Monday, February 3, 2025

Zambia’s Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe is fit for the Job-EAZ Deputy National Secretary


Zambia's Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe
Zambia’s Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe

The Deputy National Secretary of the Economic Association of Zambia (EAZ), Rita Mkandawire, has jumped to the defend of Zambia’s Finance Minister Margaret Mwanakatwe after recent comments by economic commentators like Trevor Simumba that she should be replaced.

In a statement released to the media, Ms Mkandawire said that the Minister of Finance is both academically and professionally fit to be in that position, and that as Finance Minister, Mrs Mwanakatwe has instilled fiscal discipline with the country reducing on the amount of contractor financed projected by 90%.

Ms Mkandawire advised Mr Simumba, as a citizen, to write to the Republican President citing reasons, if he thinks the minister is not performing.

Below is the full statement



It is quiet disheartening to see the level of attacks by economic commentators like Trevor Simumba who have continuously undermined the credibility of our Member of EAZ who also happens to be the Minister responsible for finance.

I believe that we have the right to express our opinions but those opinions should not affect the image our country. Mr Trevor has indicated that he wants to stand as MP in 2021. He should therefore make it known that his opinions are politically biased because we want to avoid him giving opinions that can mislead those investors that pick information on Zambia from secondary sources.

The Minister of Finance is both academically and professionally fit to be in that position. What we find worrying is that Mr Simumba seems to lobby the position for other people in public which is ethically incorrect. By mentioning names of other people, he is exposing their motives or at least painting a picture that those people are using him to lobby for jobs in government.

I challenge Mr Simumba to reveal the three banks that called him after seeing the interview with Bloomberg. Information we have is that everyone in Washington (investors) are very happy with the minister that is why they continue holding Zambian assets.

I advise Mr Simumba to come out clean on why he has picked on Hon Mwanakatwe as if she has been finance minister since 1964. A bit of statistics will reveal that she as finance minister has instilled fiscal discipline with the country reducing on the amount of contractor financed projected by 90%.

As Minister of Finance, she cannot respond to things people say about her because she understands that her words can alter investor behavior.

I therefore advise Mr Simumba to write advisory notes to the President or the Minister herself if he has ideas he feels should be taken on board. If he thinks a minister is not performing, he as a citizen can write to the Republican President citing reasons. The Head of State as the appointing authority can make an independent decision without being pushed. As a consultant, Mr Simumba understands this process therefore I find it as cheap politicking his remarks. Women should be protected in this country.

The idea of calling fellow civil servants at the ministry of finance as being cowards and calling the minister incompetent is not good for the image of the country especially that we hold Mr Simumba the professional in high esteem. Mr Simumba the politician however is being unfair to the economy’s imagine by labeling those entrusted to handle economic affairs incompetent.

It should be noted that the Minister of Finance has Permanent Secretaries, main stream civil servants, the Bank of Zambia, ZIPAR and other insitutions that provide sound economic advice. How is it possible that only Mr Simumba and Dolika Banda are qualified?

The following are some of her achievements:


1) BA Business Administration

2) FCCA (UK)

Experienced manager with a successful track record at top management level in the private and public sectors and in local and international organisations. Minister Mwanakatwe possesses strong and effective communications skills with the ability to establish and maintain effective relationships and strategic alliances with key players in the private and public sectors, government and international organisations. She has strong people skills and is able to communicate effectively at all levels.


1) 2015 to Feb 2018, Minister of Commerce Trade and Industry

2) 2009 to 2011, CEO United Bank for Africa (UBA) East and Southern Africa

3) 2005 to 2008, Managing Director, Barclays Bank of Ghana Limited

4) 2000 to 2005, Managing Director, Barclays Bank of Zambia Limited – in charge of ensuring that Barclays Bank of Zambia performed according to all group policies, and Governance requirements in implementing the Barclays Africa Strategy in Zambia. Extensive transformation programme which repositioned the bank and built it into a more robust model in readiness for the economic challenges in Zambia. She implemented the transformation programme to build the bank of tomorrow.

