Thursday, February 6, 2025

Dr Haabazoka wants a law that will ban non Economists from commenting on economic issues


Dr. Lubinda Haabazoka
Dr. Lubinda Haabazoka

Economics Association of Zambia President Dr Lubinda Haabazoka says it is dangerous for Zambia to have people without qualifications in Economics issuing statements about the state of the economy.

Dr Haabazoka has since suggested the need to enact a law that will stop non economists to comment on economic issues.

He said it is saddening that people whose core expertise is not economics related have been given a platform to speak and advise on national economic matters.

“We have seen people become prominent commentators on national economic issues without having solved any problem in econometrics,” Dr Haabazoka noted.

“It is very dangerous as a country to open expert debate on national economic issues to parties that do not even have a background on the history of economic thought. Last week it came to my attention that in this country as an economist, you don’t qualify to teach or practice public financial management (literary Public Finance),” he stated.

Below is the full statement from Dr Haabazoka

Just like in law, economics in most cases is not an exact science. The danger of this is that you find different views on any issue. Law and economics will in most cases attract non specialists to give opinions about issues relating to the field.

This is very good because it gives specialists in these fields an idea of how their trade is perceived. But we need to understand that common sense does prevail when we go into the details.

In Zambia for sometime now, we have seen a number of individuals and organizations commenting on national economic matters! That is very good because it means citizens are very much interested in the economic aspects of Zambia’s development.

What is rather saddening is that people whose core expertise is not economics related have been given a platform to speak and advise on national economic matters! We have seen people become prominent commentators on national economic issues without having solved any problem in econometrics.

It is very dangerous as a country to open expert debate on national economic issues to parties that do not even have a background on the history of economic thought. Last week it came to my attention that in this country as an economist, you don’t qualify to teach or practice public financial management (literary Public Finance).

I am beginning to fear for my country.
Zambia has a lot of commenters on a lot of issues. You will find a lot of people that comment on any issues. Why do people court the media? Why do people speak so much? What is the purpose? Self recognition or what?

Well I can only answer for academicians. In academia, one important factors considered for promoting is community service. Commenting on various issues in either print or electronic media scores points in our promotion criteria. Our freedom to research and speak in our field of expertise is enshrined in the republican constitution.

We have a lot of intelligent economists in the ministry of finance and even the Bank of Zambia. You don’t hear about them because that is not part of their job description. For some who move to academia, you hear about them almost immediately. So what is the motivation for those whose core business is not advocacy to speak on national economic issues?

What we should avoid is having a situation where people use common knowledge to convince government (politicians at policy level) and in most cases citizens to take certain positions on national economic issues. Our friends the lawyers have protected themselves by going statutory.

Accountants won’t even allow you to touch a balance sheet if you are not a chartered accountant. So as economists why have we opened our area to everyone? Economics sounds simple but is a very difficult field. You need to understand theory and the quantitatives for you to succeed in solving economic problems.

Economics has certain rules and in most cases when these rules are ignored, you arrive at wrong conclusions. Economics does not sing to popular tunes just like law. A rapist can escape jail when there is no evidence. Just like in law, we can’t assume things because that is what is perceived to be popular. It is easy for non specialists to rush into unfolded popular conclusions.

But for us economists and more especially those in academia, until certain conditions are met, we cant give a verdict.

In some countries, media houses will ask for your CV before entrusting you with a platform. In Zambia anybody can speak however they want and whenever they want. Let us do an experiment.

Let us for the month of November ask for CVs of experts we collect information from. I can tell you that the newspapers will be blank and news will be quiet for November.

We should not argue with pressure groups and non specialists on national economic issues. Just like we don’t argue with engineers or lawyers, I also ask others not to move into our field. But we have to be careful because economics has a lot of other related fields.

Actually business studies, development studies among others are part of economics. Those we embrace.

When we argue with fellow economists, we argue on substance. We in most cases will even refer to different schools of thought and outline weaknesses of each school. The one with less weaknesses is the one we agree to take. In some cases we never even agree but arrive at the same answer despite takin different routes.

That is what makes economics great! Some economists are quantitative, some are qualitative and others are both.

We need to set strict economic ethical rules in this country. Sometimes you hear NGOs formed to fight gender violence talk about interest rates in the certain platform with economist. I have shared platforms unfortunately with economists who in an argument move from issue based debate to personal attacks.

To such economists, please revisit theory. Sometimes you need that to sharpen your experience.

