Friday, March 14, 2025

The PF Government has economically killed me, cries Chishimba Kambwili


Chishimba Kambwili.
Chishimba Kambwili.

Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili has cried foul that the Patriotic Front (PF) government has economically killed him. Mr. Kambwili has since appealed to President Edgar Lungu to stop tempering with people’s businesses to settle political scores.

Mr Kambwili said that his business associates were being threatened by the intelligence for being close to him. Mr. Kambwili has however, vowed to continue speaking on behalf of Zambians even at risk of having all his businesses squeezed.

And Mr. Kambwili who is also NDC consultant has called on government not to disband the financial intelligence centre (FIC ) following its recent revelations.

Mr Kambwili told a media briefing in Lusaka that he together with many other Zambians will take to the streets of Lusaka to protest if any member of the FIC is unfairly dismissed.

Mr Kambwili has vowed to protest stark naked in Lusaka’s Cairo Road if Financial Intelligence Centre(FIC) Director General Mary Tshuma is fired by government for exposing corruption.

Meanwhile Mr. Kambwili has thanked President Lungu for giving back to Zambians 10 percent of the copper slug dump in Kitwe also known as the black mountain. He however, stated that the gesture is illegal if it is only meant to benefit Patriotic Front youths alone.

But PF media director Sunday Chanda has said that Mr. Kambwili’s attacks on the president and the PF are misplaced.


  1. This is one of the few things I believe P.F have done a great job on.
    Uzapambuka Chimbwili. Mukosi uyo uzasila!!

      Genetically modified politicians like Chimbwili, are so dishonest, hence it should be totally removed from Zambias political field, as it is largely a part of why Zambia is experiencing widespread corruption, & violent conduct by the ruling P.F elite.
      The buffoon saw no wrong in depriving poor Zambians, & defended Corruption, & violence to the hilt, until his boss Jona lifted him by his father ear, & kicked it out of Government, hence quashing it’s ability to single source contracts, & embezzle the national treasury with impunity!!
      [email protected] uzathulula!!

    • So no more flying to England to drink tea…And your neck Mr Kambwili is slowly more corrupt tenders now try to do clean business like the rest of us if you think you man enough

    • Kambwili admitting that he used to steal when he was in the govt….Uzamuziba Lungu
      Punch for Punch didnt work


  2. Surely, there must be a code of conduct for ministers that should bar them from being involved in business and competing with ordinary citizens. The likes of Kambwili won massive contracts from government while serving as Ministers. That should not happen in a serious country.

    • KK had this place only to be annulled by FTJ. I now appreciate why KK wanted people to disclose the source of their wealth.

  3. Ati nomba ni punch for punch uko. The power of the tongue.

    James 3:6
    The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

    Leviticus 19:32
    You are to rise in the presence of the elderly, honor the aged, and fear your God. I am the LORD.

    1 Timothy 5:1
    Never speak harshly to an older man, but appeal to him respectfully as you would to your own father. Talk to younger men as you would to your own brothers.

    • Here is one for you gullible foools from your good book;

      “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and sincerely of heart, just as you obey Christ” Peter 2:18

      In a nutshell a good slave is good Christian.

  4. What?? The PF govt?? The same one you were minister in?? The same ministerial privilege you abused, pushed people around for contracts before you were fired?? Boo hoo hoo, Kambwili, I will cry you a river.

    • Why should anyone feel sorry for him. He used to have breakfast in Lusaka and lunch in London. ….when I can hardly afford a bun.

  5. It is true CK was one of the main players enriching them selves by viture of their position to the disadvantage of Zambians but lungu should not use state machinery to squeeze people who call him a corrupt theif…….lungu if you are not a corrupt theif just go on and sue CK……


  7. We told you that you’ll be seized by the balls, then you’ll squeal like a pig. Just wait and see as the discomfort increases with further squeezing. You don’t go about hawling at people like a rabied hyena. Kosafye

  8. Brother and sisters we are have wasted too much of our time money and figure pointing . Let’s unity as one and develop this our Zambia once in a while let’s sideline politics and work as one together we can archive. God bless my country Zambia .

  9. Am so happy that Kambwili is squizzed by Govnt!!WELL DONE PF GOVNT!!These are fo0ls who join Govnt just to enrich themselves!!!WAIT CK-UZAMUZIBA YESU SOON!!!YOU WILL SOON BE AS SLIM AS GBM IS TODAY!!!!Govnt must go further and grab all the monies in Kambwili’s accounts!!!
    2021 is still far so all your remaining ngwees will disappear bo CK!!!YOU STARTED THIS MUSIC SO DANCE PELETE BWANA!!Boma ni boma!!

  10. Kambwili you are not squeezed economically. All Lungu’s Govt has done is to fight corruption. Kambwili you are so corrupt that you amassed so much wealth through corruption that you could ” Fly to London for tea in the morning and come back in the afternoon” It is this same Kambwili who cries crocodile tears when Govt tries to query his corrupt practices. Kambwili don’t look further than your self, you are corrupt. You even went and bought a honorary doctorate degree with corrupt money without a clue what it takes to obtain one through hard work.

  11. Ba Hon. Kambwili, pride comes before a fall. I can see you sooner rather than later becoming an economic corpse. Just swallow your pride and come back to PF where you belong . Your strategy of hurling abuse at ECL and hoping that this will alienate the people against the president have had little or no effect at all if recent events in Chilanga and five wards dotted around the country are anything to go by. This business of dancing to the gallery will not help you.

