Thursday, March 13, 2025

It is worrying for Archbishop emeritus Mpundu to be issuing inflammatory statement-Zambia Police


Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo
Zambia Police spokesperson Esther Katongo

The Zambia Police Service has warned the public against issuing statements that have the potential to incite people to rise against each other.

Spokesperson Esther Katongo says it is worrying that Archbishop emeritus Telesphore Mpundu of Lusaka issued a statement that can cause violence instead of inspiring peace and unity.

Mrs. Katongo says Archbishop Mpundu’s statement that there will be bloodshed ahead of the 2021 general elections can influence those who did not intend to participate in perpetuating violence to do so.

She says it is important for national and church leaders to speak words of encouragement that will discourage violence.

Mrs. Katongo told ZNBC news that the elections in 2021 are not the first or last for Zambia and the police will prepare adequately to police the entire process.

She has since warned that police will not tolerate statements that are provocative in nature regardless of the person’s standing in society.

Meanwhile, some Chiefs in Southern Province have condemned retired Archbishop of Lusaka Telesphore Mpundu’s statement suggesting that there will be chaos in Zambia after the 2021 General elections.

Chieftainess Sikute of Kazungula district says such statements have the potential to divide the country.

The Traditional Leader has told ZNBC News that such statements should NOT be condoned by all well-meaning Zambians.

And Chief Chikanta of Kalomo district said the retired Archbishop was wrong to issue such a divisive statement.

The Chief said the clergy should instead endeavor to preach peace and NOT promote hatred.

Meanwhile Chief Mukobela of Namwala has urged the retired Archbishop to join politics if he wants to continue with such statements.

And a political scientist Chris Zimba says the statement from the archbishop emeritus Mpundu should be condemned as it is uncalled for.

Mr. Zimba says the country expects words of unity, love and reconciliation from people like archbishop emeritus Mpundu and not words that threaten the peace and unity of the country.


  1. Zambians always fail to grasp the gist of statements. The Bishop was simply trying to underscore the importance of dialogue before the said election.

    • Dialogue is already happening in parliament through elected representatives of the people. That upnd cadre masquerading as a bishop is also free to dialogue with Sean Tembo, Milupi, Fresher Siwale and Lukuku.

    • Now you are charging Archbishop with treason? Don’t put in your prisons please.
      Ba Bishop go hide at Vatican embassy.

    • She has since warned that police will not tolerate statements that are provocative in nature regardless of the person’s standing in society………. So has the police tolerated this statement?

    • He has the right to join politics just like Father Bwalya did but he has no right to incite violence.

      Let’s have a balanced approach … and in the event that he decides to join politics, just make it public.

      It’s as simple as that, other please don’t insult the smarts of the smart people of the Zambians Enterprise.

      Epo mpelele …

    • 1.0 So you are more intelligent than all those who have been alarmed by the dangerous utterances by the bishop including the Chiefs here quoted. Instead of defending him you should call for prayers to deliver him from the dangerous and divisive path he’s taking.

    • Mumba Sr, you used to be a voice of reason, but of late you appear to support anything PF. Doesn’t the bishop has a right to form and hold an opinion unless he joined a political party? What kind of thinking is that? In a democracy, even a defective one like ours, all citizens have a right to free speech i.e. means holding an opinion even when the majority do not hold such an opinion or agree with it. The Bishop has a fundamental constitutional right to what he said. Stop behaving like brainless chickens. Let’s celebrate each other in diversity. If you don’t agree with his opinion, speak yours.

    • Fwebene you got it wrong it’s the Zambia Police who always fail to grasp the gist of statements.
      Deliberately so that they can arrest someone for the charges that are in their heads to please Master Lungu

    • Worrying yakwisa? These are not police. They are Lungu’s lapdogs. Nimbwa shakusakisha ngawamona Lungu amona uwo apingila. If Mpundu’s statements are pronounced as treasonable what about Musokotwane’s statement that
      Zambia faces a real riskof resorting to print money so as to artificially meet its financial obligations?
      According to these policemen this also should be inflammatory. Meaning no one is allowed to speculate in this country. Noone must think, no one must talk except Lungu and PF Fascists

    • These are not police. They are Lungu’s lapdogs. Nimbwa shakusakisha ngawamona Lungu amona uwo apingila. If Mpundu’s statements are pronounced as treasonable what about Musokotwane’s statement that
      Zambia faces a real riskof resorting to print money so as to artificially meet its financial obligations?
      According to these policemen this also should be inflammatory. Meaning no one is allowed to speculate in this country. Noone must think, no one must talk except Lungu and PF Fascists

  2. You may wish to arrest the prophet but what if his prophecy comes to pass?
    Remember Prophet Jonah! Though he preached destruction of Niniveh, the citizens of Niniveh took heed of the Prophet and changed their ways!
    Let’s be careful when dealing with God’s servants who sit in the seat of Moses lest we curse ourselves by fighting God!
    You don’t have to be a prophet to understand that bl00dshed is highly likely! The Sesheke violence and how we mismanaged it should worry us all. Instead of commending those gallant officers in uniform for rising to the occasion, we listen to partisan politicians and retire them in PF interest? When police are caused to become powerless in the eyes of thugs (Cadres), then you should expect anarchy! Please think!!!