To my fellow media outlets, please watch Bloomberg and transfer what they do to your business/economics news rooms. That way, the country will positively benefit from economic debate.

My personal thoughts from Florida.
Lubinda Haabazoka


  1. Chi Haabazoka you dirty bastard,.
    tooombano…. So you mean no PF Cabinet minister should be commenting on economic issues. Get the ffuuck out of Florida, go back to Monze its farming time.

    • Haabazoka is talking nonsense as usual. We would be the only country in the world to do that. All human beings exhibit economic behaviour if they live in a money economy. The corollary of this is of course that all humans living in a money economy are affected by economic issues. It therefore follows that they have the right to comment on issues affecting them. I am trying to imagine what it is to sit as a student in a lecture delivered by Haabazoka. It ought to be a nightmare.

    • He makes sense.

      I hold a PhD and my belief like him is that I understand my field and other thing with my sixths sense better than anyone else.

      You wouldn’t want to be diagnosed and assessed by a non qualified doctor if you mr life dependent on it would you ?

      Anyone disagreeing with him are not as educated as him and I and merely not seeing what he and I seeing.

      Being elite like him, we are sacred and people don’t understand us !

      It isn’t our fault.

      I feel like I think like a white Person but unfortunate I’m black which doesn’t help making me underrated with. A case of judging a book by its cover !

      You disagree with him you need a good look over yourself – You son of a ..
      He is right.



    • Awe kanshi aba tata amano tabakwata iyo. What crap is this? Habazooka, please know that there are a lot of people who do not hold any degrees in economics but are more knowledgeable than a lot of Russian trained economists. I didn’t know you were that useless, and warped in thinking. Is this the caliber of lecturers UNZA now has?

    • Chi-Haambazoooka Chipuba sana. If only economists will pay taxes & repay the huuuge PF debt, then only economists should comment.

    • He should also stop voting, why should he have a say in politics when he is not a politician , this the problem of a country sends you to Russia for studies, instead of coming back with technology you come back with a wife, what a waste to tax payers.

    • Good proposal Dr. Haabazoka. Unfortunately, that can’t happen Sir! Just keep on exploring other avenues. You have great ideas.

    • Come to main land europe with a PhD in economics from Russia you will be a taxi driver… its only in Zambia you can F.OOL people

    • This is the unreasonable statement we have ever heard from the so called expert. These are not words from un expert but from someone who has a narrow view society. The most successful business men and women are not PhD holders but people of substance. True experts don’t involve themselves in political rhetoric like this. Whatever this man says are his own views not those of EAZ. Let’s ignore him. Proper thinkers Don resort to draconian tactics.

    • This man is crazy to say the least. How can you stop people from commenting on their economy and that of the national or regional or global in nature. This sounds like the Mugabe style of leadership, where people were arrested for commenting on the high cost of living. Is this man implying or hinting that something is on the way? What a shame to say the least.

    • Anyone who has a stomach is qualified to talk about economics. It’s the stomach that feels hungry, not the brain. It’s hunger, poverty, unemployment, inflation, etc., that compels us all to talk or comment on the economy of our country.

  2. That is the most irresponsible statement i have ever head from a doctor. Grow up doct., that way you will understand that education alone is not enough, you need to embrace wisdom as well. You tell me our leaders who don’t have economic qualifications have no right to comment on economic matters.

  3. Especially cadres from a named political party. The dollar is high. The dollar is high.

    They dont know that weaker currency is good for wheat growers.tobbaco growers.honey exporters and even online Zambians abroad make more money in there pocket when they send ka dollar

    Cadres from a named political party look at one angle ONLY

    • So you want all Zambians to go into the diaspora for them to benefit from the weak currency? How about the local importers dont you think it is costly for them to buy items out of the country especially that Zambia does not produce much?

  4. That’s a very retrogressive idea from the Chibolya school of witchcraft economics .By that measure ,Lungu shouldn’t even be meeting with int’l investors or presiding over Zambia’s economy.

    • that s why Russian trained chaps where during our times NOT allowed by statute to practice in the free world. Thought they had changed…alas no.Viimbwa

  5. This is a classic example of the “air of arrogance” with people hiding behind qualifications. If you are such an expert in economics then why is Zambia in such a state economically? If we have a lot of intelligent economists at the ministry of finance acting as the government think tank then they are doing a disservice to Zambia by not guiding the nation. Don’t use intelligence to intimidate or patronize because we are all intelligent in our own ways. Experts should come out and give us their views but don’t expect everyone to agree with you and that’s healthy for our young democracy. Banning people from commenting on their state of affairs because you think you know better is a bit excessive and outright arrogant.

