Monday, February 24, 2025

President Lungu calls on every Zambian to transform the country


President Edgar Lungu
President Edgar Lungu

President Edgar Lungu says every person regardless of age, political affiliation, tribe or social economical class has got a responsibility to make positive contributions to the nation’s wellbeing.

President Lungu says transforming people in the nation should not be left to government alone but calls for concerted efforts from all Zambians.

Mr. Lungu says for this reason, his administration stands ready to work with any person, charity or institution that helps in promoting social-economic change.

ZANIS reports that President Lungu said this in Lusaka last evening during the 10th anniversary of Gospel Artist, Kings Malembe Malembe.

The Republican President said this in a speech read on his behalf by Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Godfredah Sumaili at the same event.

“ Music has a potential to imparting values to the people and plays an important role in touching and changing lives of people by promoting peace and unity but it should not be used to spread hatred and division in the nation, “ he said.

Mr. Lungu for this reason praised Kings Malembe Malembe for his talent in transforming the lives of people in shaping them to Christ through singing gospel music.

He added that his administration through the Ministry of National Guidance and Religious Affairs shall endeavour to create a favourable enabling environment of religious freedoms for both Christians and non-Christians to co-exist in accordance with the republican constitution.

And National Arts Council of Zambia Chairman Patrick Samwimbila said the music industry has created jobs to the local people especially the youth.

Mr. Samwimbila said music is not just about entertainment but a vehicle to promotion of national values and principles among the people.

He appealed to the Government to consider giving his institute a piece of land for the construction of a Music National Centre where a studio, galleries and crafts would be established.

At the same event , Kings Malembe Malembe’s Fix-Me and Lesa Elmwali track albums were also jointly launched.

The 10th anniversary held at Lusaka’s Woodlands Stadium was witnessed and attended by Zambia Association of Musicians president Tivo Shikapwasha, Mines Minister Richard Musukwa, Zambia Shall will Be Saved founder and opposition MMD faction leader Nevers Mumba and other renowned gospel singer Ephraim among others.


  1. Are you confused Mr. President. I thought your government just stopped a good Zambian in Kasempa from helping his community upgrade roads and schools saying it is the job of the sitting government. To you everything is politics you do not love this country. Learn from KK the sacrifices those people made for the country and see the legacy that Mwanawasa left with mistakes but a better Zambia. As for you the day you leave that seat we will all party as your fake humble self has left all with brains disappointed.

    • KK? No presdeint has presided better than Presdient Lungu.

      DO not compare Lungu with Kaunda.

      Kaunda was an authoritarian, History will judge President Lungu BETTER than any other Zambian president.

      He is the best ever



    • Good call, ECL! so sad that people have to be told to improve their communities. Isnt it common sense?

    • This mental patient Lungu talks a lot of gibberish.

      What has he contributed to the country since he got elected?

      Can someone gag this man permanently? He is annoying

    • He wants people to transform Zambia when …. maize price is at its lowest (factoring inflation & forex), citizens now have to pay for boreholes even where his government has failed to provide water even for farming, now WHT on rentals, he supports none productive caders to become rich without any entrepreurial input by just supplying USD 42 million worth of merchandise without engaging in any production while those struggling to produce are being taxed heavily and given no breather by ZRA… and biggest of all the CHINESE! You are failing to manage our interaction with Chinese that will enhance locals access to that gigantic market instead u cry day in day out how Chinese will help u

    • @Mushota, whoever is paying you to Blog is really happy with your work of constant “stup*dity” .lol. You are miles better than Nubian Pricess for sure as she is…

    • Suck my thing!!! , after he, kaizer and the Chinese have stolen everything and debts have now mounted,,, ati everyone should get involved,,, you must be a sick puppy to praise that statement

    • Ba Edgar didn’t read the speech, who knows if he was sober.
      Rev. Sumaili too opportunity to tell off Ba Edgar that he is Zambian, therefore he should let Zambians do their thing, including The Post Newspaper he closed.

    • His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu, commander in chief of the armed forces and president of the land of the free has voiced his own.

      That is like STATE COUNSEL. Kikikikikiki

      ECL “says transforming people in the nation should not be left to government alone but calls for concerted efforts from all Zambians.”

      Who with 5 senses, disapproves with this statement?

    • What a noble call to make! Well done Mr. President! Only mental patients and supporters of Hakainde Mentally-Disabled Child cannot see sense in this call! UPND is as childish as Childish itself. Tribal organization and Terrorist Organisation.

    • #1.8, Animo Farm disapproves this positive message! Animo Farm is a Mess! I want to start a farm – an animo farm to raise pigs, cows and donkeys. I will make sure that I will be cleaning the farm daily so that dung does NOT accumulate! I have learned what it can do to the brain if left for a long time.

    • “The Republican President said this in a speech read on his behalf by Minister of National Guidance and Religious Affairs, Godfredah Sumaili at the same event.”

      Ask the lazy thing about this speech he will not know a thing as he was looking at house designs for his plots abroad.


