Economics Association of Zambia President Lubinda Habazoka says bringing sanity to Zambia’s tax regime (Mine taxation and Sales Tax introduction) is the first step towards more measures the Association shall propose this year aimed at enhancing national economic development.
Mr. Habazoka says Zambia’s economy is actually bigger than captured in official figures saying it is not coincidence that Zambia is amongst the most stable economies in Africa.
He said issues to do with unemployment levels, low government revenues and reduced trickle down effect are as a result of leakages in the economy.
Mr. Habazoka says the leakages are created by old laws some of which were hastily enacted in the post command economy era of the early 90s.
“We propose that each citizen fully reads and understands the 7th National Development plan and Vision 2030. To our friends that cannot digest the information at individual level, we have a series of activities lined up this year where these will be fully explained”, he said.
Mr. Habazoka said in order to achieve sustainable economic development, each and every citizen should speak with one voice further calling for unity for the sake of our country.
“Even our critics are now in the forefront of supporting the new mine tax regime because “success knows no orphans”. Those that decided to take an opposite stance are now regretting because the truth has prevailed”, he added.
Mr. Habazoka says politics, tribe, race, education should not divide Zambians calling on them to unite.
He said EAZ shall soon propose measures to stakeholders aimed at ending decades long national economic development bottlenecks and impediments.
With the exception of the Chamber of mines of their cohorts ZIPAR,every sane Zambia knows that the mines have been lying about taxes and their opposition to the re-introduction of Sales Tax System in preference to the bogus VAT system is further testimony.The Govt must not relent on this and should further instruct ZCCM-IH to play a regulatory role on behalf of govt as a shareholder in mines and not just a spectator.
It must read………..’With the exception of the Chamber of mines with their cohorts ZIPAR’………
Habazooka sounds more like a politician than an economist these days. Clearly looking for a job. He is the archetypical African educated bootlicker.
Sharpshooter, how can ZCCM-IM play a role of a regulator in the same industry or companies in which it is a shareholder? Isn’t the conflict of interest obvious to you? It cannot sit in the same board room and champion maximising shareholders return while being a regulator of the same which has a much broader mandate!
Habazooka is a typical turned in Cadre from the outside.
Habazooka please, speak like a professional. Professional don’t guess but provide verifiable details to back their position. You are sounding like the wisest president of that Association ever, be careful you may just isolate yourself. I am curious to read your academic and professional credential and achievements. Well saviour, take us to the promised land, i have buckled up..
Does opposing the government amount to professionalism? Being objective having considered relevant facts, as guided by given theories, practices and research is what amounts to professionalism, whether that agrees with government or not.
And being professional means stating your considered views whether they agree with government views or not, whether they agree with your sponsor or not without fear of favor.
There’s got to be a reason for floating a view, be it for or against the government. That’s where you need to draw a line as a professional.
In other words, where from do you draw the incumbency?
I have chosen to isolate a point that merits emphasis here, in order to achieve sustainable economic development each and every citizen must speak with one of voice. Let’s us unity for the sake of our country. Politics , tribe , education should not divide us. Ignore what you think is premised on Mr habazoka’s personal opinion, and amplify the message that is factual and upbuilding in this article.
Exactly why Africa has remained a dark content. You praise things which are not even there. Tell me exactly how you can achieve economic development by speaking with one voice? If the is one thing God made so different in blacks people it’s they fact that they don’t just take criticism. We must just praise eavh other.
@The Engineer
Speaking with one voice means Zambians having confidence in their own economy. That will make outsiders want to come and see what you’re so proud of. The American dream is precisely that, and the whole world flocks there to become part of it.
Chinese buy Chinese, eat Chinese and speak Chinese. But Zambians always want foreign things and speak ill of their own. Do you expect foreigners to beat your drums?
Economics is highly driven by perception, and perception is driven by speach.
I hope that helps to answer your question without going into economic jargon…
Also see Malinso’s post at 6 below.