  6. Let’s also have non-politicians from commenting on political matters which means most of our parliamentarians and political leaders right now. Don’t tempt fate bwana – that is a Pandora’s box you are attempting to open. Nizako izo…

    • no non police should comment on crime in the community..
      No non-engineer should comment of the state of roads in Zambia..
      No non-professional footballer should comment on the chipolopolo…
      No non-mining engineer should comment on the mines in Zambia…
      No non farmers should comment on FISP…
      no non driver should comment on speed cameras…
      no non charcoal burner should comment on deforestation…
      no non lawyer should comment on the public order act…

  7. this is the way to go Dr Habazoka. We have cobbers and jackals commenting on things they do not understand . By the way laws have such a legal provision what can deter the economists from not having such a legal provision ? way to go Dr the right way to go


  9. None ICT professionals should stop commenting on ICT issues…….
    None soccer professionals should stop commenting on soccer issues…….
    Singles should stop commenting on marriage issues…….

    My personal thoughts from Muchinga

    • no engineer or technologist should stop from talking about ENGINEERING ISSUES leave is to Engineer HABAZOKA POMBWE MUSHIBILA NSALA,ATI ba Director pa UNZA fake doc


  11. Public policy concerns members of the public. When it comes to interest groups, such as sports, cultural and professional associations, the membership is founded on one common interest. For instance EAZ is for economic practitioners and BAZ is for banking practitioners. But public policy involves any interested individual or organization. Why is public participation now problematic? Public participation is the basis of democratic governance. The production of chemicals is technical but whether a chemical factory is a priority or not is public policy issue. Even the choice between small and medium and large scale production is also a public policy issue. There is need for the technical mind to meet demands from a range of clientele, including environmentalists and philosophers.



  13. Nonse. This guy who told him all knowledge comes from institutional education. Society has its own way of learning and teaching things and to think only someone who has gone thru formal education can have knowledge about economics is to be narrow minded. What happened to habazooka ever he moved to Lusaka????

  14. No body in Zambia should talk about malaria unless they are medical doctors. Even teachers in schools should not teach about malaria because they are not doctors. This is the worst kind of 1diocy never witnessed in this country.


  16. This Doctor is a risky to state security, he must be denied entry into UNZA lecture theatres. What kind of a Doc is he? Half baked Doctor shame!!!!!!!!1


  18. The problem begins with who qualifies to be a member of the Economics Association of Zambia(EAZ).The current charter of memebership for EAZ qualifies it to be a Business Association and NOT an Economics Association.EAZ membership allows non-economists to be members thus allowing imposters to masquerade as Economic pundits unlike Law Association of Zambia(LAZ) and ZICA who have strict and rigorous membership proceedures.Dr Haabazoka as President of EAZ should lobby for the creation of a Business Association of Zambia that will be open to all Zambians with business and economic interests but have no qualifications in Economics and also make EAZ membership like that of LAZ and ZICA,then people can argue economics as they wish.

  19. Even mr Lungu is not an economist so he should not be commenting on it. hahahah……..
    this man thinks having a chance to be educated in russia then the rest are dull. imagin teachers stops non teachers to talk about education, lawyers, stops non lawyers to talk about law.

  20. Dr Haabazooka, I don’t agree with you on this one. This is a sign of failure to appreciate wisdom and common sense. What runs the country is not economists but politicians. And polity has an element of ‘icifyalilwa’ which comes in with wisdom. Mark my words, economics is not an end in its self, it’s just one of the ways to handle the issues of the country in the name of governance to reach the ends. Apparently, economics is not static which makes it not the only solution. This country has had economists like who have failed this country terribly and today you want to paint a picture as ifor the needed results lie with youresponsibility kin. No sir. Your suggestion is misplaced.

    In short, your suggestions to provide for a law to ban non-economists to make comments on issues…

  21. Habazooka,
    What makes you think that you have the monopoly of wisdom just because you went to some economics class? Read history it will show you that all matters affecting humanity require simple logic and common sense. That’s how the village, chiefdom, and country is governed. The rest is all jargon meant to make a particular career relevant. You Habazooka can not prohibit me from commenting of economic issues of this land just because you think you have a superior brain, you are dead wrong young man.Just suggest that when it comes to policy matters the experts should be consulted.

