Thursday, March 13, 2025

Dora Siliya warns of strict regulatory measures of the media after a Lusaka Times Story attributed to Italian Ambassador


Dora Siliya
Dora Siliya

Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya has advised Zambian journalists and bloggers to desist from spreading false news about the country’s image, especially the economy.

Ms. Siliya who is Minister of Information has wondered why some journalists are willing to destroy the country for a few favours from their masters.

She has warned that government will have no choice but to implement strict regulatory measures of the media.

Ms. Siliya has reiterated her call on genuine journalists to come together and form a professional body for self-regulation.

Her comments come after Italian Ambassador Filippo Scammarcca Del Murgo refuted an article on the Lusaka Times website attributed to him, entitled Italian government cautions Zambia against accruing more debt from the international market.

Mr Scammarcca has since assured government that he did Not make such a statement and he has written to Lusaka Times to correct the article.

He says Italy can Not give lessons to Zambia because its debt is much bigger.

Mr Scammarcca said this in a statement to Minister of Information and Chief Government Spokesperson Dora Siliya.

He said failure to correct the article in question will compel him to abstain from issuing any statement to journalists.


Editor’s Note

LusakaTimes will republish the story on Monday together with the Audio on which the story was based on.


  1. There you go. Fake news is much nearer than we thought it was. Now it’s not just Watchdog on the notorious list of rumour-mongers but our very own LT?

    • Who told you this is fake news?

      Let us all wait for the audio.

      In any case, the message that zambia should be debt aware is good.

      Whatever was said, or not said, does not shift our problems.

    • Lusaka Times has no journalists. All they do is cut and paste. They never ever independently verify or investigate a story and any Jim and Jack can send an article to them and they will publish it as long as it’s controversial.

    • LusakaTimes will republish the story on Monday together with the Audio on which the story was based on.
      Take into consideration he is an Italian and English is not his mother tongue

  2. Iyee ba upnd na Hacks wenu!! That is not the way to enter state house, 12 years you can’t learn!! Nangu nibu dalu!!

    • Do you read articles before you post anything? You are the same people who sh”t first minus checking if there is a roll of tissues in the toilet, the article in question was done by LT a pro pf site, and the issue has been raised by Dora, how upnd comes in only God knows.

    • It is such comments that are not related to the post that qualify you and your lot as imbeciles. please take a few minutes to read!

  3. I feel pit but also very disgusted by a crop of journalists this country has. Their stories especially on the economy and politics are so shallow , cheap, and not good for anything. Today I can even predict the type of stories we are going to see next week.

    If what the ambassador says it’s true then we are still heading to have generation been fed with fake news which will then inpair Zambians from making well informed decision.

    Please employ well backed journalists, pay them well so that they produce better stories. I saly this because some of them it’s hunger as they are paid ma k1000, k1200 and k1800 which is a shame.

  4. Freedom of expression must be guaranteed. It does not mean that people will not go astray. Even laws are broken so that corrections are made. Hiding in what the Italian ambassador said or not, should not be used as a scape goat. Remember Kambwili was in that very ministry ranting like no man’s business, today he is feeling the heat. Our destiny is in our hands, if a person has broken the law they must be dealt with within the confines of the law not withstanding their status or political fortitude like the case now. Some of you think you are above the law, when you are chucked out you cry the loudest forgetting that you were the architect of the same laws you are coming up with.

  5. PF is trying to find any excuse possible to clamp down on social media. The rumours on social media are just an effect, kindly look for the cause. This government is good at fire management not the cause of fire.

  6. We have a young generation of lost souls that worships nothing but fake news. I have had serious problems with our university students who hardly ever read any serious books of any intellectual substance but want to argue with you based on some article of apocryphal and unverifiable origin they came across on the social media! The insidious influence of fake news on our young people- who include some of the so – called professional journalists – is frightening!

  7. The minister is acting on hear say. Waiting for the audio, it will be interesting what the ambassador will say then. Or will he be asked to apologise to a Lusaka Times if its found that he actually said those words. Will Zambia return this Ambassador back to his country like the Cuban guy?

  8. This Dora must think she is very powerful… Dora your office is not for life, we have seen them come and go, and you too will be gone sooner than you would want to believe.

  9. Lusaka Times please employ competent reporters and always fact check a story for approval or disapproval of the source you are quoting. This is embarrassing, I rely on you for current affairs news. Don’t become like the hateful Zambian Watchdog which we shun and loath.

    Also monitor and edit insults from your bloggers it’s distasteful.

  10. Kwena chachine This new generation is so scared of reading you wonder how they got to the university. Nima examination leaks Chabe. They actually never qualified

  11. Lusaka Times listens and implements. They’ve made good strides providing current information. They just need to get:
    1. A Good English reader and writer as editor
    2. Fact check news with sources before publishing, even requesting will do.
    3. Photos should match the even accurately not just pulling from archives.

    If they do these their value in monetary terms will increase and they can even go to print media and make some real money.

  12. “Ms. Siliya who is Minister of Information has wondered why some journalists are willing to destroy the country for a few favours from their masters.
    She has warned that government will have no choice but to implement strict regulatory measures of the media”.

    Well Lusaka Times, please up your game a bit more.. simple things like verifying your story before you publish would go a long way.. Also, have an editor in place if you don’t already employ one..!

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