Thursday, January 2, 2025

Opposition candidate wins Presidency in DRC elections , but runner up candidate disputes the results as fraud


Corneille Nangaa, president of CENI, announces the results of the DRC's presidential election
Corneille Nangaa, president of CENI, announces the results of the DRC’s presidential election

Al Jazeera reports that the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) electoral commission declared Felix Tshisekedi the winner of the country’s long-delayed elections.

The result, which was announced in the early hours of Thursday, was rejected by rival Martin Fayulu, who was backed by opposition heavyweights and had led in opinion polls prior to the December 30 vote.

Tshisekedi had won with 38.57 percent of more than 18 million ballots cast, Corneille Nangaa, head of the election commission said at about 3am (02:00 GMT) in a news conference that appeared timed to avoid any immediate reaction in the streets.

Tshisekedi received more than seven million votes, compared to about 6.4 million for Fayulu, who had warned against manipulation.

Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, the hand-picked candidate of long-time President Joseph Kabila was third with about 4.4 million votes.

The announcement came hours after riot police deployed at the commission’s headquarters in Kinshasa amid fears of violence due to a disputed result.

Election observers reported a number of irregularities during the vote and the opposition alleged it was marred by fraud.

The result could lead to the vast country’s first democratic transfer of power since independence from Belgium in 1960, with Kabila due to leave office this month after 18 years in power – and two years after the official end of his mandate.

But vote tallies compiled by the DRC’s Catholic Church found Fayulu had clearly won the election, two diplomats told Reuters news agency, raising the spectre of a standoff that many fear could lead to violence.

In a conference last week, the Church’s bishops said that it knew the identity of the winner and demanded that CENI publish accurate results. The Church did not say who it thought the winner was, but briefed diplomats on its conclusions.

Losing candidates can contest the results before the country’s constitutional court in the coming days. The swearing-in of the new president is planned for January 18.

Some observers have suggested that Kabila’s government sought to make a deal as hopes faded for a win for Shadary.

The result is expected to fuel further suspicion that Tshisekedi struck a power-sharing pact with Kabila. Tshisekedi’s camp has acknowledged contacts since the vote with Kabila’s representatives but denies there has been any kind of deal.

Speaking to thousands of cheering supporters in Kinshasa, Tshisekedi paid his respects to Kabila, whom he described as “an important political partner”.

“He said he is will to be a president for all the people of Congo and thanked Fayulu and Shadary, saying he is willing to work with them to build a better Congo,” Al Jazeera’s Haru Mutasa, reporting from Kinshasa, said.

But Fayulu dismissed the results announced by the electoral commission as “a true electoral coup”.

“The results have nothing to do with the truth of the ballot box,” he said in an interview with Radio France Internationale, calling on observers to publish the real results.

Tshisekedi, 55, is the son of the late Etienne Tshisekedi, the face of the DRC’s opposition for decades.

He has promised a return to the rule of law, to fight the “gangrene” of corruption and to bring peace to the conflict-wracked east of the resource-rich country.

More than one million people were kept from voting on election day because of an Ebola outbreak and militia violence in opposition strongholds, mainly in DRC’s east.

Observers said many polling stations opened late and closed early and in some places voting machines malfunctioned.


  1. Though not by 50% + 1 he won convincingly. Not the pathetic case here of Kainde and his moribund petition. Learn from DRC. Kudos.

    • May God have mercy on the people of this country. They have suffered so much, all because of the abundant riches in natural resources. First it was belgium snd the USA. Then Mubutu, now Kabila.
      Zambian must be thankful for how they have been spared from such chaos. We may complain about the evils in our country, but we should be thankful for the relative peace and stability we have enjoyed. And never let any politician rob us of this precious gift.

    • We need a stable and peaceful DRC, its a huge market for Zambian products. I hope the new president will stabilize the country

    • Zambia still remains the perfect example of democracy as our neighbors copy the concept of the idealogy, one by one. Congrats Congo DR. May peace reign and may losere accept. Acceptance of loss is tge begining of the healing process. Hats off.

    • Go and have your head examined, your obsession for rigged elections will soon catch up with you. Official election results in the DRC do not reflect polling station data, the country’s respected Catholic church has said, as the runner-up denounced what he described as an “electoral coup” and fears grew of protests that could lead to violence.