5) 1998 – 2000: Director General, Zambia Investment Promotion Agency [Chief Executive/Executive Director, Zambia Investment Centre Support Services Limited].

6) 1996 – 1998: Director, Business & Investor Relations Division Zambia Investment Promotion Agency Lusaka Zambia.

7) 1995 – 1996: General/Finance Manager, Polypackers Limited.

1992 – 1994: Course Director, Maxims European Institute of Learning, Paris, France. In this position I was in charge of developing, preparing and delivery of the whole financial management and financial accounting syllabi for 2nd and 3rd year degree programs. She was also in charge of the delivery of the same subjects on the MBA programme.

9) 1992 – 1992: Assistant Financial Controller, Sedgewick James (UK) Limited, Witham, Essex.

10) 1990 – 1991: Management Accountant, McDonnell Douglas Information Systems Ltd, Woking, Surrey, United Kingdom.

11) 1988 – 1989: Financial Analyst, Whitbread Plc, Dorking- Surrey, United Kingdom.

1) Ghana President’s Advisory Council, President John Kuffour – Investment policies and the creation of a thriving economy and efficient public sector.

2) Uganda’s President’s Advisory Investor Round Table by President Museveni whilst she was in Uganda working for United Bank of Africa.

3) British American Tobacco – Past Board Member

4) Zambia Sugar Plc – Past Board Member
5) Nico Insurance Zambia Limited – Past Board Member

6) Unilever Africa Advisory Council – Past Board Member

7) Barclays Bank of Zambia Plc – Past Board Member

Zambia Venture Capital Fund – Past Board Member

9) UBA Bank, Zambia/Uganda – Past Board Member

10) Aureos Capital, Southern Agric Private Equity Fund Investment – Committee Member

11) Zambia Revenue Authority, Past Board Member

12) Munda Wanga Botanical & Zoological Gardens, Past Chairperson

13) National Aids Council of Zambia, Past Chairperson

14) Zambia Business Coalition for HIV/AIDS, Past Chairperson

15) Bankers Association of Zambia, Past Chairperson

16) Forest Wildlife & Human Development Association (FWHDA), Patron


  1. Madam but her response did not show that experience,yes it’s the image but she was still insisting on depleting the foreign reserve which entails bad image for the country.She was talking of Gold,.mukula explain madam

    • If one was ever in doubt that this EAZ is a branch of the PF this is your Proof! Madam Mwanakatwes competence is being judged on her performance than what you are trying to sell to us …. if anything you are showing that she is not fit for the job with that CV you have put forward to us .. you are saying the following are some of her achievements and then you copy paste her CV which she gave you it even refers to the first person “I” ..anyway nowhere in her CV has she worked with IMF or World bank prior to her position or even in Development financing … the Madam is an accountant ..based on her CV she is punching way above her weight. Her CV achievements are very abstract and lack specifics in most cases none mentioned

    • That is a very rich CV Trevor Simumba could ever drool for.

      Can Simumba present his CV on LT as well please? Talking about Dolika who cannot attain half of what Mwanakatwe’s protege has presented here. I feel disappointed by these so called consultants.

      I wish I could see Simumba’s face reading the ministers credentials on LT.

      However, having said that, the Minister has a problem working in a kleptocracy government. I find this comment troubling…

      “Mrs Mwanakatwe has instilled fiscal discipline with the country reducing on the amount of contractor financed projected by 90%.”

      It is only because there is no money. Any finance minister in that position has their hands tied by a thieving government.

    • When did it become the mandate of EAZ to defend politicians? This clearly shows where the allegiance of this worthless organisation lies.
      These are compromised clowns. Even going to the extent of publishing her resume? Really sad. Well atleast you are honest to show whose interests you serve and therefore show everyone how worthless you are.

    • But Rita forgot to add 2 more important qualifications:
      – Maggie is WIFE to
      – Mother of
      She is not like Dora.

