Friday, October 18, 2024

Traffic Police Officer who braved the braved torrential rain promoted


Charity Nanyangwe with Commissioner of Police in Charge of Administration Lombe Kamukoshi  during the promotion ceremony
Charity Nanyangwe with Commissioner of Police in Charge of Administration Lombe Kamukoshi during the promotion ceremony

The traffic Police Officer who braved the braved torrential rain in Lusaka to direct and control traffic under has been promoted to Sergeant.

Charity Nanyangwe was promoted by Commissioner of Police in Charge of Administration Lombe Kamukoshi yesterday morning.

The promotion comes barely under 24 hours when social media frenzy demanded for the promotion of Ms Nanyangwe for her commitment to duty.

She was spotted without a raincoat controlling traffic yesterday when it was raining in the capital city.

This was after a traffic jam at the Ben Bella-Lumumba Roads junction following the non-function of traffic lights.

Ms Nanyangwe was able to control heavy traffic alone despite the heavy sudden rain, despite not having the required rain safety gear and a raincoat.

Charity Nanyangwe with Commissioner of Police in Charge of Administration Lombe Kamukoshi  during the promotion ceremony
Charity Nanyangwe with Commissioner of Police in Charge of Administration Lombe Kamukoshi during the promotion ceremony
Traffic Police Officer Charity Nanyangwe  controlling traffic in heavy rains without safety attire and rain coat
Traffic Police Officer Charity Nanyangwe controlling traffic in heavy rains without safety attire and rain coat
Traffic Police Officer Charity Nanyangwe  controlling traffic in heavy rains without safety attire and rain coat
Traffic Police Officer Charity Nanyangwe controlling traffic in heavy rains without safety attire and rain coat
Traffic Police Officer Charity Nanyangwe  controlling traffic in heavy rains without safety attire and rain coat
Traffic Police Officer Charity Nanyangwe controlling traffic in heavy rains without safety attire and rain coat


    • I commend the traffic officer and applaud her promotion however I think her superiors should be reprimanded for breaking labour laws- I believe workers should be given adequate protective clothing.The officer was supposed to have a raincoat.Secondly ,it was dangerous for her to be standing in the middle of the road when there was in poor visibility without an illuminating jacket and trousers. Whilst the officer made use of the limited resources at her disposal I think we should look into providing adequate resources to these officers.I hope her medical insurance is covered too because she could have caught pneumonia.Lets look to become better and not support the lackadaisical attitude of powers that be.

    • What an elegant woman. What is her shoe size? I have just the right pair of rain boots for her.

    • Surely what is wrong with our country that interception Ben Bella-Lumumba Roads has always has traffic light issues for years yet we send a million dollars per kilomitre to tar a road, we can not spend $10,000 dollars to equip that section with independent solar traffic lights…..are we not ashamed of someone standing in the rain without a traffic jacket in poor visibility.

    • Since KK’s time those traffic lights have never worked 7 days flat….accidents are the order of the day one has ever said let’s replace them with solar powered traffic lights.

    • She deserves it! We need this kind of Zambians! Not Lungu and not even HH who focus only on enriching themselves

    • But ba Lusaka Times nabo! “who braved the braved torrential rain promoted”???? What a corrupted headline! If we are so incompetent in doing our job as journalists why do we expect Police and Politicians to be better performers?

  1. Well done. Not this Lungu busy building in Swaziland and HH busy putting money in off shore accounts leaving Zambian hungry. Madam u are a real Zambian. Good commitment indeed

    • What about panana papers and privatization

      People died while he tranfered their money to Panama.

      He was a monkey in maize filed

    • @ ex-moma. no one anticipated a heavy downpour in the middle of May and it would have been insane for anyone to carry a raincoat let alone an umbrella on that particular day. Everyone was caught unawares and its this unexpected rains versus her perseverance that deserves her kudos.

    • @Big Luger -I think she did a great job and her unselfish act earned her a promotion but we should develope systems for emergencies. Since the rain was unexpected could the traffic officers have in addition to the lady standing in poor visibility parked a police car nearby with flashing lights to warn drivers approaching the intersection of a potential hazard ? or could someone have dashed to the office to get a proper illumated jacket for her? Should we sit back and not plan for the next unexpected torrential down pour? I would look into traffic lights, and proper drainage too.

    • I agree with @ ex-momma’s comments. Initiative should have been made to bring in high-vis attire and/or patrol cars with flashing lights. I understand it may have been an emergency with an unexpected May downpour but it should have been a radio call away to the station. They should have also sent her another colleague to partner with her. With poor visibility, all it required is a cr@zy drank to drive straight through her and it could have been a posthumous promotion.

