Friday, October 18, 2024

60 tankers carrying fuel for the Ministry of Energy marooned at Chirundu border


About 60 tankers carrying fuel for the Ministry of Energy are marooned at Chirundu border post since Thursday.

And the Zambia Union of Tanker Drivers-ZUTAD- has appealed to the Zambia Revenue Authority -ZRA- to quickly clear the tankers as they are causing congestion at the border.

ZUTAD Vice General Secretary Boyd Mawaso says the trucks have been at Chirundu and no reason has been given as to why they have Not been cleared.

Mr. Mawaso says the drivers are being made to pay parking fees every day and no one has intervened or given a response for the non-clearance of fuel tankers belonging to Juba Transport, Concrit structure and Zambulk Transport.

And Juba Transport Manager William Kasawala says all 26 truck drivers from his firm have presented the necessary documentation to clear the tankers, but none has been given clearance yet.

Mr. Kasawala has appealed to ZRA to quickly look into the matter as his fuel tankers are carrying one point four million litres of fuel for government.

Meanwhile when contacted for a comment ZRA Corporate Affairs Manager Topsy Sikalinda said he will give a comment after consultations.


  1. The oil pipeline project has been abandoned completely because it is cheaper and efficient instead they would rather use their trucks to make money for themselves. It is you and me who will pay for all the expense incurred for the delay. There is no loss on the part of the owners of the trucks as he/she is on the calculator adding the exaggerated expenses. I pity the national coffers. I know this business.

    • To make matters worse,most of these tankers belong to foreigners who as per usual practice these days are given government contracts at the expense of growing our own entrepreneurs!!It is very risky to keep tankers long in hot crowded place like Chirundu,they are courting disaster!!

  2. Do they have import permits? Everyone uplifts fuel from Indeni unless there’s a special clearance. This might be dubious fuel for some well-connected criminal. ZRA can’t delay to clear fuel for GRZ, something is fishy. They are obviously waiting for some cadre to give instructions, that’s PF for you

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