  2. Opposition must win convincely especially in urban areas. Urban areas are cosmopolitan and they represent views of a nationa

    Am a non partisan political consultant

  3. Congratulations Tshisekedi.Hope you manage well that vast country. Kabila failed to manipulate the results in favour of his candidate.DRC is just too vast. It is now time for Kabila to face the wrath of the law. He abrogated the constitution by clinging onto power in 2016 for more than 2 years

  4. The sign is written, people did not want Kabila and his proxy was his image, as long as Kabila is out of the picture, Congolese should sing praise as that is a new down, the current winner is the lesser of the two evils.
    This should be what we expect in Zambia as well, as long as Lungu or his proxy do not win, then we should sing praise because it will open a new down and will allow Zambians to follow their lost resources.

  5. Zambian opposition leaders must be feeling encouraged by this development ,whether right or wrong.That vast ramshackle country must embrace peace despite the divisive election.That peace is in the best interests of Zambia ,DRC itself and all her many neighboring countries.

  6. Ati Congratulations Tshisekedi. This guy was planted by Kabila and there is no difference now. The votes were heavily rigged to push this puppet for Kagila in front. Its a great disaster bane!!!!

    • @8 Rudemonk, YOU ARE SPOT ON!! After failing to cling for 3rd Term, he had handpicked Shadary, a non factor and very unpopular with his repressive record as Minister of the Interior (Home Affairs).The defeat for Kabila’s choice was too heavy cover up with any manipulation. So for him, Tshisekedi was a better evil to deal with as he is politically inexperienced and has no great political record of his own except the name of his late father.So in Tshisekedi, via Vital Khamere (who was Kabila’s ally before 2011, a person reputed for his capacity to change views to his benefit) he saw a possible ally. Fayulu winning was to immediately mean Katumbi going to DRC,back into political life, with Bemba also back in politics, that was going to be a real danger for Kabila’s wish to continue…

  7. We thank GOD that finally the results has been announced and I jst hope that the ‘ll be Smooth transition of power unlike what we saw in Gambia with Yahya jammer, after accepting the defeat, then two days later he changed his mind that he won the elections and when Ecowas and gambians rose against him, he left the country leaving the government treasury empty. We need hygiene in African politics.

  8. That is good news for the people of Congo DR!!Kabila messed up having been in office for 18 years.That is too much.Congolese were fed up with him.However,the Kainde led opposition should not compare Zambian political situation to that of Congo DR because PF had only been in power for less than 10 years and PF has changed the face of Zambia greatly!!!IF ONLY PF CAN IMPROVE OUR ECONOMY FURTHER AND PUT MORE MONEY IN CIRCULATION BEFORE 2021,VICTORY WILL 100% BE FOR PF!!!Besides,Kainde is never an option to majority of us voters in 6.5 provinces!!!

    • Their constitution is written such that he can contest the future elections.
      Let’s wish that vast peice of land well.

  9. Dieu est bon. Suis heureux que les gens du Congo DR Peut voir la paix.l’ Anglo American sur l’aide de Francois pays miseres sur les gens.

    Na yoki bien Nzambe abalike lukasa ya Congo dr. Wazali makambo ‘te.

  10. Speaking to thousands of cheering supporters in Kinshasa, Tshisekedi paid his respects to Kabila, whom he described as “an important political partner”.
    I don’t the guy already ????????????

  11. You can see the hand and advice of lungu here, an expert in vote rigging and denying the masses their true choice… how the kabila alliance will now manipulate any judiciary …

  12. Congratulations to the people of DRC. Proves that VJ is right when he says elections cannot be rigged. When you lose, you have just lost.

  13. But the French and Catholic observers dont agree with the resulrs, what does that tell you? The difference between those elections and ours in Zambia is that our President Lungu is loved by 80% voters and going by the PF developmental works today til 2021, I see someone, the reject, going into comma. ECL will win convincingly and by a wide margin.

  14. Lungu won’t win convincingly in 2021.You see how he is ill treating Council workers buy not paying them on time, among others, will affect him adversary. Instead of more money in the pockets its NO MONEY IN THE POCKET! SHAME.

  15. Congratulations to our Congolese brothers and sisters for going through the Democratic process of elections. May all sides react to the results in a way that will build a stable and prosperous Congo for all. May we all desist from making utterances that fuel confrontation.

  16. Its time peace prevailed over the Congo. Their suffering has always spilled over to Zambia which they have called heaven on earth. Read the history of this Nation and you shall see that if and I say if peace came to them all of us shall be in peace and meal prices shall drop surprisingly. Owing to the tendency of capitalist they shall develop another means to keep the confusion on going as they reap the country’s resources day and night.

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