      While I appreciate and commend her for her work, and she probably deserves her promotion, I believe that she was only doing her duty. I also think that a reactionary promotion based on impulse and pressure from social media commentary isn’t very professionally awarded. Wait for her end of year appraisal and merit…

    • <Continue reading…

      Wait for her end of year appraisal and merit review, then promote her… perhaps a medal of honor or congratulatory letter but not a promotion. She didn’t throw herself in a line of gunfire to save someone, did she? Although with no high-vis PPE she sure risked her life and it is as close as possible to a gunfire.

    • @ex moma, well said, i doubt the mental capacity for those who gave thumbs down. I have No doubt nibofuta

  2. I know this lady very humble even when she was @ training in Kamfinsa (36 intake).Like all Namwanga ladies are as cool as the donkey Jesus rode on , there was an instructor who used to bonk her at training.Kudos for your promotion though its a thorn in the puss!e sorry meant as$ coz Sergeant rank is a very useless rank .Inspector would do for somebody who joined the service in 2003 (a whooping 15 years) .TheZambwino Palibe should be ashamed for not promoting someone who has worked for over 15 years only to given chevrons after public outcry.


  4. Have people explored that possibility that she could have been corrupt to an extent of looking for money whilst its raining?.

    We might have ignored the real reason why she was in the rains.
    Otherwise congratulations if she was genuinely controlling traffic.

  5. Well done madam officer! Well done keep it up, we need more civil workers who will be a help to the people not those who come to make life hell for ordinary Zambians! God bless you!

  6. That is why it’s always important to read the story before commenting. If you read the story you, wouldn’t be asking why she braved the rains.

  7. I am sorry if I was the IG, I would have charged her instead, for lack of initiative. How do you work in the rains without PPE, this is a typical example of unstrategic zeal, which should normally attract no rewards. Rains normally give signs before pouring. That should have provided enough time for her to organise a rain court. It also explains why she remained a constable for 15 years. I am sorry to sound like Mushota but I truly think she is not clever.

    • Exactly …surely you can not go firstly on a road with or without rain without PPE…its suicide, wearing casual shoes and start directing traffic …will need standards please; if it was somewhere else her duty sergeant would be in hot soup…if I ran over her I would seemly say visibility was poor and she was not wearing PPE..let’s see what the judge would do.

  8. Dear Sergeant Nanyangwe,
    Well done for putting Country first. I am sure all the motorists who would have got stuck into a gridlock of traffic had it not been for your selfless decision, are very thankful for what you did. You bring joy to many hearts, and will be a good role model to many youngsters thinking about becoming police officers.

    • She is putting the country first whereby her commander in chief is investing in his future hide out and love nest in Swaziland…this is just a simple example that should sink in that thick head of that boy Amos!!

  9. To be honest she did not deserve that promotion. She did not save anyone’s life. I’m sure when she went back home she shivered with cold.If anything she risked her life.Motorists have always managed to drive through the rains.Men and women in uniform should learn to accept that some situtaions are beyond their control.Nature is nature,you cannot control it.

    • Common sense is after all not common at all. The script is saying there was a traffic jam and she stepped in to rescue the situation. That is what is called selfless service. If you cant see anything good in what she did, then there is something wrong with your medulla oblangata.

    • Well well well every time there’s a traffic jam in the middle of a heavy downpour every police officer should be coming in to control the flow of traffic and get a promotion thereafter

  10. OK, so if you need a promotion, you just go and hang around in the rain? No, the solution is for the police to buy rain coats and boots for their cops. They exposed this police offer to rains which could be a health hazard and they have covered it up with a promotion.

    • Exactly my point. Your life is as important as those you want to save. Any efforts which portray lack of initiative in discharging duties should be zeroed. It is like attending to accident victims without surgical gloves.

      It would describe the effort by the policewoman as irresponsible, unnecessary and void.

  11. This is mid May, when you don’t expect rain the way it rained that day. Without traffic lights functioning at that junction no vehicle was going to move. That officer must be commended, apart from ensuring smooth flow of traffic she risked her own life. Job well done.

  12. This is the first time I see lack of initiative and care for oneself being rewarded.

  13. That is something you dont see everyday. Congratulations Madam Officer. Her Work Culture in very unique to many. God saw your heart and hard work dear traffic officer, and decided to bring the heavy rains in May as well as got us people on social media to speak for you. You need to find the person who took your picture and placed it social media ,thank them or pray for them to be blessed as well. . The works of God are indeed amazing and out of the ordinary..

  14. Some people posting here were going to be very happy had there been a major accident at that junction. Sadists! She prevented disaster regardless of no raincoat or facilities

  15. Thats the way to go not only looking for faults in motorists. This is a good example to be in service

  16. Lets just give credit where it is due. She did an excellent job but others are just full of negatives ala imwe!!

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