  22. Its contrary to the Economic Freedom Index (EFW) like we have learn That promotes economies and its citizens to engage in transparent dissemination of Economic information to establish consensus What EAZ should be doing is to quote these members who often have learn econometric to the detail of Lagrangian optimizations and many complex as part of their elementary and minor Post graduate degree courses EAZ should encourage and issue confirmation reports consistently always to remove speculations and noise and redirect the audience towards its self and people will refocus Some of its members though qualified donot simply Sharpen up when called to offer Economic solutions and the…

  23. This is a free country,Dr.Habazoka.Dont ban citizens rights to their opinions.Let people comment and “advise” on any topic under the sun.It is up to those with the mandate to make policy or laws to sieve sense from nonsense,because the back stops on them for any results,thus, the ideal requirement to employ “experts”.Commenting and advising is different from practicing for which many professional groups require a license.Yes,its contempt to speak on matters that are before a court.But this concept derives from ethics that have no equal in economics.And media which do not vet their commentators for qualifications die out “naturally” because they loose followers for diminished credibility.
    Let all dogs bark,its up to the thief to know which one can bite.

  24. Kwena, I thought having a Phd makes you more intelligent. Now i know that what nature has not given you no University can. Haabazoka, you have just exposed how dull you are indeed.

  25. noise cristalise what the Dr should be doing is to invite the rest to the table and discuss membership participation That is the method of Lagrange multipliers because some of them may surprise the Dr that they are actually more knowledge and intelligent than him To close out people will not help but you as economic association of Zambia should go out and make your presence known in position papers and research No well informed investors will come to social media for confirmation He will walk into EAZ and therefor membership drive is important diverse that is the method of Lagrange multipliers

    The chaff will also filter the information ladder that is how markets work no matter how its falsely…

  26. presented or sugar quoted Make yourself relevant and accept all membership categories and re-brand simply from traditional economics think tanks and expand your outreach It should not be always same line of economic thought or content

  27. The majority of comments that have come out of this outburst are spot-on. Economics as a subject of study is in theory and practice, just like any other discipline. The classroom stuff is one part, the practical part is another. Economic theories translate themselves into practicalities and this is where the common man gets affected. In Zambia, we have a situation on our hands. Although our leaders have assured the nation that there is no debt crisis, practically we have seen that liquidity in the economy has been squeezed out. This is explained by the way the Government is now facing challenges in meeting its financial obligation to its own institutions such as UNZA which resulted in the unfortunate incident of protests that led to the death of a student. The Government is also having…

  28. Dr Haabazoka has no intention to forbid lay men to comment on economic fact, he says THIS IS GOOD when people comment on what is affecting the nation economically. But what the learned doctor is against, is for these lay men to take a pivotal role in issuing economic statements. Don’t feel lazy to read the whole article.

    • What do you expect from UPND danderheads and sycophants who are into group think mentality. Chibamba Kanyama and others are given prominence and yet are not qualified economists

  29. Doc,you sound educated but lack wisdom. How many unprofessional comments have you ever made in your life? I trust its none. We ain’t experts but our current economic indicators are so dreadful even to an eye of a layman like myself. You ain’t God the almighty to dictate the impossible. You the elite are making us the lesser educated poor every day. Do your home of resuscitating our economy, every tongue will praise you. Failure is failure regardless of who has failed. I would advise you to begin by advocating for the parliament to enact a law forbidding the illiterates from voting. You and I know better that most of them out there vote, sometimes because of the wonderful campaign songs. Doc, a right of a citizen is just a right.

  30. Hate him or not bane, Haabazoka is talking sense!!! Zambia littered with so many commentators on matters that they don’t even understand. Haabazoka is not saying people have no right to comment on matters that are negatively affecting them but he means quiet well that economists are well connected to other schools of thought and he has given us explicit examples of how economic matters can be addressed theoretically and quantitatively. Lets not throw ourselves in a deep end of unfolded conclusions!!!!!!

  31. There is NOTHING WRONG with what this enlightened Patriotic Zambian is saying!! In this country we have so many SELF STYLED EXPERTS ON TRADE,TAX and ECONOMIC ISSUES, WHO NOW POSE AS AUTHORITIES ON THE SUBJECTS THEY ARE NOT GROUNDED IN!! This is the case we see too often of persons from Western countries, just after a few months of travel in Africa get paraded as “Expert on Africa”. A few days ago,Chibamba Kanyama wrote an article where at the OPENING HE ADMITTED that he was NOT EXPERT on taxation of mines, but then he said he stayed and contributed to a video conference that last over an hour where the discussion was 80% on taxation of mines! So what was he contributing instead of advising his colleagues to look for experts in the field?? LET US UNDERSTAND THE LOGIC OF HIS MESSAGE,EVERY…

  32. Whether you like it or not.Habazooka is hundred percent right. Let us stick to what we know and understand. Zambians we talk too much.

