Friday, February 7, 2025

Rays of positive Developments for Zambia Shine through the Dark cynicism, Fake News and Ill Will of The Enemies of Progress


Sunday Chanda
Sunday Chanda

By Sunday Chilufya Chanda

No matter how hard evil tries, it can never quite match up to the power of Good, because evil is ultimately self-destructive.

Toxic people may set out to corrupt others with their ill-will, cynicism, and falsehoods, but in the process their malice corrupts and short circuits itself.

Although it is generally perceived that conflict in life is between good and evil; it could be said that the real conflict is between truths and lies.

Thankfully, the truth always prevails over lies just like a ray of light from even the smallest candle prevails over the gloom and darkness of a thousand nights.

The incandescence of multiple rays of the unstoppable light of truth is shining through the darkness of the fake news and misinformation fabricated by the Habitual Hoax.

There are multiple positive tidings emanating from within the country as well as outside the country that reflect the real status-quo and trajectory of the Zambian economy.

Zambia a few days ago won the “Best State Strategy In Africa” award   at the Africa Investment Forum and Awards ceremony recently held in Paris, France. This was in recognition of the Patriotic Front Government of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s Efforts in improving the business environment and attracting domestic and foreign direct investment.

It is also not a coincidence that the 2018 edition of the  World Bank  Doing Business Report named Zambia as one of the best 10 performers in the world, ranking 85 out of 180 and fourth in sub-Saharan region in business reforms and efforts to reduce the cost of doing business.

All of this is on top of the fact that organisations as varied as the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), African Union, Food and Agriculture Organisation, UN Economic Commission for Africa and the African Development Bank last September jointly conferred a medal of recognition on our Head of State, as a champion of the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa (IDDA3). This speaks volumes of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s recognition as an astute leader working to improve the lives of Zambian Citizens.

Zambia’s hosting of the on-going World Bank International Development Association [IDA] 18 high-level mid-term review is also a huge statement of confidence by the World and the international community in Zambia’s progress.
That the IDA 19th Replenishment Process where forty-five billion United States Dollars is being committed to Africa’s development over a three-year period, has been launched on Zambian soil is an appropriate portent of our nations prospects.

As clearly illustrated by the fore-going, the Patriotic Front Government under the leadership of His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu is on course as it continues to lead Zambia on a path of peace and prosperity for all citizens.

While the cynical ilk of the Habitual Hoax is fixated on deriving satisfaction from scheming chaos and calamity and pushing other people’s buttons with their fake news, misinformation and toxic talk; President Lungu and the PF Government are firmly focussed on delivering human-centred development driven by economic and social infrastructure development in conformity with  the Seventh National Development Plan with the view to developing Zambia into a prosperous middle-income nation by 2030.

The Author is Patriotic Front Media Director At the Patriotic Front Secretariat Lusaka


  1. Please stay focused Zambians! Tribal Cynicism will never win! We all now what is in the hearts of people with dark hearts! IT IS UNELECTABLE! Let’s send it into retirement in 2021.

    • Thank you, Sunday. A little positivism goes a long way! If all you envision is doom and darkness, that’s what you will get waumfwa HH.

    • This Sunday is becoming dangerous to national peace. Arrest him.
      This peace of shhiit Sunday Chimbwi deserve arrested. In some countries they call them INSURRECTIONIST. Labeling others evil. I will not be surprised that Sunday Chimbwi may have ordered killing of his brother in Southern Province in order to implicate someone in opposition.
      No one in PF helped him, not even himself Sunday got moved over that brother’s mysterious death. Read what he is writing to please PF state house, the guy is a criminal.

    • Zambia hosts international bank…
      Zambia recognized as …

      Even Nazi Germany is recognized as having hosted
      The 1936 Summer Olympics (German: Olympische Sommerspiele 1936), officially known as the Games of the XI Olympiad, was an international multi-sport event held in 1936 in Berlin, Nazi Germany.

    • Where do get such *****s, “cynical ilk of the Habitual Hoax”. It’s not your mother’s farm, Zambians deserve transrency and accountablity. If you can’t try pole dancing. There people who died to free us from the shackles of colonialism.
      So what is happening at ZAFFICO?

      Stay the course, bola ni 90minutes. Reminiscent of real performers, you shall not pat yourselves on your backs as though you are at the finishing line. The real achievement rests on the mitigation of your people’s povery not on prosperity on paper.
      YES to a larger extent, good prevails over evil. But complacency nayo sivintu. Work on the promises you made to the people. But so far, so good.

