Thursday, January 2, 2025

Zambia and Saudi Arabia agree to negotiate and sign a Bilateral Trade Agreement to facilitate seamless trade


President Edgar Lungu welcomes Ambbassodor of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abdullah Alowalfeer and his term when the Saudi Arabia called on the first lady at State House
FILE: President Edgar Lungu welcomes Ambbassodor of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abdullah Alowalfeer and his term when the Saudi Arabia called on the first lady at State House

Zambia and Saudi Arabia have agreed to negotiate and sign a Bilateral Trade Agreement to facilitate seamless trade and a Bilateral Investment Treaty to facilitate investment.

And Saudi Arabia is considering sending a Technical team to Zambia to assess the epidemic situation and veterinary services as well as get acquainted with procedures followed to control Foot and Mouth Disease thus to consider uplifting the ban of export of livestock to Saudi Arabia.

At the 3rd Session of the Zambia-Saudi Arabia Joint Permanent Commission in that country from 16th to 18th April, 2019, the two countries also agreed to explore ways and means of procuring more petroleum products for Zambia from that country.

Saudi Arabia expressed interest to cooperate with Zambia in the supply of phosphate fertilizer, investment in farm blocks and health sector in Zambia, training of Zambian medical specialists in various medical fields, renewable energy, collaboration between agriculture and veterinary research institutes, as well as opportunities under the Saudi Fund for Development and the Saudi Export Program.

According to a statement issued by Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry spokesperson Godfridah Chanda, the two countries agreed to developed linkages between selected hospitals and to exchange information in the field of communicable diseases.

The two countries further agreed to explore cooperation and conclude MoUs in the fields of disaster risk management, social protection, labour, trade, investment, industrial policy and quality control, press, television and broadcasting, tourism, education, agriculture, animal resources, fisheries and aquaculture, collaboration between agriculture and veterinary research institutes, double taxation as well as combating all crimes in general, including human trafficking, fraud, counterfeiting, money laundering and drug trafficking.

Mrs. Chanda said Saudi Arabia undertook to consider Zambia’s request for Saudi support in the establishment of a Rehabilitation Centre for Substance Abusers.

She said it was agreed to work out modalities for the implementation of the Bilateral Air Service Agreement signed between the two countries.

Ms. Chanda said the JPC noted the significant achievements made since the 3rd JPC Session such as the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding in the field of Political Consultations, signing of the Air Services Agreement, support by the Saudi Fund for Development to Zambia in the area of health and transportation, and financing to support importers of Saudi products through the Development Bank of Zambia; and

She said the two sides agreed to support each other’s candidatures at international organisations, on a reciprocal basis.

Mrs. Chanda said the meeting resolved in conclusion that the Fourth Session of the Zambia – Saudi Arabia Joint Permanent Commission will take place in Lusaka, Zambia, in 2021, on a date to be agreed upon in due course.

The 3rd JPC Session was successful as the outcomes are in line with the focus that both countries have to achieve their respective National Visions in the year 2030.

The Zambian Delegation was led by Mrs. Kayula Siame, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry accompanied by Dr. David Shamulenge, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Mr. Ibrahim Mumba, Zambia’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia as well as other senior Government officials from the Ministries of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Foreign Affairs, Livestock and Fisheries, Health and members of Staff from the Embassy in Riyady.


  1. “…..Mrs. Chanda said Saudi Arabia undertook to consider Zambia’s request for Saudi support in the establishment of a Rehabilitation Centre for Substance Abusers….”

    A condition for Saudi support is the creation of more mosques in the country and introducing jobless youth to Islam….

    • Scary!! Niwapapa kalama.
      They want goats Ba Ester promised them, or pay them in slaves.’
      We heard PF circumcised its youths for export to Saudi Arabia.

    • Zambia just st be very careful with these Abduls. An Islamic country is a danger to a Christian nation and any non believers of Al lah. We are considered as infidels

  2. Get out of Zambia you Murderers I Hate them Terrorists and your Sharia law and polygamous lives Zambia is a Christian Nation

    • We shouldn’t hate the Muslims it the ideology they follow that’s the problem. Their so called prophet married a child of 6 when he was 53. Islam is from Satan

  3. I suggest Zambia take advantage and export as much as possible. We need to stop being king of imports and export products made and produced by Zambians. The more you export, the more you create the need for more jobs and suppliers. Zambians need to produce more and flood the global market. Talk is cheap.

  4. Were Arabic nations very honest to which in my view they are not, they could have already concluded the Palestinian conflict and with all the oil riches atoned for leading the slave trade by upping their assistance to black Africa! But no! Nothing really tangible can be pointed at as their involvement on the continent! Is it not true that one top politician had promised that the country would be treated to cheap fuel after a visit to Saudi Arabia? Now it’s like much is still in “consultative” stages.

    • Saudi Arabia flourishes because they suck up to the US. Should they stop doing that, they too will succumb to the effects of other Arab states.

      Libya as an example flourished under Gadaffi. They owed zero to the West. The US did not like him. When they got the opportunity, they created a no-fly zone, armed rebels, and destroyed a country that had a literacy rate of 89%. They destroyed the only African president whose goal in life was to make the whole of Africa – self sufficient.

  5. Its all about allowances and sweet talk to buy time by the Ambassador for a 4th term stay in Saudi.Tell the Nation at large whose plot is it in Na nsanga Farm block earmarked as an irrigation pilot project by Government with equipment from Saudi Arabia? Be frank.

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