Sunday, September 8, 2024

82 World Bank funded schools to be ready monthend


Minister of General Education David Mabumba
Minister of General Education David Mabumba

Minister of General Education David Mabumba has disclosed that phase one of the construction of 82 secondary schools across the country is expected to be completed by the end of this month.

Mr. Mabumba explained that the US$60 million Zambia Education Enhancement Project (ZEEP) will help increase access to secondary education in the country.

He said the Ministry was targeting to enroll pupils in these secondary schools once by January next year.

Speaking when he inspected construction works of schools under the ZEEP in Luapula Province, Mr. Mabumba said the World Bank funded ZEEP project was targeting communities that have never had a secondary school.

He said some of these schools will have boarding facilities to accord pupils who come from distant places an opportunity to acquire education.

Mr. Mabumba observed that once this project is completed, issues of learners dropping out of school due to long distances will be a thing of the past.

He disclosed that currently the country has a lot of primary schools as compared to secondary schools but with the coming of ZEEP, more secondary schools will be constructed.

Meanwhile, the Minister has urged all local contractors working on this project to speed up the works.

He explained that the money for the project is readily available and there is no reason for them to delay.

He has since urged the local people in all the areas where these schools are being constructed to take keen interest and continue supporting the project as it is their own.


    • Solied BR BAMBA JR ,

      you there yapping with your gibberish reasoning not knowing the buildings we are seeing are not even from Chinese loans , but western loans and when the USA says China’s no questions asked financing is fueling corruption you want to sound as if you know what you talking about while you you know Jack….???

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