Monday, November 25, 2024

Kansanshi Mine pays K1.8 billion to Solwezi council for property rates


KANSANSHI Mine has paid out K1.8 billion to Solwezi Municipal Council (SMC) for property rates for the first quarter of 2010, public relations manager Chris Mulaliki has said. Mr Mulaliki said in Solwezi yesterday that although the K1.8 billion was a drop in the ocean, considering the council’s budget, it would go a long way in meeting various expenditures.

He said it was good that Kansanshi Mine had fulfilled its obligation to the council of paying property rates. Mr Mulaliki said that the local authority had this year budgeted to spend K25.4 billion and the major source of revenue to finance that would come from fees and charges such as service, licenses, surveys fees, building permits and others.

He said revenue from fees and charges like licenses, service charges, trading licenses, survey fees and building permits would amount to K15.4 billion, while revenue from rates of properties would come to K4.2 billion. “Our 2010 budget is K25.4 billion and our major source of revenue would be fees and charges. We expect to raise K15.4 billion from licenses, trading licenses, building permits and others.

“We also expect to raise K4.2 billion from property rates and I must inform you that Kansanshi Mine PLC has paid K1.8billion for property rates for the first quarter of 2010,” Mr Mulaliki said. Mr Mulaliki said the council would continue to strive to improve service delivery in the area and urged the people to support the council in its various operations.

He said the people in the area should not only criticise the council, but support it in its various operations so that they knew and appreciated the various problems the local authority was going through. Mr Mulaliki said the sending of auditors to various wards in the city does not mean that some councillors had squandered Ward Development Funds, but that auditors were merely sent to the councils wards to audit the work that had been done on various projects.

“Yes, it is true that auditors have been sent to wards, but this does not mean that some councillors had squandered Ward Development Funds. No councillor has squandered funds and auditors have been sent to audit the projects,” he said.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. immigrant…thats was my first thought. let that money be used to develop the city n province at large. the MMD now have compaign money.I just hope this money will be put to good use and accounted for.

  2. Twasanta mwane ba Kansanshi mine. Naswa byaamba #1 and #2 kuba mba mali aye kange aye ku Lusaka kuba Mwadya Mweka Daddy (MMD), ine. Sebezeshai aye mali ku bukomo bwa mu Solwezi ne NWP as a whole. Kwapwa.

  3. Interpretation of comment #3.

    Thank you very much Kansanshi mine. I agree with #1 and #2 that this money should not be sent to Lusaka to Mwadya Mweka Daddy (MMD), no. Use this money to develop Solwezi and NWP as a whole. Finnito.

  4. SMC, If you can take care of that money, then you can take care of the district. Remember that the lives of the people of solwezi are in your hands, be as caring and responsible as a mother. There is a lot that needs to be done in solwezi by the municipality. Be an example to all.

  5. We hope Solwezi district will change for the better. We need to see real development. The problem i forsee is that councillors will now start fighting over money. Allowances, ukulya bwino ne fyashala. NO! That money is meant providing services to the people of Solwezi and constructing proper infrastructure. Not fattening your bellies and improving your pockets. What rural district can get so much money at one given time?

  6. Use the funds to open up roads, improve the drainage system of township roads and inspect all developmental projects in the township. You can improve your revenue base drastically by engaging an achictect to develop building plans for specific residential areas. Only the council should be responsible for all building plans in the district. Imagine a residential area with 100 plots with 100 designers. What a mess you get out of this!

  7. How can the local government remit its revenue to MMD?Be smart,We live in a modern era.Decentralization is already at play.Which do you live#1-9.You seem to know little how councils operate.Lusaka city council makes billions a day.PF MP’s and Councilors manage these funds.But Lusaka no appearance of council programs on those that are Govt funded.SHAME TO PROSPECTIVE GOVT TO BE.They have failed to run Lusaka.

  8. # 1, 2 and 4. You need not to worry. Property rates is exclusive revenue for the local authority. In this case the solwezi municipal council, which they can use in what ever they wish as a council. It can not be sent to the central government or lusaka neither can it be used for the province. There are no such provisions in the law.

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