    • Patience pays. …hurry, hurry can only land you in a ditch. Kambwili has ambitions of becoming president but his methods have only reduced him to the levels of a street hooligan.

  12. Uhmmm, so the man is getting broke!?. What will happen to those who followed him thinking he had cash to flash around?.

    • During one by election, NDC members were at a bar ati tulelola ba President Kambwili bese batusanseko utu ma refreshments. But the guy never pitched up. Yes people the guy has money and have hovering around him like green flies following fecal matter.

  13. Say no to hate speech

    All those insulting hh and ecl must stop or face cybers laws on libel and slander and defamation

  14. Chiwamina galu. Welcome to the club. Lets see minus the corrupt contracts you obtained and trying to buy off Luanshya golf club Necklace Kambwili. Obewa swanwa. Waziletelela weka.

  15. What goes round must come round! Once most inteligent pf cadre, now cries squeezed……telling the lion cheek….!what is happening to Ck is common sense in Zambian politics! Find out from those that knew E. Kasonde, former Finance Minister. Do you know why Chikwanda pretended he had sold Bank ABC? One reason I suspect is future fear of political attack like it happened to Martan and FBZ when you loose farvour in politics! Be wise and stop noise, you will be safe.

  16. Akanwa kamilandu takabula kuiletelela, CK knows this Bemba proveb. kosa mwaiche wandi aya Malibu yakuilombela…!

  17. You taught your own tongue to betray your head. CK you thought hauling insults at your master is to obtain a honorary degree. I can see the degree of insults is now paying devidents. Cry more till the day when hell comes.

  18. Don’t be cheated, if Kabwili were to parade himself naked, none will see his nakedness because it’s covered by his potbelly.
    I have spoken.

  19. Mulesombola efyo mwabyele bane,by 2020 you will be finished to the fullest.How many court cases do you have and how many Lawyers are representing you? That’s the Government,it finishes someone by slapping on you charges that will attract huge legal fees,so that by the end of all case whether not incarcerated, you will be economically finished.I wish Ben Yoram Mwila was still alive so you learn from him,MHSRIP.Am sure you remember the reaches that BY had? Economically crippled by Chiluba and died out of depression.And today you are also daring Government that you will protest naked in Cairo Road if Government fired FIC director,go ahead.You will be beaten to the fullest this time by those ba Para abamansenkebele,I advise you not even to try it coz this time you will meet the true…

  20. CK is one chap that insulted cuundu when he was minister. Cuundu has never forgiven you CK. CK is just another plunderer that fell out of favour among his fellow plunderers. No honour among thieves.

    Gary stop your affiliation with CK as he shall surely drag you along. Mazabuka and the entire Cuundu is watching. Do not be found guilty by association.

  21. Batch of hypocrites claiming to be christian. The country has gone to the dogs. Leave other people’s businesses bamakaka imwe.

  22. For sometimes now I have been hearing that CK is Roan PF member of Parliament, on the other hand I hear that he is the president or consulted of NDC. I head that he was fired from PF but he asked the Court to help him remain in PF. I wonder how this is working for both the PF and C?
    Is this the principal of Dual membership or its one formula where he can stand as MP in one place on one part and stand as councillor in another district on a different part. In the Christian Bible is a statement: You can not save two masters its either you love one and hate the other. This is sad for those who don’t know where they belong. Be honest with yourselves, you can not belong to two different systems, for me this is madness. You even stand to tell people that PF are thieves when you are also…

  23. Kambwili Will never suffer in his life,he is just speaking for the majority Zambians.It’s sad that Zambians can be tossed left,right and centre by the of government and we are just quiet.The only shamefull thing some characters can do is to attack people that are bold enough to speak against the pf that has brought real missery on Zambians.South Africans don’t tolerate such kind of bad behaviour.

  24. The way ck is talking has worried me for it’s giving difficulties for me to pick a point… How can a sorber man talk more than an hour without raising any point sure…
    He’s talkative….

  25. Now I believe that ECL is fighting corruption. These are the thieves who were benefiting from corruption in government. They are confessing. Twalamimona bamambala. Just join UPND doba doba maybe and just maybe hh can employ you.

  26. These recycled politicians are selfish and misleading. Why do they stick to PF but saying bad things about PF? I can agree with hh on this one that these people are infiltrating other political parties to destabilize them. Come to think of it, GBM has never resigned from PF. CK has never resigned from PF. Kalaba just resigned from ministerial post and is still PF. Why can’t these people come in open and resign from the party the say is bad. But day and night they are pretending to be opposition leaders. People don’t be cheated.

    • Resign and lose the gratuity? Fortunately most Zambians know why these lice are clinging to the boat they’ve ditched. …they know if they let go they won’t have a share of the fish in the boat. Shameful.

  27. Which sane business person will want to be associated with a buffoon insulting the President on a daily basis. Is he mad?

  28. Pf are failing to slep because of kambwili,ECL,dnt forget that one day you wont be in that office,and within your closest adviser one day they will turn against you.Why is it that when you leav the gavnment thats when police oficer realise the stealing of someone? if ck is a thief,then ECL is also a thief.Mr Lungu dont forget that for you to have those muscil to melt evry one,its because of kambwili.Though he is a corupt man,cnt you apreciate what he did to you? its him who changed zambian’s mind to vote for you? never forget that the same paramilitary you are using,one day someone will use them to attack you lungu.

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