Thursday, October 24, 2024

71 Peace Corps volunteers in Zambia sworn-in


Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya
Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya

A group of 71 American Peace Corps volunteers have been sworn in, and have pledged to serve alongside the people of Zambia, to bring about positive change in public health and the education sector.

Speaking during the swearing-in ceremony which was held at the Peace Corps office grounds in Lusaka today, Minister of Health Chitalu Chilufya called on the communities to embrace the volunteers.

Dr. Chitalu pointed out that the volunteers will help in the fight against early marriages and HIV/AIDS, among others, among other vices.

He said communities are still faced with challenges of early marriages and HIV/AIDS, saying it is hopeful that the volunteers will help in clamping down on these vices and enforce a new understanding in the minds of the community.

Dr. Chilufya noted that the volunteers have a vital role to play in imparting new skills in the community health workers.

He said there is need to record an improvement in education, maternal and child health, and it is hoped that the volunteers will also build a strong bond of friendship between the people of the United States and Zambia.

And United States Ambassador to Zambia Daniel Foote said he was confident that the team of volunteers will make a huge impact in improving health and education in Zambia.

“I am sure that the Peace Corps, together with their partners in the ministries of Health and Education, will continue to bring solutions to issues facing the communities and improving healthcare outcomes,” said Mr. Foote.

The group has been in Zambia for the last three months undergoing training and learning the local languages and cultural values prior to their swearing-in ceremony.

The Peace Corps is a volunteer programme run by the United States government.

The first 12 Peace Corps volunteers arrived in Zambia in 1994 and since then, over 1,500 volunteers have served in Zambia.

American Peace Corps volunteers
American Peace Corps volunteers


    • My fellow Americans, welcome to the best country God gave man on the continent of Africa.

      It’s called Zambia the beautiful!!! Now some of you may even be from Alabama the beautiful, but Zambia is even more beautiful!!!

      Welcome home and thank you very much for your selfless service. It’s one great thing about being American that the rest of the world doesn’t easily understand.

      One has to be an American to really understand it!! May God continue to bless the United States of America.

    • Sharon you’re just an id1ot. Not sure whether you’re black on not, but if you’re black, please know that there are hotels in China that don’t allow black people. Which means you wouldn’t be allowed in these hotels yourself. The Chinese generally have a racist attitude towards black people. The Chinese guy in Kenya who called Kenyans monkeys, is not an isolated incident. That’s how they generally view us. So it doesn’t matter how much you boot-lick the Chinese, they still see you as less than human. i.e. if you’re black, which I highly doubt.

    • This guy Chilufya says, the American Peace Corps will help clamp down on early marriages. HOW? Some of these so called ministers leave much to be desired. Making such empty senseless statements. Do you need the American peace Corps to do that for you? Wow. Colonial mentality will never end in Zambia.

    • Actually historically about 30% will go on and qualify to work for CIA, they have a few standards to keep.

      A known entry career path it be

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    Good on them for helping out this impoverished sh*thole country, being looted of its natural resources by Lungu and his minions… just hoping there are no p@edophiles and r@pists among them.

  2. The American Peace Corps will help clamp down on early marriages, says minister Chilufya. How are they going to do that? And do you need the APC to do that for you? Some of these ministers’ caliber leave much to be desired. Still stuck with colonial mentality.

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