Vice President Inonge Wina says she is saddened that a number of girls in Mwinilunga district are becoming mothers at a tender age.
Speaking after touring Mwinilunga district hospital where she found some girls ( mothers ) who had just delivered, Mrs. Wina urged parents to allow their girl-children to complete their education.
Mrs. Wina said this is because the country needs educated women who can contribute to the development of the country.
And Chief Kanyama of the Lunda speaking people of Mwinilunga district has retrieved two girls who were married off at an early age in his chiefdom.
Chief Kanyama said as a concerned traditional leader he decided to retrieve the two girls who were illegally married to one man.
49 girls have dropped out of school after falling pregnant from 2015 to date in his chiefdom, he revealed.
The traditional leader has since appealed to government to ensure that Kanyama boarding school starts running as such so as to reduce the cases of girls falling pregnant.
govt ought to Carry out a field based research to ascertain the causes of early marriages among teenagers in Zambia, failure to which mere rhetorics wud not solve anything to end the problem
What research? It is pretty obvious why this happens.
Poverty, and statutory rape carried out by close relatives.
What the government should do is to facilitate the return of these young mothers to education.
Just because these girls have become mothers does not mean their lives are done.
What research? It is pretty obvious why this happens.
1. Poverty : parents sometimes push their girls to sleep with men to bring money in. This happens a lot across the country.
2. Abuse carried out by close male relatives. This is very common. A lot of girls have been violated and most have not told a soul.
What the government should do is to facilitate the return of these young mothers to education. They should also jail the men if found wanting.
Just because these girls have become mothers does not mean their lives are done.
What are you going to do about it! Take away their va.gin.aa?
Let’s help the girls. Motherly love. God bless Zambia.
Zambia is just too big a country, 15million pipo is not enough, let’s proceed and produce even more boys and girls