      …_They sold the soul to the devil: it’s now deliver the country or your soul_

      By Mweemba Habazoka

      The United Party for National Development (UPND) was formed in December 1998. The Party turns 20 years old in December 2018. Today its desperation has reached an all-time high because time is running out for them to either deliver the country or their soul. The patience of their 20-year-old-financiers have continued to wear thin and thin by the failure of the party to deliver as per their promise despite the financiers’ unwavering financial commitments that resulted in its leaders’ immense wealth which they stand to lose as per deal they signed almost 22 years ago in the run up to infamous privatisation exercise in Zambia. The UPND is fixed between the rock…

    • Only the du.ll PF kaponyas will dance to this message ……we the gallant opposition ask , where are the 500,000 jobs you promised in 2016 lungu ? Or the 1.5 million jobs per year you promised ?

    • @ManB, whoever is paying you to post your Tribal rantings with your chronic loser HH and Mweetwa Larry HaJayaJay & BoSpakata is showing Hagain a derailed mind – also known as Hakainde Mentally-Disabled.

  2. Baba a Lungu mwakangiwa chabe calling for help. If you were successful in developing the country we would not hear speeches like these.

    • This President has been transforming this country for better. I am glad the tribal organisation will disintegrate come 2021. When their hand-picked Vice President GBM would be claiming the top slot, all hell will break loose because the Tribal Grouping will come to remember that “He is a Thief,” a code name and tribalism on selected groups of people UPND zealots hate to the core of their hearts as seen from their hatred in their postings.

  3. The President is RIGHT yet again.

    What an inspirational man.

    Only an unwashed person will not commend this monumental message.

    He is right isn’t he?

    I hold a PhD



    • Lungu is a jerk like no other human being alive, except Mushota. How do Zambians work to transform Zambia while he keeps squandering with his minions at the top? Fuseki Lungu, Fuseki Ka Mushota.

    • We need to transform the Presidency to an office of service from the office of the Father of CORRUPTION then there will be a chance for further transformation.This talking by the guy who stole from a client masquerading as the uplifter of people’s ‘F’ ing lives. Lungu stop talking crap and singing songs of worship. You won’t be there for 27 years mate.

  4. Never has Zambia seen so much tribal division , corruption , moral decay and debt as now under lungu.

    These tribal divisions are you fault lungu.
    You watched as CK went on air to attack Tongas , you applauded him.

    Half of the population were suspicious of you election win….if you were so sure of your election win , instead of letting the courts hear their evidence of rigging , you banned the courts from hearing their evidence….

    Now you rule over a fragmented society. All your fault lungu.

  5. It ia the duty of any President to guide his nation with inspirational messages like these. If you refuse to do good for your country then you want to do harm, no two ways about it. But for that today you must be a tribal disciple of underfive and a cadre of the upnd tribal faction. So which is it, Lazy jj?

    • Inspirational messages without deeds dont develop the country badala….lungu should lead by example….and I don’t mean him wearing gum boots when cholera strikes …..provide jobs… mulungushi textiles and compel all GRZ uniforms to be made there….

  6. I have been calling tirelessly for a concerted effort in fighting gender violence. and discrimination but the vice seem to be growing instead. As a victim, I challenged President ECL to start with his Police IG Kakoma Kanganja. I am pushing for a crimes against humanity tribunal, which if successful, could see you being indicted together with the incompetent decission makers you gave positions they are not qualified to. ECL and the Chief Justice must take full responsibility of the illegal decisions made by the Judges who aided and abetted foolish lawyers to pillage me in abuse of the judicial process, as well as the Judge who illegally removed my suit against the Attorney General and the pillagers from the cause list. You cannot hide state lawlessness under the filth rug of inefficiency…

  7. ECL must transform the judiciary by asking the International Community to help him incept an international justice mechanism as an Extraordinary Chamber in the High Court of Zambia, from which locals can learn from. It is unacceptable and reprehensible observing glRing incompetence and Judical misconduct frequently, and then the JCC does nothing about it. ECL must know that appointing incompetent persons to decision making position constitutes crimes against humanity, for which he needs to take full responsibility of, when such incompetent decision makers make illegal decisions. I am challenging him to take full responsibility of the illegal decision made by a Judge who illegally removed my suit, where I sued the Attorney General from the cause list. When I challenged such Judge with…

  8. You say this but deny us the opportunity to make real change. The problem with this govt is they make everything feel like cheap political rhetoric, which sadly includes most of what the president says.

  9. Transform kaizer Zulu,kennedy kamba maxwell chongo ,commanders that man different bus stations, markets and public toilets and only then can we see seriousness in you clarion call.How can the ordinary zambian change when being PF aligned is a formular for wellbeing.
    Start by fixing kafue mazabuka road those people that are dying are zambias.


      …_They sold the soul to the devil: it’s now deliver the country or your soul_

      By Mweemba Habazoka

      The United Party for National Development (UPND) was formed in December 1998. The Party turns 20 years old in December 2018. Today its desperation has reached an all-time high because time is running out for them to either deliver the country or their soul. The patience of their 20-year-old-financiers have continued to wear thin and thin by the failure of the party to deliver as per their promise despite the financiers’ unwavering financial commitments that resulted in its leaders’ immense wealth which they stand to lose as per deal they signed almost 22 years ago in the run up to infamous privatisation exercise in Zambia…

  10. Mwakangiwa!!!
    I remember the Heroes stadium ZESCO blackout where people started shouting, “Mwakangiwa a Lungu” … Kikikiki. I guess the chorus is getting louder and countrywide!

