Thursday, October 24, 2024

Government launches Diaspora policy


Vice president Inonge Wina
Vice president Inonge Wina

Vice President Inonge Wina says government will continue facilitating the active involvement of Zambians living in the diaspora in all areas of the country’s socio-economic development.

Mrs Wina has noted that it is government’s desire to see to it that all Zambians living abroad participate in national development.

The Vice President said this in Lusaka yesterday at the launch of the National Diaspora Policy.

Mrs Wina stated that government’s inspiration to formulate the diaspora policy, was as a result of regional and continental efforts which culminated in the first ever African Union global diaspora summit held in South Africa, in 2012.

The Vice President explained that the summit mandated all African Union member states to take necessary measures to formulate the respective diaspora policies with overall objectives of harnessing skills and energies within the continent and abroad.

Mrs Wina noted that in formulating the policy, government was mindful of the various challenges impeding the participation of the diaspora in the Country’s development agenda.

She said the challenges among others, include insufficient information on trade and investment opportunities, limited access to financing, the need for dual citizenship and high cost of remittances.

The Vice President however stated that the policy that has been launched yesterday will address the challenges, adding that the online information portal which will facilitate the easy flow of information between government and citizens living abroad will also be established by the end of the year.

And Vice President Inonge Wina has called on Zambians living abroad to project an image that reflects the truth about the country at all times.

Mrs Wina said due to globalisation and the growth of technology, fake news has sprung hence the need for people living abroad to project a positive image of the country.

Meanwhile, Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Malanji has noted that government is committed to engaging the diaspora in national development.

Mr Malanji stated that the relationship between government and the diaspora has improved over the years, hence the need to harness the people and making them part of national development.

International Organisation for Migration (IOM) Chief of Mission, Marianne Lane said her organisation remains committed to supporting government in the implementation of the National Diaspora Policy.


  1. “…Mrs Wina said due to globalisation and the growth of technology, fake news has sprung hence the need for people living abroad to project a positive image of the country..”

    No , those images of gun wielding PF caders assaulting UPND and gassing of civilians in sesheke were not fake , were they ??

    That aside, diaspora have great potential to boost forex , you should have established a ministry for diaspora , Zambians abroad will bank money in Zambia If there is a clear cut point for reference.

    • For sure GRZ should concentrate on facilitating a clear cut root for diasporans to bank money in Zambia.

      Everything else like investments follows.

      Deal and concentrate on getting us to bank money in Zambia.

    • Mrs Wina was 100m away when unruly PR cadres manhandled and undressed a female UPND cadres. So what good image is she talking aboutm senility perhaps? While Diaspora policy is welcome, govt will do good to concentrate on the people at home. We need a catalyst and stimulus for local business ideas.

    • “And Vice President Inonge Wina has called on Zambians living abroad to project an image that reflects the truth about the country at all times.”
      Look at this 78 year old Great Grandma she has no shame….she wants us to lie this old bag…selfishly earning herself taxpayers money when she can not even contribute 50% as she is too old simply sitting in the office whilst not doing anything about corruption as she knows she will be gone to pasture in 2021..

    • Let diaspora vote in 2021.
      Make it a voting bill not Policy, policies are useless.
      Let them vote at embassies, by mail and online in 2021.
      PF will amass 12%
      UPND 65.1%

    • @Spaka
      Please find something else better to do with your life….spending 24/7 posting comments on LT is not healthy…do you even have family wherever you are??????

    • Spaka,Nostradamus and Jay Jay….these guys sleep on LT….trying to imagine the kind of boring and miserable lives the live

    • Anonymous – And you just come here and read, watch anonymously 24/7 like a paedophile hiding behind the bushes at a children’s play park…if you have nothing to do go and take a walk outside instead of wanting to pick fights.

    • You don’t need a policy. We already contribute to development buy forex remittance and goods. Bye Inonge.

    • PF has run out of ideas now.

      Lungu is encouraging corruption and decimating our education by closing down Universities , civil servants have not been paid salaries for months and we must fabricate a positive picture and tell lies about Zambia really? I think this was April fools day statement!

      No has do that about Botswana but people outside Botswana paint a very positive picture of it. This includes non Tswanas as well..

      PF and Lungu must do things right then people will begin to project Zambia positively.

      Only in Zambia where a minister facing corruption charges is still a minister. Is that a positive for Zambia?

  2. I don’t feel comfortable reflecting the image that reflects the country as per your request mrs. Should I tell all my mates that my home country, especially the cabinet is full of thieving people. Civil servants in my home country go for six months without pay and when they protest they get sacked. My home country bought 42 fire engines for $42 million and the president’s wife spend millions of dollars on a USA trip just to inspect 40 year old trucks and that’s truth that reflect about my home country. How do one invest in a country that the investor has no confidence with the government. Sort the mess in the government before you make that request for investor to invest in the country.

  3. We welcome, “Government launches Diaspora policy”. The government has been talking about Zambians in Diaspora and about dual citizenship for a long time. How long does it take to make a decision for Zambians in diaspora to acquire or reactivate Zambian Citizenship? It is clear that the government is not in a hurry to develop the country. Zambia would develop quickly if Zambians in diaspora are given a chance in analyzing issues that affect Zambian development in all aspects including investing in our economy. Unfortunately Central Statistics of Zambia or Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not have a list of Zambians in diaspora. For e.g. there is no list or numbers of Zambians in the UK. I hope it will be done very soon.

