Friday, October 18, 2024

Zambia is on the right track to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030-Inonge Wina


Vice-President Inonge Wina making interventions at the High Level side event which was themed: “Accelerating efforts to end female genital mutilation and child marriage by 2030.” at the United Nations (UN) in New York. Picture courtesy of Zambia Mission at the United Nations/WALLEN SIMWAKAVice-President Inonge Wina making interventions at the High Level side event which was themed: “Accelerating efforts to end female genital mutilation and child marriage by 2030.” at the United Nations (UN) in New York. Picture courtesy of Zambia Mission at the United Nations/WALLEN SIMWAKA
Vice-President Inonge Wina making interventions at the High Level side
event which was themed: “Accelerating efforts to end female genital
mutilation and child marriage by 2030.”
at the United Nations (UN) in New York. Picture courtesy of Zambia
Mission at the United Nations/WALLEN SIMWAKA

Vice President Inonge Wina says Zambia is on the right track to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030 due to long term investments in agriculture, social protection and development of support physical infrastructure such as roads.

Mrs. Wina says the country is ready to learn from strategies which have worked in countries such as Thailand, which has significantly reduced hunger and malnutrition based on programmes that have had high positive impact on its population.

She was speaking in that country’s capital Bangkok today during the Keynote Address delivered at the official opening of the Global Event on Accelerating the End of Hunger and Malnutrition.

Mrs. Wina told delegates that time is running out for the world to beat the deadline for ending hunger and malnutrition by 2030 following commitments made by all United Nations Members States in 2015.

She said among innovations that Zambia had put in place included a multi-sector approach to addressing food and nutrition challenges with high-level political leadership and coordination placed under her Office as well as the development of a Zero Hunger Strategy and long-term Roadmap based on the Cluster approach in line with the seventh national development plan, 2017-2021.

Mrs. Wina added that Zambia is on course towards diversifying its food sources at household levels by promoting legumes and non-maize products such as cassava.

The vice president called for action to Fasttrack implementation of policies and strategies in order to actualize the conference theme by going beyond good intentions.

She expressed confidence that her delegation will leave Thailand confident that Zambia will have learned enough from other countries in order to help win the race against hunger and malnutrition by 2030.

Meanwhile, Thailand’s Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, GRISADA BONRACH has said his government has proposed to add value to all its food products through fortification.

The meeting was also addressed by Prime Minister of Rwanda Edouard Ngirete who said his government has consolidated land in order to deal with soil erosion and is encouraging backyard gardening.

And the International Food Policy Research Institute has emphasized the need for countries to work together to reduce hunger.

Institute Director General Dr Fan told the gathering that his organization would enhance its working relations with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to support countries in realising the Sustainable Development Goals.

Earlier during a side meeting Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI) Chief Executive Officer Chance Kabaghe informed the meeting that Zambia has introduced the usage of the E-Voucher in the Government Input Support Programme which has enabled small scale farmers to access nutritious seeds such as Soybeans, Groundnuts and Fingerlings among other seeds.


  1. Even failures have long term dreams, but it is the practical steps of today that will assure us of the nation attaining those dreams. Remember the promises you made during the 2016 general elections, now you are shifting goal posts dodging responsibility for gross failure. Mwanawasa, won my confidence and trust with few practical steps and i was playing my part patiently waiting to get to the promised land.

  2. Now that the Royal families have quickly gotten their full, the rest of the nation should wait for 2030. This is Chambia.

  3. You and the beach Sharon will be already dead by that time thank god, I think Sharon will die sooner because of the AIDS she has which she has been spreading via her very large stinking open pit which she dishes out in the PF, you gogo have become a seasoned liar go and work the land

  4. Says Mama 500,000 Jobs.
    Citizens are still waiting for the 500,000 jobs Gogo Conwoman.
    Maybe in PF logic 500,000 jobs means 50 Jerabos @ Blackmountain subtracting the ones that perished in the “P.F. safe” Blackmountain.
    Agogo its time to retire, as you won’t have the energy of young ones like Chimpyiongo, & Kaizer when being dragged through the Criminal justice system, & Correctional services, when your Bwato is no longer floating.

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