    • Winning a ‘state of the art award’ when poverty can be seen everywhere. Reducing the cost of doing business, which business? Shopping malls and filling stations littered everywhere, which are making Zambians become even poorer. PF has just failed us.The Chinese are having a field day in Zambia at the expense of Zambians. Instead of them empowering Zambians, they are empowering foreigners and killing our SMEs by failing to pay those who have provided services to the government. Instead of giving Zambians land which they can lease to foreigners, they are busy dishing out land to foreigners. Instead of training our Zambian engineers to engage in road construction supervision, they allow the Chinese to bring in engineers. Look at the few manufacturing companies we have arround, they are all…

    • Continued……..Look at the few manufacturing companies we have arround, they are all run by Asians. If a Zambian tries to start manufacturing anything, selling becomes a challenge bcoz most wholesalers are foreigners who form cartels. They fail to protect our people from unfair competition but they protect foreign companies from unfair competition by restricting imports of products manufactured here.

    • Sunday is putting lipstick on a pig. It won’t change the suffering Zambians are going through due to Lungu’s failed leadership. Your Chinese cr00ked friends are no longer welcome.

      You can’t develop a country using debt in exchange with auctioning the country’s natural resources & sovereignty.

  2. Sunday is another empty head, he looks intellectual and is usually very well dressed but inside his head is that typical cadre who sees no corruption at all in the party that feeds him.
    Sundays focus is HH stole money during the privatisation. Is he so dull as to realise that the MMD government sold those parastatal companies with assets for a very low price, even lower than what HH recommended. When HH saw the price of these assets he decided to buy some of these assets for himself using proxy companies. Did HH do anything illegal? NO, was it ethical? NO, but you don’t get arrested for being unethical. So HH may not be as clean as he wants to claim to be, but he is not a criminal. SO Sunday please leave Chilufya Tayali to Kaysa Sulu’s work in pease please.

    • HH is the most empty head there is in UPND. He is worshiped but he has nothing to offer Zambia! He must be exported to PANAMA and Zambia will be alright.

    • Mugabe’s legacy in Zimbabwe and Zambia at best; Watch “Breaking 15 Nov 2018, Chamisa Destroys Army and Police Lying Bosses at Public Press Conference Event” on YouTube

  3. If all the development that PF has undertaken was not marred by over pricing/corruption, I’d agree with Sunday Chanda. But development gained with crookedness is not worth bragging about.

  4. Very well written and articulated. We should speak well of our country and call for accountability by stating facts not falsehoods or innuendo. Uganda spent $2.7m marketing its countries tourist potential to the world and this good image coverage has paid dividends. But in Zambia people take pride in speaking negatively against their own country. Then complain when the resulting impact to the economy hits their pockets.

  5. If indeed 42 x42 is what amounts to prosperity but for a few, then Zambia is on a trajectory that needs correcting.. for how can the blind lead the blind last they both fall in a bottom less pit?
    What people are failing to grasp is that the funds that are either missing or in ones pocket(bank account) could actually be used to spar the economy forward! I.e correct price of advanced fire trucks $275.000.00 meaning remaining $725.000.00 can actually improve police, nurses and doctors welfare by a large margin.. but it’s an accounted for.. is that the candle of light that is being referred to??

  6. And how rich is this man?

    Is he really mocking us?

    Citizens, this man has probably acquired vast amounts of wealth in a very short time. And he wants the poor hungry citizen to be positive?

    Is he mocking us?

  7. French President Macron and Morocco’s King Mohammed VI are inaugurating Morocco’s first $2 billion high-speed rail line…..meanwhile the lazy moron Edgar is in Solwezi on a tractor where he will talk about value addition in agriculture.

    • Lazy bum illiterate TONGA tribal bully hooligan of a Tribal polygamist father who never taught him toilet training pooping in public HAGAIN needing cynical MUTINTA HICHILEMA and HAKAINDE MENTALLY DISABLED to change his diapers HAIGAN. “ONLY A TONGA CAN BE A PRESIDENT OF ZAMBIA AND UPND,” Larry Mweetwa. Satanists Ha UNELECTABLE.

    • “The $2 billion project was launched in September 2011…..France financed 51 percent of the project, Morocco 28 percent and the remaining 21 percent was provided by Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

      Macron’s office said the Moroccan line is an international showcase for the French-made high-speed train….the line has sparked controversy for its high cost. Critics say that Morocco should be investing in education and health instead….” SOUNDS FAMILIAR?

      And you can bet, that ain’t FREE MONEY from the French, Saudis, Kuwaites and Emirates. But at least France is doing some good (in terms of funding) for it’s former colonies compared to Britain.

      Nonetheless, why are we in the habit of praising Projects in other Countries funded almost the same way our Govt is…

    • Continue….

      going about building our Country’s infrastructure? Is the dollars from France and the Middle East better than those provided by China? Our Govt funds a DUAL CARRIAGE WAY almost the same way and you are first pour scorn and insults on the President. Yet here you are praising Morocco. Ironic and sad at the same time, isn’t it?!

