Thursday, November 28, 2024

ZESCO owed K13 billion in Kafue


ZESCO in Kafue says residents in the district owe the utility company a staggering K13 billion in unsettled electricity bills.

ZESCO Area Manager Jacob Mukonka disclosed this today during a District Development Coordinating Committee (DDCC) meeting held at Kafue District Council chaired by Kafue District Commissioner Winford Ngoma.

Mr. Mukonka said the huge bill was mostly by domestic consumers who have accrued bills over time. He however said the company has no problems with the local industries as most of them were up to date.

Mr. Mukonka explained that this was why households in the district have from time to time experienced disconnections without prior notices. He said the company was in dire need of funds if it has to support and sustain its operations.

Mr. Mukonka appealed to the district commissioner and other stakeholders in the district to sensitize their workers and communities on the importance of paying for electricity. He said whilst the company realizes the problems the district was going through economically, it is important that they also know that ZESCO has to survive.

Mr. Mukonka also explained to the DDCC that the continued load shedding in the district was not only affecting Kafue district. He said the programme of load shedding was a national one.



  1. ZESCO is the biggest shame for Zambia, how do they rush to claim that they are owed K13 billion when they themselves owe the consumers much more than that in electricty withheld during their S.T.U.P.I D loadshedding adventures? Zambians have now taken it as a normal way of life to have electricity cut off just like and I am sure some people have had some of their dosmetic appliances damaged as a result of these sporadic power cuts. In some countries Zesco would be sued heavily for this but in Zambia they can arrogantly get away with it because Zambians are very docile. So Zesco just SHUT UP and go to hell!

  2. zed mathematics never adds up. how can Zesco be owed such a huge amount in such a small town? it’s incompetence to allow such. roll out pre-paid meters

  3. Zesco is load shedding without advance warning? This is dangerous and can daamage electrical equipments in homes.

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