Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Rival factions in the opposition NDC meet to begin the reconciliation process


NDC Vice President Mr Joseph Akafumba (c) addressing a media briefing
NDC Vice President Mr Joseph Akafumba (c) addressing a media briefing

The National Democratic Congress(NDC) Secretary General Mwenya Musenge has met the rival group led by NDC Vice President, Joseph Akafumba. The two groups met in a four hour meeting held in Lusaka

NDC vice president Joseph Akafumba announced at a press briefing flanked by Mwenya Musenge and others, and clarified that the warring factions within the NDC had sat down to resolve the issues, adding that unity of purpose in the NDC was vital.

Mr Akafumba added that the NDC remains a dully registered political grouping. and that that the letter purportedly issued by NDC secretary general Mwenya Musenge to the media should be ignored.

Mr Akafumba said that any perceived internal squabbles within the NDC are being addressed.

The NDC vice president has since urged party Stewart’s countrywide to continue mobilizing its ranks and files, called for discipline and unity of purpose in the NDC.

And Mr Musenge has denied assertions that he has been paid any money by the governing PF to dismantle the NDC. Mr Musenge said that he was just deeply concerned with the way things were being run outside the party constitution.

He said the NDC was less than two years and the current problems were merely teething problems.


    • Sounds like these former PF are better and more mature than the faction lead by Vice-president Inonge. These NDC are reconciling, but not PF, they never make peace among each other. Yesterday they attacked the vulnerable Miles Sampa.

    • Nachpwa, I never took Kambwili serious & this drama has show why. It does not matter what they say now kuwaya wayafye. Come 2021 these are the parties that get 10,000 votes like nevoius mumba did last time

    • It will never work. I know CK. His arrogance is so deep that until he vents his own through imiponto from that mouth. Suspended Musenge will be at the receiving end.
      You trust unstables like CK? Amos Chanda knows him better.
      Teething problems you say, I say, my cracked foot.
      Whatever CK touches dies just like double h.
      You need serious divine intervention.

  1. As much as I know CK , grudges are there in NDC. CK believe in revenge.He also has a spirit of POMPOUS HATRED. Musenge is likely to receive bad vibes for this acronym caused.
    Shouting matches is NOT OVER between CK and Mwenya Musenge.

  2. Not worth commenting on this current NDC stup.idity….but I commend them to coming to their senses.

    MMD factions are still fighting even after several years…. maybe they can take a lesson.

  3. Jay Gay is too quiet on this. Did I touch a raw nerve by exposing his affinity for smelly buffoon Chimbwili as an ally of his Hacks?

  4. Seems they are not interested in the consultant anymore. But the consultant is noisy and draws attention for such small parties to be heard and show their existence.
    What a disaster!!!!

    • Just like the reconciling of pf and upnd youths.. the leader of one party rejected the piece agreement…it showed in sesheke

  5. you cant organise a serious political party by playing a game of boys. bad elements will always play bad. 2021 August is just around the corner. it needs serious contenders.

  6. I expected Kambwili to chair this come-together being the leader. Has he gone to Mfuwe also to reflect on his conduct? Please make clear your status Mr. Kambwili so that we can also follow accordingly.

  7. I am the consultant and you shall tick to my services , Kambwili tells No Direction Congress (NDC).

  8. The NDC squabbles are just a tip of what is happening with the Alliance of 10 political parties.

    I am told they are now only six and very soon there will only be one member of the alliance.

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