Friday, March 14, 2025

Salaries for President Lungu and Other Senior Government officials go up


President Eedgar Lungu and Vice President Inonge Wine shows the document after the launch whilst Secretary to the cabinet Rowland Msiska Looks on during the Launch of the Perfromance-Based Contract system for Permanent secretaries at Government Complex
President Eedgar Lungu and Vice President Inonge Wine shows the
document after the launch whilst Secretary to the cabinet Rowland
Msiska Looks on during the Launch of the Perfromance-Based Contract
system for Permanent secretaries at Government Complex

The Salaries of President Edgar Lungu and other selected government officials has been raised, with the changes being effective from January 2018.

According to a Statutory Instrument signed by Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe, President Lungu will now receive K487, 839.00 as annual salary plus a special annual allowance of K129, 413.00.

This latest salary adjustment means President Lungu’s monthly pay is now K40, 653.25 plus an allowance of K10, 784.41.

Others whose salaries have also gone up are Secretary to the Cabinet and his deputy, Permanent Secretaries, Auditor General, Director of Public of Prosecutions, Attorney General, Solicitor General and the Public Protector.


    • That’s how you treat docile foools called Zambians even backdate it yet you have refused to repay illegal salaries and some Civil servants have not been paid for two months…no wonder the dull Joyce Nonde can even double the minimum wage of maids

    • Backdated to January 2018? What the heck? Why they can’t say from January 2019? Well, it’s corrupt Lungu’s shenanigans after all. Not surprised. The docile Zambians will just roll over and take it. Also this is nothing but pocket change to Lungu, compared to what he has already looted from the national coffers.

  1. Its only making headlines now and its been in effect since january 2018. By christmas, Zambians will find out that actually zesco was sold two years ago.

  2. Let us escalate LUNGU-MUST -GO campaign. Hh cant remove Lungu. Its pf to do it and put in new leader.

    I now understand why Scot El. But hh called guy Scot muzungu opusa. Hh must apologize publicly to Guy Scot

  3. Pa Z salaries are pathetic. A president earning about K60,000 per month. This is joke. What then will the ordinary people earn? These are poverty salaries. Such an amount should be for senior civil servants. A president needs to take home something like K250,000 per month. Then this corruption can’t be widespread because people can live & serve in the salary. Poverty salaries these!!

    • @Spaka, because he really has no clue of what he is talking about. Let us enlighten him, a govt cannot give itself hefty salaries when the majority of it’s people live below the poverty line and it’s economy is in shambles.

    • A President should be poorly paid. He has answered God’s calling like the Priests. Actually, many Zambians in Zambia earn more than the US President. And many people in public service and civil servants earn more than twice what the President earns.

      There should be no concern here. Just a notification in Gazette as per GRZ procedures and democratic tenets.

  4. “What then should the ordinary people earn?” You ask.
    They can earn more if they generate more wealth in their companies. There is no law which says the President must be the highest paid person in a country.

    • What do you expect ? Just 5 miles from state house people drink water from wells next to pit latrines and getting stricken by cholera….

  5. A president’s remunerations are not subjected to tax.Finance Minister is being economical with the truth.A president cannot get same salary as a manager.Most directors get salaries in the range of k150000 to k250000 after tax.There is no germ of truth on these published salary for the president.In the absence of Information Bill,anything can be published to hoodwink the masses.

  6. One wonders what the justification is for increasing their emoluments? For doing what? Borrowing left right and center? These misguided misfits have no iota of shame, they are preoccupied with personal aggrandizements and feeding their egos. How on earth do they expect the people to feel after subjecting them to the worst economic misery with their maladministration of the worst kind? Come Friday, another barrage of taxes will soon come to the fore. Dununa reloaded times 10 kkkkk.

  7. Pay your self high when you produce nothing….form your own company and learn the true reality. Look at Zambia as a company and you will agree that better shut it down

  8. Only 40,000 !!! A president?!!! CEO of companies getting 300,000. Yet richest people want to presidents?. Why not sit and enjoy your millions!!

  9. You do not join politics to make money! You join politics to make lives of citizens better. You become a servant of the people. If you want to become rich, make your own law firm and steal client’s money.

  10. Mwapapa ka..?
    I remember Mwanawasa complaining about his annual salary.He was the least paid in southern African countries, according to him.He demanded increament.
    Take home was k40 +..annually.

  11. The late President Sata already increased the Presidential salary and that of civil servants across the board.. and most civil servants had to afford getting huge loans and managed buying cars and build there own houses..this is just an additional way of milking the frail cow called Zambia.

  12. This country has the most dull people on earth, of course nothing can and nothing will be done, in Zambia it’s life goes on even when you don’t know where you are going.

  13. Indeed our President is a caring President, the money is so modest because of the heavy burden and risks he carries on and behalf of all Zambians.

  14. Yes the President’s salary maybe meagre but we know that almost everything for him is free. From being worth K3m to being worth K23m in just 3 years with a ‘meagre’ salary of under K40,000! Anyway let it be increased.Afterall he’s also entitled to an increment

  15. Cry babies.. HH told you that he will NOT get any salary if elected as president. You ignored him.
    How much coould Zam have saved in 5yr term presidental tenure???

    • We need to pay every worker of this country. If they donate their salaries to charity that will be great. But every worker must be paid.

  16. I see so president and vice president also fall into the category of domestic servants & maids whose salaries have been increased. Congratulations!!

  17. I spend most of time improving my lifestyle and that of my family instead of being an armchair critic and I pay myself more than that.That salary to the president is too little. I expected $30,000 a month.


  19. Surely the president can get such a salary when he doesn’t even buy anything for his family there being fed by the state through out the 5years very unfair look at what a civil servant what is getting

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