    • DRUNKENNESS disqualify her, just like most PF leaders. From my own experience, every time I go to toilet at a bar, I recount money. If using credit card, I look at receipts repeatedly. And we call that controlling expenditure.
      Controlling economy while drunk is worse dangerous than driving under influence of alcohol. Ask Be Edgar.

    • Of course Margaret is highly qualified for that position … it’s one big reason why she trusted by Paris Club insiders than any MoU in recent history.

      Some people don’t have such stellar CVs thus their jealousy but I have said once and I will say it a hundred thousand times. Margaret is doing a heck of a job given the circumstances.

      Can she do better, heck yeah!!! But she has a great team of technocrats around her, she is very consultative and works well with others. She is a great team player as well and if she plays her cards well she can actually be Zambia’s first female President.

      Cut the lady some slack and let her do her job … constructive criticism always helps not mere denigrations with malicious intent.

      I am in her corner and I want her to succeed because if she…

    • Continued…

      I am in her corner and I want her to succeed because if she does, Zambia succeeds in the long run.

      Epo mpelele,


    • Just from the way she answering questions on Bloomberg TV you can tell she knows literally nothing about Economics….even the panel on Bloomberg TV was dumbfounded….Mwanakatwe was just yapping trash…..her main concern was to tune her accent ….Declining Foreign reserves and our so called Finance minister is ok with that….Zambia is on the verge of becoming the next Greece combined with Zimbabwe for as long as Mwanakatwe and Lungu are in control…..FIRE MWANAKATWE NOW

    • Very sad to see some believe that a mere BA in business administration (not even a master’s, let alone a PhD – even an imaginary one) and certificate in accountancy makes a person qualified to be Finance Minister. FINANCE MINISTER! Qualifications my foot. Even her job record has little or nothing to do with macroeconomic management. Clearly, by her recent statements and performance in guiding Zambia’s economy (VAT/sales tax fiasco, disappearing forex reserves, etc.) this lady is out of her depth! And some would have us believe this criticism is mere “jealousy”. What an embarrassing shame. Zambia can and must do much better!

  2. She’s unfit ,unsuitable and unqualified for arguably the 3rd most important job in the executive arm of GRZ.Finance ministry requires a more visonary,savvy and passionate “statistician” who’ll want to see improving graphs.

    • I read her CV once more, she never kept a job for more than 5 years.
      Unreliable employee. I can’t hire her.

    • Nostradamus… There are many roads that lead to Rome and there are many ways to skin a cat so they say. I as a male, who is none aligned and positively neutral for mother Zambia, want to see Zambia succeed.

      Having said this… her mortality rate in the job is her personal decision, that is why she is where she is because of such calculated decisions. As a PhD holder myself, I have held positions for 3 and some even 6 months and none of the positions I have held are higher than what I hold now.

      So in a nutshell, using your own prediction tools on Mwanakatwe, I “Nostradamus” you will neither academically nor professionally make serious head ways. You are what we call a LUMPEN.

  3. General comment: the type of politics being played by Simumba are cheap and do not reflect him as an educated person:

    Comment on article: when we present someone’s CV, focus on listing achievements and positions occupied

    • You have said it all. I didn’t know even ladies could be bought so cheaply. Rita, Rita, Rita! How many times did I call you ?

    • When Sata said educated Zambians are cowards I laughed but look at EAZ full of talent I mean its members are economists in BOZ and other important organisations yet they have these foooooools to represent them!!

    • While Habazoka (an economist and boss of EAZ) is trying his all to get noticed for this job, the deputy national secretary of EAZ believes this Accountant is better suited! Very interesting!


  5. I am from the opposition, Margaret Mwanakatwe is just okay, she found these issues at the ministry and is now trying to put up some fiscal discipline. This does not warrant her removal in any way. The problem however is her boss who is challenged when it comes to Leadership, it is not a gift that God gave him.

