The National Restoration Party (NAREP) has challenged President Edgar Lungu to back his words against corruption with action.
President Edgar Lungu in 2016 revealed that he had received reports linking some ministers to corrupt activities.
President Lungu since warned that he will not hesitate to relieve the said ministers of their duties even before they are investigated by the anti corruption commission.
But NAREP Secretary General Ezra Ngulube has argued that a lot more than words is needed to give meaning to the president Lungu’s fight against corruption.
Mr. Ngulube feels that there is no guarantee that investigations will not be interfered with by the government of the day.
He is of the view that these pronouncements have been made in the past by previous governments and so it is not new, yet no action has been done to those found wanting.
The National Restoration Party Secretary General has charged that president Lungu does not have the political will to fight corruption because he has shown no commitment in the fight against vice.
Mr. Ngulube has stressed that failure by president Lungu to fire Infrastructure Development Minister Ronald Chitotela who was arrested by acc, is evidence enough that the head of state is not serious in his resolve to uproot corruption.
Fight corruption when his middle name is corruption, dull moron of the highest order, this ka ma president
It is very disheartening that corruction is only getting worse.
And the reasoning given by Lungu as to why he will not fire Chitotela is insane.
And people have the balls to question Sean Tembo.
A thief can’t arrest a fellow thief. Chitotela case is just a gimmick by Lungu to pull wool on our faces.
Mark my words Chitotela will be acquitted.
Corrupt Lungu does not fight corruption because he is corrupt himself. How can Al Capone investigate himself? In 2015 he declared that he had K3 million in assets. A year later he declared that he now had K23 million. Where the K20 million increase came from, he never told the nation. Most likely by now his assets have corruptly increased. He doesn’t want to fight corruption because he fears his corrupt ministers will spill the beans on him. That’s why. it’ll take a new good president to bring all these thieves to justice, including corrupt Lungu. Once corrupt Lungu leaves office, him and his corrupt ministers will have to be audited by the new administration. And if any assets are found that can not explained, they’ll forfeit them to the State with the possibility of prison time.
This is what South Africa had to say today about Lungu’s new friends Morocco whom we all know have paid Lungu for support.
Mantashe slams Morocco over parallel Western Sahara conference
ANC chairperson Gwede Mantashe has slammed Morocco for holding a parallel conference on the issue of Western Sahara’s independence, on the same day that the Southern African Development Community (SADC) solidarity conference kicked off.
Mantashe told journalists on Monday, following the opening of the conference at the Department of International Relations headquarters, that Morocco had paid for representatives to attend its conference.
“I would have expected that from Morocco because they have resources,” he said.
“They are exploiting even the Western Sahara resources. They are using them to…
They are using them to buy support and they are succeeding on the continent.”
Western Sahara is rich in phosphates and other minerals.
Mantashe claimed that Morocco also “bought” support to be admitted to the African Union in January 2017 from the majority of African states.
Only 10 countries, “mainly liberation movements and SADC”, opposed Morocco’s admission. Morocco left the AU in 1984 when Western Sahara (officially the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic) was admitted as an AU member.
Mantashe also expressed concern about other countries having an influence on the African continent.
“It’s going to be more complex if you see the invasion of the continent by Israel as well. It’s making the continent a playing ground for occupying forces and we have a responsibility to…
Only 10 countries, “mainly . It’s making the continent a playing ground for occupying forces and we have a responsibility to continue talking to raise the awareness,” he said.
South Africa is in the process of scaling down relations with Israel because of what the South African government says is its occupation of Palestine. But it has recently agreed to allow Morocco to send an ambassador to Pretoria.
Mantashe said South Africa would continue to campaign in the AU and explain to the ambassador that Morocco should move out of Western Sahara and give the people self-determination
NAREP what?…….Does this party still exist? I had hope in this party when it was formed . But alas they lost the plot as it came out that the leadership was just full of talk . It is now history and should be flushed into the toilet.
Narep misled us. We had hope in this party only to find it is nothing because it has no capacity to organise itself and forge ahead.
Action speak louder than words Mr. President.