Sunday, September 8, 2024

President Lungu calls for safe and healthy exploitation of the mineral resources


President Edgar Lungu Receives a gift from NAPSA management at the CAMINEX EXPO on Thursday 008I9452
President Edgar Lungu Receives a gift from NAPSA management at the CAMINEX EXPO on Thursday

President Edgar Lungu has urged all regulatory agencies to work towards the common goal of promoting safe and healthy exploitation of the mineral resources.

Speaking during the official opening of the 2018 Copperbelt Mining, Agriculture, Industrial, Networking and enterprise Expo in Kitwe, the Head of State says it goes without saying that strategies, which promote sustainability in the mining sector through binding regulatory frameworks, will optimise gains from the sector for the benefit of the country.

President Lungu says this is why his administration has been enforcing legislation to ensure that exploration and mining only takes place upon approval of the relevant environmental impact assessments.

He states that in this regard, the ministry of mines and minerals development is working closely with respective authorities to ensure that mining companies with environmental liabilities are provided with a framework to guarantee environmental security.

On the agriculture sector, President Lungu notes that this sector continues to offer the greatest potential for economic growth and poverty reduction in the country.

He says government will therefore continue with viable programmes to grow the sector, which offers immense opportunities to improve the wellbeing of the majority Zambians especially in the rural communities.

President Lungu laments that the changing climatic conditions have continued to threaten the agricultural sector.

The Head of State says the magnitude and frequency of negative climatic conditions such as droughts, floods, and extreme temperatures have continued to impact negatively on food and nutrition security, as well as livelihoods of the rural communities.

He says government has responded to these challenges of climate change through the national adaptation plan of action, the climate change response strategy, and the national policy on climate change.

President Lungu says these national policies and plans promote climate-resilient agricultural practices, and adaptation to climate change through technologies and services to enhance productivity, sustainability and resilience of smallholder production systems.

President Edgar Lungu test drives a NISSAN car at the CAMNEX EXPO in Kitwe on Thursday
President Edgar Lungu tours KCM Stand at the ongoing CAMNEX Expo in Kitwe on Thursday
President Edgar Lungu tours KCM Stand at the ongoing CAMNEX Expo in Kitwe on Thursday


  1. That is all lungu knows is to dig for minerals…….he has no clue that manufacturing provides jobs.
    These are the people that leave nothing for tomorrow’s generations

    The the only worthwhile factories lungu has graced was the fish food manufacturing plant.

    • We need a Magufuli, a man of action NOT a LAZY-BONES who just urges, calls for, advises etc. and then flies back to Lusaka in a jet.

      @ Mzamia wa zamani, I agree, just google photos of “Santiago Chile” and see the HUUUGE difference with Lusaka.

      Cobalt is now $80,000/ton (due to boom in electric cars), yet our Govt is bankrupt due to bad leaders.

      Baluba has one of the largest cobalt ore-bodies in the world yet Luanshya is one of the most malnourished towns in the world. These same malnourished paupers dance for, sing for & vote for these bad leaders.
      What a paradox!!

    • @ Maloza you should learn to find the truth before you express your ignorance Magufuli is a dictator, people in Tanzania complains a lot about him.

  2. Zambia & Chile both big copper exporters ,same population size and almost same size in square kilometers.How come our copper hasn’t made us as rich as & developed like Chile?

  3. This what the Lazy thing likes doing touring and reading pointless speeches he does not understand himself…by the way Lazy that gift is not yours to take to Chawama.

  4. ‘President Edgar Lungu Receives a gift from NAPSA management at the CAMINEX EXPO on Thursday.’
    It is for State House bwana.

  5. Lazy bum tribal representative, hooligan and bully also known as chief spokesman of the tribal grouping and son of the lazy bum polygamist father pouring out insolence – Accursed.

  6. He spends all his time hiding behind the keyboard typing insolence – Chanda Chimba III’s fate will soon catch up with you.

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