    • I totally agree with you. The issue here is the head.You can be noticed to excel under a clueless leadership. Leadership is everything when it comes to performance. Margaret is just an individual in a PF titanic. Like RALPH WALDO said “AN INSTITUTION IS A LENGTHENED SHADOW OF ONE MAN”

  6. It’s a waste of time attaching a CV , this woman did not rise the ranks from either BOZ or the Ministry of Finance , her experience was basically from the Banking sector. Furthermore , she is not an economist . She may have partial knowledge of economic management but she may not comprehend fully what is involved . When we talk about track records we should have been shown pre appointment what was prevailing and post or current what positive strives she has made. The truth remains this woman is incompetent in her current field of operation.

    • She has plenty economists surrounding her and does not need to be an economist herself, for example is iven Lubinda a lawyers. The PF failures cannot be attributed to Mwanakatwe alone, this country has been in decline even before Mawanakatwe assumed the role of Finance Minister. So please start analyzing issues logically, you are crucifying a wrong person

    • If she has plenty of talented people surround her …she should know how to answer questions like a Finance Minister and not like a Minister of Tourism on Finance channels like Bloomberg…do you know that Hedge fund Managers and Wealth Managers watch that show?

    • Vwiko
      What a wrong example,cant you see the damage Lubinda is creating?
      Anyway the real problem is President Lungu,afterall all this dead wood was appointed by him,and slowly even his cadres will realise that that is where the problem.They have already started making noise by blaming the likes of Davis Mwila and Lusambo,but just like in this case the one appointing is the one with the problem.Any half brain can accept an appointment even when he or she is not suited for the position.If someone appoints an unqualified person why blame the unqualified person?Blame the appointing authority

  7. Ndufe,
    It’s a good thing that madam Mwanakatwe is not an economist because economists are generally very dull. Madam Mwanakatwe is an accountant.

  8. Just planted two hectares of Tomatoe this morning. Just troubling yourselves on things that don’t add any value to any one. Okay lets Margaret Mwanakatwe is removed, then paradise will dawn? Very shallow thinking in this country, if anything the entire cabinet has failed and lamentably failed for that matter, why single out one Minister. All ministries are important and it is no longer the case that all ministries revolve around Finance Ministry. Please WAKE UP fast fast. Don’t remove Mwanakatwe, don’t listen to cheps playing politics here. Idle minds

    • I suggest you go back into the garden…you are out of your depth here…even when you go to sell your tomato at Soweto you will have to pay PF cadres PF tax to sell your tomatoes. Then you will come crying!

  9. Instead of arguing about her qualifications, can we argue about her plans for the economy l think that’s what is important. I think even her trip to US was great but one can see that it lacked a proper plan. It’s high time we demand these politicians tell us there plans so we can judge if it’s feasible. Bloomberg took her to task on serious issues we should be concerned about but we would rather argue about qualifications and not results as. I think if someone is not producing they should go so others who are capable may get an opportunity not this hanging onto posts

    • “I think even her trip to US was great but one can see that it lacked a proper plan.” How can I trip all the way to USA in first class be great and at the same time lack plan…how is that a success?

  10. PF failure has been there for over 5 years now and you want to blame Mwanakatwe who is even new at the Ministry of Finance. What type of thinking is this please

  11. In less 24hrs I mentioned is exactly what is going between the ordinary Zambians and the PF government .I said what is good to the government is bad to the people. Ordinary people are using the results after implementation while the government is using the rich CV as a parameter. Even her husband has a very rich CV in Telecommunication field. He failed at Airtel and Zamtel. So Zambians which parameter do you want to be applied? Is it a CV or the Results?. Now the Government is on defence as they are under massive pressure from the blogs(Barcelona) attack. Anyway Boma ni Boma they will simply ignore such comments and go ahead with experimenting. They have even hired EAZ,NGOCC to assist in consolidating or cementing their defend. Looking at how policies are been implemented and reversed…

  12. The foreign investors they make 5 to 10 years business planning,now they are going to Namibia,Botswana,Tanzania living this country which is peaceful and christian nation dancing Duduna reverse or some are calling it Kansaka ka Ndalama