You need to stay in the first world to understand what the world thinks about countries like Zambia. No amount of speaking with one voice will change what it is….. to quote Trump
‘A sshole countries’
And you know why the world thinks like that…..???
More than 50 years after independence you have no public toilets, can’t provide drinking water which flows in rivers across the whole country…
Am sure you will blame the mining companies because they don’t pay tax…. Go and count how many billions of dollars the west has given you in the last 50 years.
And while Trump maybe a racist…. guess what he his right on point.
Finally he has gone to the state house.Be firm , identify where the problem is and come up with real recommendations without fear.Be objective , you are there to advise.
I support and encourage the thinking minds of the likes of Dr Habazoka and Dr Mwange because unless we the Zambians put our country first, it will be business as usual of blame game and name calling. EAZ under Dr Habazoka is demonstrating what many institutions like EIZ hace failed to do for so long. Zambia is our country abd we can only be proud when we at the forefront of developing it rather than being negative everytime. Thumbs up and lets develop mother Zambia.
Positivity lifts nations. From an economic perspective, Habaazoka is doing well to uplift moods in the country. He was in the forefront pushing grz to change the tax regime for the mines or outrightly nationalise them. Great job. Now, let’s roll….
Like the one John Bolton is apologising about???
This dirty Habazoka spreading propaganda after being bribed with $50,000.00 by Kaizer and corrupt PFoools party, you can foool PF cadres with low IQ you can foool all the people
Habazooka is doing the right thing for Zambia.
It doesn’t matter which party is in power.Our economy needs “positive vibes” and not the negativity we hear even on issues that are straight forward.
How will positive vibes increase exports, over what period, and by what margin?
Importers, exporters, and FDIs make decisions based on empirical evidence. Will vibes provide calculable evidence?
@ Beyond Reproach
Which are “positive vibes” (LOL) ?
Institutionalized corruption?
Fake statistical data?
Collapse of the Rule of Law?
Illeterate MP’s?
Paid-up non-comps with Soviet Russia degree in economics crapping in public to justify receipt from corrupt master handouts?
I hope Habazoka is not playing populist economics; remember how Nevers started conflating religious messages with political vying until he just had to break out and get onto the stage. I fear Habazoka appears to be doing the same, except this time with economics; and it is so easy to play populist with economics more than it is with religion in any case. What does it exactly mean to have an economy bigger than it is?? What EXACTLY is hindering official figures tallying with the “actual” figures for example? Awe mwe…
This is the man who was very critical of the on-goings not too long ago. What has since happened in the cover of darkness and has now been revealed in the current light? And now;
“He said issues to do with unemployment levels, low government revenues and reduced trickle down effect are as a result of leakages in the economy”. Really? High unemployed levels being attributed to ‘leakages’ in the economy. I am sure he can be objective and truthful – but has now chosen the propagandist side.
Habazoka is talking nonsense ,of course Zambia’s economy is bigger than official figures but so too is Kenya’s economy,Angola’s economy , DRC’s economy and Tanzania’s economy. Nothing unique there .
Leakages and slippages are as a result of insufficient economical and political leadership. The former and later go in tandem in order to achieve the best for the nation. Corruption creeps in if those two adjectives are not clearly defined. Political-will makes sure that resources are allocated for its intended purposes. Now, if political will leaves much to be desired, leakages and slippages are inevitable. The country cannot achieve desired results, economically, if it luck proper leadership to propel it to higher heights. The policies that are formulated should be those that will stimulate economic growth. The best policies is that of investments in education and other social activities. A nation that luck education will ever be buoyant in economic decisions and progress.
We expected something Iike this to come out of this man within this week after collecting the $50000 from kaizer. Trying to justify payments received from the paymaster.
Habazoka has slowly been worming his way to meet the chief in charge of corruption.
Habazooka, you are 100% right if we take into consideration all that plundered tax payers money you received to sell your moral integrity to the Endemically Corrupt Leader of Plunderers Federation.