    • @Jay Jay

      The question is, would you be supportive of such infrastructure investment if our Govt decided to undertake a similar project in Zambia? That’s the question….!

      Of course, such projects are always expensive. Everybidy acknowledge s that fact. But for some reason you seem to think that Zambia can do projects of this nature and at this scale on the CHEAP. Which frankly you can, but of what quality? So I want you to always remember what you have just said here before you launch into insults and unnecessary criticism of our Govt next time you hear they are planning to build similar infrastructure projects in our Country….always remember, “SUCH INVESTMENT IS NOT CHEAP.”

      And that is my point!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Yambayamba – stop trying to twist my words ..i know you are a closet sympathiser for these empty tins…name any infrastruture commisioned by this outfit and i will show a cheaper better quality project elsewhere. projects are expensive not $1.3 billion to lay tarmac or £4.5 million just to install mere carpark barriers which are manned not even automated German ones cost that much and they are self service. Zambian projects can be less costly if they were properly procured or strategically and better value unlike the overpriced eyesores on show…FYI i talking from a professional point of view.

    • Even the project is not wholly funded by one country that you are heavily indebted to…go and travel on a TGV speed train then post a comment.

    • @Jay Jay, I am a “closet sympathizer” of development. In life, you cannot let the PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD.

      Is the procurement process in Zambia perfect? The answer is h3ll no! But should we let that stop us from making progress? The answer again is h3ll no!

      And for you to compare how things/projects cost in Germany, or in other Countries, to how they must cost in Zambia is really to ignore the obvious in business or economics. It is like saying a particular car should cost the same in Zambia as it cost in Germany. I would submit to you that that is an absurd way of looking at how economics or procurement works. Trust me, I have also worked on projects (not necessarily in construction) here the U.S A. And I can also tell you that not even here do projects (same or similar)…

    • Continue….

      cost the same in every State of the Union…..and it is the same Country. What more when you are taking about across borders or across oceans.

      These are the same arguments KK faced when he went around asking for help (funding) to build the TAZARA rail line, mainly from Western Powers: It can’t be done, it is too expensive to finance, the route is too long, why do you need a rail line at this time, invest in this or that first, blah, blah, blah. Kaunda could have thrown his hands up in the air and give up or wait until GOD KNOWS WHEN. But he did. With help from China, TAZARA was financed and built. And in the long run saved Zambia millions, if not billions of dollars in transportation costs.

      My only point here is that we can stand still as a Country and watch…

    • Continue….

      development pass us by until such a time when everything is done perfectly or cheaply in our Country….which is NEVER. Or we can get on with the business of developing Zambia while we simultaneously work on strengthening our internal checks to root out bottle necks and corruption in our procurement systems. What I don’t agree with is this wholesale condemnation you so often indulge in of everything the Zambian Govt does. Yet you seem perfectly fine, even gleeful, when other African Govts does the same or similar things….that’s were I have a problem!

    • “we can get on with the business of developing Zambia while we simultaneously work on strengthening our internal checks to root out bottle necks and corruption in our procurement systems”
      You get on with developing Zambia with overpriced contracts with no value no whole life costing analysis …yeah let’s just carry on heaping more burden on our grandchildren. KK and Tanzania didn’t have funds to build a TAZARA its one thing asking for assistance with funds in hand and asking for charity…in fact we didn’t even have savvy negotiators back then we have them but they are thinking of their pockets. Yes, am comparing products as I know they are not going be very different in cost if strategically procured…you have these Chink state companies putting up Turnkey projects at…

    • Turnkey projects at great cost with not skills transfer, no innovation, no training, poor quality etc. Go round the world or Africa and see the specification for a $400million airport then go to KKIA you will cry in shame.

    • Mind you Zambia is building a rail line in East/Northern province at billions of dollars just to move cargo…imagine if it was a speed train they would have inflated the price to even 5 billion.

  8. But this Jay Gay, the President carries out his duties one of which is to encourage and motivate citizens in their day to day lives, and he sees only bad in everything. I wonder how these morons supervise and motivate their subordinates if they cannot interact with them. Too much of gods these upnd trib.alists eiishhh. No wonder their Hacks can never be President of Zambia, imagine a President who cannot meet his people!

    • I have told you …tribal nonsense is alien to me, go and talk to your mother and sister. I have no time for morons who repeat the same thing all thr time

    • in opposition, insults are praised. Anyone who sees positivity in the current govt. is a PF cadre participating in the corruption only they can see.