    • Great response.
      On numbers of Zambians, if you visit the High Commission or Embassy to renew your passport you will be asked to register your presence and status in the country where you live.

  4. I’m still waiting for the dual citizenship to become a reality, it’s been two years now and the Veep wants us to come home, fat chance of that

    • Waiting where? You think it will come knocking on your door ….just get your two passports and stop making noise here

    • You don’t need to inform zambian government that you want a dual citizenship. All you need to do is apply for a citizenship in a country that you live in. Some countries don’t allow so you have to check on that.
      I have a dual citizenship and it was straight forward because I had all the documents they asked me to produce.

  5. They way your money. They appended to the 2016 constitution and already want to change it at their expedience before even implementing some of the contents in the 2 year old constitution. Don’t listen to them, they don’t mean a word of what they say. Say things to woodwick those who are gullible.

  6. “Vice President Inonge Wina has called on Zambians living abroad to project an image that reflects the truth about the country at all times”


  7. All is fuzzy until you notice words like the idea to “harness” the diaspora. You effing know what a harness is, right? I hope no one is taking notes from some East African country that has harnessed its citizens to traumatic ends. As cadres become unruly they will easily become part of this harness. Ni muuzyani! That said, just make the governance and policy management attractive and even uushalimo will show up to the party. Awe mwe!

  8. The problem started with KK with his liberation struggle for Southern Africa! South Korea is leading in technology they Just released a 5G hand device yet today in Zambia we dont even know what first Industrial revolution is… Wake up Zambia

  9. We tell the truth;
    1. First lady flies to US with a 25 member delegation to received retired fire trucks – no desks and a roof in schools
    2. Minister of Education shuts CBU because of ack of money
    3. Council workers in Kabwe beaten by PF thugs
    4. President buys himself a luxury jet- no desks and a roof in schools
    5. Senanga police fired for doing their jobs

    • Even telling the PF truth she wants where you talk about wildlife is a land mine field ….I mean what type of govt is happy to trophy-hunt thousands of hippos in their environment and masquerading it as culling as if it for their own good yet they are lining their pockets with the assistance of Boers!!

  10. I commend your excellence the VIP to begin involving the Diaspora in national development.
    Zambians living abroad should as well take an active role in the d3velpment of this country because this is their mother Land.
    We should not depend on foreigners to develop our country while our brothers and sisters in the Diaspora are busy developing foreign nations sometimes where they are not even appreciated.

    • What diaspora?! Just come up with policies that empower ALL Zambians; at home and abroad. Instead of making some people feel special.

  11. Maybe rethink the Dual Citizenship and give it only to deserving patriotic citizens. Most of the negative citizens are those too long abroad, especially the young ones born abroad.

    Seriously, the ability to vote at the embassies us a good one, but no inline voting, as hackers will have a field day!
    Also express processing of documents necessary for Zambia, passports, business registration, property (city council), etc. Make it easy for people to fit in quickly.

  12. Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

    Forget about a policy that you will never implement… here are a few pointers that you can start implementing right now if you truly mean it:
    1) Remove all the exorbitant customs charges and fees on gifts meant for our poor family members. By us helping them we are actually helping you by removing the burden of dependence on the govt;
    2) Stop charging people who automatically ‘lost’ their Zambian citizenship by becoming citizens of another country exorbitant fees for them to reacquire their citizenship. For starters there are no records in Zambia showing they lost their citizenship in the first place so it is all dependent on voluntary honest;
    3) All all Zambians living abroad to vote and have a say in the political dispensation of their country;
    4) Have a deliberate policy that…

    • Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      ….4) Have a deliberate policy that makes it easier for so called Diaspora acquire land and easy to invest (i.e. remove all the bureaucratic red tape; favours and corruption). Have a policy that favours Zambians over foreigners in everything – for example cut tax for startup businesses for the first few years to help them establish and ‘break even’;
      5) Have a concrete mechanism to solicit ideas from the Diaspora and ensure you implement some of the suggestions;
      6) Above all ensure that you create a conducive political and economical environment to attract the Diaspora to come home and contribute. As it is right now you have to be leaking Lungu and his minions’ behinds for your business to prosper; etc. You need proper rule of law that ensures that individual rights and liberties are…

    • Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Corruption scandals: Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans

      …You need proper rule of law that ensures that individual rights and liberties are protected and businesses are protected regardless of one’s political inclination. Remove the culture of ‘nchekeleko’;

      Just to list a few.

      Otherwise forget it and this so called policy will remain a pipedream and thus this country will take another 500 years before it develops even an inch.

  13. No thanks!!!
    I voluntary left Zambia, i don’t need some Zambian politician to be formulating some policies for me.
    My priority is to adapt here like many who had come before me. People Plan for your own retirement
    “Imbwelela numa yilalya”

  14. If this will be implemeted by another govt in future then i am willing. We cant invest our had earned income in a corrupt regime time. Cadres rule the country, the list is endless. Personally iam not interested for now

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