  13. Qualifications don’t get the job done, its the prudent use of knowledge that turns the course of history. Mutatai was fired when it became apparent that he was failing, what is so special about Mwanakatwe? Because she is a woman? She failed to run her businesses with her husband later alone failed to repay SEEC loans .theeconomy has responded negatively to her tenia and investor confidence is at rock bottom, sales tax conundrum, vat returns, now the kwacha is following suit, her austerity measures has been flashed down the drain, what more do we want? There are a lot of technocrats at the ministry well vested in financial and economic issues but they are looked down upon. Wake up and smell the coffee.

    • Seriously expecting anyone to succeed when you are working under an inept person like the Great Leader is expecting too much.Even Magande or Dr Musokotwane cant deliver.Right now we have Kalyalya at BOZ,he is an eminent and well respected econmist but look at his performance.Slowly people will realise that the real problem is the president.That also explains why we have ill qualified ministers,imagine the man fails to fire Chitotela,he claims he sees value in him,of course any discerning citizen knows that is not the reason why he cant fire Chitotela.Even when working in the field[Mwibala]you need minimum competence,Chiluba was abusing national resources using Lawyers and others abroad[not that stealing is advisable].

    • As someone stated it’s the appointing authority vested in the Lazy Bum Edgar…he should have put an economist after Mutati but didn’t listen…he listened to Kaizer a former lab assistant and the laughing Freedom Sikazwe who holds a diploma certificate in auto mechanics

  14. By the way, the flooding in Lusaka was there as far as 1925. True or False?. See national archives for confirmation. Donors and tax payer citizens have done their part. Drainaging system in Lusaka has been in bad state for 94 years todate.

  15. Nonsense childish from EAZ with an equally childish response. Qualifications and experience et al are irrelevant in our situation. Our problem is GROSS Financial indiscipline by our leaders, imprudent and wasteful application of large expensive debt financing on a number of unnecessary and questionable projects with ZERO return and just put us in problems. Ba Maggie found most of these deals largely with the Chinese and cannot terminate agreements without suffering massive penalties and liquidations tied in these agreements. We know the person responsible for contracting this debt and putting us in this position and its not Ba Maggie. Her failing is her inability to say NO! to her Boss, take away the cheque and order books, lock them in a safe and throw away the keys!

  16. EAZ is full of dunderheads from that black man, now we have this deputy national secretary, do you think a Finance Minister is fit if she or he can not worry about dwindling foreign reserves, do you know what dwindling foreign reserves indicate, do you know the off shots of such a situation, do you know what it reviews about a nation, do you know the long term effects, or are you just a cadre.

  17. This is Margaret defending herself using other gullible people. Just come out in the open and argue your case out, madam. By the way, who says COMPETENCE is synonymous with qualifications. And who says any high qualification is suitable for any position? Maybe somebody should state the suitable qualifications for a Minister of Finance. We can engage from there.

  18. Very very sad indeed. Rita instead of charging Maggie Mwanakatwe with bringing EAZ into disrupute and changing her with misconduct for her performance in an interview and as well as Finance Minister re: sales tax policy plus others like debt+++++, you are busy singing her praises and you want people to believe she doing a good job. Time to shut EAZ. I thought your president (EAZ) was the only mad economist. Disband EAZ they lack substance and therefore can’t guide the looters.

  19. It is not about qualifications, rita mkandawire (Malawian sounding name) is defending Dudu because she is a woman. She has already stated that women in leadership should be protected from attack. I don’t know whether in Zambia, pointing at failings is an attack. People are saying Dudu has failed, how that is an attack iam not sure.

  20. Well said Rita. Beds of the same further!!!! You are no different from her. You probably also need to resign or be fine. Don’t bring mediocrity of women to gloss over substance

  21. Parading a rich CV for Dudu by Rita Mkandawire falls too short and rusty analysis from an economist. A cv is not a magic ‘ABRAGADA BRAGADA’ turning Zambia into a financially well managed nation. Put a pretty dress into Nkandu Luo’s body, she can’t still win miss ‘Bauleni beauty contest’.