  33. There are people who are self-taught or gained so much experience in their work or business that they qualify to comment on an issue (regardless of formal qualifications) In fact, they usually have a better perspective of the past, current and future possibilities, than some arm chair economists who theorize day and night while failing to offer solutions.

    Habazooka’s latest outbursts suggest that he wants to appear relevant – and possibly be offered a position in this regime. There was a time when he used to express a little sense and principle but that has now all gone out of the window as he seeks to get into bed with the wolves.

  34. Is economics a profession? Answer is no. It is a business course that was eventually separated by those who thought it can be a stand alone discipline and that is how economics has no universally agreed upon definition. Adam Smith gave his own, which Marshal didn’t agree with and later Ricardo also refused agreed with the two of them. This makes the whole subject of economics open to everyone to give the view on the subject

  35. Based on the comments above,I fully support Habazooka.

    Why is the media feeding us junk instead of reallying on experts on such very important issues?

    Once the experts have spoken,then all the “online dreamers” can then comment.

    Habazooka is not against people giving their uninformed opinion.He is against the media propagating “economics” based on zambian “witchcraft” and not sound expert knowledge.
    Today,unfortunately, many Zambians are enjoying online freedom where they embarrass themselves with competing flavours of ignorance.

    Lets have debate on facts presented by economic experts.

  36. The law should also stop Paper Economists who have no relevant work experience in the public or private sector and those who have credentials from corrupt countries like Russia

  37. We have experts at the Ministry of Finance.Some of these very intelligent and patriotic Zambians are our colleagues.
    That’s why some of us keep insisting that it is NOT one person that will serve Zambia.Its teamwork of brave professionals like Habazooka.

    We are tired of LISTENING TO POLITICS.

    Let professionals come together and debate national issues for the benefit of all of us.

  38. Ubushilu ubo. This is not mere hullucination but Psychatrict problem. Chipelekeni ku Chainama icho chi Haabazoka. Education has failed to educate most of the educated people. Then non teachers should not comment of education issues. Non theologians must not comment on theological issues. Those who have not done law, must not comment on judicial issues. People who are not in business must not comment on business. Those who are not in government must not comment on government issues.

    Those who are not prostitutes must not comment on prostitution. Those who are not polygamist, must not comment on polygamy.

    Those who don’t drink beer must not comment on beer. Those who are not from Eastern province must not comment on issues from Eastern province.

  39. “Dr Haabazoka has since suggested the need to enact a law that will stop non economists to comment on economic issues.”

    I hope the good doctor is making a joke. Especially considering that economic policy is being made by people with some very self serving and untested economic theories.

    For instance, the idea that debt equals wealth is very damaging to the national budget. Or that ‘the market’ will provide at a profit all the services that the government at cost.

    So when people 7 years ago warned against not going into Eurobond debt instead of collecting dividends from the mines – it was the government that was wrong, and commentators were right, because their opinion wasn’t swayed by payments from the mining sector and their owners.

    And that they were wrong, can be…

  40. And that they were wrong, can be seen from 1. the national debt and 2. the performance of the Kwacha.

    This was preceded by the ‘privatization’ of the mines. Clearly, the government has not collected it’s share of copper profits. Which in itself means that privatization has been a costly failure.

    I am under no illusion that every party wouldn’t have made the same choice, because none of them have the wherewithall to stand up to the actual owners of the mines or the globalist world order (Eurobonds), which is the same thing.

  41. This makes sense especially these days where every Jim and Jack talks about things they have no Idea about. Just because they have some form of platform they think that they know it all only to embarrass themselves. It is also clear that little knowledge is very dangerous not only to oneself but to the nation at large. Ignorant people do not usually know their boundaries that is why they need this law to regulate them and I support it. We have demonstrated to be very ignorant people.

  42. Please mr habazoka I have been complaining over you.i was wondering what type of an economics you.whatever step taken by government,you say yes its good move.but we don’t see the fruits of that.honest habazoka am tired with you.i don’t know if you want to be a cadre I don’t know.