  11. #6.1 Spaka lilo, not worth a comment. So if Lungu doesn’t do the right things then we all must not do the right things for our country. Lungu must even come and cook the correct nshima for you, not your wife? Kwena ba upnd thinking with your tribe has really wasted your brains guys!!! Surely how do you expect a directionless h.h to think for you? Lazy jj, please don’t be that lazy, guide this boy from your clan.

    • @#12, UPND cadre, Animo Farm is really a mess! I have never seen such a backward cowardice tribalists like UPND little boys. I didn’t know cow dung was so dangerous to the brain until now. Even a non-inflammatory piece of advice by the President calling for Zambians to work hard for their nation is injurious to these tribalists? Wow! That is why their Childish WILL NEVER be president in Zambia! Your online cohorts have helped all well-meaning Zambians discover who you are and what you want to do to Zambia even though knowledgeable people have known this a long time. YOU WILL NEVER SUCCEED!

    • Not every one is duped by lungu wearing gum boots when cholera strikes , some thing that should not happen in anycase….some of us have high standards not your chawama pit latrine standards .

      We don’t expect lungu to do everything but we expect him to provide the 1.5 million jobs pa he promised..

  12. It is also the duty of every zambian to make sure those in power do not steal from state coffers. I think you left that out in your speech so I have included it for you Mr President.


    …_They sold the soul to the devil: it’s now deliver the country or your soul_

    By Mweemba Habazoka

    The United Party for National Development (UPND) was formed in December 1998. The Party turns 20 years old in December 2018. Today its desperation has reached an all-time high because time is running out for them to either deliver the country or their soul. The patience of their 20-year-old-financiers have continued to wear thin and thin by the failure of the party to deliver as per their promise despite the financiers’ unwavering financial commitments that resulted in its leaders’ immense wealth which they stand to lose as per deal they signed almost 22 years ago in the run up to infamous privatisation exercise in Zambia. The…

  14. You will never deliver the country tibtge devil even if you hate our humble president

    The United Party for National Development (UPND) was formed in December 1998. The Party turns 20 years old in December 2018. Today its desperation has reached an all-time high because time is running out for them to either deliver the country or their soul. The patience of their 20-year-old-financiers have continued to wear thin and thin by the failure of the party to deliver as per their promise despite the financiers’ unwavering financial commitments that resulted in its leaders’ immense wealth which they stand to lose as per deal they signed almost 22 years ago in the run up to infamous privatisation exercise in Zambia. The UPND is fixed between the rock and the hard place as on one hand, Zambians…

  15. #14.1 is that Professor Hansoni? Has the UN responded to you on your University Letterhead or on the UN letterhead? Maybe on an UPND Letterhead! Childish!

  16. ECL Must form a concerted effort with UN country Cordinator Janet Rogan and the Chief Justice. For them to tackle the racketeering and money laundering acts on my UN benefit entitlements passed through the High Court of Zambia. ECL boasts of a majority of u derachieved men who are *****s and suffer gender inferiority complex yo see a self sufficient woman like me. They mobbed me and stole from me like imbeciles by getting court orders on false pretext from their relTives in the judiciary; without according me an opportunity to be heard, and stole whatever amused them and vandalised my house, then they attempted to kill me. I need the three to come up with a justice mechanism to hold these *****s accountable. I need to be restor d and Ineed appropriate compensation. They stagnated my life…

    • My dear , the judiciary under lungu is the most corrupt….anything goes for them.

      You are better off taking your case to the UN and european union and the US gov by way of bombarding them with emails untill they respond…

  17. Haha , this misguided chakolwa Edgar Lungu has transformed Zed into highly indebted ,cholera bearing and economically stagnant country.How about leading by example Lungu?

  18. ZNBC, “Democratic Republic of Congo -DRC Presidential Aspirant Moise Katumbi says Zambians should be proud that they have a president who is focused on development.
    Mr. Katumbi says the unprecedented development taking place in Zambia can only be achieved with a leadership that is centered on serving its people.”

  19. Katumbi says Zambians must be proud to have President Lungu! Because the development taking place in Zambia is unprecedented. But the Hatribes see it differently!

  20. Katumbi is equally an inept leader whose nationality is not even clear….He should just go and face the charges in DRC instead of making such careless pronouncements…there is no development in Zambia and shut up!!!

  21. The President is right on point by saying that every Zambian must transform this country but where is the starting Point.
    1) As Zambians yes in one way or another we can contribute but the bulk of our contributions is through government by us highlighting areas where we feel government has failed and by pointing out areas that need improvement.
    2) By advising government on things or developments which we feel are costly and need revision or renegotiations
    Most of these and other issues can be streamlined if and only if government is able to show a listening ear to the masses, but what is happening now is that, even before the president listens to a suggestion, it is already shot down by the bootlickers around the president resulting in people to through frustration begin to complain…

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