Saturday, September 21, 2024

Police arrest 5 women filmed torturing a naked young woman


Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo
Police Spokesperson Esther Katongo



A gang of five women are in police custody after a video emerged on social media showing them torturing a naked young woman. The gang is alleged to have shoved a castle bottle into her vagina, thereafter, they pumped chili sauce into her vagina.

The incident happened when the young woman was drinking beer at Start Point in Masala main market Ndola, with a Mr. Mwanza who is the husband to Precious Kapambwe. Whilst there, Mr.Mwanza’s wife Precious showed up in the company of other women.

Upon seeing his wife and her friends, Mr.Mwanza run away leaving the victim alone. Precious and her friends then picked the victim by force and took her to a home where she was forced to undress. Her arms and legs were held by the four women whilst the fifth one inserted an empty bottle of castle beer into her private parts. One of them started making a video and taking pictures. Police visited the scene and apprehended the named suspects and recovered 2 cell phones containing the video and pictures and clothes belonging to the victim.

Police spokesperson Esther Katongo has expressed disgust over the incident. Esther Katongo said it is saddening that women are the ones in the forefront undressing fellow women in public and taking videos which they later post on social media.

“This country has got laws and channels of reporting grievances and anything short of that will not be condoned. We are not in a jungle where only the fittest survive. We are ruled by laws and the provisions of the law should be adhered to,” Katongo said.

Meanwhile NGOCC has condemned in the strongest terms the assault of a woman by fellow women in the video that has gone viral on social media in which some women are visibly abusing another whom they have accused of being in a relationship with a married man.

The conduct of the women in the video is not only cruel, but inhuman and an abuse of the other woman’s rights. The behavior of the women to undress and dehumanize a fellow woman is the worst form of indignity and a violation of human rights that any human being can be exposed to.

As an organisation we have this morning engaged the Zambia Police command to demand the immediate arrest of those women for their barbaric conduct. It is therefore good that all those that were involved have since been arrested by the police on the Copperbelt. Nothing can justify their inhuman and degrading treatment of a fellow human being in such a manner.

NGOCC will follow this case to its logical conclusion to ensure that justice is done. In the meantime our members are working with the police to help the victim with some counselling in view of the traumatizing experience.

Zambians must desist from taking the law into their own hands by engaging in mob justice.


  1. This is too much eish!! and Mr mwanza how can he bolt like Usain Bolt, leaving his mistress behind only to be tortured.Iam sure like:’Alechimona!! alaleka ukwenda nabamuka bene!’ taking the law into your own hands.Sad story.

  2. The victim was totaly innocent.It is the man Mr Mwanza who chose to drink with the young lady. All those 5 babarian criminal women must serve jail term of at least 2years minimum.

  3. Saw the video, that was really inhuman and I hope they cage those women for a long time to come. I wonder why a woman would behave in such a savage way

  4. NGOCC, you pressured our man,”The Katundu very big”, of Petauke. Now let’s hear your voice on these fellow savages of yours.

    Please have the Katundu guy freed now because his case pales into nothingness compared to this barbarism.

  5. They are surely going in for a very longtime. The judge must be a fellow woman so that she can met out the harshest of sentences. Mr. Mwanza will marry another woman while the wife rots in jail.

  6. A-Mwanza sure why kuthaba leaving your chick get beaten and humiliated by those barbaric women. I dont think 5 women can overpower me that easily and leave without my chick. No way. He should have made the situation not conducive for them to descend on the young lady. Nikulimba!
    The biggest culprit here is Mwanza himself. Normally girls dont invite men – its us men who start these things!!!! And find it convenient to escape the wrath of the women. He should have stayed to the bitter end.

  7. Imyungulu eshafula Ku eastern, calepula nokulepula. These savages masquerading as women must be taught a lifetime lesson so that in future they learn to deal with their sexually starved husbands. I don’t think that it was the girl who proposed to this coward of mbeba eating rats.schopet mambala Mwanza.

  8. Well done for picking them up. A case of abuse should not go unpunished. However, this, and every other adulterous couple should also be picked up… and punished. The police should actually push for this law. That department of police will far surpass the “extra” pickings of the traffic police.

  9. Fast track Court of GBV should conclude this matter expeditiously. This is pure lawlessness. Its painful to note that even our own mothers can go to such extremes.

    As for you ka Mwanza you are a coward,understand that? You are a coward. How on earth do you run away leaving you girlfriend victim to your savage wife and her fellow savages? You are part of this and your conscious is affected. Don’t pretend to be a man when you are just a male. You could have negotiated your way out of the situation.

  10. I really fail to come to terms with the actions of such women, you undress and show the public the exactly replica of yourself and think you are embarrassing the other person when in real sense you are only showing the public what you have. Please stop this habit, a woman’s body is sacred and should be always kept as such.

  11. The 8 stages of a woman scorned by SHEmazing Team

    You poked the bear. Now you must deal with the consequences, and boy can we tell you it’s not going to be pretty. Here are the 8 signs of a woman scorned:

    1. The Icy Silence

    2. The Hidden Ammo
    You thought she didn’t notice when you liked that girl’s photo? When you wished your horrible ex-girlfriend a “super birthday”? When you forgot to buy her a birthday card? WOMEN NEVER FORGET. This much you will learn quickly.

    3. Excessive Swearing

    4. The Cold Harsh Truth

    5. Questions/No Answers
    The words “excuse me” are usually used in a polite context, except when used by an extremely angry woman. When she says “excuse me,” what she really means is that she wants you to repeat the completely stupid thing that you’ve just…

    • 6. Dragging Up The Past
      Remember that fight that you don’t actually even remember? She sure does. What.. But… That was two years ago? EXACTLY. Exactly what? What’s happening? Help….

      7. Storming Out Dramatically
      By now she’ll probably have worn herself out, what with all of the shouting, swearing, and remembering what she’s been doing. So, in order to fully prepare for the next stage of punishing you, she is now going to storm out and tell you to, under no uncertain terms, “f*** off,” followed by at least three doors being slammed. This is purely for dramatic effect. You understand.

      8. Turning Her Friends Against You

  12. Aaaaa Paipa pano. Boma iyanganepo. Why destroy someone’s ntwenokane? Eish, women are women especially Ba Zimandola.

  13. Someone promised these young people 500,000 jobs but to date nothing is forthcoming. End result? Fornicating with married men to make ends meet. Those five lumpens in chitenges will dance pelete. They got wrong advice from Sharon

  14. Charges against them should range from attempted murder, been PF cadres, Lungu supporters, un educated, and kidnapping

  15. Our culture inherently allows a man to marry 2 to 4 women. Equally demographics are a testament to this as there are 4.5 women to 2 men in this country right now. However, the new generation of men just want to stick to 1 wife, for various reasons and some of which are Christian values and best social practice. However, these so called ‘new generation’ wives starve their husbands sexually. Therefore, when a man decides to find solace and the wife discovers, it is surprising that a bunch of women who are sexually starving and also with emotional disorders because they don’t have men themselves, decide to support a woman who is married but sexually depriving the husband. They gang up to molest and dehumanize an innocent lady (which to me was premeditated) is utterly unacceptable, foolish…

  16. Glad that NGOCC has spoken strongly against the abusive women. Its time for women solidarity, standing up together. Unfortunate

  17. Why punish a fellow human being in such a dehumanizing manner. Because of a husband? The guy will still go on… I wish they can be paraded and the same be done to them. I saw the video and God forbid, if I was the brother to the girl, I mean either you leave Ndola or I do…and I am thinking the 5 women would leave before I do.

    Willis Oloo

    Nairobi Kenya

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