  22. I agree, let those that are questioning her state their qualifications and work experience. Being employed by your uncles consultancy and getting international jobs and exposure from it doesn’t qualify as meritorious work experience, only nepotism advantage. Maggie’s CV speaks for itself. I agree with Haabazoka that unqualified individuals are masquerading as economists and even being given time of day.

    • Ndoleshyafye (Angel Cola.

      How did you even graduate from Copperbelt University? Your comments are immature and devoid of logic.

    • Mwana Bwembya – Your comment is, period and you even in your stu.pi.dity you know it. This is a serious issue.

  23. NO Maggie is qualified experienced and capable. I agree with Haabazoka that only people vetted and registered as qualified to comment publicly on economic matters should be permitted to influence the public’s minds. A UK Polytechnic qualification and work experience and jobs handed solely based and handed down by your uncle hardly stands up against a rich CV like Maggie’s


  25. Exactly how is a Polytechnic graduate with no private sector experience outside of his uncles influence and hand me down international assignments or bloggers that have never set foot at UNZA let alone hold form 5 certificates with minimum Merits in 6 subjects going to determine competence of the caliber of Maggie’s CV, and current work performance? We’ve seen Maggie’s CV, let’s now see those of her critics.

    • Isn’t this the lady who a few weeks ago was forced to apologize in Parliament for giving conflicting statements?

  26. @ Largely right,

    a degree in economics from an accredited University or its equivalent or relevant work experience at a level where one can evaluate 101 economics. This in my opinion is the minimum a person should have before making a statement of incompetence in performance of the caliber of Maggie’s CV and performance as MOF. Mind you she is also surrounded by a seasoned team of qualified professionals, so when you attack her performance include their CVs and work experience before you put up your own and comment to the world with confidence of what good performance should be.

  27. The way Mrs. Mwanakatwe handled the interview was bad as a Minister of finance. Having qualification is another thing, and application of knowledge is an thing. I suggest that she be taken to another ministry where her qualification can be used. Mrs. Mwanakatwe is a member of Industrial Development Corporation. look at the reasons given for acquiring a nation airline. You would think a person with her qualifications can put up better reasons. The Board of IDC and Technical Committee on an Airline seem to float at the same level as Mrs. Mwanakatwe regardless the qualification they possess. Just because she is a lady does not mean we should not comment. I think she can do better in a different ministry.

  28. Dudu is not educated enough to run the economic affairs of this country. She is technician not a tactician. She must enrol for a good masters degree programme. Mushimba tried to do a PhD but he studied a wrong one and his research was funny and irrelevant for our societal problems. At least Lubinda is now in second year studying law at UNILUS so that he can probably understand his job better after 2021 when he graduates.

  29. @ I See,

    The interview was well handled because investor perception of Rating Agencies and their confidence is based on adverse News. The performance of our Euro Bonds has direct correlation to this. All the unqualified negative news that was being peddled falsely on Zambia’s economy fed into assumptions that caused the Bonds to deteriorate. Make no mistake, every Zambian is feeling it in their pocket today through exchange rate deterioration and fuel price hikes. That’s why at every international forum it’s important to speak confidently about peace in the country, Rule of Law, Democracy and the resources that give you confidence as a good credit. Because of this her interview hit the nail on the head. This is why I said it’s better for qualified people to comment with substance than…

  30. ……… This is why I said it’s better for qualified people to comment with substance than to blog from emotion and opinion.

  31. @ Ulubunda,

    Please share your credentials that qualify you to comment on Maggies capability, education and Caliber to adjudicate on matters of her Ministry. I will be impressed if your credintials boasts of a simple UNZA degree let alone a Masters you are referring to. Let’s not make ourselves out to be experts on matters we ourselves are not equipped to understand.

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