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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Government has not funded schools since January-Pamela Chisanga


Civil Society Constitution Agenda Vice Chairperson Pamela Chisanga(r) speaking during a Media Briefing on People Driven, popularised Constitutionalism in Zambia at the Zambia Civic Education Association in Lusaka
Civil Society Constitution Agenda Vice Chairperson Pamela
Chisanga(r) speaking during a Media Briefing on People Driven,
popularised Constitutionalism in Zambia at the Zambia Civic Education
Association in Lusaka

Governance Activist Pamela Chisanga has revealed that government has not disbursed any funding to the Ministry of General Education to fund the running of public schools.

Ms. Chisanga said the development is disheartening and undermines the provision of quality education.

She said most public schools are struggling to meet basic operational costs.

“So, over the weekend, I attended a number of meetings in the education sector. I was saddened to learn that schools have not received any funding since January. What is even more disheartening is that the DEBs and PEO have also not been receiving funding and so schools are now being asked to ‘contribute’ to the DEBS and PEO,” she stated.

She said, “A number of schools are already struggling. They don’t collect enough school fees especially that there is a policy of not sending away children for failing to pay school fees.”

Ms. Chisanga said a Teachers complained that many pupils that were not paying did not necessarily come from poor households but the parents were just irresponsible and even stubborn when summoned by the school.

“Schools hope to recover the fees by withholding examination results but these parents simply go to ECZ where they bribe officials there and they collect the results,” she said.

“Some schools are now asking to increase school fees. The burden is now being passed on to parents in an economy where many are struggling to make ends meet.”

“What has gone wrong that we are now failing to find basic social services? For many schools in rural areas, this has been the trend over the last 2-3 years where they hardly get any grants even though these grants maybe as little as K600 a month. Teachers have to use their own money to buy chalk, paper etc.”


    Jona Pombe forgets he got educated because governments of the day poured resources into education, & NOT another illegal Presidential term.
    For Chakolwa Mutaware the most pressing issue needing urgent pumping of State resources is his dirty 2021 illegal campaign, & his Eswatini mansion.

    • Those that think that people’s criticizing PF is not justified should consider this.
      Education and health care are two of main pillars for a society to develop. We can add agriculture and industrialisation to the list.
      But let’s just focus on education for now. How can we justify government failing to fund one of the key sector for future development? If anyone has justification, I am happy to be instructed.
      In the meantime we have been busy borrowing for meaningless overpriced “projects” and buying 1million dollar fire trucks. Common, let’s be serious. When we need to spend on big cars, allowances and trips for our lazy, ineffective and greedy munisters and MPs(both ruling and opposition) money is never a problem. But when we need to find money for education of our people and…

    • And yet that thief aka Lungu keeps travelling abroad. And now, he wants to start taking his cadres and groupies abroad disguised as business men and women.

      Zambians, get this into your hardened heads.

      Lungu does NOT care about your children, that is why he is not funding schools.

      Lungu does NOT care about hospitals, that is why infant mortality and other deaths have increased under his watch.

      The only thing Lungu cares about is his bank account balances, corruption, violence and yes of course, last but not in anyway least, alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.

      This bum needs tossing out of state house.

      Let us deport it people.

    • I don’t know what softex Pamela is complaining about, is it government or irresponsible parents?
      Sometimes she becomes mess in thinking, she only get jobs because of media like her pictures.

    • This is what clueless Lungu is accomplishing in Zambia. NOTHING! Apparently he doesn’t know the importance of education. A country that pays no attention to educating it’s citizens will remain underdeveloped forever. And equally a country that pays attention to funding education develops faster. But clueless Lungu has no idea about that. All that money wasted on sending bloated delegations to overseas trips could have been used to at least fund some of these schools. All that money wasted on firetrucks could have been used to fund education in Zambia. This is a shame to have such a visionless leader, who has no idea about developing a country. Please make education in Zambia a high priority. This is why developed countries keep laughing at African countries. This is unacceptable. Lungu…

  2. “Schools hope to recover the fees by withholding examination results but these parents simply go to ECZ where they bribe officials there and they collect the results,” she said.

    The country has truly gone to the dogs…

  3. Government people think for themselves and forget their responsibility.Teachers and other civil servants are highly taxed in the whole yet poor services.Who will represent us because even unions are useless and government servants.

  4. This country has got the majority of people who are very “dumb”, its sad,

    And they will still vote for them!!!!!

  5. Poor funding,no enough education materials then they talk about quality education. At the end bemoan poor results. They want to reap where they did not saw. In old days schools had enough books (pupil books, supplementary readers) to lend pupils. Today teachers are planning using a pupil’s book meaning there are no teacher’s guides and other resource books. And one goes on air talking about poor reading culture. Do you read from stones? They want to talk about quality education, let them adequately fund schools and supply enough books. Ngabatuma tumabooks 10 per subject Elyo baya pa TV ati balebomba, that’s mocking and brainwashing people

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