the past, still prisoners of ONE party State mentality inherited from their grandparents.

  6. @ Mwelwa, the question at hand is not about development. Its about how many lives, families and marriages have been lost/broken because of Charmaine.

    This choice is about life and death/destruction, with Charmaine standing on the death/destruction ticket.

    • @Chitapankwa,
      “President Lungu said the people of Chilanga want to listen to development plans.”

      Chitapankwa, please clarify which portion of Lungu’s above statement don’t you understand? Or are you implying that we should NOT take note of Lungu’s message literally because of the known record on his watch, i.e. the infamous 42/42 Fire-tender, Unexplainable tax-free instant income which made him a millionaire within ONE year of being at plot No. 1 ?

  7. People seem to have missed Langa’s head dress…I wonder what the PF “Christians for Lungu” would say if she exposed her dreadlocks.She is Rasta like her spouse.

    One Bob Marley sang
    “Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner”
    “There ain’t no hiding place from the Father of Creation”
    “Sayin’, one love, one heart”

    Let’s get together and vote for Charmaine Mehl Musonda

  8. A tribal gathering has no issue-based campaign! It thrives in HaNegatives! Even Childish is sometimes HaRight! But HaChildren of his thinks whatever others say because they are not Tonga or they don’t belong to the tribal gathering of theirs is wrong!

  9. I am glad that someone has agreed with one guy who called the tribal gathering hooligans and bullies as “Bob Marley and the Wailers!” Sure this gathering of tribes is!

  10. Come to true senses not lipservice. Cage your chief thug peter sibanda who dishes money to brutslize citizens

  11. why are your *****s al;ready hacking people in chilanga..some day someone will bring lighteneing and kill those pf batsrads..

  12. Comment on Rasta hair, don’t make decisions on what you see . I have Rasta hair style. I don’t drink or smoke herb
    My hair style is cheaper to maintain and I buy a bag of cement to slowly build my house. Savings on my costs.

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