    • Yes..that’s the language you understand not diplomacy..I have bite my tongue for too long …if you politely tell someone that you are not what the assume you to be and give them a brief history of your background or age you grew in but they still come back with the same nonsense then there is something wrong with them …its like that lad that posts the same thing on here can you engage such a kid in a debate?
      What “positivity” is there when you are 20 billion in debt…you go and tell you children about these positivity when they are paying everything to debt servicing and nothing to frontline services.

  9. You dunderhead, where is the money which your elder brother stole? We need the cash to help the poor people! You thought it was your father’s money? Poor chap! Clean up your act before you all get arrested in 2021. Mark my words! You will run like a rat whose house has been set on fire in the October heat!

  10. Sunday Chanda you are just a small boy who just articulates good English, but devoid of wisdom.
    Sunday Chanda let me educate you now. What you just told us are just titles, and have nothing to do with putting food on the table for the Zambians.
    Truth is that Zambians are suffering to try to survive at bearest minimum.
    Meanwhile government is sleeping on duty. Sad.

  11. Brain wrecked cadre like@sharon does not know when the country is doing well or broken down. She is a true case of political zombiism. The PF cadre brain wash program has for sure wrecking havok, its work and result is seen in brain damaged political zombies, trying to force Zambians to accept corruption and tribalism against our fellow countrymen. They are trying to separate us on tribal lines to keep their masters in power so they can steal and sell our resources and land to the chinese,, but Zambians are ahead of them. They are praying to God to shorten the days to 2021 for them to teach the corrupt thieves a lasting lesson. They will try to steal the votes but they will be overwhelmed.

  12. This is indeed very puzzelling , all those awards on performance and you still fail to balance the budget ??

    Something is wrong somewhere , maybe all countries cited for awards and international recognition also have negative budgets and need aid or borrowed money to plug holes in their budgets like ours…..but hey I’m no economist so maybe a negative budget is nothing….

    It is a strange old world we live in….

    Spaka ®
    Most influential blogger
    All rights reserved

  13. Pf is the only darkness Zambians are experiencing now, those empty english words from Sunday Chanda mean nothing to the ordinary Zambian.

  14. French investment company Bolloré Transport & Logistics has won the prize for the best port, airport and railways infrastructure project at the second edition of the AIFA (Africa Investments Forum & Awards) group runs Cam-rail and Douala seaport which has been engulfed in safety and accidents, including the death of 176 Cameroonians in Esseka in 2017. In 2016, a French TV channel published a documentary “Complément d’enquête” where the journalist alleged that Bolloré group had offered bribes to Cameroonian officials in exchange for lucrative business deals……
    Is this where lungu won awards ??? Tshhhh

  15. Sunday Chanda, the Goebbels of Endemically Corrupt Leader of Plunderers Federation and official purveyor of fake news and disinformation has spoken!!!

  16. Yes Sunday is right. They are JUST RAYS. Nothing more , nothing less. The poor continue to be poor. The middle class is every day becoming poor. All because of RAYS. PF has nothing better to offer except RAYS.

    Come to your senses you dreamers , Nubian Princess and Sharon

  17. Habitual Hoax???? It does not make sense in grammar, you should gave tried Habitual Hoaxer. Trying to be smart with the English language does not make your lies and nonsense valid or substantive

  18. What do you do when Antonio Mwanza is breathing over your shadow as a sure replacement?

    Chanda your days in PF are numbered and the only reason they are keeping you is to avoid tribal tagging. But they will surely replace you. It’s no use doubling up on hate speech because you will surely need that red sweater when looking for a job the other side of the isle. That time is fast approaching – watch your shoulders

  19. Mwebasambilila abengi Mulibawelewele , Ba sunday icho ichisungu mulelemba , techaba voter iyoo, Nangu you import your vocabulary from England or any where where you think their English would convince us, you are cheating your self , People have seen that you are cheaters . we are odd enough to know who is there for us . In fact the more you write bad thing about HH and upnd the more you campaign for them. It is not about Tribe , it is about who could run the country efficiently. We know you are attacking HH because he is the only threat to the ruling party . Like Sharon he always insults HH thanks , days are numbered . Inshiku mutanda tashichela mumo. Mumembe eminine , aletelela nabalele . Ulusale lumo , lona umwanda . Chanda ngawalikwata amano, ilula ipinda. fundi mwaiche , alyaimo…

  20. You can fool some people some times, but you can’t fool all the people all the time. When you are trying to look at positivity, try to see if that positivity is felt by very basic of people- the poor. Best State Strategy in Africa – does this translate into provision of basic needs of the poor people- food, shelter, education, clothing and health? It’s a pity people want to express what those in power want to hear at the expense of real problems affecting the populace today. What is positive about such award-winning titles when in reality they do little to ameliorate the suffering of the majority of people in this country? They have no direct link with the suffering masses of people. Keep that to yourselves man! My thoughts exactly.



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