  43. We all do economics. when you buy bread or sugar, the decision to buy these items are all economic decision.

    It is generally said the more you know the less knowledgeable you become.
    This poor Doctor did a thesis is some small part of economics like what makes people buy bread over tute…

    He is actually the one who is not qualified because his scope of economics has narrowed to the where he can not reason properly

  44. No one with an earned doctorate will agree with Haabazoka. Those who comment do not claim that they have degrees in economics. Do they comment in the name of the Association? Nobody with a Ph.D like me gets threatened by people speaking on the subject of one’s study as individuals or groups. It is their right and should be applauded. Actually Economics is one of the most tentative field of study ever. Everything is based on conjecture – the classic ‘let us assume’. And he is writing this from the US or which Florida? Really? This is one person who studied whatever he thinks he knows but is actually NOT educated. He should stop embarrassing the rest of us.

  45. Then why even publish the budget? Perhaps from now according to Habazoka we just circulate it to those with Economic Degrees.

  46. This Bazooka is losing it, That russian communist phd is getting “way over his head”
    We have every right to comment on the economy because we are the victims of its mismanagement.

  47. Instead of encouraging citizenry to be financial literate and quoting them into EAZ membership the opposite is happrning here

    An Investor will normally shop for registered economic adviser o track record and will not look at social media commentators but such noise by social media cristalises and its the duty of EAZ to confirm and allign with firm policy but to refuse citizens is simply to kill the relevance of the same institutions

    He should also differentiate between paid and up economic advise here in membership requirements

  48. How did EAZ elect this guy to be their president????? Or has he just metamorphosised after the visit to state house? Can someone credible from EAZ kindly explain.

  49. People follow soundness and pay for advisory It starts with social media and clients includes EAZ and other Professional on one to one not in the media They actually pay for consultation and position papers

    So first thing first establish yourself and be consistently so EAZ then people will follow away fom these

  50. This is the problem of PhDs on some people! PhDs tend to cause Permanent Head Damage to some people! Having a PhD like I do does not mean you are now “all wise”to the point that you stop learning or becoming intolerant of other ideas! PhD is not the end to learning but the beginning! PhD is not equal to Wisdom! Calling for the enactment of laws to restrict debate and free thought process is not only $tupid, but backward and primitively preposterous! Free speech is the most important basic human right which we shall religiously defend and freely exercise as long as there is breathe in our bodies!

  51. He’s drunk. He had to much beer at state house where he went to be shown how to do fish farming and where He was given a title of “think tank”. The law should be enacted because he has a pfd in economics? how will the said law be enforced. Wont pf selectively apply this law to opposition ? Next

  52. Lord have mercy! Is this man living in the 21st century? He even issues a public statement expressing such dullness! Tata mayo eeh!

  53. I quote “Accountants won’t even allow you to touch a balance sheet if you are not a chartered accountant.” This is NOT TRUE Lubinda Habazoka why are you speaking on behalf of accountants? How many people comment on the Auditor General Report? Do accountants protest when members of the public comment on the finding in the auditor general report? on the contrary, it motivates the auditors to even do more so that tax payers money are properly accounted for. THE EAZ MUST CALL FOR AN URGENT GENERAL MEETING AND CHOOSE ANOTHER PRESIDENT.

  54. One thing I have learnt about Zambia is that the supposed learned friends are the most dangerous people degrading the country because they use their acquired knowledge to manipulate the systems to their advantage.

  55. This man should be told that, it’s us who feel the impact of economics, we sleep, eat and go to the toilets and die because of economics. So for us not to comment on something that affects us is dangerous. He wants to be cooking economic statements for his fellow thieves in government.

  56. Ubukopo ubu, So does he think that my grandmother who come to a conclusion that compared to the 1950’s the price of groceries today is more expensive cant make that comment? Nonsense Doctor.

  57. Holding a PHD in any field of economics does not make one an expert in all economics. At Batchelor’s level, you study general principles of Economics. At Master’s level, you study abit of real Economics but specialise in nothing. At PhD level you specialise in a one aspect of Economics ie Economic modelling. You are never an expert in Economics but perhaps an expert in one area of Economics. You may wish to know that a PhD allows you to know too much about nothing! Of all aspects of Economics, one specialises on Inflation targeting. Would that qualify you as an Economist?

  58. This PhD man is the type that would suggest that citizens without Degrees and Diplomas should not vote because they don’t understand politics and therefore cannot make rational political decisions. Have you not heard such reasoning from some of our learned friends? We need more days of National prayers.

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