  3. You may wish to arrest the prophet but what if his prophecy comes to pass?
    Remember Prophet Jonah! Though he preached destruction of Niniveh, the citizens of Niniveh took heed of the Prophet and changed their ways!
    Let’s be careful when dealing with God’s servants who sit in the seat of Moses lest we curse ourselves by fighting God!
    When police are caused to become powerless in the eyes of th.ugs (Cadres), then you should expect anarchy!

  4. I personally don’t understand how people get incited by a statement by one Bishop. So many scary things are said all the time in churches but I don’t think anyone has been incited to act violently or cause chaos. We imagine too much at times as if we don’t have better things to do.

  5. cadres country. that’s why universities in zambia are downgraded to colleges. A conditional statement passes without notice even by the so called educated citizens. IF in that stament makes a very big difference but as usual Zambias poverty has gone to people’s heads that grasping a simple argument proves to be rocket science for us.

    If there is no dialogue in zambia the violence we see in by elections will be out of hand during general elections. that statement can incite stupid people but if Zambians are as clever as we claim to be dialogue is just important. let every political party enshrine peace and civility before, during and after each election.

  6. There is serious mental and intellectual poverty in Zambia. Even professionals are simply refusing to use their brains. Who bewitched us? I listened to the retired Catholic bishop. He did not tell anyone to pick up a machete or gun and maim his or her neighbor. He gave a timely advise that if dialogue is not promoted, there could be bloodshed in 2021. Now, what is wrong with that? We saw violence in 2015/2016 leading to loss of life. Therefore his warning is timely.

  7. Police spokesperson twisting well meaning words of advice to please their moral less master. This is lack of integrity and lack of professionalism.

    • I have voiced an opinion and LT has blocked me. Just as oppressive as Lungu these hopeless censoring journalists

    • These are not police. They are Lungu’s lapdogs. Nimbwa shakusakisha ngawamona Lungu amona uwo apingila. If Mpundu’s statements are pronounced as treasonable what about Musokotwane’s statement that
      Zambia faces a real riskof resorting to print money so as to artificially meet its financial obligations?
      According to these policemen this also should be inflammatory. Meaning no one is allowed to speculate in this country. Noone must think, no one must talk except Lungu and PF Fascists

  8. These policemen hey are Lungu’s lapdogs. Nimbwa shakusakisha ngawamona Lungu amona uwo apingila. If Mpundu’s statements are pronounced as treasonable what about Musokotwane’s statement that
    Zambia faces a real riskof resorting to print money so as to artificially meet its financial obligations?
    According to these policemen this also should be inflammatory. Meaning no one is allowed to speculate in this country. Noone must think, no one must talk except Lungu and PF Fascists

  9. This is the same Bishop who was accused of being PF when PF was in opposition by MMD. He was accused of supporting Sata because they said Data has Children with his Sister. But today because what he is saying does not please PF he being accused of being UPND. I have a lot trust on this man. This is the man who worked so tirelessly to bring the two gallants LPM and MCS to a round table and reconciled them.

  10. But my dear Bishop you are dealing with small minds whose pre occupation is to remain in power and nothing else but power. You are wasting your time to deal with individuals who accidentally found themselves in power.

  11. These are not police. They are Lungu’s lapdogs. Nimbwa shakusakisha ngawamona Lungu amona uwo apingila. If Mpundu’s statements are pronounced as treasonable what about Musokotwane’s statement that
    Zambia faces a real riskof resorting to print money so as to artificially meet its financial obligations?
    According to these policemen this also should be inflammatory. Meaning no one is allowed to speculate in this country. Noone must think, no one must talk except Lungu and PF Fascists!

  12. Where is freedom of speech? Bishop Mpundu is repeating what is on the ground…. Zambia will be doomed come 2021. We have had enough of President Lungu and enough is enough. How many people should die if hunger in Zambia before you realise it? How much money shall be stolen before you know it??? Bishop Mpundu is spot on and don’t play with catholics…. they put the late Sata in state house and will take Lungu out of it….

  13. there is no talking about job Creation, education and health. everything is just about winning elections. these guys are very childish. they openly say if you don’t for
    PF don’t expect development. how did we end up with these heartless criminals

  14. What is inciting? And what is tribalism? Bearing in mind that Zambia is Christian Nation,, meaning majority of our principles are derived from the Bible,, In Christianity it is not wrong to warn someone regarding the repacations of Sin,, cause if someone knows the dangers of something,, they will put counter measures to avoid being caught up,, If someone advises you of the resultant of the direction you are taking,, they are discouraging you and not encouraging you,, What tribe is Bishop Mpundu and who’s establishment is he talking about,, for one to deam him tribal?? If you can insult a Bishop then we will doubt your upbringing

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